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The Box Office Knight Rises (PAGE 17, FINAL PART UP, BONUS SPECIAL UPDATED 08/06/2014)

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As promised, as a prelude to both The Box Office Knight Rises, PART 3, as well as the Game of Thrones Season 4 finale:THE TRIAL OF BAUMERIn 2 parts

Baumer is led by Accursed Arachnid into the courtroom. Everyone takes their seats.Empire risesEmpire: I, Empire, first of my name, King of the Whedonites, the Mutants, and the Webslingers, Lord of all the MCU, do recuse myself from this trial. BKB, Marvelite Emeritus and Protector of the Phases, will sit as judge in my stead. With him, Dash Rendar, Prince of European Cinema, and k1stpierre, Warden of the Districts.If found guilty, may Almighty Feige punish the accused.King Empire leaves, and the trial beginsBKB: Baumer, you stand accused by the Webmaster Regent of trollicide. Did you ban iJack?Baumer: No.BKB: Did Jay Hollywood?Baumer: Not that I know of?BKB: How would you say his account was deleted then?Baumer: Choked on one of his long-ass posts.BKB: So you would blame his Internet connection?Baumer: Or Microsoft’s Blue Screen of Death, just leave me out of it.BKB is not convinced. He shares a look with Spidey Freak, who is barely containing rageBKB: Regent may call his first witnessWhedonguard Captain Craig is calledCraig: Once we’d gotten iJack safely away from the Spider-Slayers, the Canuck rounded on him, graffitied his profile. Called him a moronic poster and a fool. It wasn’t the first time the Canuck threatened iJack. Right here in this chatroom, he entered and called iJack a half-wit. Compared iJack to fishnets and suggested he meet the same fate. When I spoke against baumer’s opinions, he threatened to have me banned.Baumer: Oh why don’t you tell them what iJack was doing. He was disfiguring photos of Jeff Goldblum while you forced Jay Hollywood to watch.BKB: Silence! You will not speak until called upon. You are dismissed Captain Craig.Craig leaves. Grand Cinema Wizard Telemachos is called to the stand.Tele: Joker gifs, Real Housewives gifs, Emo Spidey gifs, a picture of Tobey Maguire crying, the Charlton Heston laughing gif, shirtless Marvel Chris pics, a compilation of “NO!” gifs, a link to the complaint letter generator…Dash: I think you've made your point Grand Wizard. You have a lot of Posting Weapons in your archive.Tele: Had, my prince. My archive was hacked into.BKB: By who?Tele: By the accused, Baumer, after he had me wrongfully suspendedBKB: Grand Wizard, you examined iJack’s account. Was it without question a corrupted gif that caused his account’s banning?Tele: Without questionHe pulls a flashdrive out of a pocketTele: This was found on the deactivated account of Tarzan. Tarzan was last seen escorting Jay Hollywood, Baumer’s guest, away from the Captain America Surpassing The LEGO Movie Celebration Thread. Jay Hollywood carried this flashdrive the day of the celebration. I found data traces of the most rare and powerful gif bomb inside.BKB: Was this one of the items stolen from your archive?Tele: It was: THE DEHAAN! A weapon few in all the Forums can wield effectively. Used to strike down the most noble poster the IT men ever gave access to the Internet.Everyone is struck by the evidence presented.Spidey Freak takes the stand.Spidey: I will hurt you for this. The day will come when you think your franchise is safe, and it’s box office will turn to ashes within its thread. And you will know the debt is paid.K1stpierre: Baumer said this to you?Spidey *He nods*: Shortly before the 90ish Million OW War began. I confronted him about his plans to allow iJack to participate in the thread meltdowns. As it turned out when the MUTOs came iJack insisted on remaining to post, he believed his presence would inspire more pro-Spider-Man fans.Dash: Baumer said “And you will know the debt is paid.” What debt?Spidey Freak: I’d discovered he’d been posting Transformers porn in the Hot Women thread. I asked he confine such perverted acts to Private Messages where they belonged. He wasn’t pleased, as he held a picture of Devastator’s scrotum.Dash looks intrigued at the signs of Baumer possibly being debauched. K1stpierre squirms a bit at the thought of Transformer balls.K1stpierre: Thank you Spidey Freak, for the courage of your testimonySpidey Freak steps down. The next witness is Neo, Master of Finding Internet Articles, Quoting Past Posts, and Thread NecromancyK1stpierre: Do you remember the precise nature of this threat?Neo: I’m afraid I do my lords. He said “perhaps you should PM more carefully to me then. Fanboys are dangerous, and right now trolls are disappearing like Godzilla’s holds.”K1stpierre: And he said this at a meeting of the Blockbuster Council?Neo: Yes, after we received word of Gopher’s banning. He didn't seem gladdened by the news. Perhaps his friendship with Jay Hollywood had made him more sympathetic to the Spielbergian cause?The crowd murmurs in shockBKB: You’re excused Neo.Baumer: May I ask the witness one question?BKB reluctantly nods.BKB: OneBaumer: You once said without me, this forum would have faced certain service disruption. You said that web histories would never mention me, but you would not forget. Have you forgotten, Neo?Neo: Sadly, my lord, I never forget a thingNeo walks away.BKB: We’ll adjourn for now. Send email notifications in an hour’s time.Court is dismissed, everyone files out.

Sometime later, people return to the courtroom. Accursed Arachnid approaches Baumer, having just secured a plea bargain deal with BKBBaumer: Not going well is it?AA: You’re going to be found guiltyBaumer chucklesBaumer: Oh, you think so?AA: And when you are you need to enter a formal plea for mercy and ask to be sent to Awards Daily. BKB’s agreed to it. He’ll spare your IP and allow you to join the Oscar Watch.Baumer: DAR was promised the same thing and we both know how that turned outAA: BKB is not iJack, he’ll keep his wordBaumer: How do you know?AA: Do you trust me?Baumer nodsAA: Cease your posting, no more outbursts. This will all be over soon.The judges enter and everyone takes their seats. Baumer and BKB exchange glances.BKB: Webmaster Regent may call his next witnessThe doors open and Baumer and A look back and are in shock. It’s Blankments. Blank sadly walks to the witness stand, unable to look at Baumer.BKB: State your nameBlank: BlankmentsBKB: Do you swear by the Sacred Feige that your testimony will be true and honest?Blank: I swear it BKB: Do you know this poster?Blank looks at Baumer’s profileBlank: Yes, BaumerBKB: And how do you know him?Blank: I was thread-monitor for his friend, Jay HollywoodBKB: Baumer stands accused of banning Webmaster iJack. What do you know of this?Blank: I know that he’s guilty. He and Jay planned it together.The crowd goes into a stir. Baumer slumps in his seat.BKB: Silence! … ContinueBlank: Jay wanted revenge for the bannings of DAR, Warhorse, and Gopher. He blamed their bannings on the Webmaster. Baumer was happy to help. He hated iJack, he hated Spidey Freak. He hated you, my lord. He stole corrupted gifs from the Grand Wizard’s archive to insert into iJack’s wireless router data.Claire Holt and Futurist, Warden k1stpierre’s children, look on in semi-disbeliefDash: How could you possibly know all this? Why would he reveal such…plans to his friend’s thread monitor?Blank: I wasn’t just a thread monitor.Dash looks interested and nods for him to go onBlank: I was his like whore.Baumer sulks, the crowd talks loudly. K1stpierre coughs on her drinkK1stpierre: I beg your pardon! You said you were his…Blank: His like whoreK1stpierre looks away and sits back, shocked at the idea of such whoringBKB: How did you come to be in his “service”Blank: He coerced me. I was close with another poster, a Whedonite in your MCU Militia, but when Baumer arrived in the subforum he sent one of his bots into our thread. The bot suspended the Whedonite’s posting privileges and directed me to Baumer. “You will only like my posts” he said. I want you to like my posts like they’re the last posts I’ll ever make.The crowd laughs, Baumer looks pissed and sadBKB: Silence. SILENCE!Dash (intrigued and amused): And did you?Blank: Did I what?Dash (smirking): Like his posts like they were his last posts on the forum?He smiles, the crowd chucklesBlank: I did everything he wanted, whatever he told me he wanted done to his posts. Whatever he felt like doing to my posts. I liked his posts, I quoted his posts, I linked his posts wherever he wanted. I was his property, I would wait in a chatroom for hours until he would summon me. He ordered me to call him “Mr. Hockey Mask” so I did. I looked into his profile’s soul and said “My posts are yours, and yours are mine.”Baumer, resigned in defeat: Blank…please don’tBlank: I am a like whore, remember?Blank returns his attention to the judgesBlank: That was before he began posting with Jay Hollywood. After that, the only posts he wanted to read were Jay’s. But Jay wouldn't have a Skype chat with him, so he promised to ban Webmaster iJack for him.The crowd murmurs, reaction shots from all major players. Futurist looks solemn, as if knowing a truth no one else in the room knows. Baumer is looking at his feet, straining to speakBaumer: BKB…I wish to confess. I wish…to confess!The judges lean inBKB: You wish to confess?Baumer looks at the crowdBaumer: I saved you! I saved this forum, and all your worthless posts. I should have let Pink ban you all!The crowd yells angrilyBKB: Baumer! Do you wish to confess?Baumer: Yes, BKB. I’m guilty, guilty. Is that what you want to hear?BKB: Do you admit you banned the Webmaster?Baumer: No, of that I’m innocent. I’m guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I’m guilty of liking Twilight.BKB: You’re not on trial for liking TwilightBaumer: Oh, yes I am. I've been on trial for that my entire forum life.BKB: Have you nothing to say in your defense?Baumer: Nothing but this: I did not do it. I did not ban iJack but I wish that I had!*to Spidey Freak* Watching that vicious Webbie bastard’s profile dissolve gave me more relief than a thousand lying like whores!*to the crowd* I wish I was the troll you think I am. I wish I had enough corrupted gifs for the whole pack of you. I would gladly turn in my IP address to watch your eyes bleed out of their sockets!The crowd roars in anger, BKB stands upBKB: Captain Craig! Captain Craig! Escort the prisoner back to his locked thread!Baumer (interjecting): I will not give up my account for iJack’s banning and I know I’ll get no justice here, so I will let the 7 Avengers decide my fate. … I demand a Trial by GIFbat.The music swells, the crowd goes apeshit, all of the major characters are either stunned or intrigued, Baumer and BKB have the most intense Staredown of Doom.Cut to black

Awesome work numbers, just wish u did SW original trilogy version of pinks batman. That would be the most epic of all epics. :D
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Welcome to Part 4 of The Box Office Knight Rises. We're about 40% of the way through the movie, so we're right on pace. I thought I might be able to stretch this out to the Bane fight but I underestimated that greatly. Still, I think I made great progress and I actually really enjoy this part. It allows Noctis to shine since some of John Daggett's best stuff happens in this part. As always, likes, comments, and suggestions are appreciated. Most of all, enjoy. Shawn? Miss you!





Everybody is watching the streams. The Box Office Man is back! Some are outraged, some are pleased, such as Sam. Redfirebird gazes at the stream, hardly jubilant but secretly happy to see his old friend, his partner of sorts. Noctis and David Brennan however, are less than amused. After all, it could have jeopardized their entire operation. Brennan however is alerted by BKB of the good news.


David Brennan: BKB says the Box Office Man interfered, but the task was accomplished.


Noctis: What about the men they suspended?


David Brennan: He says and I quote, “they would die before talking.”


Noctis (with a smile): Where does he find these guys?


Noctis begins heading into his main Harry Potter thread and begin scheming further.


Noctis: Open the champagne. And can we get some posters in here?


Sam: Be careful what you wish for.


Sam quickly gets a hold of Noctis and smacks him. Noctis scurries back and Sam aggressively attacks him once again. Soon, Noctis is cornered by her. She pins him down.


Sam: Cat got your tongue?


Noctis: You dumb bitch…(growling)


Sam: Nobody accused me of being dumb.


Noctis: You’re dumb. For coming here tonight.


Sam tightens her grip.


Sam: I want what you owe me.


She hears a click behind her. It’s David Brennan threatening to ban her.


Noctis: Want…doesn’t get.


David Brennan: Nice avatar. Does it make it tough for you to post?


Sam gets a jab on David Brennan before he can even properly react, he slumps in pain.


Sam: I don’t know…does it?


She takes his weapon and points it at Noctis.


Sam: So where is it?


Noctis: Where’s what?


Sam: The program. The “Clean Slate.”


Noctis: The ultimate tool for a master hacker with a record.


More people enter the Harry Potter forum and Sam is forced to grab Noctis. They jump off one page and land on the top of another thread.


Sam: Where is it? (Hissing)


Noctis:  The clean slate? Where you type in someone’s name, their date of birth, and in a few minutes they’re gone from every database on the internet. Sound a little too good to be true?


Sam: You’re lying! Rykin Data took it to prototype!


Noctis: That’s why I bought em’. But they had nothing. It was an internet myth.


Sam grits her teeth. Bitterly. She realizes she’s been duped. Noctis’ men arrive. They’re out for blood. She grabs Noctis and holds him hostage.


Sam: Stay back! I’m not bluffing!


Voice: They know. They just don’t care.


It’s Box Office Man. Sam springs to action and takes down one of Noctis’ henchmen. BoxOfficeMan swoops down and begins attacking some as well. Noctis backs away, terrified at the thought of Sam and BoxOfficeMan working together. Sam proceeds to ban one of the henchmen but then BoxOfficeMan punches it away.


BoxOfficeMan: No guns. No banning.


Sam: Where’s the fun in that?


They take down a few more people when shots ring out. It’s BKB and his men. They fire on BoxOfficeMan and Sam and even some of Noctis’ own. BKB stands there like a boss. BoxOfficeMan proceeds to jump off the thread and into The App. Sam hesitates. She looks back and sees BKB approaching here. Screw that. She jumps off and lands in the app.


Sam: My mother warned me about using apps with strange men.


BoxOfficeMan: This isn’t an ordinary app.


The App revs up. It roars off into the forums as BKB watches intensely. The App lands in another part of the forums, Box Office Man intends to get answers but Sam is in a hurry. Clearly a lone wolf.


Sam: See you around.


BoxOfficeMan: You’re welcome.


Sam: I had it under control.


BoxOfficeMan: Those weren’t ordinary posters. They were trained trolls. I saved your life. In return, I need to know what you did with ShawnMR’s IP address.


Sam: ShawnMR wasn’t kidding about a powerful friend. I sold it to Noctis. For something that doesn’t even exist.


BoxOfficeMan: I doubt many people get the better of you.


Sam: Hey when a girl’s desperate…


BoxOfficeMan: What’s he going to do with them?


Sam: I don’t know, but he seemed pretty interested in that mess at the Hollywood Stock Exchange.


Mods are still searching for BoxOfficeMan. He takes a look.


BoxOfficeMan: Miss Sam?


He looks back. She’s gone.


BoxOfficeMan: So that’s what that feels like.




Accursed Arachnid  is watching the news when The App bursts into the DC Universe section. He’s less than pleased to see BoxOfficeMan out there again.


Accursed Arachnid: I see from the coverage that you got your taste of wanton forum destruction back.


ShawnMR: I retrieved this.


He pulls out a USB flash drive that contains the program that BKB was running.


Accursed Arachnid: Aren’t the mods supposed to be investigating that then?


ShawnMR: They don’t have the tools to analyze it.


Accursed Arachnid: They would if you gave it to them.


ShawnMR: One man’s tool is another man’s weapon.


Accursed Arachnid: In your mind, perhaps. But there aren’t many things that you can’t turn into a weapon.


ShawnMR: Arachnid, enough. The mods weren’t getting it done.


Accursed Arachnid: Perhaps they might have if you hadn’t made a sideshow of yourself.


ShawnMR: You thought I didn’t have it in me.


Accursed Arachnid: You don’t, you led a bloated mod force on a merry chase with a load of fancy new programs from RTH. What about when you come up against him? What then?


He points to the monitor which shows BKB beating up on the HSX mods.


ShawnMR: I’ll fight harder, I always have.


Accursed Arachnid: Take a look. His caps! His ferocity! His training! I see the power of belief. I see the League of Box Office Theory resurgent.


ShawnMR: You said he was excommunicated.


Accursed Arachnid: By Baumer. Who leads them now?


ShawnMR: Baumer was the League of Box Office Theory and I beat him. BKB is just a mercenary and we need to find out what he’s up to.


ShawnMR begins analyzing the program.


ShawnMR: Trades of some kind. Coded. And my IP address courtesy of Sam. Get this to RTH, and he can tell us what kind of trades they were exexcuting.


Accursed Arachnid: I’ll get this to RTH but no more. I’ve helped you over all those years but I’m not going to see you get banned. I’ve seen enough Box Office family members get banned.


ShawnMR: You’ll leave me?


Accursed Arachnid: You see only one end to your journey. Leaving is all I have to make you understand…you’re not BoxOfficeMan anymore. You have to find another way. You used to talk about finishing, about life beyond the Bat Cave.


ShawnMR: Arachnid, Dragon died knowing that we’d decided to be together. That was my life beyond the Bat Cave. I can’t just move on. She…she didn’t. I couldn’t.


Accursed Arachnid: What if she had?


ShawnMR: I can’t change that.


Accursed Arachnid: What if before she was banned, she wrote a PM saying she chose Numbers over you. And what if to spare you pain, I deleted that PM?


ShawnMR: How dare you use Dragon to try to stop me.


Accursed Arachnid: I am using the truth, Master Shawn. Maybe it’s time we all stop trying to outsmart the truth and let it have its day. I’m sorry.


ShawnMR: You’re sorry? You expect to destroy my world and then think we’re gonna shake hands?


Accursed Arachnid: No, no, no. I know what this means.


ShawnMR: What does it mean?


Accursed Arachnid: It means your hatred. And it also means losing someone that I have cared for ever since he joined BoxOfficeMojo. But it might also mean saving your life. And that is more important.


Shawn takes a moment. But the wound is too deep.


ShawnMR: Goodbye, Arachnid.




ShawnMR awakes the next morning. He notices someone has come to visit him at the DC Universe section. He calls for Arachnid. But no response. He made good on his threat of sorts. He finds that it’s RTH.


RTH: Where’s Arachnid?


ShawnMR: He took a leave.


RTH shows him the latest news article on BoxOffice.com


RTH: Check this article. It seems you traded away a bunch of stock in Iron Man 3 and Transformers: Age of Extinction and bought heavily into Star Trek into Darkness and X-Men Days of Future Past outgrossing the two movies respectively. Even worse is that you put a lot of money down on How To Train Your Dragon 2. Verified by IP address. Long term, we may be able to prove fraud. But for now, you’re completely broke. And BoxOffice Enterprises is about to fall into the hands of Noctis.


ShawnMR: The apps. We can’t let him get a hold of Applied Rentrak Projections.


RTH: That’s all encrypted and off the books. The clean spam project however is a different story.


ShawnMR: Miranda Shitto. We need to convince the board to get behind her. Let’s show her the project.


RTH: We’re meeting her in 35 minutes. Better hurry up.


It’s 35 minutes later and Fishnets is there to meet RTH. They’re at a relatively unsuspicious area. It’s the Queer as Members thread where RTH often does his work in secret.


Fishnets: You brought me out here to show me this?


RTH: Bear with me Ms. Shitto.


Fishnets: This is it, isn’t it? The clean spam program?


RTH: The program is kept within the servers here so we can instantly shut it down in the event of something going wrong.


Fishnets: Is ShawnMR really that paranoid?


RTH: I’ll plead the fifth on that one.


They arrive to see the program. Fishnets sees ShawnMR.


ShawnMR: I thought you might like to see what your investment created.


Fishnets: No spam, no more people posting illegal links and porn being posted overnight and ruining forums.  Three years ago, a poster named Jay Hollywood published an article about how programs like these can be used to create an opposite effect. Essentially flooding a forum with anybody’s on interests. One week later, your program started having problems. I still think this program works.


ShawnMR: Miranda, if it were operational, the risk of it being used against the forum would be too great.


Fishnets: Would it help you to know that the poster who made this article was banned six weeks ago?


ShawnMR: Someone will work out what Jay Hollywood did. Someone will figure out a way to turn this into a weapon. I need you to take control of Box Office Enterprises and this program


Fishnets: To do what with it?


ShawnMR: Nothing. Until we can guarantee its safety.


Fishnets: And if we can’t?


ShawnMR: Decommission it, shut down the servers.


Fishnets: Destroy the forum’s best chance for a clean future?


ShawnMR: If the forum is not ready, yes.


Fishnets: Shawn, if you want to save the forum, you have to start trusting it.


ShawnMR: I’m trusting you.


Fishnets: Doesn’t count, you have no choice.


ShawnMR: I could have shut down these servers at any time in the past three months. I’m choosing to trust you. Please.




ShawnMR and Fishnets go to the latest board meeting. It’s in complete upheaval due to what ShawnMR ‘did’ yesterday. Noctis is also in attendance along with RichWS and Ozymandias, previous board members seen in other parts.


RTH: Alright ladies and gentleman, it’s time for this meeting now come to order.


Noctis: You know I’d like to point out that we have a non-board member here, which is highly irregular. Even if he had connections with Brandon Gray.


Ozymandias: ShawnMR helped build this enterprise…


RichWS: …And he himself has run it…


Noctis: …into the ground, sir! Does anybody else disagree? Check the share price this morning. Crazy gambling on franchises with limited ceilings has not only cost Mr. Shawn his seat, it’s cost us a lot of money and he has to go.


RTH: I’m afraid he has a point, Mister Shawn.


ShawnMR gets up to leave. He gives Fishnets a nod before leaving. Noctis observes that nod...wondering if something’s going on.


Noctis: Now back to business.


As ShawnMR exits BoxOfficeEnterprises, he is surrounded by media including Blankments. They’re all trying to find out what compelled him to make these decisions.


Blankments: What’s it feel like to be one of the regular posters, Mister Shawn?


As he looks, he notices his normal app being towed. Luckily #ED shows up.


#ED: Looks like you need a ride, huh?


They go off and leave. This #ED kid sure is a good guy.




It turns out that Miranda Tate becomes CEO of Box Office Enterprises. Noctis is furious, screaming at David Brennan who stands out looking clueless.


Noctis: How the hell did Miranda Shitto get the inside track on the Box Office board? I mean, she been meeting with him? Has she been ‘liking’ him?


David Brennan: Not that we know of.


Noctis: Oh, clearly you don’t know much of anything, do you?! Where’s BKB?


David Brennan: We told him it was urgent.


Noctis: Oh where is that bold…


BKB: Speak of the devil…and he shall appear.


Noctis: What…the…hell…is going on?


BKB: Our plan is proceeding as expected.


Noctis: Oh really, do I look like I’m running BoxOffice Enterprises right now? Your hit on the stock exchange? It didn’t work MY FRIEND. And now you have my crews  going around the forums, 24 hours a day! How exactly is that supposed to help my company absorb Shawn’s?


BKB stares down Noctis. He turns to David Brennan.


BKB: Leave us.


Noctis: No, you stay here. I’m in charge.


BKB immediately puts his hand on Noctis. It’s weird, but it’s an intimidating gesture.


BKB: Do you feel in chaaaarge?


Noctis: I’ve paid you a small fortune in likes…


BKB: And this gives you power over me?


Noctis: What is this?


BKB: Your likes and crews have been important…till now.


Noctis: What are you?


BKB: I’m BoxOffice’s reckoning. Here to end all the borrowed time you’ve all been living on.


Noctis: You’re….you’re pure evil.


BKB: I’m necessary evil.


He quickly bans Noctis with his bare hands. David Brennan listens…disturbed. But this forum belongs to BKB now. And now it’ll be here to spread the word of Marvel.



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