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Everything posted by Sam

  1. Thanks Olive! Wow, I just quickly googled it, the movie stars Han Geng (former Super Junior member who has quite a big fanbase in China) and Mark Chao too. Not to mention it's Zhao Wei's directorial debut That's a serious threat to IM3 for sure
  2. But TA had a rather unusual run in SK last year, right? OW is good, but nothing special. However, the late legs kick in, and 2nd weekend increase, am I right? Still so happy to hear IM3 presales doing well Maybe it will be more frontloaded than TA, but I start to believe in 40M+ now. Olive, do you know when IM3 will start getting serious strong competitions? Thanks
  3. What is So Young about? Why are you guys seeing it as a big threat?
  4. TA opened last year during Obon holiday/festival and that definitely helped its gross. So let's hope IM3 can get some good boost from the Golden Holiday week
  5. I think Fast Five has the OW record in April, right? I wonder what movies can beat that record, I believe it's almost 90M OW or so.
  6. Hmm, good numbers for both. Releasing both movies in the same year might cost one or both to lose a bit of thunder. I'm still on the fence but I think SW7 could do slightly better than TA2 domestically. Can't decide right now cause I think it'll be close. I'll get back to you later?
  7. So TA2 over SW7 domestic. What are your early predictions for them right now? I'm kinda tempted to take the bet
  8. 1. Iron Man 3 2. Thor: The Dark World 3. Despicable Me 2 4. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 5. Star Trek Into Darkness 6. Pacific Rim 7. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 8. The Heat 9. Now You See Me 10. Man Of Steel
  9. Considering that IM2 did only 12M, I'm hoping for 20M-25M, I think if IM3 can do that, it would be very great.
  10. So 35M for IM3 sounds like a good bet?
  11. Thanks Olive, that's fantastic. I hope it can pull in great numbers there. I know a little Korean too, like very little. I'm a big Kpop fan. I also watch lots of dramas, shows of Korea; they're in English subbed of course; but by hearing Korean language constantly in songs and those shows; I come to know and able to recognize a lot of common words in hearing. If only I have the time to study properly the reading, speaking, and writing parts You get to watch IM3 before me, and now you say you know 3 languages (wait, 4 right? Cause you have to speak French too)?!!! I HATE YOU In all seriousness, yeah, I know, it's time comsuming. I would really love to learn some new languages, preferably Korean. Then French. I will get to it one day, that's my goal
  12. I like those How It Should Have Ended videos more I thought those are more witty and funny
  13. I see, thanks Bluebomb. Glad to hear about how popular superheroes are in HK Also, thank you for all your detail posts on box office
  14. Do you know what kinds of competition IM3 will face when it comes out, Olive? Any strong local movies? BTW, Olive, you're in China, but you know Korean? I'm so envious if you do. I have wished to learn Korean for a long time now but can't never have the time to try
  15. Thank you so much for your answers Bluebomb :)So both will do well barring bad quality. That's great.But is there a reason that Superman is popular in HK? He's well-known, that's undisputed, but popular? I asked because he hadn't have a good movie in years. MOS will change that, hopefully
  16. I see. It indeed sounds pointless. Yeah, I would love it if they don't cut things and keep whatever product Bong put out there I have faith in the guy that it will be good.
  17. I didn't know that so thanks for the info, Bob. I wonder why, some kinds of censorship? I hope Snowpiercer will not get cut, Bong Joon Ho is a brilliant director who knows what he's doing. I think he's perfect for movies like these. Well, if it indeed got cut, I'll still watch it of course, but gonna have to look out for non-US/Korean/uncut version to get the whole movie then.
  18. But why though? Are they famous for cutting out parts of movies? I hope for a confirmed release date soon. And crossing fingers that it will be a wide enough release so that it can be found at a theater near me.
  19. Yeah, the PTA is good. I thought a slight increase in TC might be feasible, but you're right, it's a pretty wide release already. I hope 42 is leggy, it seems like the type that will have a nice long run
  20. I wouldn't go that far If we're talking about critics, I don't know, they might come in with similar scores and critics reactions cause both seems like the type of movies that critics are sweet on. Otoh, personal enjoyment is subjective. Even though both are sci-fi, this is also more of a thriller. Personally, I'm excited for this movie far more than Elysium cause I have watched and loved other works of the director, so I have high hope for this one. Plus, it has Song Kang Ho - a talented Korean actor I love Chris Evans is a bonus too, I always enjoyed his performances, very solid actor :)BTW, thank you for posting and sharing those character posters, kayu
  21. Man, I'm so stoked for this movie!!! Why doesn't it has an exact release date yet? -.-
  22. Great numbers for 42, very deserving! I watched the movie and enjoy it immensely. With this success, is it possible for its TC to increase?
  23. Bluebomb, I read the entry on your blog about IM3's prospect. Great blog BTW I have some questions if you don't mind? How popular is Superman in Hong Kong? Since it's the question in the poll, do you think MOS could do better than IM3 provided that both are good? TA was the biggest Hollywood release in HK last year, so could that help IM3 at all? Sorry for asking too much. Thank you in advance for your responses
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