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Everything posted by Noctis

  1. Oh, shut up, you know that baby is adorable.
  2. OH, now I remember! That's like, even better! He should be eternally honored to share a birthday with J.K Rowling (the queen of fantasy) and Harry Potter.
  3. OMFG, he was actually born on July 15? That's, like, the most epic thing. Lucky baby! When did it happen? In the morning or evening?
  4. I thought the Fiendyfire scene was handled brilliantly. It had great pacing. I honestly think it's one of the most thrilling scenes of the series. But I personally felt like they nailed down the part for making us feel for the characters. Regarding Harry, I truly felt for him throughout the whole film. I think one of my favorite little moments in the ENTIRE series has to be when Hermione gets this confused look on her face, only to be replaced by a look of stunned understanding that Harry might be a Horcrux as Hedwig's theme plays slowly in the background. The scene where they were setting up the protections for Hogwarts got me really emotional. There was so much great foreshadowing to Harry being a horcrux, my personal favorite not just the one I mentioned above, but when Helena Ravenclaw circled around Harry and whispered, "Strange...you remind me of him a bit." Absolutely haunting.Courtyard Apocalypse has to be one of my favorite scenes in the series. Not only does it get my heart pounding due to the sensational music, but also because it does one thing and does it incredibly well: shows the mortality of the characters. When the trio was stunned for a few seconds, unable to do anything for a moment because of how terrified they were truly showed how REAL they were. And when Hermione saves Lavender from Greyback (too late, unfortunately) and then the camera zooms in to the shocked and hurt faces of Harry/Hermione...sorry, but this scene is utter perfection.DH2 is still my favorite in the series, alongside DH1. Because when it does get it right (the vast majority of the time), it gets it AMAZINGLY right.
  5. If HBP were to lose, it should have been to Inglorious Basterds, not Avatar.
  6. The Tonks/Lupin death is fine, IMO, although I think they should have been more grand. But it's fine nonetheless. It was nice to see them trying to hold on to each other.It's just Fred's death that's the most glaring flaw in the movie.
  7. iri10, I completely agree with you that they should have shown the assassination of Scrimgeour. We could have seen Voldemort even look more ruthless. I also think we should have seen Luna get kidnapped, it would have only added tension to when they visit Xenophilius.If I were the director, I would have easily shown the death of Fred, but kept it as an intimate scene between only him and George. I would want Ron to only find out after Snape's death when he sees his dead body lying in the Great Hall.Also, regarding Tonks/Lupin, I wouldn't have exactly shown them getting killed. I would cut out seconds before they died. Whether they were both cornered somewhere, unable to flee, etc, but I would want Bella to be the reason.Also, I really think they needed to have a scene of Snape/Lily as teenagers. Not just one, but maybe two to see the fallout and his lust for the Dark Arts.
  8. Avatar's cinematography is not even a third as inventive as HBP's.
  9. When did they act like it was recess? I'm glad it wasn't like the book in which everyone erupted into cheers. And in case you hadn't noticed, Ron/Hermione were on the steps of the entrance to the Great Hall so they saw Voldemort die.I don't know what some people expected of the battle. The Fiendyfire was rushed? Did you not like Courtyard Apocalypse? That was pretty epic.
  10. It would have to be the funeral for me. I loved the wandlit vigil, but I think the funeral would have been so much better. Actually, my biggest qualm was that despite Hooper improving, his track for Dumbledore's death was shockingly boring. Can you imagine if Desplat had scored it? God.Also, I know this may sound weird, but I've been thinking, don't you think the wandlit vigil would have worked even better in DH2 when they tribute all the people who died in the first wave of the battle? Also, I'm pissed that Hermione's torture had to be watered down THREE times because they were afraid it would get too dark. Seriously...that's so annoying.
  11. Obviously, or else they wouldn't have given him the job.The film actually didn't have the necessary funding until Emma came on board and promoted interest for the project. She flew to Los Angeles to show them how interested she was in it. And with that, Summit Entertainment picked it.
  12. NOTHING, nothing comes even close to DH2. And I doubt anything ever will. 1,700 diehards in a theater, with Potter representing the childhood of the majority there - it was an incredible experience. The scenes where we cheered like crazy: The opening montage of the end of DH1 The Warner Bros. Logo The Deathly Hallows 2 title When they escaped on the dragon When Neville first appears When the trio make their way to the Room of Requirement "Oh, bloody hell, here we go." - nonstop laughter "Six months she hasn't seen me, and I'm like Frankie first year." - crazy laughter When Harry confronts Snape. The Order walks in through the doors of the Great Hall - BERSERK CHEERING McGonagall pushes Harry away to battle Snape Ginny and Hermione, eventually everyone, shielding Harry. McGonagall orders Filch to take the Slytherin students to the dungeons. "Why don't you confer with Mr. Finnigan? As I recall, he has a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics." - INSANE laughter that drowned out a few seconds of the next scene "I've always wanted to use that spell." - crowd went NUTS Hermione destroys the cup Ron/Hermione kiss Neville's Speech Harry leaps out of Hagrid's arms "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" - I could see a few people actually stand up. This was an insane moment. Molly kills Bellatrix Neville slays Nagini and saves Ron/Hermione Voldemort's death When we first see Albus and Lily Potter Seeing Ron in the epilogue Scenes in which the audience went "aww": Dobby's grave Fred/George on the balcony Snape's, "You have your mother's eyes." The very last shot of the trio on the bridge. Hermione hugging Rose. Scenes in which the audience cried the most: Snape's death Snape's memories Ron sobbing over Fred's body The shot of Tonks/Lupin on the floor, dead The epilogue Standing ovation at the end.
  13. 1. The Hunger Games2. The Dark Knight Rises3. THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER - COME ON, PEOPLE!That's it.
  14. The Sixth Sense - I really didn't see that one coming, but then again, I was five or six when I first saw the film. I still remember to this day how terrified I felt.The Mist - easily one of the most gut-wrenching endings I've ever seen.
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