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It's not a spoiler because it tells us nothing about what happens with the plots of the book. People already guessed about Craster's kids and how many times has Melisandre spoken of the Great Other? It's not like any of it is a surprise.

Well HBO's episode guide initially listed Darth Maul White Walker as the "Night's King," which aside from being a major spoiler about a mythological character still being alive, it also crippled a major fan theory about Stannis turning to the Dark Side as the modern Night's King.
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Wasn't the nights king a human lc who married an other how is he now the king other


Yes he was the 13th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch who became bewitched by a sinister pale woman and enslaved the Night's Watch for 13 years before the Starks and Wildings teamed up to take him down. That's the only info we get in the books.


Now it's certainly possible that the initial HBO episode guide was a goof, since it has since been edited to call Darth Maul just another White Walker, but at the same time it is also very possible that D&D had George fill them in on a lot of ancient First Men mythology and details (consider that Darth Maul strides forward from a group of 12 other black-clothed people, so we have an appearance of "13"). It is certainly possible that the Night's King got mutated/converted into one of the Others/WWs and is part of their command hierarchy.


It's only speculation and opinion at this point.

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It brought back people from the dead dude... or do we assume its black magic?

Magic and Gods are two very different things. Just because Red Priests and Priestesses can do magic feats doesn't mean they have an actual deity backing them.Plus, assuming it's just Red God vs. Other God ignores everything we know about the culture and myth of the First Men and Children of the Forest. Then we have the magic performed by the Faceless Men, plus the Dragon-related magic of Old Valyria, the Warlocks of Qarth, and so on. The book series may be called a Song of Ice and Fire but one of its consistent themes has been the flaw of assuming a system of duality.
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One thing I notice about this song of ice and fire is that ever since Dragon and Valyria fell, the world sort of went backwards into like the equivalent of the dark ages when it comes to knowledge about the world and magic. 



However ever since the Dragons came back magic has returned.


Some people think the show is best with the politics rather then the fantasy. However I think they both combine into a great spectacle.


Seeing Dragons being Reborn was just simple awe and wonder.


Seeing the Shadow baby freaked you out and made you think.


See the white walker Army made us all realize how terrifying the true threat is...


Then seeing the fire priest bringing people back from the dead was just unbelievable.

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Damn if this show doesn't just keep getting better and better I'm seriously considering rereading the books however daunting the task is because they're like an encyclopedia , there is way too much info that's fuzzy in my memory now I'm glad they're not eating the baby but I can't remember what is it per the books we do know of the white walkers I vaguely remember sam reading books on them , but as I don't frequent the books forum I wasn't aware of any theory save for the one about jon parentage If seeing the WW bit was a spoiler spoil me away show I loved it this was a lovely surprise whether you're a book reader or tv viewer I'm not even sure I understood what happen there with the baby (still pretty funny huh that craster provided them with so many kids)As for jon whaaaat I can't remember if he actually went to craster or what happened so most things show wise feel new enough to me Not sure either if bran and friends stopped at craster or got caught , I think bran wanted to stop but the siblings push to keep on moving and thus jon missed him But I'm glad that the show is changing that, the starks kids could use a happy moment in a reunion form , I'd cursed the books at time how things seem impossible and at least unlikely they should ever see each other Plus not sure sam ever told jon and I always thought he should have so jon could have some consolation so this is coolEpisode replaying on my laptop lol anybody felt a perv vibe to maegery and tommen , feels like she's taking advantage of the kid lolJaime and brienne parting ways was sad and yeah pod is with her I was so sure he pops up somewhere later on and now I know where In case no one said "where are your dragons dany) when will your city and new people see your babies

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One thing I notice about this song of ice and fire is that ever since Dragon and Valyria fell, the world sort of went backwards into like the equivalent of the dark ages when it comes to knowledge about the world and magic. 



However ever since the Dragons came back magic has returned.


Some people think the show is best with the politics rather then the fantasy. However I think they both combine into a great spectacle.


The thing though, is that the fantasy elements seem very generic/been there done that when compared to the character exploration and political games.  For me, the only good exception has been the birth of the dragons. Melisandre's shadow baby a distant second. It's just that fantasy doesn't seem a strong suit for GRRM. His Bran storyline (the most fantasy oriented/spiritual POV) is hardly Miyazaki.

Edited by Spidey Freak of Highgarden
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Sometimes when I was reading the books I'd be more interested in what happen way back then as far as valyria what was it like why now people are scared of going near it Or old kings for that matter Its really just a reaction to uncertainty the story arc for my favs

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Perhaps ages ago people were more in tune with magic and its place in their world but they clearly forgot about it and its coming back much like winter whether they care for it or not


I get that but I just feel that GRRM doesn't have a strong knack for writing mystical/spiritual/fantastical related characters and story arcs. They really pale in comparison to his tendency to distill great drama and intrigue out of court politics and grey shaded characters. Look how boring the Bran POVs are in the books and show compared to the rest.

Edited by Spidey Freak of Highgarden
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Ahh I see ! I'm not sure I found bran chapters boring , the only time I had to work at reading the books was for AFFC mostly because of characters I didn't know Then again I don't read fantasy that often so I'm not best at judging the quality of george writing when delving into that aspect of his series

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Hey guys, how would you react if, at the end of A Dream of Spring or whatever the last book will be called, a victorious Dany abdicates the Iron Throne because she wants to retire to her home in Essos where she was raised, and she gives the throne to her nephew Aegon, who is actually Illyrio's son and Varys's nephew and not the real deal. Only a few would know Young Griff's secret like Illyrio, Varys, Tyrion and Dany.


Oh, and Aegon's queen is not Arianne, BUT Sansa! 


It's just my pet theory that I am rooting for. What do you guys think of its chances of coming true? Would you personally like the story to conclude that way?

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Considering how Dany came to the realization at the end of Book 5 that she needs to stop fooling around and conquer shit, she isn't going to abdicate anything voluntarily unless she has a massive personality reboot.


If she isn't ruling at the end it'll be because she's dead.

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