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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. Let's compare actresses. There is no question the acting was better in Potter. Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham Carter, Imelda Staunton, and especially DH1-Emma Watson were all so much better than the actresses in LotR.
  2. DH2 had better acting than the LotR films, especially RoTK. I felt they over-acted WAY too much.
  3. Oh, and Return of the King was totally not deserving of that Best Picture win. I like it, but it is of far less quality than its two magnificent predecessors.
  4. 75Live, what's your problem? Anyway, Star Wars DID receive a Best Picture nomination AND Supporting Actor nomination. I don't want a win. I never wanted a win. I just want DH2 to receive a Best Picture nomination because in my eyes, and in quite a lot of others, it's deserving. The only Potter films I think are of Best Picture quality are Prisoner of Azkaban, Deathly Hallows Part 1, and Deathly Hallows Part 2. But I'm not expecting a nomination. I'm just saying it would be really nice for them to acknowledge Potter. That's it. But you know what grates me way more than the film not being nominated for Best Film/Picture, etc? It's the lack of recognizing the cast of Potter. Sorry, but that is one category where I truly feel the series has absolutely excelled at. Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Deathly Hallows Part 2 were the best acted fantasy films ever. Yes, more than LoTR, where I feel a few actors go overboard. Whatever. You clearly don't agree with me, but I speak for a lot of people when I say that the CAST really hasn't received the love it so deserves.
  5. I'm sure it's slightly above the $947m that's been posted on BOM, but does anyone have any information?
  6. DH2 wasn't nominated for Best Production Design? What on earth?
  7. Why are some so enamored with Drive? I'm dumbfounded.
  8. DH1 and DH2 the worst? Wow, never saw that one before.
  9. lol, I'm imagining baumer and the four guys taking a piss and baumer getting turned on when they say they hate the film, too.
  10. I just watched it, and I have to say, this film just keeps getting better and better for me. Why do some complain about the romance? Lavender has only a few scenes and none of them are long. This is easily the funniest Potter film. "I always like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now you're always reading that bloody book. It's like being with Hermione." That was so funny. They absolutely nailed the characters in the film. One of the greatest additions in the entire series is the fact that we actually see Draco's journey. I adore the part where Draco tests the cabinet with the white bird, and he starts crying when he sees that it was killed during the process. Great little foreshadowing moment when the black bird doesn't die but instead flies out of the cabinet. I can't get over the cinematography in this. The scene with Harry and Draco on the stairs was such creative camerawork. The final scene is just beautiful.Characterization was the best in this film up until DH1. They just nailed the characters to perfection. I think this just might surpass Prisoner of Azkaban to be my third favorite in the franchise, but we'll see.
  11. "I am a math terrorist, with close ties to Al-gebra. I have weapons of math instruction." B+
  12. What the fuck? I haven't had a chance to nominate anything...
  13. Oh, please, stop getting butt-hurt over a simple comment. I'm more than allowed to express my thoughts on your opinion. Get over what now? I find the fact you think the forest scene is the best action scene filmed utterly hilarious and borderline confusing. You clearly haven't watched many action movies.
  14. I saw two clips of the boy on YouTube...oh my God, he is absolutely appalling. He's so fucking annoying it's actually slightly shocking.
  15. I've always been REALLY curious to see how people rated the films in these franchises. They're Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Twilight, and Transformers. I'll start. Potter: Philosopher's Stone: A Chamber of Secrets: B Prisoner of Azkaban: A+ Goblet of Fire: B- Order of the Phoenix: B+ Half-Blood Prince: A- Deathly Hallows 1: A+ Deathly Hallows 2: A+ Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring: A+ The Two Towers: A+ Return of the King: B Star Wars: A New Hope: C Empire Strikes Back: B+/A- Return of the Jedi: B- (A when it's on Vader/Luke, F when on the Ewoks) The Phantom Menace: D Attack of the Clones: C- Revenge of the Sith: A Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl: A+ Dead Man's Chest: D At World's End: B+ On Stranger Tides: B Twilight: Twilight: B- New Moon: C Eclipse: B+ Breaking Dawn 1: C- Transformers: Transformers: A Revenge of the Fallen: F Dark of the Moon: C-
  16. Keep it until Wednesday.
  17. Oh my God, this might rank in my top five episodes of all three seasons. I was in tears whenever Lily cursed and Cam giggled like a school-girl! LMFAO. Spectacular episode.
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