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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Well Put and BKB is going to look like more of a no-count than he already is Neo.. When everyone forgets Avengers and from North America to the mountains of Tibet are clamoring to see James Camerons Sequel.. :DHeck the film may  beat my 850M  domestic and 3.6B WW predict :D. And beat avenger2 by a radic 2.1Billion. Anyway you look at it the ass whopping is going to be at least 1.5-2billion or more.. BKB and Jessee will be vanquished and ridiculed for sometime in these Pandorian walls.Always bet on James Cameron baby!!

Wait what do I have to do with this? Just because I said I don't think it will increase, like most people lol.
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Jessie you and BKB seem to lack common sense. .So I will debate this with memberswho have a normal capacity for an intellectual debate.. If you two cant understand that Juggernaut 2009was in 300+ % less 3D and TC capable theaters OS and did 2B+ abroad, and tiny Avengers couldnt muster 900M OSin a far bigger 3D and regular TC theater count... I'm sorry but I think you and BKB need seriously addsome brain pep to come up with a serious debate on how Avengers 2 has any hope to win.For those with common sense the expanding markets since 2009, means as long as James Cameron keepspushing the envelope and not getting lazy, then Avatar 2 will easilly push the OS BO much furtherthan the original.Even a 12 year old could understand that BkB and Jessie. Up your box office IQ fellas before talking foolishly.Game Set and Match --Kal and the JC/Avatar 2 for domination warmongers!!Yeeehawww!~'Fact with far more 3D theaters domestically and TC counts period than Avatar IAvengers Domestic was only 620+M, and OS fell short of 900m..LOL ...Logic over fanboy delusions of grandure everytime... ;)

You are hilarious. So I lack common sense for thinking this won't earn more than the first? You really can't talk to people like that, especially when 99 out of 100 of your predictions were all way off.

Jessie, we can go around and round about this as though this has never happened, but it was the intro to true 3D that propelled this movie and you'd have to be a gullible idiot to think otherwise.. And, sorry, but NO, No one talks about AVATAR for a movie that made as much as what it did and unless Cameron introduces someting greater than 3D, then the sequel isn't gonna make no stupid 869M Domestic like Kal thinks and YES, The AVENGERS and it's sequel is already being talked about more than the sequel to the #1 grossing movie of all time, that being AVATAR.. It's true and everyone knows it..

Okay then so explain to me why Avatar is the biggest selling blue - ray of all time by a big margin? That tells me people didn't just love it for the 3D, The whole of Pandora itself was the main draw and I'm sure more people around the world will end up wanting to return. Avatar was bigger than Avengers by such a landslide that Avatar 2 is practically locked to be bigger than the next Avengers.What are your predicts for both movies anyway? Entertain me. Edited by Jessie
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Bkb I Suggest like I said up your BO IQ before trying to make a good debate for your film.So far your losing every argument  in here to me, Neo, Kayum, Bballman... Even A2 fans who think it will make less havethe sequel to worlds greatest film experience of all time destroying TA2 by 1.5-2Billion.. The funny thing even the domestic 3D and normal 2D TC counts were bigger and Avengers didnt have a prayer toreach  the Juggernauts numbers. Going by how James Cameron's  big sequels performs..Like T2, Aliens.  Your  Marvel bookfanboy loonism and statements are laughable..  And in the end like the rest against JC, you will end up looking like a fool.Logic of James Cameron's work over the capabilties of Josh Whedon also stands here. Hah hah. Its the end of your movie... Best try to come up with another film that has hopes to come within 1.5billion of Juggernaut 2016. :) Also we see like always in the forums you result to lying on what was said by posters when you lose every argument. MY predict was never 869M.. It was 850M. Try again  silly delusional marvel fb LOL

I hope this doesn't offend anyone on this site because I'm being completely serious now.... are you mentally challenged?
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I hope this doesn't offend anyone on this site because I'm being completely serious now.... are you mentally challenged?

Considering I have had debates that spanned pages, your a fanboy who cant even win your point once for Avengers 2 over Juggernaut 2016. So I think you should ask yourself the same question.


Why cant you win one argument in your favor.. I suggest you go back to school Jessie..Be gone and come back with logical reasons next time that support your nonsense. (Putting up my earplugs where you are concerned). lol

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You are hilarious. So I lack common sense for thinking this won't earn more than the first? You really can't talk to people like that, especially when 99 out of 100 of your predictions were all way off. Okay then so explain to me why Avatar is the biggest selling blue - ray of all time by a big margin? That tells me people didn't just love it for the 3D, The whole of Pandora itself was the main draw and I'm sure more people around the world will end up wanting to return. Avatar was bigger than Avengers by such a landslide that Avatar 2 is practically locked to be bigger than the next Avengers.What are your predicts for both movies anyway? Entertain me.



I dont entertain trolls.. I suggest you go back a few pages and put your substandard  fanboy brain to work.. My

predicts were posted long ago for both films..Juggernaut 2016 by a mile (or rather a 1.8-2.1B dollar ass kicking) ;)

Edited by Superman001
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Wait what do I have to do with this? Just because I said I don't think it will increase, like most people lol.

No because your arguments have no intellect behind them. I will no longer respond to your posts, until you show your using common sense..Sorry Jessie.. Fanboy rants is one thing, you going on and on without an intelligent comeback for TA2 winning the war and ignoring the facts that members here have posted is quite another.. So its time to lay your delusions to rest.

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I know I'm a few pages behind, but why would there be an Avatar Day 2?

Its likely going to happen Telemachos buddy.. As just like Avatar 1 it will boast new technology pushing the envelope and lets not forget this is likely to become the biggest sequel to mega movie in history..


Why would Lightstorm and Fox do otherwise..It was superv in helping to getting the word out to masses on how Avatar was the game changer.. I feel pretty sure that they will do the same thing to make sure this must see event of the ages.



Remember James Camerons does everything big and what commands a unique sneak peek my friend more than a potential 3-4billion dollar sequel? :)

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I actually don't hate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull as much as everyone else does.


It's a perfectly fine adventure film.

Hate?? Indy4 made nearly 850M didnt it? And Harrison Ford was about 70..There was no hate there, just alot of dislikes of monkey scenes and ufos Lol..All in all I  give Skulls a 8.8 out of 10.  It was a fantastic family adventure film indeed.

And definitely better than the pretender films to Indy's thrown...Aka..National Treasure films.:)

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I don't think there will be an Avatar Day 2. Honestly, it's not needed.


Happy holidays!

Agreed it is not needed, but Lightstorm and Fox will do it , just because its a sequel that bigger than Titanic and possibly far bigger than Avatar I....They will do an Avatar Day 2 to assure and burn into the minds of mortal men and women that this is a movie no matter come rain, storm or asteroids hitting...one's buttocks need to be in theaters to see and experience it to believe it.


I think Avatar 2 day is a certainity Elessar friend. 

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Hope you had a good Christmas Kal! :)I love the Indiana Jones films!

So far so good buddy, but no adventures yet sadly ;(.. Will make some after xmas plans later in the year and aim to post pictures if possible too.. How are you King Kong buddy??!! What did you all do for xmas. Ive been eating and saw Thor2 so far lol.

I wanted to go with buddies and do Laser tag wars though.:P lol


I hope you too are for an Avatar 2 Day, just like the first.

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So far so good buddy, but no adventures yet sadly ;(.. Will make some after xmas plans later in the year and aim to post pictures if possible too.. How are you King Kong buddy??!! What did you all do for xmas. Ive been eating and saw Thor2 so far lol.I wanted to go with buddies and do Laser tag wars though.:P lolI hope you too are for an Avatar 2 Day, just like the first.

Avatar 2 Day, what is that haha? James Cameron needs his own holiday for every one of his movies!I got the Lion King and Dinosaur on Blue Ray. :)Also, I just saw the Hobbit Desolation of Smaug. :)Hope you have a good New Years!
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I don't think there will be an Avatar Day 2. Honestly, it's not needed.


Happy holidays!

Happy Holidays Elessar..Did you have any cool adventures my friend..And if so please share..Im enjoying being amongst family, but wish we got out this week and did something crazy hah-hah.Good to see my sister and family though and hang and eat some good carribbean and traditional Thanksgiving baked Turkey , chicken with cranberry and mashpotatoes as well...(Love me some Ackee and Saltfish and curry goat and beef patties though) :)

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Avatar 2 Day, what is that haha? James Cameron needs his own holiday for every one of his movies!I got the Lion King and Dinosaur on Blue Ray. :)Also, I just saw the Hobbit Desolation of Smaug. :)Hope you have a good New Years!

Nice did you get to see the new technology version 48FPS(Highframe rate 3D) version of it..And what did you think if so Tarzan.


Avatar 2 day will likely be just like Avatar I day..Its a special day James gives where you can walk into select theaters and see 12-16mins of breakthrough visuals and sound and all new techniques with things James brings to the Pandorian table.


With the wow factor he could create with stereo 3D water and other things and other improvements in 3D , sound playing tricks with our eyes etc....Oh my..Just doing an Avatar 2 Day in 100+200+ Imaxes and RPX theaters worldwide should create wonders in people rushing out to see the sequel and faster than they plan to go on vacations. :D


Im convinced the marketing and of course the incredible Avatar I day in August, help create a spectacle and must have experience like no other film besides Titanic..Where folks came through storms to be part of the Avatar experience. Heck it just didnt seem cool to not be in on what the hell has James Cameron done now...We will have those days back very soon King Kong! yeeeehawwww



" We will show them that they cannot take what they want!" " We will show all the Pretenders...This is our land!!!""

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