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The Top 20 Cartoons Result Thread

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11. Gargoyles- 60 Points

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While I admit this is another series I’ve never actually seen, this is something I really want to check out some day, because I’ve heard really good things about. Supposedly, the characters are complex, the animation is great and the villains are threatening and devious. Hell, one of the characters is the Trope Namer for the Xanatos Gambit. So yeah, I need to check this out. And you probably should to. Unless you’ve already watched it and voted for it obviously. I mean, a lot of you must’ve for it to reach this high. I’m gonna stop talking now.


Interesting Fact: This entire list is all part of Xanatos’s plan.


Interesting, but True Fact: According to the show’s creator, the entire third season is non-canon.



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I guess The Simpsons might win, but I hope not. That show is really past its sell-by date now.


Glad to see some of my childhood favourites, though, like He-Man, G.I. Joe and Thundercats.


I didn't vote, but I would have included such cartoons as X-Men: The Animated Series, Rambo: The Animated Series, and The Jackie Chan Adventures. There were a ton of different Batman cartoons too, but the best was the one immediately before Batman Beyond, around 1997-98, I think it was just called Batman: The Animated Series. Then there's the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ("Turtles in a half-shell, Turtle Power!"). Man, I love and loved cartoons.


Another good one was Captain Planet. But really whenever I think of cartoons, it's always Saturday morning on Live & Kicking with the X-Men: The Animated Series theme tune, so catchy and memorable.


Then there are those non-franchise related cartoons like Pinky and the Brain.


I'm surprised Gargoyles is so high on the list. Thought it was disliked. I certainly disliked it.

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11. Gargoyles- 60 Points

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While I admit this is another series I’ve never actually seen, this is something I really want to check out some day, because I’ve heard really good things about. Supposedly, the characters are complex, the animation is great and the villains are threatening and devious. Hell, one of the characters is the Trope Namer for the Xanatos Gambit. So yeah, I need to check this out. And you probably should to. Unless you’ve already watched it and voted for it obviously. I mean, a lot of you must’ve for it to reach this high. I’m gonna stop talking now.


Interesting Fact: This entire list is all part of Xanatos’s plan.


Interesting, but True Fact: According to the show’s creator, the entire third season is non-canon.




Great show plus both of the season are on Youtube so you can catch up pretty quickly, rukaio. :D

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Going out to the cinema soon but, once I'm back (in maybe 2-3 hours), I'm going to continue with the countdown. 


In the meantime, since I need to get some of you interested in good anime, here's the entire first episode of Death Note, English Dubbed. (It's a very good dub, don't worry.) 


Seriously, watch the first few episodes of this show. You will thank me.


Admittedly, the final third of the series is kinda crap, but the the first two thirds are absolutely spectacular.

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Going out to the cinema soon but, once I'm back (in maybe 2-3 hours), I'm going to continue with the countdown. 


In the meantime, since I need to get some of you interested in good anime, here's the entire first episode of Death Note, English Dubbed. (It's a very good dub, don't worry.) 


Seriously, watch the first few episodes of this show. You will thank me.


Admittedly, the final third of the series is kinda crap, but the the first two thirds are absolutely spectacular.

Death Note started off so good... then got so boring.  It' amazing how I went from the edge of my seat to not even caring enough to bother finishing it.

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Okay, let's get back to listing.


10. (Draw) Transformers- 62 Points

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As if no-one expected this to turn up. The Robots in Disguise are pretty much the definitive giant fighting robot series for everyone in the world (except Japan). Everyone has to have seen a version of this show one time or another. I myself was a large follower of Transformers Armada, Energon and parts of Beast Wars (which came in 27th). And I had some of the toys as well. Sure they took an hour to work, but they were still awesome.


Interesting Fact: No humans in any Transformers media has ever been liked by anyone.


Interesting, but True Fact: The original Transformers toys were made up from renamed  toys from Japanese toylines ‘Diaclone’ and ‘Microman’.



Edited by rukaio101
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10. (Draw) Animaniacs- 62 Points

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I never saw this show when I was growing up and God do I regret it. Instead, I watched the Pinky and the Brain spinoff which was great, but just not the same thing. The slapstick, the jokes, the stuff they sneaked past the censors, everything about this show is hilarious and well deserving of the No10 spot.


Interesting Fact: ‘Pinky and the Brain’ is also a euphemism.


Interesting, but True: The senior producer based the Warner’s personalities on his three sons. I wonder which one Dot was based on….



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9. Avenger's Earth's Mightiest Heroes- 70 Points

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Again, this is another show I’ve never seen (seeing a pattern here?) but for this to beat the already acclaimed Justice League, it must certainly be something good. Heck, it's the newest series on this list, I think...


Okay, I'm not even going to bother bluffing that I know anything about this series. The only thing I'm gonna say, it must be pretty damn good to get this high.


That, and Iron Man looks like he has a Hitler Moustache. I can't be the only one who sees it.


Interesting Fact: No-one cares about Ant-Man. No-one.


Interesting, but True Fact: Avengers:EMH began as a series of online micro-episodes released each day of the month leading to the first full season.



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8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (both 1980's and 2000's)- 76 Points

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I’m putting both the classic and new series here since so many people didn’t specify which version they meant (and I got specified votes for both too) and I (and presumably Tarzan as well) can’t be bothered to ask. Although I’m not putting the 2012 series since I doubt anyone was voting for that. (Although I suppose it could be good, since I’ve never watched it)


Anyway, I barely watched the old series, but I watched the hell out of the newer series. And it was surprisingly good. It had dark storylines, genuine character development and was one of the best things 4kids have ever done. Almost made me forgive the debacle that was the One Piece dub…. Okay, that’s a lie. One Piece is one of the greatest things ever and those bastards butchered it beyond belief and ruined its chances for serious popularity in the US. Of course, you guys I have no idea what One Piece is (and I hate you for that), so I’ll get back on track.


So yeah, TMNT was great. Both the old and the new (at least until Flash Forward). But not the 2012 series. Presumably. 


Interesting Fact: I’m seriously running out of bad jokes to put here.


Interesting but…. Also True: Here in the UK, the 1980’s series was called Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle. Because the word Ninja turns you evil.



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7. Ducktales (Woohoo!)- 79 Points


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Ah, good old Ducktales! With its tales…. About ducks…. Okay, this was another show we didn’t really get here in the UK. The only thing I know about is that there’s a Scottish duck named Scrooge McDuck who, like most Scottish people, is completely obsessed with money and that the theme song is the most addictive thing ever. But you can’t argue with 79 points. And that theme song. So here's Ducktales (Woo hoo!)


Interesting Fact: I’m actually a quarter duck, on my Mother’s side.


Interesting, but True Fact: This was the first Disney cartoon show ever produced for Television syndication.



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6. Futurama- 84 Points

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Good news everyone! Futurama made it to 6th place!

Okay, I can die happy now I’ve made that joke.

Anyway, proving that he didn’t just get lucky with the Simpsons, Matt Groening managed to create another cartoon classic with this futuristic tale. Filled with memorable characters like Fry, Leela, Bender, Farnsworth, Hermes, Amy, Nibbler and, of course, Scruffy, this show has certainly- sorry what? What the hell’s a ‘Zoidberg’?


To sum up, Futurama is certainly a- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!


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Interesting, but True Fact: Billy West not only plays Fry, but also plays Farnsworth, Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan and Richard Nixon’s head, as well as other characters.



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5. X-Men: The Animated Series- 103 Points

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Who doesn’t love the X-Men? Well…. Magneto, I suppose. And most of humankind. And a few mutants who fi- okay, I’m getting carried away with this. While the original series was before my time, you can certainly see the effect it’s had on popular culture. Even more than the films.


Interesting Fact: Originally, the show was going to be called ‘Wolverine and Some Other Guys’.


Interesting, but True Fact: The first X-Men cartoon pitched to FOX was called ‘Pryde of the X-Men’ and was to be centred around Kitty Pryde. It wasn’t picked up and instead we got the show we all know and love.



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5. X-Men: The Animated Series- 103 Points

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Who doesn’t love the X-Men? Well…. Magneto, I suppose. And most of humankind. And a few mutants who fi- okay, I’m getting carried away with this. While the original series was before my time, you can certainly see the effect it’s had on popular culture. Even more than the films.


Interesting Fact: Originally, the show was going to be called ‘Wolverine and Some Other Guys’.


Interesting, but True Fact: The first X-Men cartoon pitched to FOX was called ‘Pryde of the X-Men’ and was to be centred around Kitty Pryde. It wasn’t picked up and instead we got the show we all know and love.





I love that intro.  :D  ^_^

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4. Avatar: The Last Airbender- 104 Points

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Now we’re talking. Heavily inspired by Japanese animation (*cough*) and elements of Chinese, Inuit and many other cultures, this is one of the best cartoons, hell TV shows, to be shown in years. Beautiful animation, memorable characters who go through some great character development, fantastic soundtrack, a great show from beginning to end.


Just… don’t mention the movie.


Interesting Fact:  Originally, the movie would’ve ended with Momo being the Fire Lord in disguise. What a twist!


I say that, the movie probably would’ve been more interesting. At least it would’ve been kinda surreal.


Interesting, but True Fact: Toph was originally going to be a muscular guy.


Can't find a proper version of the opening, so this'll have to do.


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