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Sunday/Wknd #'s, MU 23-24/82, WWZ 17-18/66, MoS 11.7-12.3/41.2, TITE 13, NYSM 7.8 BOM, RTH

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If your all content on the WW Number being beat, then fine.. Whatever helps you sleep better at night, but in the end, I'm all about DOMESTIC and DOMESTIC says otherwise for the moment.. :wave: 


I sleep well BKB. It's you who need to sleep well. Your job deprives you of that.


MOS might miss IM, IM ll or even 300 M. But it doesn't really matter now. What matters now is finally, WB can move forward with their DC plans. And I'm happy.

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If your all content on the WW Number being beat, then fine.. Whatever helps you sleep better at night, but in the end, I'm all about DOMESTIC and DOMESTIC says otherwise for the moment.. :wave: 

Says a guy who always mention TA WW numbers... christ





It got so much hate? The trilogy is hands down the best among comic book films.

It's by far the most complete trilogy and my favorite, but TDKR got a lot of nitpickers.

One thing I thought hilarious was when I read somewhere about how they hated not seeing Bruce in suit most of the film but they praised about Tony not being in suit much in IM3.

I liked both so I don't give a fuck though lol

Edited by bballman24
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If your all content on the WW Number being beat, then fine.. Whatever helps you sleep better at night, but in the end, I'm all about DOMESTIC and DOMESTIC says otherwise for the moment.. :wave: 


Domestic was the most important number 10 years ago.

Now its OS.. Big movies gets greenlighted today BECAUSE of big OS numbers.


If OS markets was the same as 10 years ago there would be no 225 mill MoS, no 190 mill WWZ ect


So you should pay attention to OS markets

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Never understood why it got so much hate... I thought it was a good movie to end the trilogy unlike other trilogies that fucked up big time with the 3rd film


I asked one fellow from uni why he hate TDKR /hate Nolan's guts,the answer is simple---he doesn't want Bruce Wayne to quit,he doesn't want the story to be put an end, he just want keep this story on and on and on


for me, one of the reasons I like TDKR and respect Nolan is that he keep those words ------Every hero has a journey ,every journey has an end




.....I'll say it again, it's as if Nolan wanted to take the essentials of the 70 + year history of the Batman, and do a trilogy. The origin story, the primed up youthful Batman fighting his arch nemesis, and the end story of a past his prime/getting older Bruce Wayne who's broken and comes back for one last shot. 

Then he took liberties...and those liberties included ending the story in a exclusive manner. An ending that was fresh for Batman fans across the globe. One where he gets a happy ending after all the torture. That's something we'll never get in the comics, animation, in the past films or in future films. He's always doomed. I suggest listening to Kevin Smith's podcast on the movie, because he loved the movie but he had his nitpicks like you guys BUT he appreciates the happy ending because this guy never catches a break. Nolan finally gave this guy a break and it's emotional. Im no "wuss" LOL but I cry everytime I watch it just like Kev did hahaha.

Nolan wanted to tell fresh stories. Just like these days when you read a new Bat comic, almost everything's been done before so you want to read something new and fresh. The time we GET something new yet it's taken seriously, it's not done to sell a toy or get a laugh, and people still *****.

I can see people preferring their Batman to go on forever and be doomed...OK...but I think fans of the man, the character, should applaud his happy ending because you'll never see it again and it's a well deserved touch. ....


Edited by rickfox
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Domestic was the most important number 10 years ago.

Now its OS.. Big movies gets greenlighted today BECAUSE of big OS numbers.


If OS markets was the same as 10 years ago there would be no 225 mill MoS, no 190 mill WWZ ect


So you should pay attention to OS markets

He does... just for Marvel films

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I asked one fellow from my uni why he hate TDKR,the answer is simple---he doesn't want Bruce Wayne to quit,he doesn't want the story to be put an end, he just want keep this story on and on and on


for me, the reason I like TDKR and respect Nolan keep those words ------every hero has a journey every journey has an end




I'll say it again, it's as if Nolan wanted to take the essentials of the 70 + year history of the Batman, and do a trilogy. The origin story, the primed up youthful Batman fighting his arch nemesis, and the end story of a past his prime/getting older Bruce Wayne who's broken and comes back for one last shot. 

Then he took liberties...and those liberties included ending the story in a exclusive manner. An ending that was fresh for Batman fans across the globe. One where he gets a happy ending after all the torture. That's something we'll never get in the comics, animation, in the past films or in future films. He's always doomed. I suggest listening to Kevin Smith's podcast on the movie, because he loved the movie but he had his nitpicks like you guys BUT he appreciates the happy ending because this guy never catches a break. Nolan finally gave this guy a break and it's emotional. Im no "wuss" LOL but I cry everytime I watch it just like Kev did hahaha.

Nolan wanted to tell fresh stories. Just like these days when you read a new Bat comic, almost everything's been done before so you want to read something new and fresh. The time we GET something new yet it's taken seriously, it's not done to sell a toy or get a laugh, and people still *****.

I can see people preferring their Batman to go on forever and be doomed...OK...but I think fans of the man, the character, should applaud his happy ending because you'll never see it again and it's a well deserved touch. 



I have a fair share of criticism of the movie, but I also loved the film because I was so happy to see Bruce smile like that. He was finally free from the burden, curse etc.

The fact that Bruce can move on like that, I was genuinely happy as a fan.

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 but in the end, I'm all about DOMESTIC and DOMESTIC says otherwise for the moment.. :wave: 


I agree with you about domestic. Domestic numbers have a context. There is no context to OS numbers. Foreign markets are expanding. A movie studio's percentage of the profits varies from country to country. There is just no fun in it.


Meanwhile, there is a whole history of domestic numbers and you can really get a good sense of how a movie stacks up to what came before it.


That's why I never post on the international forum. I stick to the domestic forum because that's what I care about.

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Domestic was the most important number 10 years ago.

Now its OS.. Big movies gets greenlighted today BECAUSE of big OS numbers.


If OS markets was the same as 10 years ago there would be no 225 mill MoS, no 190 mill WWZ ect


So you should pay attention to OS markets


I very much agree. If studios only cared for domestic numbers, we wouldn't have these movies with big budgets.

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I can see people preferring their Batman to go on forever and be doomed...OK...but I think fans of the man, the character, should applaud his happy ending because you'll never see it again and it's a well deserved touch. ....




Except there is no end. Batman will be rebooted. There will still be more adventures. They will just have to start at the beginning all over again. So it'll be another movie with a reboot. No one wants to see the origin story done again.

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Domestic was the most important number 10 years ago.Now its OS.. Big movies gets greenlighted today BECAUSE of big OS numbers.If OS markets was the same as 10 years ago there would be no 225 mill MoS, no 190 mill WWZ ectSo you should pay attention to OS markets

In a brief nutshell, before film gets greenlight every market to release has an OP(operational plan) it's the potential # BO,rentals, adpub,prints etc that each territory will need to do for film to be made. If it all looks achievable it goes ahead. at end of day a territory might do OP plan # go over / under a territory short fall BO wise might be made up anotherWhen a market finally sees a film and evaluates its potential it's match against the original OP and then again after film released etc
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Except there is no end. Batman will be rebooted. There will still be more adventures. They will just have to start at the beginning all over again. So it'll be another movie with a reboot. No one wants to see the origin story done again.


no matter what has happened in the DC universe, Bruce Wayne will still be THE Batman for the general audience. Nightwing has been around for quite a long time now in the comicverse, but Robin will always be that boy wonder/sidekick besides Batman for the GA.


Batman will be rebooted again and again, sometimes naturally (after Batman & Robin, the decision to end the series was natural) and some predetermined (Nolan wanted a trilogy, though the series definitely had more gas in the tank, especially after TDK).


However, reboot doesn't need to tell the origin story again and again. Batman 89 actually already shows how: Bruce's past and Batman origin (training phase) only needs to be hinted as part of the narrative context.

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Disagree.I thought Buffy show, Angel, Firefly, and Serenity film were great.


His run as writer on the Astonishing X-Men comic was also acclaimed.



He also has an oscar nom for Toy Story.  :wub:  Plus, he did a lot of uncredited rewriting and script-doctoring in the 90's. Haven't seen Cabin in the Woods but plenty of critics liked his Cabin in the Woods screenplay. His stuff is not for everyone but let's not pretend an emmy and oscar nominated writer is a hack whose stuff no one likes except for the Avengers.  -_-

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Except there is no end. Batman will be rebooted. There will still be more adventures. They will just have to start at the beginning all over again. So it'll be another movie with a reboot. No one wants to see the origin story done again.


for Nolan's Dark knight triolgy, that is the end. unless.....

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I have a fair share of criticism of the movie, but I also loved the film because I was so happy to see Bruce smile like that. He was finally free from the burden, curse etc.The fact that Bruce can move on like that, I was genuinely happy as a fan.



my own experience


I went to cinema watch TDK in 2008 with my friends, towards the end of the movie( that moment Bruce Wayne run stumble while Cops unleashing dogs to hunt him),I heard a lady's voice from next row(she probably spoke to herself) ---- one day he(you) will be saved ,one day salavation will come .


although me and my friend did agree that she put hersellf into that movie a bit too much, but on the otherhand,her words does resonated with our minds.----we did hope that within Nolan's work,Bruce Wayne will have his salavation


so for me and my friends,TDKR is a satisfied conclusion for this triolgy. it fulfills the desire we had since the day we watched The Dark Knight

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