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The Dark Knight Rises OS Discussion Thread/700M+ OS CLUB

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Obviously you are new to the internet.

Nope, quite familiar with it. It flies in the face of statistics to expect anything more than few tenths difference at this point. It's why TDKR stayed in the 86-87% range once we hit half of its reviews.
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For one thing, I don't even have Shawshank in my top 100. But the point is the highest rated film on there would be given an A+ in a college class.

I don't know what college you went to, but the colleges I go to don't give people extra credit just for showing up and trying.
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Probably helped some, but it also helps that it's pretty much the first great Batman video game made in the 3D era. Hell, first great comic book video game in the 3D era.

Completely untrue. Arkham City games are a beast on its own. It certainly helped, but if the games weren't brilliant it wouldn't sell as much as they did and keep doing. (Agreeing with MrPink here) Edited by Chris O Donnell
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I don't follow that closely, but have you played TASM? Arkham and God of War 3 are my favorite PS3 games, I'm more of a casual player, I wonder how I will feel about TASM's game. We are talking with someone that loves Wolverine: Uncaged to death here. :lol:

I have not played TASM, but I heard it's not bad for a movie tie-in game, not quite the level of perhaps Wolverine or Spider-Man 2 (both of which are actually pretty revered for what they are). Personally, Spidey 2 got really old for me aside from the amazing swinging mechanics.
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Nope, quite familiar with it. It flies in the face of statistics to expect anything more than few tenths difference at this point. It's why TDKR stayed in the 86-87% range once we hit half of its reviews.

Different way of accumulating ratings. There is pretty much a set number on RT. While you just showed that the number of ratings for films vary on IMDB. Edited by JackO
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JackO, what do you think of the fact that MetaCritic gives a 75 to any review labeled "B" by critics? They're going based on the 4.0 scale: an A gives you a 10/10, a B gives you a 3/4 (7.5/10), a C gives you a 2/4 (5/10), a D gives you a 1/4 (2.5/10), and an F gives you a 0/10.

5/10 is not a C. Sorry to break the bad news to you.
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I have not played TASM, but I heard it's not bad for a movie tie-in game, not quite the level of perhaps Wolverine or Spider-Man 2 (both of which are actually pretty revered for what they are). Personally, Spidey 2 got really old for me aside from the amazing swinging mechanics.

If it's as good as SM2 I will be pretty satisfied. Wolverine is so good, SO FUCKING GOOD, that it makes me sad because we are able to see how a true Wolverine film could be. Best tie in game IMHO. TDKR and Infinity Blade 2 are my favorite iOS games, I'll have to say that I literally started playing them yesterday though.
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That's how MetaCritic treats it and that's how a lot of other people do as well. Personally I don't go along with that, but it's how others choose to do it. To me, a 75/100 is a C.

5/10 is not a C. Obviously, Meta critic is a tough grader. And using Meta Critic to try and prove your point is kind of ironic since TASM did decidedly average to poor on it.
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Different way of accumulating ratings. There is pretty much a set number on RT. While you just showed that the number of ratings for films vary on IMDB.

Doesn't matter if we expect at this rate a similar number of votes to SM2 or SM3 (both just over 200k).
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Doesn't matter if we expect at this rate a similar number of votes to SM2 or SM3 (both just over 200k).

Why should we expect that? Why are you neglecting SM1's near 300,000 votes?
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Meta criticTDKR 8.7 User scoreBatman Begins 8.5 User scoreTASM 7.4 User score

How many people you think that CARE about going on online crusades to say that a film is good or bad? Batman has DEVOTED online fans. That's true and an accomplishment. I myself never bothered rating a movie somewhere ONCE in my life. It's just sad at the loonies will judge this a competition and try to take out of the other films. Why? I don't know, but it happens.
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How many people you think that CARE about going on online crusades to say that a film is good or bad? Batman has DEVOTED online fans. That's true and an accomplishment. I myself never bothered rating a movie somewhere ONCE in my life. It's just sad at the loonies will judge this a competition and try to take out of the other films. Why? I don't know, but it happens.

TASM is average, boring, and mediocre, box office wise, review wise, and word of mouth wise. Yet, you and the loons get offended if someone else calls it that. It's hilarious. :rofl:
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Why should we expect that? Why are you neglecting SM1's near 300,000 votes?

Didn't look it up. Still don't expect it to get that many votes anyway, especially since less people will end up seeing TASM in the end compared to any of the previous three films. Edited by MrPink
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