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BO.com 100 Greatest Directors (closed now)

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I don't think there's any possible way Nolan could be number one.  There are enough people here who like him but not nearly enough to have him number one.

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I don't think I can do a top 100, mainly because once I get past a certain number, it would all be pretty much a guess in terms of rank.  I'll try for 50, but can't guarantee it.

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I don't think I can do a top 100, mainly because once I get past a certain number, it would all be pretty much a guess in terms of rank.  I'll try for 50, but can't guarantee it.


btw like the top 100 movies you don't have to rank directors within each scoring group, because they all get the same points.

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So my top directors list will not have many directors before 1970 as I haven't seen enough films before then.  I also might have a few more horror directors than most as I think that is the hardest genre to master.


Here we go:(not in order yet)


1) Spielberg

2) Cameron

3) Scorsese

4) John Hughes

5) Michael Bay

6) Oliver Stone

7) Alan Parker

8) Wes Craven

9) The Coens

10) John Carpenter

11) Alfred Hitchcock

12) Victor Fleming

13) Francis Ford Coppola

14) Stallone

15) Ben Affleck

16) Clint Eastwood

17) Roman Polanski

18) Rob Reiner

19) Frank Darabont

20) Robert Zemekis

21) Ridley Scott

22) Michael Mann

23) Tony Scott

24) Felinni

25) Mel Gibson

26) Paul Greengrass

27) Ron Howard

28) Peter Jackson

29) Christopher Nolan

30) George Lucas

31) Barry Levinson

32) Frank Marshall

33) John McTiernan

34) Mark Pellington

35) Sam Raimi

36) Tobe Hooper

37) Ivan Reitman

38) Bryan Singer

39) John Singleton

40) Steven Soderbergh

41) Quentin Tarantino

42) John Ford

43) John Carpenter

44) John Turtletaub

45) Ed Zwick

46) Gore Verbinski

47) Wachowskis

48) John G. Avildsen

49) David Fincher

50) Don Siegel

51) William Friedkin

52) Penny Marshal

53) Lawrence Kasdan

54) Dario Argento

55) Woody Allen

56) Tim Burton

57) Joss Whedon

58) Lucio Fulci

59) Sam Peckinpah

60) Sidney Lumet

61) Alan J. Pakula

62) Stanley Kubrick

63) Jonathan Demme

64) Brian DePalma

65) Harold Ramis

66) Bob Clark

67) Cameron Crowe

68) Amy Heckerling

69) Luc Besson

70) Kevin Smith

71) Zack Snyder

72) Stuart Rosenberg

73) David Lean

74) Paul Verhoeven

75) Peter Weir

76) Ingmar Bergman

77) David Cronenberg

78) Ang Lee

79) John Landis

80) Cecil B. DeMille

91) John Landis

92) Kathryn Bigelow

93) Sydney Pollack

94) Chris Columbus

95) John Woo

96) Charlie Chaplin

97) Andrew Davis

98) George A. Romero

99) Joe Dante

100) Sam Mendes

101) Wolfgang Reitherman

Edited by Christmas baumer
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1 Christopher Nolan 2 Gore Verbinski  3 Wachowski Brothers 4 Sam Raimi 5 Alfonso Cuaron6 J.J. Abrams        7 Matthew Vaughn8 Peter Jackson 9 Steven Spielberg  10 Zack Snyder 11 Brad Bird 12 Robert Zemeckis 13 Ridley Scott  14 Quentin Tarantino15 Duncan Jones16 James Mangold 17 Andrew Stanton18 Bryan Singer  19 Tim Burton  20 Andrew Adamson  21 Guillermo del Toro 22 Pete Docter 23 George Miller 24 Matt Reeves25 Edgar Wright26 Ron Howard27 Lee Unkrich28 Francis Lawrence29 Jonathan Dayton

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1 Martin Scorsese

2 Steven Spielberg

3 James Cameron

4 Quentin Tarantino

5 Christopher Nolan

6 Danny Boyle

7 David Fincher

8 Stanley Kubrick

9 Francis Ford Coppola

10 David Lean

11 Robert Zemeckis

12 Billy Wilder

13 Frank Capra

14 Peter Jackson

15 Ron Clements/John Musker

16 Alfred Hitchcock

17 Hayao Miyazaki

18 Sidney Lumet

19 Darren Aronofsky

20 Ben Affleck

21 Victor Fleming

22 Frank Darabont

23 Charlie Chaplin

24 Sergio Leone

25 John Hughes

26 Wolfgang Peterson

27 Sam Mendes

28 Alfonso Cuaron

29 Michael Curtiz

30 Harold Ramis

31 David O. Russell

32 David Yates

33 Richard Linklater

34 Peter Weir

35 Ang Lee

36 John Huston

37 Fritz Lang

38 Michel Gondry

39 John Lasseter

40 Terry Jones

41 Akira Kurosawa

42 Carol Reed

43 Ridley Scott

44 Chan-Wook Park

45 Edgar Wright

46 Terry Gilliam

47 Tim Burton

48 Mel Gibson

49 Ron Howard

50 Milos Forman

51 Woody Allen

52 Jonathan Demme

53 Fernando Meirelles

54 Orson Welles

55 Zhang Yimou

56 Brian de Palma

57 David Lynch

58 Rob Reiner

59 Paul Greengrass

60 Paul Thomas Anderson

61 Clint Eastwood

62 Ethan Coen/Joel Coen

63 Michael Mann

64 John McTiernan

65 Steven Soderbergh

66 George Lucas

67 Irvin Kershner

68 Sam Raimi

69 Gus van Sant

70 Stephen Frears

71 Oliver Stone

72 Jean-Pierre Jeunet

73 Richard Donner

74 Guillermo del Toro

75 Robert Rodriguez

76 Gavin O'Connor

77 Chris Columbus

78 Roman Polanski

79 Andrew Adamson

80 Tony Scott

81 Tony Kaye

82 Luc Besson

83 Martin Campbell

84 Kathryn Bigelow

85 Bryan Singer

86 Kenneth Branagh

87 Jean-Marc Vallee

88 Joe Johnston

89 Spike Jonze

90 Andy/Lana Wachowski

91 Nicolas Winding Refn

92 Matthew Vaughn

93 Rob Minkoff

94 Paul Verhoeven

95 Gore Verbinski

96 Giuseppe Tornatore

97 Terry George

98 James Mangold

99 Jay Roach

100 Roberto Benigni

Edited by tribefan695
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Aight, good Christ, here's mine. Anything past 50 or so is fairly arbitrary. I weighted it heavily towards directors whose movies I love, not who I necessarily think are the 100 most important, and I skipped directors if I felt I simply hadn't seen enough of their oeuvre to make a solid decision. Looking over the list, I really need to see more foreign films.




1. Akira Kurosawa

2. Steven Spielberg

3. Martin Scorsese

4. David Lean

5. Stanley Kubrick

6. James Cameron

7. the Coens

8. Francis Ford Coppola

9. Alfred Hitchcock

10. Sergio Leone

11. Andrei Tarkovsky

12. Sergei Eisenstein

13. David Lynch

14. Billy Wilder

15. Clint Eastwood

16. John Huston

17. Howard Hawks

18. Christopher Nolan

19. Fritz Lang

20. Orson Welles

21. John Ford

22. Roman Polanksi

23. Ingmar Bergman

24. David Fincher

25. Peter Weir

26. Terry Gilliam

27. Quentin Tarantino

28. Ridley Scott

29. Peter Jackson

30. Alfonso Cuaron

31. John Carpenter

32. Sam Peckinpah

33. David Cronenberg

34. Paul Verhoeven

35. Sidney Lumet

36. Steven Soderbergh

37. Michael Mann

38. Tim Burton

39. Robert Zemeckis

40. Werner Herzog

41. Ang Lee

42. Milos Forman

43. Robert Altman

44. Errol Morris

45. P.T. Anderson

46. Brad Bird

47. Danny Boyle

48. Oliver Stone

49. Guillermo del Toro

50. Brian De Palma

51. Darren Aronofsky

52. John Sayles

53. William Friedkin

54. Philip Kaufman

55. John Landis

56. Elia Kazan

57. Wes Anderson

58. Paul Greengrass

59. George Lucas

60. Cecil B. De Mille

61. Woody Allen

62. Spike Jonze

63. Spike Lee

64. the Wachowskis

65. Kathryn Bigelow

66. George Roy Hill

67. Jonathan Demme

68. Mel Gibson

69. Sam Raimi

70. George Miller

71. Alexander Payne

72. Wolfgang Peterson

73. John Woo

74. Sidney Pollack

75. John Frankenheimer

76. Andrew Stanton

77. Charlie Chaplin

78. Powell & Pressburger

79. John Sturges

80. Kenneth Branagh

81. Robert Wise

82. Richard Donner

83. Rob Reiner

84. Ron Howard

85. David O. Russell

86. Sam Mendes

87. J.J. Abrams

88. Barry Levinson

89. John Milius

90. Walter Hill

91. Stephen Frears

92. Joe Dante

93. Mel Brooks

94. Michael Curtiz

95. Baz Luhrmann

96. John Hughes

97. William Wyler

98. Gore Verbinski

99. Curtis Hanson

100. Peter Yates

Edited by Telemachos
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