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They are in deep economic trouble. 45% of young people have no job. Maybe that had an impact.

And it's just the beginning..Higher taxes, austerity cuts in education/health are on the way.The movie market in Spain was weak in 2011, so 2012 numbers will be terribly low, it's not an important market anymore.
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WHAT? 45% of young people? Do you have any link on that? :blink:

Overall unemployment is 20%, for young people 15-24 it was 38% three years ago, now it's 45%:http://www.indexmund...employment.htmlYou can find links without end yourself, just google "Spain, Unemployment", it's of course a big problem for Europe since Spain is considered after Greece the next big problem country for the EU. Here's an accurate link:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204573704577186271720084272.html Edited by pinocchio
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WHAT? 45% of young people? Do you have any link on that? :blink:

It's 50%.

Youth unemployment passes 50pc in Spain and Greece

Youth unemployment now exceeds 50pc in both Spain and Greece as the number of people out of work in the eurozone as a whole hit a 15-year high of 17.2m.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financialcrisis/9181776/Youth-unemployment-passes-50pc-in-Spain-and-Greece.html Edited by Fullbuster
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Overall unemployment is 20%, for young people 15-24 it was 38% three years ago, now it's 45%:http://www.indexmund...employment.htmlYou can find links without end yourself, just google "Spain, Unemployment", it's of course a big problem for Europe since Spain is considered after Greece the next big problem country for the EU.

Old.The unemployment in Spain is near 24% now, and 50% for youth.
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It's actually now 23% overall and 48% for young people. Scary.Whatsoever. 48% or 50% just show the situation doesn't improve.

The unemploymentrate in Spain was always higher than in the rest of Europe1980: 11.11990: 161995: 22.72000: 13.92005: 9.2then it hit a low2007: 8.3now the new crisis set it roaring2008: 11.32009: 182011: 21.32012: 23.6Spain has also a very low employment-rate of 59.4. That is the percentage of people between 15-64 that actually work. For instance Switzerland has 78.6 (highest in the world)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_employment_rate Edited by Rudolf
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WOW this is terrible. Half of the young people dont have a job? This sounds like the country is bankrupt.

Spain is a queer country economically. In the last years it had a construction boom with building more than Germany and France put together. (Spain has 40m and Germany+France 140m much richer inhabitants)
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