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Man of Steel (2013)

Man of Steel (2013)  

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Incredible Hulk, Thor, IM1, and even Cap to an extent were all enjoyable for me. Avengers was also enjoyable but not that memorable. IM3 though was a big disappointment. I also have the guilty pleasure of enjoying Fantastic Four as well as Fantastic Four 2, only because I'm a big Silver Surfer fan.


Iron Man 1 to me was an awesome film, on par with Batman Begins.


I also very much enjoyed the Punisher 2004 and Punisher War Zone. Of course, it seems like we won't be getting any more very dark R-rated Marvel films like those. Blade 1 and Blade 2 were great as well, and they were both written by Goyer, which so many here seem to hate. That must be very conflicting to some of the Goyer haters here, him having written two good scripts for Marvel films :P.

I love goyer I just think he could use some help with certain characters, I personally would like him to stay with the Superman franchise.

His script for Blade 2 was also super B.  Cool to see your a Punish 04 and War zone fan(Warzone was zany, but in a good way)..

Iron Man 1 definitely had quality of BB and surpassed it over all as a complete film as well. I second that.


The 3 great marvel films that match DC's best pretty much are SM2 its is TDK's equal for too many a reason and the best from Marvel, Avengers just the immense work , action with enough depth , drama, and characterization to be the most fun BO mega winner

since Avatar. And of course Iron Man 1(A film along with SM2 , that shows marvel can definitely do quality SH films that transcend the genre with a little help from talented super actors like TM and RDJ of course) :)

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I liked it overall..But there were a lot of things I disliked especially Zod as the villain.

I give it 7/10 or B, looking forward to the sequel...but I really hate Goyer to stay as scribe..

I rank the superhero origin movies as below:

Spider-man 8.5/10

BB 9.0/10

Iron man 9.0/10 

TASM 8.2/10

MOS 7.2/10




Wow how you dont have SM2, marvel's best film overall in terms of quality and drama, comedy, epicness all blended perfectly into not just a fantastic SH film , but one hell of a great film by any standard. Just like TDK(except SM2 pushes even more romantic tones and a tad more fun into the mix) SM2 9.8/10. TDK 9.8 also.


Avengers Awesome Meter 10/10, Quality overall 9.6. MOS 8.8-9.1, BB 9.0/10, IM 9.1, IM2, 8.2


SM1: 9.4, Blade 2 8.1,

TAS. 7.7

Edited by Superman001
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I've seen the movie twice now and after a few days I think I have come to my overall conclusion on it. Man of Steel is definitely not a perfect film, but it is a damn fine one. The film sets up different styles of telling the story with each act, it seemed. The first act was the origin story which was told through two different perspectives. Clark Kent going around the country, helping people, finding his way in life, as well as looking for answers of his existence; and Lois Lane's point of view as she is trying to uncover the super powerful mystery man. I think I might be in the minority, but this was the part of the movie I enjoyed the most. After Supes dons the iconic suit it seems like things just kind of take off immediately into the climax, which lasts the entire second half of the film. Not that I didn't like it or anything, I definitely loved seeing Supes kick some major ass. Seriously, this has more straight up action than any other comic book movie ever. I think it definitely contains more than TDKR, and probably even edges Avengers out a bit, though as far as total destruction goes all we really get is a small section of Metropolis and downtown Smallville, but man is it played up close and personal. In a way it seemed to be that they were putting all the action the last few Superman's didn't have into one movie to satisfy the fans that said they never had enough action. Well, here you go. :P


So yeah, I enjoyed the first half a lot more, that much was absolutely brilliant and major props to Snyder for handling it that well. The action was defintiely awesome and needed, though at times it did drag and got a bit too ridiculous for it's own good (then again this guy did give us 300). And the ending was perfection, definitely looking forward to the next Superman movie now. I'm sure Snyder and Goyer know exactly where to take it, but I do hope this time they get a little more personal and less crazy with the action (or at least not as drawn out).


Man of Steel - 4/5.

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My friend showed us the scene on his tv.. You see not only the face change , but the eyes and hair..  Not to mention I looked for it specifically on my 2nd viewing. Once you get the scene on a big Tv or computer screen, you clearly see they did a nod to Reeves with a few seconds of CGI rendering. Trust me its true.  :)





I think it's just the white light blurring everything:



Posted Image


Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/ComicMovieBuzz/news/?a=81753


This is probably the CR easter egg:


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Source: http://moviepilot.com/stories/839506-is-man-of-steel-paying-homage-to-christopher-reeve

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Right, I just got back from this and I've go to say that I don't see why people hate this in the first place.

I think Jonathan Kent's death was well executed. It was a way of showing that Clark respected Jonathan and listened to him even thought he was no his father. It's how he taught him - to hide his powers (even after saving those kids, you saw that he still was somehow mad that he revealed his powers).


The other scene, with Zod repeating "I will find him", was alright. I think it was just a some kind of 'rage quit' moment. It's not like he's a bad actor, or the script is bad... It's somehow intended to be that way, I'm pretty sure.


A problem I had was the pacing and the weird story telling. The pacing in the first part was very good, but then it got to quick, then it slowed down, then it sped up again. I had a feeling that most of the movie was cut away, not that it was bad film making. The soundtrack from Zimmer was very good, even though a few tracks were a total hit and miss. The problem was that when the epic theme in battles came up, it never stayed enough because every few hits, either Superman or Zod would stop and say a few words. That brings me to the fact that the soundtracks, during action scenes especially, end so abruptly. I mean, they can be slowed down, slowly fade them into the background, but here, they stopped immediately.


The acting was very decent in this movie, and I liked the cast a lot. The special effects are mind blowing, and the action scenes are just as awesome as it can get in any movie. The time flew by, and it felt more like a one hour movie than a two and a half hour movie. The directing was pretty good - The filming locations were well chosen, and if they had a better cinematographer, they might've pulled something awesome there.


I also have to say that Faora is more badass than Superman and Zod combined. It's like she was the main character judging from the scenes and replies she had.


What I would've liked to see in this movie was a full on full fight between Superman and Zod, but without a short pause every thirty seconds. A scene of about one or two minutes in which there is fight and only fight.


A few soundtracks were used wrong on this, though. I remember listening to 'Flight' and thinking that it must've been an epic scene, but It wasn't that epic. It should've been used when he successfully flies for the first time, not his first attempt that fails.


As I said, the movie was too awesome for me. I liked the material I got there than I got from the trailers. It seemed like a totally different movie that I would've liked, but not as much as I liked this 'version'. A few people even said they got teary eyed at some of the emotional scenes - big kudos to Zimmer and his slow piano tracks for those moments.


Overall, movie was enjoyable, adrenaline filled, and I can't see why people hate on Superman that much (actually Snyder, but whatever - The Rottentomatoes score proves it) - A

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Just got back from this and WWZ, it's a very good movie, IMO. My grade is 8/10. More thoughts later, now I have to water the garrden.


How was World War Z without any spoilers? I'm afraid to go into its review thread.

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I just read that the satellite that was hit by Superman and Zod during their fight had the Wayne Enterprise logo on it. I thought there was NOTHING related to Batman in this movie. God damn it.

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How was World War Z without any spoilers? I'm afraid to go into its review thread.


I liked it a lot. Brad Pitt is excellent in it, the cgi yombies look miles better than in the trailers, the story is very well put together, there are some scary momments in it. The end is a bit of a letdown, but that's all i can say without spoiling it. The audience actually had a few good laughs, I did not, but it's hard to make me laugh. :)  My grade is 8/10, just like MoS.

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I just read that the satellite that was hit by Superman and Zod during their fight had the Wayne Enterprise logo on it. I thought there was NOTHING related to Batman in this movie. God damn it.



I knew that there's going to be a Wayne Enterprises sattelite before seeing the movie, but I did not see anything written on it while watching...

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I knew that there's going to be a Wayne Enterprises sattelite before seeing the movie, but I did not see anything written on it while watching...


I heard that too, but then I read somewhere that there is nothing that could be a hint to Justice League, so I didn't care to pay attention.

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Oh, I loved Faora in this, she was the most bad-ass character in this, besides Superman, I was really sad when she died. :( Also Cavill was great as Superman/Clark, Crowe stole every scene he was in. Costner was great also, I teared up at the scene where he dies. The action is great, but they overdid it with the ''smash through buildings'' scenes, they were too many for my taste. The effects were excellent, hope it gets an Oscar nom for that. The score is excellent, and the sound almost as well, it's a bit too loud. What I did not like: the ''love story'' between Lois and Clack was too forced, and the ending was a bit bad, I don't like that he put his glasses and now no one knows who he is. That's about it, I'm not very good at writing my thoughts. :)



The 3D is good for just about 10 minutes in the fight scenes at the end, the rest of the movies would be better without it.

Edited by DoctorWho
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Oh, I loved Faora in this, she was the most bad-ass character in this, besides Superman, I was really sad when she died. :( Also Cavill was great as Superman/Clark, Crowe stole every scene he was in. Costner was great also, I teared up at the scene where he dies. The action is great, but they overdid it with the ''smash through buildings'' scenes, they were too many for my taste. The effects were excellent, hope it gets an Oscar nom for that. The score is excellent, and the sound almost as well, it's a bit too loud. What I did not like: the ''love story'' between Lois and Clack was too forced, and the ending was a bit bad, I don't like that he put his glasses and now no one knows who he is. That's about it, I'm not very good at writing my thoughts. :)



The 3D is good for just about 10 minutes in the fight scenes at the end, the rest of the movies would be better without it.


I don't think she died... The plan, all along, was to send them back into the Phantom Zone. Faora is still alive since I doubt the plane explosion would kill her after so many things she had to take before

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Also, I don't know if anyone noticed but at some moment, there is a fight between Zod and Superman on a building, and there is a sign that reads "Accident free for 100 something days". After Zod slams Superman into the building, destroying a part of it, the sign changes to 0 days.

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I don't think she died... The plan, all along, was to send them back into the Phantom Zone. Faora is still alive since I doubt the plane explosion would kill her after so many things she had to take before


She's technically as good as dead since unless the Phantom Zone re-opens on a habitable world she's toast the minute it does re-open.


Not to mention the singularity could have ripped her and the others in the crash apart at the atomic level

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Also, I don't know if anyone noticed but at some moment, there is a fight between Zod and Superman on a building, and there is a sign that reads "Accident free for 100 something days". After Zod slams Superman into the building, destroying a part of it, the sign changes to 0 days.


I LOLed in the theater when I saw that.

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I think it's just the white light blurring everything:



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Source: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/ComicMovieBuzz/news/?a=81753


This is probably the CR easter egg:


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Posted Image


Source: http://moviepilot.com/stories/839506-is-man-of-steel-paying-homage-to-christopher-reeve

No it was longed talked about.. This means there are two homages to Reeves. You can see the hair looks different and his whole body changes for a sec.. So nope they morphed Reeve onto  Henry for just a few secodns. Didnt even know

there were two homages to Reeve..Wow

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