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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. They'd totally be outshone by their younger, cooler and more charismatic bro Whedon though!
  2. Lol, we cannot talk about every impassioned Nolanite in the same vein as the Aurora loonie. In Whatshisname's case, I think he was an insecure social misfit seeking attention who became incredibly enamored with the Joker's character from TDK (not surprising as the character was far more glorified than even Batman in the film, even the nature of his ultimate defeat left up to ambiguity). Regarding the rest of Nolan's fanbase, I have noticed a pattern of many pseudo-intellectuals jump on his bandwagon immediately after TDK/Inception. I am not saying that every person who noticed Nolan because of TDK or Inception is a pseudo intellectual, but from what I have seen, a lot of people converted to "Nolanism" after those two films just because they liked the concept of intelligence without actually bothering to find out what it was all about. Which is why they jare ever enthusiastic at attacking those who criticize his movies, even ones like TDKR which fully deserve criticism, simply because they don't really get how unintelligent and un-Nolan that movie actually was when compared to the rest of his work. Just my observations as a Nolan fan much before the TDK/Inception phenom (yeah ok, I am a total hipster, being into Chris before he was cool and all that!)
  3. But Tangled was just a few K's away from 200m. Fudging was incredibly convenient. Looks like MoS will miss 300m by at least 5-6m. WB didn't even fudge TDKR to 450m, when that was just 2m away.
  4. But also less enough to hold chances for a Goyer-less sequel, which is what it (and the DCU in general) needs.
  5. Oh yes, Bullock definitely contributed. Which is main reason The Heat easily outgrossed Identity Thief. That's not a knock on McCarthy's BO appeal of course, just that it is weird to place all the praise solely on her shoulders and completely exclude Sandra.
  6. This is NOT true. That godawful All About Steve had a surprisingly strong opening solely thanks to Sandra star power. Also, if you actually look at her resume, with the exception of Speed and Miss Congeniality, nothing screamed BO blockbuster pre-Proposal. It wasn't surprising that she was overshadowed by the other America's Sweetheart Brunette throughout the 90's. Julia was just getting the better projects at the time! Also, SB has been in very few movies in 00's before The Proposal. The fact that she is enjoying a late career renaissance despite a not too impressive prime is all thanks to her charisma and likeability factor. And good for her to help bust the stereotype that actresses are most appealing in the prime of their youth. SB's BO appeal has actually increased with her age and experience, which is supercool. Gravity will be a real test for her BO appeal though. She has shown she can deliver smashes in the romantic comedy, drama and action/ action comedy genres, but what about sci-fi? Especially a slow sci-fi thriller like this one?
  7. That's great for IM3! So what's the DOM total again? Has it passed Hunger Games?
  8. MoS missing 300m will be a good thing! The message would be sent to WB/DC to boot that out of touch hack Goyer.
  9. There's an added element of romance in DM2 which is absent in DM, so if you are into romance, you may check out DM2. But yeah, chances are great you won't be impressed by DM2 if you were meh about DM.
  10. Yeah, just saw DM2 and was slightly disappointed. Too by-the-numbers for my liking, despite being fun. MU was better. Sad to see it fall so bad. Hope it increases.
  11. Truer words couldn't be spoken. This summer is going perfectly according to my tastes so far! Love it.
  12. You cannot blame OS as many countries end up with ONLY 3D prints! Or with very few 2D showings of movies also available in 3D. There is really no choice. It is either watch the movie in despicable 3D or wait for BluRay/TV/Torrent.
  13. Lol neither do 99% of 3D films. Why single out superhero films? Stupid Cameron. Doesn't help that he is responsible for this pain in the ass trend in the first place.
  14. Whoa, look at that Heat number. Sandra B. is still such a glorious BO champ!
  15. Er, except for it being a plodding mess, "the class wars" plotline instigated by Bane completely pushed aside and abandoned for a generic and gimmicky "Stop the bomb from exploding!" climax, lame Shyamalan-esque "Talia" twist, the "pit with the most dangerous criminals on the face of the Earth" having only caring healers nursing Bruce back to health and encouraging and wholly supporting him to escape, weak Catwoman characterization (well, weak compared to Batman Returns characterisation anyway) and a lethal villain like Bane being abruptly disposed of in the most unsatisfactory and LOLworthy manner ever. Oh, and the fact that they gave Batman and Catwoman a "happily ever after" Disney Princess Movie ending- That isn't enough? Coz I haven't even mentioned useless Matthew Modine character yet.
  16. TDKR story was pretentious, redundant, boring and a letdown all by itself. Goyer did not need to write any dialogue to ruin it. In fact, I'd say Jonathan Nolan's TDKR dialogue actuallys makes that mess of a movie slightly rewatchable. Unlike MoS.
  17. There was NOTHING potent enough to compete against TDKR for weeks after its release. Didn't Bourne or Total Recall (don't remember which one) actually run away from TDKR much before its release? Also, it was July, the midst of holidays. Compare that to IM3 opening a horribly crowded May. The fact that IM3 will manage to get a 100M DOM increase over its predecessor despite the heavy competition just shows how much it appealed to audiences. Also, it owned TDKR WW.
  18. He wrote the story with Chris Nolan. Jonathan Nolan wrote the screenplay based on that story.
  19. TDKR opened in holidays proper and had lots of room to stretch its legs. IM3 was a May opener which was assualted with new release after new release after new release in the succeeding weeks. DMC did not come close to having so much competition.
  20. Oh Tatum, Foxx, Sandra and McCarthy, Please come and put Kal-El out of his misery already.
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