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Everything posted by mattmav45

  1. Just as dumb and awesome as you'd expect.The one-liners, bodies, and cars are flying in equal measure, and while not as good as Fast Five, this is a throwback to the 80's action flicks. It's also the best blockbuster of the year this far (suck my dick STID and IM3).A more full review will be available on my blog later.7.2/10
  2. My thoughts: I really wanted to like this, but I'm through 10 episodes and am honestly having a hard time finishing it. It's major sin is that it focuses on one character each episode, and in all honesty, these characters are not interesting enough to carry a show/episode on their own. What made the first three seasons so great is the fact that the family and characters worked so well off each other. I understand everyone has a busy schedule, but I honestly would have preferred they did nothing rather than what they put out here. Another major problem is the fact that the script is simply sub-par, and filled with convoluted plot-lines that seem to either meander or go nowhere. It seems they try to tie things up at the end of each episode, but it doesn't really work. It's just not that interesting and there's a lot going on with little to no payoff. Finally, the time length of each episode is absolutely brutal. I'm usually already bored after about 15 minutes in to each episode. The episodes are so damn convoluted and overlong that watching one has become a chore. All in all, it just feels very forced and isn't like the first 3 seasons. There are some decent episodes (Gob and Tobias) but I may just act like Season 4 never happened.....
  3. Contrary to what others may tell you regarding this film, this doesn't work either as a pulpy cartoony action flick or a serious gangster flick. It's ridiculous, boring, and contrived, and is the worst movie I've seen so far in 2013.
  4. I really expected to hate this, but I found this to be a decent film that could have been great. In the end, editing was not the movie's friend as many scenes were simply not needed and bogged the storyline down. Still, I thought that despite all the clutter, at its core this was a heartfelt and genuine film about family and aging, with some pretty hilarious scenes to boot.
  5. Just watched the 5th episode. Easily the best and most funny so far, and proof that this is still the same show we all know and love.Seems it just takes a while to find its groove, as it's getting progressively more hilarious and the storyline is developed further with each episode.
  6. Initial thoughts after 3 episodes:More of an update of the characters rather than a continuation of the show, IMO. Not as witty and funny and it does feel a bit forced. Still, it's better than nothing.
  7. Gopher, Spaghetti, Coolio, and Jack Gittes are among my faves.
  8. I just feel that it did enough to be an entertaining viewing experience. However, it does have multiple issues. The villian could have been handled much better, and the story could have developed in a more fluid manner. I thought it felt a little overlong and discombobulated Perhaps it's just as a result of the baseline dropping regarding blockbuster quality, but it was better than most blockbusters I've seen of late. Likely a B/B-.
  9. What IM3 should have been, IMO.Fun, exciting, at times funny, and most importantly a real sense of danger...good flick.
  10. So was that 11m for the whole day? I wasn't even aware it was opening early, so I'll wait to pass judgement. Could be that most people outside of Trekkies were unaware of the early release.Regardless, 11m OD for a sequel coming off a well-received reboot is underwhelming.
  11. Anyone else notice how Gopher's taste has been slippimg as of late? IMO.
  12. I didn't love The Avengers, but I'd watch that 5 more times before I I'd ever watch IM3 again.
  13. Yeah, I'm not a Tobey fan but he's good in this, IMO.
  14. Very good film. Don't be fooled by the very visceral opening scene, as this is a slow-paced crime drama fueled by great characters and performances. Special note has to go to Bill Paxton, in what I feel is his best performance. It's heart-wrenching when the LA cops are putting down his dreams and he's standing right behind him. Sure, he's a bit out of the loop and ignorant, but it's a great display of the difference in cultures at hand here. His heart is always in the right place, so that scene had some definite power to it. Recommended.
  15. The first episode had me at the line "A husband and wife cannot be arrested for the same crime." Classic.
  16. Yeah, to me Maguire was perfect as the observer/narrator standing off to the side.Taking everything in as an observer seemed to fit his personality well.
  17. 1. Spring Breakers2. Side Effects3. Evil Dead4. The Great Gatsby5. Iron Man 36. Oz: The Great and Powerful7. The Last Stand8. Jack the Giant Slayer
  18. Trying to make the argument that going to the cinema alone (when you watch in silence anyway) makes one "not very social" is ridiculous. I'm not even going say anything else, because that argument doesn't merit anything else being said.
  19. It's never boring, and I was really wanting it to find its mark. In the end, I found Iron Man 3 to be a middling and ultimately silly viewing experience.It basically has a Transformer-like tone that blocks any kind of real drama ever taking place in the film. I found the villain twist to be ridiculous, it did nothing to further the plot and made the movie more cartoony than it was before. There are literally no stakes worth mentioning, and even during the finale I was just waiting for it to end. Did anyone really think that Pepper died at the end?Ultimately, it does kind of feel like a kids film trying to be more. Well, it failed.
  20. Ehhh, it's the very definition of a mixed bag.The visuals are great, but eventually you have to have a story to fall back on. I thought it was sporadically on mark, and when it clicks....it really clicks. DiCaprio is predictably great, and Maguire surprisingly works as Carraway. Unfortunately, it's simply overlong and there are long stretches where boredom prevails.All in all, it's a good effort but only a minor success, if that.
  21. It just barely works, but emphasis on barely.It trades in humor for over-the-top gore, and is never really scary. The characters are all generally unlikeable morons (except the teacher who is downright destroyed in this film), and the humor feels forced.Thankfully, there are some good splatter scenes, and I really liked the ending. It's not as good as the original, but what is?
  22. I'm assuming that you're downloading the films and watching them while you make sandwiches and clean the dishes in the kitchen. IMO.
  23. Thanks for the advice guys. At this point I've narrowed it down to Louie or 30 Rock. Does anyone have preferences between these? As for Parks and Recreation, it's been on my list for a long time. However, it's one that we're both wanting to watch together. Ron Swanson is a character I want to get to know ASAP, seems epic from what I've heard.
  24. I have no problem going alone, and at times prefer it. There's something special about allowing a film to process in your mind internally, free from distractions after seeing it.
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