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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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4 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


There's plenty of folks who'd call THE ABYSS a whiff. Certainly it's (mostly) a whiff from a box-office perspective.


Dude come on, that movie was great. It made $20m profit too.

I concede it's his least liked though.

Edited by IronJimbo
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2 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:


Dude come on, that movie was great. It made $20m profit too.

I concede it's his least liked though.


I love it to death. But no, it wasn't profitable... it was the first of his "most expensive movies ever made!" projects and it just didn't pull its weight, unfortunately. People were expecting more of a badass action/adventure and less of his take on CLOSE ENCOUNTERS (for better or worse).

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11 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

An advantage Jim has over the others is that he has never swung and missed.

Spielberg's a legend but sequels were mostly sucky compared to the first of the series.



Well making way less movies then someone like Spielberg, might have something to do with that.

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1 hour ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:


Well making way less movies then someone like Spielberg, might have something to do with that.


Sure, Jim is going 7-0 and Speilberg is going something like 15-4.



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1 minute ago, IronJimbo said:


Sure, Jim is going 7-0 and Speilberg is going something like 15-4.




Actually Spielberg has made 29 theatrical films, whereas Cameron has made 7 features, 8 if you somehow count The Spawning, discounting his documentaries. Quite a huge difference in the number of films those directors have made, wouldn't you agree?


Now just imagine if Jim tried to made more movies, and didn't span out the length of the production of his films as much as he did. I'm pretty sure The Abyss wouldn't be his only financial misfire.


Cameron's smart by very picky and time-consuming with his projects, but he's not exactly more successful then Spielberg, who tends to take more risks as a director. They're about on par in terms of success, really.

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25 minutes ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:


Actually Spielberg has made 29 theatrical films, whereas Cameron has made 7 features, 8 if you somehow count The Spawning, discounting his documentaries. Quite a huge difference in the number of films those directors have made, wouldn't you agree?


Now just imagine if Jim tried to made more movies, and didn't span out the length of the production of his films as much as he did. I'm pretty sure The Abyss wouldn't be his only financial misfire.


Cameron's smart by very picky and time-consuming with his projects, but he's not exactly more successful then Spielberg, who tends to take more risks as a director. They're about on par in terms of success, really.


The Terminator - 1984

Aliens -1986

The Abyss -1989

Terminator 2-1991

True Lies-1994


Seems like he was doing just fine when he was pumping films out. Also I was talking about the quality of the films not the box office, not that The Abyss didn't make $20m profit.


You make it sound like the time Jim has been only focusing on Titanic and Avatar since 1994, he put filmmaking in the backseat to explore his other passions. The only reason he filmed Titanic was so he could explore the wreckage of the ship.


By the way, it was Spielbergs choice to pump films out like a fire hose.

That doesn't bring up the average quality of films created by Speilberg, I don't have to rate Jim films less because he had more time.


Lets take it to the EXTREME.

Director Churner Goldberg makes films in 3 months, 4 a year. It's an incredible feat that he is able to make films capable of wide release. However Churner Goldberg has made quite a lot of underwhelming/bad films, however he has made 100 films in just 25 years. He has made 10 top class films, 20 good, 50 mediocre and 20 really bad films. Because of the way he made the films it's really impressive that he even managed to make 10 top class films and 20 good ones. That doesn't change the fact that he has made 50 mediocre and 20 bad films. We can say when you're going into a Goldberg film, you don't know whether it good or not. You know it's probably going to be mediocre or bad.

On the other hand going into a Jim films you know it's going to be top class.




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If Jim was making more movies on a much regular bases, believe me, he would have one or two more misfires. It's just what happens. Aside from his own personal interests, he's also very smart when it comes to picking the right projects.


I might be biased because I prefer Spielberg over Cameron in general, and I'm only being theoretical, but I'm just saying it like I think it is.


Also IronJim, The Abyss did lose some money, whether or not you want to admit it. It's a good movie, but it wasn't so successful upon original release.

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1 minute ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:

If Jim was making more movies on a much regular bases, believe me, he would have one or two more misfires. It's just what happens. Aside from his own personal interests, he's also very smart when it comes to picking the right projects.


I might be biased because I prefer Spielberg over Cameron in general, and I'm only being theoretical, but I'm just saying it like I think it is.


Also IronJim, The Abyss did lose some money, whether or not you want to admit it. It's a good movie, but it wasn't so successful upon original release.


I agree it's much more likely that Jim would misfire if he pumped out a film a year like Spielberg does.

However like I said thats Spielberg's choice, Jim prefers a calculated approach and to hit the bullseye everytime. A perfect legacy.



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1 minute ago, IronJimbo said:


I agree it's much more likely that Jim would misfire if he pumped out a film a year like Spielberg does.

However like I said thats Spielberg's choice, Jim prefers a calculated approach and to hit the bullseye everytime. A perfect legacy.


I don't begrunge Cameron for being selective at all. In fact, I think the spreading out of his projects in the last decade shows his genius.

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1 minute ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:


I don't begrunge Cameron for being selective at all. In fact, I think the spreading out of his projects in the last decade shows his genius.


There are many ways you could rate a filmography.

  1. Average quality of films.
  2. Best top 3, top 5 or even top 10 (Jim DQ'd damn)
  3. Most suce$$ful - total money grossed
  4. Most suce$$ful - average gross of films
  5. Highest number of good films
  6. Highest number of god tier films
  7. Highest minimum quality (most flawless)

I would personally give highest weighting to 1 and 2, which is why I rate Jim's filmography higher. Especially in the hyperthetical where all 5 Avatar's are released.

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1 minute ago, IronJimbo said:


There are many ways you could rate a filmography.

  1. Average quality of films.
  2. Best top 3, top 5 or even top 10 (Jim DQ'd damn)
  3. Most suce$$ful - total money grossed
  4. Most suce$$ful - average gross of films
  5. Highest number of good films
  6. Highest number of god tier films
  7. Highest minimum quality (most flawless)

I would personally give highest weighting to 1 and 2, which is why I rate Jim's filmography higher. Especially in the hyperthetical where all 5 Avatar's are released.


I'd probably give Jim a 1. He has yet to make a movie I don't really like.

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3 minutes ago, Daniel Dylan Davis said:


I'd probably give Jim a 1. He has yet to make a movie I don't really like.


The top 3 or top 5 is definitely personal preference (not that 1 isn't either but it's in Jim's favour).

Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Raiders of the Lost Arc, Jurassic Park and E.T are all fantastic classics.


20 minutes ago, The Futurist said:






You've lost me, what does this mean :3

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My favourite Cameron movie is better than my favourite Spielberg movie, but my second favourite Cameron movie isn't as good as my favourite, second favourite, third favourite, fourth favourite, or fifth favourite Spielberg films.


So for me it goes


Cameron (titanic)

Spielberg (ET)

Spielberg (Jurassic Park)

Spielberg (Saving Private Ryan)

Spielberg (Schindler's List)

Spielberg (Raiders)

Cameron (Avatar or T2)

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10 minutes ago, DAJK said:

@IronJimbo I may have asked you or kal this before but never got a definitive answer. Rather than "so hard to choose they are all good" what is your DEFINITIVE TOP 1 (or 2 if you want) jc films :)


Depends on the mood I'm in, I love the final 40 minutes or so of Titanic it's incredible. It's got the feels and the crazy disaster sequence, absolute fear and chaos. I always shed a tear for the musical band who keep playing...

However Terminator 2: Judgment Day is my favourite.


Jim really nails the final 3rds in his films.


Although I didn't mention Avatar I still remember how immersive it was in Cinema, I've got huge expectations for the sequels.


Edited by IronJimbo
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On May 14, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Kalel009Shel said:

Yep 800-1 b in China ,1b plus domestic, 500-600 m in Japan , 200 m in uk are some definitely attainable goals. Loving it.  Wow nearly 2 billion from just 2 freaking territories would freak everyone who tracks bo out. Then add in the domestic, 3 b and beyond is likely to happen. Under ideal circumstances, we might see 4 billion ww my pandorian family. Let no disasters stand in Avatar iis way. Lets do it


Definitely attainable?  :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


The original made ~150M in Japan. This was a spectacularly good run, putting it in the all-time top 10 in a market where ticket prices aren't constantly rising and the population isn't growing. And you think four times that, almost doubling the all-time record (held by the movie that beat Titanic), is "definitely attainable"?

Edited by Murgatroyd
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