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Everything posted by bballman24

  1. My first bond in a theater. Became an instant bond fan and rented the shit out of older bond movies in vhs lol Good ol' days Never thought it would go so low as die another day lol
  2. Big letdown. Not because it was horrible, but because it was just meh. Just... boring. I really hope this year is not another Shakespeare in love situation and this wins it.
  3. Took my dad, a veteran of British Army, to see this movie since I heard good things about it. I'm going to say this was the best "movie" experience I had in quite a long time, not because the film was a masterpiece or anthing, but I was able to share a genuine moment with my dad through this film. I heard stories of his experience back in the day, and to see something similar depicted realistically got to me and to him as well. I cried a few times. He was silent most of the film. I had to hold back tears because if I let it, I don't think I could've stopped. When Peter Gabriel's song, both of us love his songs, started playing and the pictures came up... that was tough. Politically we differ, but we don't think this film had any politics. It was a story of men, who had friends and families, who fought for each other, and their sacrifices. Sacrifices many men and women take for people they love. Also each actor was great, especially Ben Foster and Taylor Kitsch. A for me.
  4. CAM gets shot in the book as well by the way. It's all to prove that no matter how powerful you are, no one can stop anyone from shooting your face off. CAM was also described as careless so he didn't think they would go as far as killing him. He was too full of himself which led to his downfall. And we don't know if he actually did survive. If he was so brilliant, then he could've done something as simple as recording a video. Also he does have a brother and possibly two. But anyways, I think it's pointless coming up with theories so lol
  5. Ed is probably watching TDK and then TDKR for the 1023rd by now. Avatar still looks gorgeous on blu-ray for sure though.
  6. Haha I will. Don't worry. BUT, there are a lot more of these online so be careful
  7. Space is exactly where my mind is at when I watch most of his films lol
  8. IM2 is such a terrible piece of shit that IM3 for me looked better than it was. But after seeing it for the second time, it was just an ok movie for me. TDKR on the other hand, had TDK as its prequel so the bar was super high. IMO it didn't reach it, but still solid flick. I expected high for TDKR while low for IM3... what I got was middle ground for both. Still, TDKR was more satisfying and better for me. Regardless, IM1 and BB kick other movies' asses. Those two are two of the best cbm ever IMO. PS I don't care about the twist. I just hated the fact that Tony wasn't even in the suit most of the film, same goes for TDKR, but nobody complained a lot of that in IM3. Also, too many humor injected in the film. Same with Thor 2. Marvel need to cut some of that shit out. I am happy for cbm doing big business, but I'd rather see quality movies rather than just big action set pieces. Seriously, majority of cbm are meh at best. Marvel did right with how they are developing their universe but most of their movies are meh while DC, other than Nolan films, are meh.
  9. I was just joking too haha. I actually don't know what the fuss is about to be honest. She always seems like a good person, and unless she starts doing shit that hurts someone in anyway, then there really isn't a problem. I mean, I enjoy all her movies, and that's what actors are for so no complaints for me.
  10. I like TA but..... TA WW 1.5b <<< Avatar gross from US, Australia, China, France, Germany, Japan That's 6 countries. SIX. Even if we take US out, OS gross from 15 countries is greater than TA WW. These are facts. Plain and simple. JC has written/directed some of the greatest sequels while JW has none. I like Whedon and I have high expectation for TA2, but to deny against JC is just... sad. lol
  11. You can hate a movie, because that's normal for everyone, but please do not defend that person just to show your distaste for a movie. No matter how much I hate a movie, I would not go that far to glorify and exalt something/someone that agreed with me for an opinion. She was IMO as close as it can to be Stalin of this forum.
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