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Box Office Fact or Fiction: Week 4 w/ Goffe, Blank and DAR. Anchorman 2, Sandman, Smaug & more


16 members have voted

  1. 1. Who answered better for the week of 12/20

    • DAR
    • Goffe
    • Blank

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Hello Again Everybody,


Welcome to the fourth edition of "Box Office Fact or Fiction". A feature where members of the Box Office forums are asked for their opinions on all things movies.
First, the winner from last time, by 2 clear votes, please put your hands together for . Congratulations, you win a BILLION internet points


Secondly, I would like to thank the forum members for such a good response to this feature. I am still looking for more volunteers and more opinions, so please let me know if you would like to participate. Won't take more than 10 minutes in the week you are chosen.
This week welcomes three new contributors:

Goffe, and

How this works: Each person is given 3 questions to respond to, and then they are given the chance to respond to the other person's questions as well. 
As the reader, you can choose who you feel answered the questions better this week. The winner of the poll gets a Billion internet points again (It's the season of giving). Let's get going.


1. "Desolation of Smaug" opening more than 10M below "An Unexpected Journey" surprised you


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DAR: FICTION. All signs were pointing to a lower opening. The buzz didn't seem to be there.


GOFFE: FICTION. I was predicting 240m total since the second trailer. AUJ was supposed to be the great return to the middle earth, the 84m OW was directly related to it.


BLANK: FICTION. I predicted 76M for it, and even though it was lower than that, I felt zero hype for Hobbit so it wasn't a surprise at all. My film theory class was pretty surprised though, seeing it was 30M under their predicts  :lol:


1 of 1. And a shout out to Blank's film theory class for keeping us entertained every week.


2. "Divergent" having 2 sequels announced and dated for release 3 months before the release of the first movie shows that the studio is confident in the movie

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DAR: FACT. While I know literally nothing about these books, they seem to have more going for them than other YA adaptations like the Mortal Instruments.


GOFFE: FICTION. I think Lionsgate is shooting in the dark, to increase hype. Divergent looks a cheap YA adaptation (cheap set pieces, DTV feel, good looking dude that can't act to save his life, pretty and exceptional lead girl).



BLANK: FICTION. This is becoming the norm it seems. Honestly, I feel like the dating is them just trying to make sure they have slots if Divergent does do well. If they don't end up doing well, then Summit just will release something else on those highly coveted dates.


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3. Joseph Gordon Levitt is a good choice to direct and star in an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's classic comic book series "Sandman"


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm incredibly honored to be working with David Goyer, Warner Bros, and @neilhimself on SANDMAN. #Prelude


DAR: FACT. JGL is a major talent and while this is certainly different from anything he's done, I think he'll be up to the task.


GOFFE: FACT. We all know he is a good actor and he has the potential to become a great director as seen in DJ.


BLANK: FACT. I haven't read Sandman and I haven't seen Don Jon. That said, I'm fans of both Gaiman and JGL, so I'm excited to see what they'll have in store for us when the film is released. 


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4. "Anchorman 2" will gross more than 40M from Friday-Sunday

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GOFFE: FICTION. Anchorman will be the next Kick-Ass 2, the only difference is that Anchorman is having a better marketing. Geek hype =/= huge box office


BLANK: FACT. IDK what Geek hype Goffe is talking about; there is legitimate hype for this at my high school. I've heard more people talk about Anchorman 2 this week than The Hobbit for the past month. I know anecdotal evidence should be avoided, but I am tangibly feeling the hype for Anchorman 2. My weekend predict is 53M and I feel like if it was still opening on Friday, it could've challenged 65M 


DAR: FACT. The hype on this is defeaning, even if you wanted to get away from it you couldn't.  I see 55 million for Friday-Sunday.


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5. "22 Jump Street" will be the highest grossing comedy of 2014



GOFFE: FICTION.  22 Jump Street looks  a rehash of the first one, ala TH2. Neighbors has a better chance than 22JS.


BLANK: FACT. I haven't watched the trailer yet, but Phil Lord and Chris Miller are both comedic geniuses. I still hear the first 21 Jump Street talked about as a hilarious comedy. I see it in for a nice increase and easily the biggest comedy of next year. Neighbors, although it will do well as counter-programming, has way too much competition for it to do as well as it could.


DAR: FACT. The first was well loved and I see this continuing that trend.


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6. "Love Actually" is one of the top 5 Christmas movies of all time


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GOFFE: FICTION.  I didn't watch Love Actually, but here's my top 5


1. The Polar Express

2. The Polar Express

3. The Polar Express

4. The Polar Express

5. The Polar Express



6. The Polar Express


BLANK: FICTION. I also haven't seen Love Actually, haha. Naming five I do love would be A Christmas Story, Elf, The Muppets Christmas Carol, Miracle on 34th Street, and the animated Grinch special. Can't stand that live-action drivel.



DAR: FICTION. I love the film but it sits just outside for me.  


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7. "Grudge Match" will end with a higher domestic gross than "Secret Life of Walter Mitty"



BLANK: FACT. I know I started the Walter Mitty>125M Club, but marketing past the first two initial trailers has totally sucked. My brother who is visiting home from college is interested in literally every wide release over break except Mitty. Meanwhile, Grudge Match has been the exact opposite, having a decent but not great trailer, but having some truly intriguing TV spots. I think Mitty will end around 80M and Grudge Match will go 95M. Bit optimistic for both of them now, but hey, they both look good to me. :P



DAR: FACT. I really don't know what to make of Mitty and my guess is audiences will follow suit.  Grudge Match on the other hand seems like one of those films that older audiences will enjoy.  Right now I see about 75 for Grudge Match with Mitty getting about 55.


GOFFE: FACT.  Walter Mitty marketing is not connecting with GA, the film looks somewhat cold and empty, the review won't help it, either. On other hand, GM looks very appealing for an easily pleased audience.


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8. You would be interested in watching a "Sin City" TV series


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BLANK: FICTION. I've never seen the movie or read the book, and I barely watch TV as it is. It could be interesting, but it'd probably air on a network I don't get anyway. Just not my thing.



DAR: FACT. I'm one that thinks many a comic book adaptation would be better suited for the small screen.  A tv series can focus more on the characters and the story can take its time.  It would also be one way to prevent audience fatigue from the endless glut of comic book films


GOFFE: FICTION.  First: I don't even remember Sin City, If I liked or not. Second: there isn't enough freedom to make a series like this on TV, the series would demand a huge budget (effects heavy) and that would mean less creative control.


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9. A sequel to "Shakespeare in Love" is a good idea


BLANK: FACT. I actually deliberated on this. On initial thought, it sounds god-awful, but then, I got to thinking: Who says that Shakespeare in Love 2 has to follow Shakespeare? The premise of that movie is applicable to any storyteller in history, as seen by the following:




Who's to say a Mark Twain in Love or a Leo Tolstoy in Love movie couldn't be entertaining? ... On second thought, change this to FICTION. Those ideas sound awful too   :lol:



DAR: FICTION. To be honest I saw SiL once and can't remember a single thing about it.  And I can't see myself getting excited for a sequel to it either.


GOFFE: FICTION.  I didn't see Shakespeare in Love yet, but I'm starting to hate sequels, so I would say no.


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A lot of contrarian opinions this week. In the end the 3 of them ended up agreeing only on 4 of the items.


Feel free to join in and provide your answers in this thread as well. Please do vote as to who you felt answered the questions better. Poll is at the top of this thread.


Thanks again to Goffe, DAR and Blank for their participation.


I am looking for participants, please let me know if you would be interested in providing your opinions for future editions of this column.


Until Next Time.

Edited by grim22
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Since DAR hates me I decided either Goffe or Blankments. I went with Goffe.But Blankments did really well too.

That's a stupid reason not to vote for someone.


These polls are supposed to based on how much you like their answers, not what you think of the contestant themselves. It's not a popularity contest.


For the record, I voted DAR for being the only person to understand the potential awesomeness of a Sin City TV series. 

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I never vote for anyone in the Fact or Fiction polls. Everyone always answers with their honest opinions and is very respectful to the other contestants. With 3 contestants, unless 2  contestants say something truly offensive about a movie that I love, then there is no way for me to fairly choose between them.


Everyone did a great job this week.

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