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Poll on CAYOM's Future

CAYOM Future Poll  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. How Should We Proceed with CAYOM

    • Keep It As It Is
    • Change to the Festival System
    • Change to the Month System

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I think both the month system and festival are interesting but I do think that the present format (and especially no word limit) offers a more immersive and comprehensive game that I think is superior.


There's no way the word limit Ueka suggested (2,000) will ever come into play. I wouldn't mind a word limit of say 6,000, since it wasn't until about Year 30 of the old game that films started smashing through that barrier consistently.

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For the idea I have in mind the stand-out stuff would lie in the finer details (plus there's going to be a whole lot of shit going on). I don't think I can put it in 2,000 words or less without making it look like a generic mess.

Edited by C00k13 Monster
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Month system


Instead of doing the whole year at once, do a couple months, or even just one month, of a year at once. If you don't want to release any films in that month, put it off untilt he next month or so. Likewise, if you don't have time to participate in a month, you can still come in at a later month. For instance, January, February, and March can all be done at once as their minor months (except for March). Players could make short/medium length films, reviews can be done, and box office can be executed. Then we move on. Each month or period of months can last anywhere in real life from 2-4 weeks, or less if necessary, and this gives people plenty of time to write movies for later months. Smaller months can be glanced over (like January) except when some exceptions occur by proposal/favor of the players.


In the end, an awards ceremony can be held compiling films from all 12 months (or however many months are presented), and we could stick to the true meaning of CAYOM without trying to cram a whole year into a real life period of 4-8 weeks. It allows for more pacing and time management, and if we feel a particular month is dragging, we can hop on to the next month.


Also, a player will not have to wait for it to be the next CAYOM year to join in. If its May and the player wants to release a movie, they can shoot for June when it starts in 2-4 weeks, instead of waiting for the next CAYOM year to start in 2-4 months.



My only issue with word limits is that they can be arbitrary. I would prefer a word limit that is higher since sometimes 2,000 words can be very constricting on a film where a lot of big stuff happens.



I think we could bunch together months like January/February, March/April, and September/October. I think a few kinks such as box office need to be fleshed out more, but if they are then I think this month idea is a solid thing.



I'd say divide it into five. Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall/Holiday.


So I've compiled everyone's suggestions on the month system, and here's what I've found.


Advance Schedule


I'm guessing this would run as normal. Before any year we do the advance schedule so that we could plan a tentative version of Part 1. I think this should stay the same so that we can get a nice layout of the year and also keep out writing time in a less frantic manner than it is now. For example, if I have a short and sweet film idea that shouldn't take me long to write, I could set a date in Spring. If I have a big film that I haven't made much progress on, I could find a spot in the holiday season. If we keep the Advance Schedule the same, we should be able to plan ahead so there is not much stress in all the Part 1 threads for claiming those spots.


Part 1: Posting Films


I feel like doing one month at a time could lead to some long-ass years. In fact, a CAYOM year could be a full year in real-life. So it would be a good idea to compile these into 5 sections.


Winter: January, February

Spring: March, April

Summer: May, June, July, August

Autumn: September, October

Holiday: November, December


So if these sections are used, there won't be much stress for getting films done in the same time period as a regular year. I think these sections could last just a bit shorter than regular years (about 2 weeks), because the amount of films one could have in 2 months is not the same one could have in a year. Summer is also double the amount of months than any other season, so if that doesn't work out we could split it up into Summer I (May, June) and Summer II (July, August).


I still don't know if we should put all the sections into one big Part I thread or we should have individual threads for every section. I thinking individual threads because there's going to be a huge cluster if we keep a single Part 1 thread.


Part 2: Predictions


Pretty much the same, except based around this new system. This part should only last one week for each season.


"CAYOM Year x: Spring Predictions"


These threads get buried quickly, so we should just make one thread.


Part 3: Box Office


Again, this should be the same, except box office would run for each section. As usual, one person should do the actuals for each overall year, because if there's 5+ people doing box office for one year then there's going to be LOTS of conflicting options. There would be one box office thread for each year, and it would get bumped back up by the box office manager every time there is the need for seasonal actuals.


Part 4: Oscars


Once again, this will be the same. Awards should count for the overall year, and one person will transcript the Oscars.


And on the issue of word count limits...


I do agree; we need shorter films. But penalizing 2,000+ word movies is outrageous. I'm pretty sure I can't write a coherent and good movie with such a low word count. I think the word limit should be 10,000 max, though I'd rather not have any word limit at all. In fact, there is only 1-2 movies a year with word counts surfing above 15,000 words. I think we should keep a mentality to write shorter films with more plot and less detailed summaries, however penalizing movies with a longer word count is just wrong.


So that's what the future of CAYOM should be, at least in my opinion. Since some ideas are different then the Month idea, I think I would call it the Seasonal idea. Anyways, give me your thoughts and opinions on this.

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I like both the previous format and the festival for fun. I think the main issue was that we tried to put way too many films in and we just didn't have enough people to do it and moreso to have people actually read and do reviews. Plus a few of us just got busy the same time at the end of the summer.

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There's no way the word limit Ueka suggested (2,000) will ever come into play. I wouldn't mind a word limit of say 6,000, since it wasn't until about Year 30 of the old game that films started smashing through that barrier consistently.


Good. That's literally the only thing I was worried about if I was to continue this game. Chuck Norris and Liam Neeson needs to be at least 4,000 to be a decent film I've noticed ;)

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The word limit is arbitary and of course I can't enforce it. I'm just saying that as the BIGGEST violator of this (before I stopped working on it, Obliteration was...11,000 words long and I was only 50% through, if that...), without a word limit, I and others would be likely to just keep going longer/detailed. I have a tendency to do this, but with a word limit, I wouldn't and others shouldn't either. 2,000 was a benchmark number (and trust me, I know that sounds impossible to achieve). Maybe we can test this month/seasonal system out without a word limit, and then if it still drags a bit, enforce a word limit of anywhere from 6,000-10,000.


Glad to see you guys taking on to this proposal. Again, it is all of ours, so we can all come up with the developments of it. The seasonal idea works excellently. I think we could cram Jan-March probably in one season because Jan and February will be pretty minor months, and then see where to go from there.


Hope this works and again keep posting suggestions or anything that can help with these proposals and keep this game alive.

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My proposition to how the seasons should be divided:

Winter - January, February, March

Spring - April, May

Summer - June, July, August

Fall - September, October

Holiday - November, December

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The seasonal system can work I think.


One thing the Seasonal System improves on over the original version is that it gives a feeling of progression to the year. The original setting just has films dropped in all at once and reviews of different films from different times blasting in and then suddenly it is Oscar time. The Seasonal System allows the year to progress step by step and reveal new twists and turns in reviews and box office as each season goes by.

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I like the seasonal update too.My only question pertains to the Y8 films. Should we just leave them as they are or can they be re-released once the new system starts?

I think the benefit of the seasonal update is that we don't have to dump everything and start from scratch. We can just keep what we have.
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I like the seasonal update too.My only question pertains to the Y8 films. Should we just leave them as they are or can they be re-released once the new system starts?


What Alpha said. Once we got all the kinks ironed out, we would restart Year 8 with the Seasonal System and keep all Year 8 films already made (some would just not be relevant until their particular season appears).

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I think we need to iron out a couple minor details first.


For example, we should have a new Year 8 thread when the time comes, because IMO with the Seasonal System, when it's the Winter Season, only films opening during that Season should be posted. That allows everyone to focus on all the January-March films together without jumping around. Then in the Spring Season, all April-May films are posted, and so on for each season shift. Does that make sense?


I would say we could gear up to re-start Year 8, Winter Season this coming weekend, but I will be out of town and won't be able to manage things, though someone else could volunteer to run the Year 8 Movie thread. But I think we should re-start Year 8 with this system the following Friday, November 8th, to give a little more time to get things all set and ready.

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Nevermind that, my brain farted.


The thing is... We should open the schedule at the same time (Like the same time) because else, we will wait to release a movie in Summer, but the schedule ends up being too crowded. I know we can push them back if it's the case, but if this problem occurs during the holiday, what are we supposed to do?There are many franchise movies that will kill off any chance of scheduling around them - thing is, the surprises will be big when you find out that there will be no space at all to put your movie in.

Edited by ChD
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