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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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I agree, since this is definitely becoming more of a common thing now. I quite like it as well, because when people put substantial effort into what they make for the forums, it deserves a lot of attention, more than just a fairly well placed GIF.


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Considering yesterdays events, I feel its fitting to go ahead and post the intro that was already going to be for Part 19. Part 18 1/2.


Baumer and the Mods are in an all white, alternative room. Baumer sits in his chair, like Snow in that MJ teaser, and his telecast goes live. Theme music plays and Baumer's face appears on all the screens in the forum. All members' attention is caught. Baumer delivers a cold message with passion, yet authority. 

Baumer: Greetings, Box Office resident members. As you know, we've implemented the Games to try to combat some of the spamming and spoiling that has ran rampant in our community. Some members though, have tried to retaliate against us. We let you post, we let you discuss, we let you like, we give you all the amenities you ask for, but disrespect is something we will not tolerate. If you call yourself trying to rebel against us, you will end up like this... A white sheet is dropped and the bodies of all the fallen members of 18 are shown, displayed. Ed is charred, Dragon is blue, Tarzan is unrecognizable, the arrow is still in Empire. Members look in horror. The graphic nature. This is what happens when you rebel against us. What are we going to do with these bodies? Dump them. They get no funeral. No memorial. No vigil. It's almost like they never existed. If you want to keep posting and enjoying life here at BOF, then show us worthy respect. If you call yourself wanting to rebel, retaliate, or disrespect...Baumer snatches Tarzan and holds him close to the camera...then you'll end up like this. He drops him. Just a fair warning for anyone. BOF yesterday. BOF today. BOF tomorrow. BOF forever. Theme music plays and Baumer goes off-air. Back to regularly scheduled programming. Members are disturbed and scared. What's next, the Purge? 

Neo: Yeah, you got your point across. Fear makes people follow.

Baumer: I don't want to show fear. I want to show terror. The Mods need to be shown respect. Vanilla and Neo nod.

Vanilla: Baumer, they're here.

Baumer: Good. Did you call the lab?

Vanilla: Yes. They are currently operating on IJack now. That gas really hit him. 

Baumer: But will they be able to resurrect him? That's all I care about.

Vanilla: Yes, he'll be resurrected. We had to replace his right arm, left leg, and other parts of his chest, skull, and ass with bionic pieces, but we can give him new life. And the Exodus is getting ready.

Baumer: Good. Let me know when IJack's ready. Go to Walgreens and buy some chocolates and a get well card. We're gonna need IJack. The door opens and Baumer turns around. About time you two got here. The members are about to revolt, and we need to stop it. We need ORDA!

Telemachos and Water Bottle stand at the doorway.

Water Bottle: Trust me, the ban hammer is about to be dropped. Cut to black. Part 19 Thursday.

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And we know Kelli is actually a sell-out and not worthy of the Girl on Fire title. :(

Fuck it, let Walt Disney win it all, I say.


Hey! If you can't put your faith in Kelli, at least keep your faith in the other member of Team Ice and Fire!

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Considering yesterdays events, I feel its fitting to go ahead and post the intro that was already going to be for Part 19. Part 18 1/2.


I'll include this as part of Episode 19 for the purpose of cast appearance listings.

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I agree, since this is definitely becoming more of a common thing now. I quite like it as well, because when people put substantial effort into what they make for the forums, it deserves a lot of attention, more than just a fairly well placed GIF.


It's definitely an issue that needs to be sorted out with patience and care.


Like for example, an idea for a BOF-wide member story occurred to me some days ago, something a lot-more narrative driven than pure death-driven (if this is The Hunger Games on a steroid/adrenaline cocktail, mine is like Game of Thrones meets Middle Earth with a coating of franchise fan-service). Then I broadly sketched out the direction of the story and realized it'd be too long to occupy a pinned thread here or in the Speakeasy consistently (because of how unfair it would be to other interested writing members). The upside is that the story is breakable into several chunks, so it could be run as a handful of 8-10 episode "seasons" with some time off in-between each.


But that's just an idea that's kicked around my brain. Wouldn't come for a little while regardless of format to avoid being too close to this.

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:angry: you will all see in the end. I WILL kill Disney and WILL be the girl on fire you know!TELE??! He died!

Yeah...you're Peeta. Sorry, it's the truth.

As for Tele...yeah, I don't know how I feel about that move. It takes away from the impact of previous episodes. But I guess it also fits with the idea of him being a 5000-year-old alien from Stargate.

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