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Wkend #s: 82.5 DM2, 29.4 TFR, 25 Heat, 19.6 MU

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Not really a fan of westerns, but I loved Rango. Yes or no? :P

Parts of it reminded me of Rango actually :PThe movie is actually quite funny at the beginning and parts of the end are.


On another note-just checked the theater listings and I swear DM2 had more showings yesterday at one...odd, unless if a sneak peak was on that screen is my only guess.


(While Santa Fe yes TLR and DM2 are sold out but they have tickets for artsy theaters there...then again they did make the top 5 snobbish cities with places like San Francisco.)

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Yeah the plot is pretty straight forward. Gore just takes his time, but that's maybe a bit of the issue...the plot ain't anything special, this should've been more Saturday matinee...quick and fun...than it really was. There's so e easy cuts this film could've had...old Tonto...cut it out. That was pointless. The story didn't really deserve the time they invested in it. When it just got to good ol Lone Ranger and Tonto versus the bad guys, it was at its best.

I didn't think that part was that bad, the critics just got upset over it over nothing in the end. (And I really didn't get the violence complaints, yeah it was violent, but not as violent as they said, Pirates 4 I found more violent, I didn't find it as near as long as it felt, films I tend to feel are too long though tend to be crime films)

What is funny when some people said that some films are too simple and didn't like it, they liked Dredd for being simple. Okay...

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So how is Kevin Hart doing?

Or as I called it today Kevi....(For some reason the theater that was playing it sign was blacked out after that part of the title)

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The violence thing is interesting, but I'm a terrible judge of that. I watch movies like Cannibal Holocaust and A Serbian Film without batting an eye...so my barometer for violence is just different than much of the GA.When people told me they were surprised by how violent this was I went...uh...I guess? I get it, just didn't seem tonally out of wack for the movie for me though. Of course, the Pirates movies are violent in a similar way, so I was not surprised.

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The violence thing is interesting, but I'm a terrible judge of that. I watch movies like Cannibal Holocaust and A Serbian Film without batting an eye...so my barometer for violence is just different than much of the GA.When people told me they were surprised by how violent this was I went...uh...I guess? I get it, just didn't seem tonally out of wack for the movie for me though. Of course, the Pirates movies are violent in a similar way, so I was not surprised.

The scene they talk about is not even of the screen! It is just implied.

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It was not as bad as some scenes in some family films though is all.

I still found it pretty enjoyable. Hope that somehow they can still make another one eventually. (Well merchandizing :lol:)

Anyway I'm in a good mood so I don't want to read some numbers that will upset me over this. :lol: 

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