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Why do you dislike certain actors?

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Hanoi Jane Fonda because she should have been charged for treason. If she was a normal person, she would have been. She is a disgusting excuse for a human being. I try to avoid any movie with her in it.


Can u explain what she did?

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Can u explain what she did?


During the Vietnam War, she went to Vietnam and protested the war. She took pictures with enemy combatants and was part of their propaganda campaign against the United States and its soldiers. She visited prison camps where U.S. soldiers were captured and mistreated (called the Hanoi Hilton) and tried to tell everyone how wonderful the Vietnamese were treating U.S. prisoners, despite the soldiers trying to tell her that they were being mistreated.


That's actually treason, which is a serious crime. If she was not famous, she would have been charged and convicted. But, everyone loved her father, so they let that piece of crap get away with it. People try to white wash it with revisionist history. However, people can lie all they want, but the truth is the truth.


I try to avoid any movie that she is in. Her playing Nancy Reagan in the movie The Butler was just an insult. But, it didn't insult me because I will never see that film.

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I'll admit that arguments saying 'who the hell is he to lecture us about political issues since he's just an actor' really get on my nerves. He has just as much right to talk about his political views on camera as you do to talk about your political views to your friends.


That said, we also have the right to criticize the fuck out of any ridiculous statements he makes. And if you make any statements like that public, you're opening yourself up to a hell of a lot of criticism and have absolutely no right to complain about it. (Well okay, you do, but we have the right to criticise your complaints, etc etc).


To sum up, Sean Penn is a complete fucking asshole/idiot.


I disagree on some occasion. Some actors talk as if their opinions are worth more than others because they are famous. Sometimes actors get a little too full of themselves, they think their views mean something yet they forget all they do is act. They aren't saving lives, they are just in the entertainment business.

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During the Vietnam War, she went to Vietnam and protested the war. She took pictures with enemy combatants and was part of their propaganda campaign against the United States and its soldiers. She visited prison camps where U.S. soldiers were captured and mistreated (called the Hanoi Hilton) and tried to tell everyone how wonderful the Vietnamese were treating U.S. prisoners, despite the soldiers trying to tell her that they were being mistreated.


That's actually treason, which is a serious crime. If she was not famous, she would have been charged and convicted. But, everyone loved her father, so they let that piece of crap get away with it. People try to white wash it with revisionist history. However, people can lie all they want, but the truth is the truth.


I try to avoid any movie that she is in. Her playing Nancy Reagan in the movie The Butler was just an insult. But, it didn't insult me because I will never see that film.


Well at the end of the day, you lot didn't have to invade Vietnam did you?? just because she felt sorry for them, doesn't make her evil. Its like a bully getting pissed off that sympathy is being passed around to the victim lol.

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Well at the end of the day, you lot didn't have to invade Vietnam did you?? just because she felt sorry for them, doesn't make her evil. Its like a bully getting pissed off that sympathy is being passed around to the victim lol.


Number 1, they thought they had to invade Vietnam. They falsely believed that the South Vietnamese didn't want to be conquered by the communists. But this goes beyond feeling sorry for people (who were NOT innocent). Treason is a crime. She went over there to help them with their propaganda campaign and help them spread their lies.


If you think that Vietnam is a victim then you don't know the facts. After the United States pulled out of Vietnam, the "victims" slaughtered innocent people in Cambodia and Laos in their quest to conquer those countries.


I like you as a poster and I try not to get political here. But it's disgusting that anyone could defend Hanoi Jane Fonda. A traitor to the country and someone guilty of a serious crime. She shouldn't be allowed to live and get rich in a country where brave men died to defend freedom for everyone, including people like her that supported those that deprive people of freedom. You know what communists like the Vietnamese do to traitors? They kill them, along with innocent people who disagree with them.

Edited by Walt Disney
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War is never black and white Walt.  The US didn't go to Vietnam to liberate their people just like they are not in Afghanistan to liberate theirs.  If there wasn't another objective (lithium deposits and oil and drugs and so on are usually why the US invades someone) then they wouldn't have gone in.  I don't know enough about what she did to pass judgment one way or another but it sounds to me as though she didn't agree with the war and like many many others she expressed it.

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Number 1, they thought they had to invade Vietnam. They falsely believed that the South Vietnamese didn't want to be conquered by the communists. But this goes beyond feeling sorry for people (who were NOT innocent). Treason is a crime. She went over there to help them with their propaganda campaign and help them spread their lies.If you think that Vietnam is a victim then you don't know the facts. After the United States pulled out of Vietnam, the "victims" slaughtered innocent people in Cambodia and Laos in their quest to conquer those countries.I like you as a poster and I try not to get political here. But it's disgusting that anyone could defend Hanoi Jane Fonda. A traitor to the country and someone guilty of a serious crime. She shouldn't be allowed to live and get rich in a country where brave men died to defend freedom for everyone, including people like her that supported those that deprive people of freedom. You know what communists like the Vietnamese do to traitors? They kill them, along with innocent people who disagree with them.

Look, im not saying America are assholes for doing what they do, but I can understand why people will disagree with their actions. It's obvious America invaded Afghan for oil and you know what, I think too fucking right they should. If one country is lucky enough to have a lot of oil (something the whole world is in need off) and they aren't willing to share the wealth then I personally understand the reason for invading. The richest people on the planet are those who are born on oil, they aren't smart and deserving like Bill Gates, they are just greedy bastards and it sickens me to see them worth trillions for doing basically nothing.Also America thought Vietnam would be simple, it wasn't. Those Vietnamese were smart and used their homeland to their advantage. I'm not saying the Vietnamese are saints but let's not act surprised that some people were against it. Also if I was a soldier and some army came invading my home town, killed my friends and we took them as prisoners, I don't think I would be too kind to them either. Edited by Jessie
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I disagree on some occasion. Some actors talk as if their opinions are worth more than others because they are famous. Sometimes actors get a little too full of themselves, they think their views mean something yet they forget all they do is act. They aren't saving lives, they are just in the entertainment business.

Well they have every right to believe that, just as we have every right to prove them wrong and expose them for the assholes they are.


Also, examples? Has any actor come out and said they believe their opinion to be worth more because they're a famous actor? And if so do they think that because they're a famous actor or just because they're a human being. I often consider my opinion of being more importance than other peoples, just like I'm sure many of you subconsciously do. That's just how the human brain works. 

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Well they have every right to believe that, just as we have every right to prove them wrong and expose them for the assholes they are.


Also, examples? Has any actor come out and said they believe their opinion to be worth more because they're a famous actor? And if so do they think that because they're a famous actor or just because they're a human being. I often consider my opinion of being more importance than other peoples, just like I'm sure many of you subconsciously do. That's just how the human brain works. 


Hugh grant, he's a smart guy, but damn he is full of himself. He just needs to shut the fuck up and go back to his romantic comedies.

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Hugh grant, he's a smart guy, but damn he is full of himself. He just needs to shut the fuck up and go back to his romantic comedies.

You realise I was asking for examples of specific incidents of actors claiming their opinions are better because they're actors? Not just examples of people you dislike.


Also, I fucking hate it when people say shit like that. Just because Celebrities are rich and well-known doesn't mean they suddenly become second-class citizens who can't talk about their political views. Sure a lot of them come out with stupid shit but, guess what, so do regular people! And, like with regular people, you have every right to call them on it. Just don't come out with shit about how they shouldn't be allowed to talk at all.

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You realise I was asking for examples of specific incidents of actors claiming their opinions are better because they're actors? Not just examples of people you dislike. Also, I fucking hate it when people say shit like that. Just because Celebrities are rich and well-known doesn't mean they suddenly become second-class citizens who can't talk about their political views. Sure a lot of them come out with stupid shit but, guess what, so do regular people! And, like with regular people, you have every right to call them on it. Just don't come out with shit about how they shouldn't be allowed to talk at all.

Pipe down will ya, im not saying they shouldn't be aloud to talk politics, im just saying I dont like it when they do. I don't care if that annoys you, it's just my personal opinion so sue me.
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War is never black and white Walt.  The US didn't go to Vietnam to liberate their people just like they are not in Afghanistan to liberate theirs.  If there wasn't another objective (lithium deposits and oil and drugs and so on are usually why the US invades someone) then they wouldn't have gone in.  I don't know enough about what she did to pass judgment one way or another but it sounds to me as though she didn't agree with the war and like many many others she expressed it.



She did more than express her opposition to the war.  She actively undermined the US war effort by offering tacit support to the NVA and Viet Cong.  It was more than photo-ops.   Why she has not been executed is beyond me.  I know I might incite anti-US rhetoric so I'll get us back on topic.   :P   Umm...I don't like certain accents (especially Bostonian) and actors who only yell and shout to express emotion.

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People can certainly disagree about war.  Many soldiers and troops disagree with what their superiors order them to do.  But yet they go out and execute the orders because it's their job as part of a military operation.


But it goes to a whole other league when you go and take pictures with the ENEMY as propaganda.  Jane Fonda had every right to speak her mind against the war.  But going to a place and posing with pictures with people who were trying to kill American Soldiers (who many had the same views as her) is treason and a crime.


The casting of her as Nancy Reagan was an absolute disgrace as well.

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what some have said about meryl streep but insert jennifer lawrence instead 


i get fawning over someone who has had a long career of excellence behind them and still ahead of them but someone who's hardly done a few films and was lucky enough with her casting choices, that i don't get!


and its not like i hate her, i actually did enjoy her performance in winter's bone as a newcomer who no one knew but her fans grate my nerves  but like they say to each their own 


for sure there are a few actors i don't like acting or personal life, but not enough to give them my precious time i'd rather use fangirling over actors i do love, i'd have to think real hard 


that's why jlaw came up as she's constantly in your face on this forum as she's the IT girl these days 

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People can certainly disagree about war.  Many soldiers and troops disagree with what their superiors order them to do.  But yet they go out and execute the orders because it's their job as part of a military operation.


But it goes to a whole other league when you go and take pictures with the ENEMY as propaganda.  Jane Fonda had every right to speak her mind against the war.  But going to a place and posing with pictures with people who were trying to kill American Soldiers (who many had the same views as her) is treason and a crime.


The casting of her as Nancy Reagan was an absolute disgrace as well.


Pretty much agree.  The war was bullshit, at the same time though, what she did was really fucking low, especially since its not like that regime was anything close to saints.

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War is never black and white Walt.  The US didn't go to Vietnam to liberate their people just like they are not in Afghanistan to liberate theirs.  If there wasn't another objective (lithium deposits and oil and drugs and so on are usually why the US invades someone) then they wouldn't have gone in.  I don't know enough about what she did to pass judgment one way or another but it sounds to me as though she didn't agree with the war and like many many others she expressed it.



There is a fine line though between disapproving of your country and then encouraging the enemy to kill your fellow country men.


Yes the government was wrong but it was quite wrong of people of that generation especially the Hollywood Establishment to go after the soldiers. 


They just fought and died for the country and most had to go, why blame them? 



Its like if  a Hollywood actor went to Afghanistan and chilled with the Taliban.

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Jane Fonda is a hypocrite because she hates the country that gives her the freedom to go sit on a enemy Anti Aircraft Gun and then call American POW liars saying all thier stories about mistreated are false and that they are in fact war criminals and still be to walk around freely in the US.


Now that people is why people hate Jane Fonda  :P


No doubt in my mind, there is no way a Hollywood actor could get away with Jane Fonda did today.


She pretty much got saved for being the daughter of the well liked Henry Fonda. 


Anyways the Jane Fonda story is perhaps the worst example of Hollywood political activism gone way to far. 



Christmas baumer, on 20 Jan 2014 - 6:45 PM, said:



Being a citizen of your country you have right to voice opposition to the war. 


To actively put down fighting soldiers of your own country is just not comparable or justifiable.


It was not opposition and free speech at all.  


Like many people in Hollywood were against the Iraq war, which is good.


However did you Sean Penn sit on anti Craft gun in Baghdad? 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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