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Early Tuesday estimates DM2 4.7 previews

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no doubt about it :D


Except that you haven't seen MoS and are just buying into your own fangirlism.


Oblivion was such a snoozefest.


Kinda agree with you; it was very slow but I still enjoyed it.

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Meanwhile Kevin Hart scored another surprising opening when his Let Me Explain stand-up concert pic from Lionsgate’s Summit Entertainment grossed $1.1M from Thursday late shows from only 876 locations.




Oh no. I predicted 1.7M for the WEEKEND in BSG....

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Sadly, there's a chance. I don't understand how anyone can like that movie, but whatever. I didn't like the first one at all...


DM2 doesn't deserve to beat Shrek's record... NEVER.

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I'm not a fan of stand-up comedy, but going to a theater to watch a movie of it seems particularly strange. I guess it beats watching it on DVD at home on your own.


I saw RAW (Eddie Murphy) in theaters.  It was a lot of fun.

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I don't see how anyone can say last summer was better than this summer. Last summer was just the three superhero movies; this year, we've had two good superhero movies, a great sci-fi movie, an fun sleeper hit about magicians, a ridiculously awesome Fast and Furious, a serious literary drama that was actually pretty good, and a Pixar movie that brought them back to the top of the game, all before July even hit. So much better.

Edited by Blankments
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I'm not a fan of stand-up comedy, but going to a theater to watch a movie of it seems particularly strange. I guess it beats watching it on DVD at home on your own.

If it was playing near me, I would go watch it for sure. It would be fun to be in a theater watching it and laughing with everyone esle there. :)


It is to bad, I live in a small town and would have to drive 2 hours to go see it. :(

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Haven't seen it since it first came out, but I remember laughing my head off at a lot of stuff.

Not to mention:Ra da da da da da da da circusDa da da da da da da da afroCircus, afro, circus, afroPolka dot, polka dot, polka dot, afro.
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Don't be mad at ChD for hating the minions; he's right to hate them. I hate those obnoxious radioactive twinkies and the original DM is a B- movie at best. Stupid movie and I'm happy the sequel's finally out so now I don't have to see the trailers anymore. 

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 Although I don't agree with you that the signs weren't there for it to be this big. It was always in the best position to win the animated contest for the year. 


I'm praying for an insane Frozen breakout.

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Let's just for fun say it does 15 mill today, if you use MIB2 as the basis for how the rest of the week(last time the 4th fell on a Thurs) will behave, it will look like this:








71.5 mill 5 day


Thing is, MIB2 didn't have Tuesday evening sneaks (IIRC). Plus movies are just naturally more front-loaded now.

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MIB2 didnt have midnights?


I don't recall ever seeing any numbers for them. If it did have any, I doubt they were very big. Plus TLR opened at 7pm and ran all night.

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