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Potter - when will it get the recognition it deserves? FFS

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And that was a mediocre film. I can't take that film seriously. It's a joke and emotionally manipulative. Such ridiculous amounts of sappiness.

Not one Potter film can hold a bag of E.T's Reese's Pieces. ET is the definition of perfection. It is a rare film that is loved by fans and critics and it outsold Potter in the US and overseas.Potter will never be recognized because like i have said a million times, it's just not that good.
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Noctis, I don't get jealous of a films success. I have nothing to do with the making of Breaking Dawn, Transformers, TDKR or any other film so i have no emotional connection to the success of it. I have stopped talking about which film is better, I simply said the reason Potter won't get any more awards recognition is because imo it's not that good.

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Noctis, I don't get jealous of a films success. I have nothing to do with the making of Breaking Dawn, Transformers, TDKR or any other film so i have no emotional connection to the success of it. I have stopped talking about which film is better, I simply said the reason Potter won't get any more awards recognition is because imo it's not that good.

DH2 is one of the highest rated films of the year by critics, which is why there should have been recognition.And no emotional connection to a film's success? Who are you trying to kid? I was emotionally invested in Potter's box office run, and you were also the same with TF3.
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Potter's are generally not well made films Noctis. They get by because the fans kind of like them. But they will never resonate with the Academy because they, like the minority fringe, can see the ineptitude of the films. Transformers would have nominated for best picture if people didn't dislike Bay so much. Potter, it's just a very mediocre film franchise with a massive following.I think that is a pretty well known fact.

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Opinion: Deathly Hallows Part 2 Just Doesn't Deserve an Oscarhttp://www.hypable.com/harry-potter/2011/12/15/deathly-hallows-part-ii-it-just-doesnt-deserve-an-oscar/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=deathly-hallows-part-ii-it-just-doesnt-deserve-an-oscar&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitterVery interesting read. The guy's inspiration for his writing was the Potter books but found all the films disappointing, so I don't understand why he assumes all Potter fans find them disappointing. Huge amounts of comments, most in the support for DH2 being recognized.

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Potter's are generally not well made films Noctis. They get by because the fans kind of like them. But they will never resonate with the Academy because they, like the minority fringe, can see the ineptitude of the films. Transformers would have nominated for best picture if people didn't dislike Bay so much. Potter, it's just a very mediocre film franchise with a massive following.I think that is a pretty well known fact.

Should be my new sig!
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Saw this on AwardsDaily

''My daughter is now 13. I bought her the Harry Potter series before she was old enough to read it. I didn’t know if she would take to it, of course. All of these years later I’ve watched her devour those books, reading them over and over again. I watched her grow up with Harry Potter movies – I had to sit with her through each and every one of them. I watched the series grow darker and more violent. Every year, the Harry Potter films were events for generations of kids who grew up on the books and the movies. To not acknowledge this series and the millions of fans who loved the films is something about this year’s Oscar race that we’ll never have a good answer for. Sure, if there were ten nominees this movie would get in. If there were ten nominees a lot of movies would get in. But they’re playing favorites with a group of voters who probably won’t go for the Harry Potter film, to put it mildly. If it couldn’t even make the BFCA’s top ten list it seems hopeless for Oscar. Still, you can’t really talk about 2011 without talking about Harry Potter.''

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Interesting point about Potter and why it's not that great:

Dei ex machina

One of the dangers of setting a story in a magical world is that even the most suspect plot contrivances can be explained away by “Magic!” For as much as Rowling talks about how planned-out her tale was, she does exhibit a habit of bending her own rules, introducing oh-so-convenient new spells/devices or altering the abilities of previous ones to fit the situation. Hermione’s Time-Turner, the ever-reappearing Sword Of Gryffindor, Dumbledore’s Deluminator, the various unexplained magical protections Harry has against death: Chalk all these developments up to the fickle, fluctuating, mysterious nature of magic, and don’t try to resolve them with what you already know about the wizarding world. The deus ex machina isn’t an inherently bad device, nor is it productive to question the verisimilitude of fairy tales, but Rowling’s continued reliance on them undermines the otherwise-convincing world she builds throughout the books.

Harry’s interminable whininess

Yes, his parents are dead and his adoptive parents are terrible. Yes, he had the burden of fighting the most powerful and evil wizard in the world dumped on him in infancy. Yes, he starts the series as a child, so realistically speaking, he has to drag through being a self-important, angsty, angry teenager before he can emerge on the other side as an adult. But does he have to be so tiresome and repetitive about it? No one likes a perfect protagonist, but the books in particular often err on the side of verisimilitude by dragging Harry through seemingly endless bouts of “I’m so alone and my burdens are so heavy,” even as his friends and mentors stand by repeating “We’re here to help, Harry. Hello? Hell-O?” over and over. And while it was deeply touching the first time Harry got an indication of his parents’ undying love and pride in him, both the books and the movies went back to that well over and over and over again, until it felt like the wizarding world was made up entirely of devices to let people hang out with deceased relatives and nag them for just one more tiny bit of validation.

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