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Season 1 Week #1

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Week #1

Welcome to the first official week of BOT Survivor Season 1! 21 made it to the island and were split into two teams. This is where the stuff gets real now and people will be pieced off one by one (or more! Say what?). Below are the results from this week's game and other cool stuff. Let's go!!!!!!!!!!


Arthur Christmas- $12.07 million

The Artist (3-day PTA)- $51,220

A Dangerous Method (3-day PTA)- $41,988

Hugo- $11.36 million

The Muppets- $29.24 million

My Week With Marilyn (3-day PTA)- $7,174

The Descendants (3-day PTA)- $18,835

Happy Feet Two- $13.40 million

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn- Part 1- $41.68 million

Immortals- $8.876 million

The Impossible Missions Force

4815162342- 79.42%

acsc1312- 59.62%

Alfred- 57.17%

Ariadne- 69.93%

CJohn- 46.48% (placeholder predict)

Electric- 75.78%

EmpireStrikesBack- 53.65%

Frankenberry- 82.67%

Hallowed Prince- 66.36%

SuperBatman- 63.07%

Average- 65.42%

The Swedish Dragons

bed005- 77.78%

Dav- 46.48% (placeholder predict)

eugene velasquez- 46.48% (placeholder predict)

JamesFord92- 46.48% (placeholder predict)

Iceroll- 75.82%

Incepted- 46.49%

MovieGuyKyle16- 57.97%

Phil in the Blank- 66.29%

RichWS- 85.08%

Spaghetti- 79.26%

Totem- 76.92%

Average- 64.1%

Congrats Impossible Missions Force! You have won the first week! Swedish Dragons, you now must go to Tribal Council! You will each vote for one player for elimination and the player with the most votes is out unless they get Second Immunity from the Second Immunity Challenge below. You can not vote for RichWS because he had the highest score on the team nor Spaghetti because of his previous immunities. Here is the Second Immunity Challenge

Second Immunity Challenge- Tuesday Grosses

Arthur Christmas


The Muppets

Breaking Dawn

The Descendants

Second Immunity Predictions due NO LATER THAN Wednesday @ 9:30 AM ET!

Tribal Council Votes due NO LATER THAN Wednesday @ 4:00 PM ET!

Edited by jmovies
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jmovies I am curious about 1 thing: Will you be keeping tracking of individual player prediction averages per week to see which player has the best prediction average throughout the whole game? Might be a fun side thing to have.

Yes I had thought about it and I believe I will do that this season.

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Sorry again Dragons for forgetting to predict this week. Obviously I'm at least partially responsible for our team losing, especially since it was so close. I'll understand if you guys vote me off, but if you're nice enough to save me I'll be insanely devoted to this game from now on. No more missing deadlines I swear. Hopefully we get em next week.

Edited by JamesFord92
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Tribal Council- Week #1

Welcome to the first Tribal Council of the season! The Swedish Dragons lost this weekend and as such they face elimination, except for RichWS and Spaghetti who had immunity. Below are the votes and good luck to everyone!

Vote #1


Vote #2

eugene velasquez

Vote #3


Vote #4


Vote #5

eugene velasquez

Vote #6


Vote #7


Vote #8


Vote #9 and the first person eliminated from BOT Survivor is...

eugene velasquez got the ninth vote meaning there is a three-way tie! How this works is the person with the lowest score is on the chopping block and if they get immunity then the second-lowest score is out. Since Dav and eugene tied this weekend, whoever has the lowest immunity score out of the two of them is out

Did this person get immunity?

Well, Dav did not even predict for second immunity when eugene did. So Dav you are eliminated from Survivor! Sorry to see you go man and see you next season

This week's game- Weekend Predictions

Shame (3-day PTA)

Arthur Christmas

The Artist (3-day PTA)

A Dangerous Method (3-day PTA)


The Muppets

My Week With Marilyn

The Descendants

Happy Feet Two

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn- Part 1

Predictions due NO LATER THAN Friday @ 9PM ET!

Edited by jmovies
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