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Boxoffice.com's Top 100 Films of All Time 2013 -- RESULTS PRESENTATION 4 PM PST/7 PM EST

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How old are you if you don't mind me asking.  I'm in my early 40's and I can guarantee you I've seen about 5000 movies.  

I'm 20. However, I've seen 3 films in my whole life in the cinema (MI4, Avengers and IM3). Hollywood doesn't have a market in Bangladesh. And I lived in a cantonment my whole life, so a good enough internet connection to download and watch movies is not really an option. I'm getting out after 5 months, after which I believe I can watch a lot more movies.


When people say they doubt they've seen 1000 films are you talking about watching a film from beginning to end? Or you caught part of a film on tv?

Umm, I guess including a part, it might get above 1000 by a small margin. I don't watch TV much, I hate ads and competing with my li'l sis.

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I think ric not liking Japanese cinema is funny, just because the only foreign cinema I tend to like is from Japan. Kurosawa of course, but also Shall We Dance?, Water Boys, and Good Morning are great comedies.

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Bold-Have seen, and liked

Strike-Have seen, but not liked

Italic-haven't seen, but in my wishlist

Underline- haven't seen and not in wishlish

Nothing-Haven't even heard of it


Since I got to critique all of your top 100s, it's only fair you guys saw mine:


    [*]All Quiet on the Western Front [*]Citizen Kane [*]North by Northwest [*]Napoleon (1927) [*]Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2012) [*]Rear Window [*]Casablanca [*]Sunset Boulevard [*]La Regle du Jeu (The Rules of the Game) [*]Gone with the Wind [*]Lawrence of Arabia [*]Amour (Love) [*]The Birth of a Nation [*]The Godfather  Trilogy?? (Its supposed to 3 different entries, seen 1st 2 and liked incredibly) [*]Once Upon a Time in the West [*]There Will Be Blood [*]Amadeus [*]Sophie’s Choice [*]Les Enfants du Paradis (Children of Paradise) [*]The Deer Hunter [*]Vertigo [*]Manhattan [*]Weekend (2011) [*]2001: A Space Odyssey [*]La Dolce Vita [*]8 ½ [*]My Beautiful Laundrette [*]Silence of the Lambs [*]Metropolis [*]Psycho [*]The Thin Red Line [*]The Three Colours Trilogy [*]Hiroshima, Mon Amour [*]La Pianiste (The Piano Teacher) [*]From Russia with Love [*]Apocalypse Now [*]Nosferatu [*]Barry Lyndon [*]One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest [*]The Lion in Winter [*]Funny Games [*]All About Eve [*]Greed [*]Il Gattopardo (The Leopard) [*]In the Mood for Love [*]Hamlet (Olivier) [*]Hamlet (Branagh) [*]The Magnificent Ambersons [*]Rope [*]On Her Majesty’s Secret Service [*]Броненосец «Потёмкин» (The Battleship Potemkin) [*]12 Angry Men [*]Das Weisse Bande (The White Ribbon) [*]Maurice [*]Les Miserables (1934) [*]Les Quatre Cents Coups (The 400 Blows) [*]Ben-Hur [*]Adaptation [*]The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (3 different films) [*]Adua et le Compagne (Hungry for Love/Adua and her Friends) [*]Thérèse Desqueyroux (1962) [*]La Nuit Americane (Day for Night) [*]Dollars Trilogy (3 different films) [*]Le Dernier Metro (The Last Metro) [*]No Country for Old Men [*]Skyfall [*]Chinatown [*]Raging Bull [*]Dr. Stranglove: or How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb [*]They Shoot Horses Don’t They? [*]A Bout de Souffle (Breathless) [*]The Manchurian Candidate [*]The Tree of Life [*]Badlands [*]Caché (Hidden) [*]Chariots of Fire [*]Midnight Cowboy [*]Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? [*]J’ai Tue Ma Mere (I Killed my Mother) [*]Brokeback Mountain [*]City Lights [*]To Kill a Mockingbird [*]Mean Streets [*]Dial M for Murder [*]Goodfellas [*]L’Avventura (The Adventure) [*]Ladri di Biciclette (Bicycle Thief) [*]The Wizard of Oz (1939) [*]E.T. [*]Jaws [*]Moulin Rouge [*]Out of Africa [*]War and Peace (1968) [*]Человек с киноаппаратом (The Man with a Camera) [*]Annie Hall [*]Star Wars Original Trilogy (3 different films) [*]Raiders of the Lost Ark [*]We Need to Talk About Kevin [*]東京物(Tokyo Story) [*]The Apartment



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I think ric not liking Japanese cinema is funny, just because the only foreign cinema I tend to like is from Japan. Kurosawa of course, but also Shall We Dance?, Water Boys, and Good Morning are great comedies.


I love european cinema so much more than anywhere else. It's got a different gravitas, feel, and tone to it; it makes it special and better imo. 

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Might as well post mine.


    [*]The Shawshank Redemption [*]Rear Window [*]12 Angry Men [*]The Good, The Bad and The Ugly [*]City of God [*]The Godfather [*]The Matrix [*]Fight Club [*]Casablanca [*]The Fellowship of the Ring [*]My Neighbor Totoro [*]North By Northwest [*]Back to the Future [*]The Godfather: Part 2 [*]Trainspotting [*]Terminator 2: Judgement Day [*]Once Upon A Time In The West [*]Raiders of the Lost Ark [*]Psycho [*]City Lights [*]L.A. Confidential [*]Empire Strikes Back [*]Dr. Strangelove [*]Spirited Away [*]Aliens [*]Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade [*]A Clockwork Orange [*]Se7en [*]Star Wars [*]Toy Story [*]Das Boot [*]The Pianist [*]Unforgiven [*]The Terminator [*]The Two Towers [*]Full Metal Jacket [*]The Truman Show [*]The Grave of the Fireflies [*]The Incredibles [*]American Beauty [*]Leon: The Professional [*]Monsters, Inc. [*]Pan's Labyrinth [*]Jaws [*]Alien [*]Taxi Driver [*]Vertigo [*]The Shining [*]Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels [*]Chinatown [*]Pulp Fiction [*]Wall-E [*]Schindler's List [*]The Silence of the Lambs [*]The Kid [*]The Return of the KIng [*]No Country for Old Men [*]Up [*]A Beautiful Mind [*]Braveheart [*]The Usual Suspects [*]Sunset Blvd. [*]Finding Nemo [*]Oldboy [*]Jurassic Park [*]The Dark Knight [*]The Sixth Sense [*]12 Monkeys [*]There Will Be Blood [*]The Big Lebowski [*]The Deer Hunter [*]Heat [*]The Gladiator [*]The Prestige [*]E.T. The Extra Terrestrial [*]The Intouchables [*]The Lion King [*]Modern Times [*]American HistoryX [*]Big Fish [*]The Exorcist [*]Toy Story 2 [*]The Sting [*]The Prisoner of Azkaban [*]Gran Torino [*]Zodiac [*]The Social Network [*]How To Train Your Dragon [*]Django Unchained [*]Ratatouille [*]The Departed [*]The Bourne Ultimatum [*]Princess Mononoke [*]Rain Man [*]Inglourious Basterds [*]Die Hard [*]Saving Private Ryan [*]Gandhi [*]V for Vendetta [*]Toy Story 3


I forgot to add 8 1/2 and Rashomon.

Will watch Bridge on River Kwai and Downfall before deadline I hope.

Edited by XenoZodiac
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My problem with a lot of older films is that they are not very well made or acted.  They might have been for the time but when you compare them to a lot of the greats from today, imo, many of them pale.  I think when it comes to acting, you can take some of the worst actors today and they are still better than some of the greats from the past.  The past was just so wooden and robotic when it came to acting.  I know that will piss some people off, but imo, it's absolutely true.


Yeah, I find a majority of films made before 1970 better for sleeping than Excedrin PMs.  I certainly appreciate a lot of the critic darlings from that era because of what they did for cinema, but watching them for entertainment purposes? No thanks.

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    [*]Elephant Man

    [*]Schindler’s List

    [*]A Clockwork Orange 

    [*]The Godfather


    [*]The Shining

    [*]Full Metal Jacket

    [*]Apocalypse Now

    [*]2001: Space  Odyssey

    [*]Lawrence of Arabia 

    [*]Godfather part 2



    [*]12 Angry Men 


    [*]Taxi Driver


    [*](El laberinto del fauno ) Pan’s Labyrinth 

    [*]Mulholland Dr.

    [*]Requiem For A Dream

    [*]Paths of Glory 

    [*]Star Wars: ESB 

    [*]Star Wars

    [*](Cidade de Deus ) City of God

    [*]Eyes Wide Shut 

    [*]Blade Runner 

    [*]Beauty and The Beast 

    [*]Sleeping Beauty

    [*]The Thin Red Line 

    [*]Social Network

    [*]There Will Be Blood

    [*]Tree of Life

    [*]Fight Club



    [*]12 Monkey’s 

    [*]It’s A Wonderful Life


    [*]Days of Heaven

    [*]Barry Lyndon


    [*]The Dark Knight


    [*]Dances With Wolves

    [*]Planet of the Apes ( 1968)

    [*]The Matrix

    [*]Pulp Fiction

    [*]Citizen Kane


    [*]Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 966.8/1000


    [*]Boogie Nights

    [*]Lost Highway

    [*]Wizard of Oz 

    [*]Battle For Algiers

    [*]L.A. Confidential 


    [*]The Bicycle Thief

    [*]Rear Window


    [*]Saving Private Ryan

    [*]Jurassic Park 

    [*]Gone With the Wind

    [*]Green Mile

    [*]Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

    [*]Black Swan

    [*]Ed Wood

    [*]The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    [*]North By Northwest

    [*]All the President Men

    [*]Sunset Boulevard

    [*]Before the Sunset

    [*]The Prestige

    [*]Princess Mononoke

    [*]101 Dalmatians  (1961)

    [*]Before the Sunrise

    [*]All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)

    [*]Snow White

    [*]American History X

    [*]Spirited Away

    [*]Inland Empire

    [*]The Thing

    [*]Dial M for Murder


    [*]Batman begins 

    [*]Raging Bull


    [*]Doctor Zhivago

    [*]A Street Call Named Desire


    [*]The New World

    [*]Alien 920.5/1000


    [*]Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

    [*]The Terminator



    [*]Terminator 2

    [*]American Beauty


Edited by Dexter of Suburbia
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