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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Jandrew it should be 32 Down, 34 to Go (not 30 and 36). Also, is it odd I'm thinking of how to fill the dead time in-between these "Annual" Forum Games.  :ph34r:

How so? 30 + 36 = 66 and I counted 30 dead. And Spidey Freak and Iceroll are now alive. Not sure what the second sentence means haha.
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How so? 30 + 36 = 66 and I counted 30 dead. And Spidey Freak and Iceroll are now alive. Not sure what the second sentence means haha.


Miscounted, missed 2 Frozenites.



The second part means what it means. It's Annual Forum Games, so only once a year. Meaning there's a lot of dead time, especially after TBOKR is over.

Edited by 4815162342
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Miscounted, missed 2 Frozenites. The second part means what it means. It's Annual Forum Games, so only once a year. Meaning there's a lot of dead time, especially after TBOKR is over.


Oh I don't mean annual literally, I think I say that on page 1, Annual just sounds better. I'll wait a good while between them though, but probably not every May. Just depends on how much time I have, if I can think of a way to make it differ from the previous, and whether I just generally feel like it. If you have something in mind though, go for it. I'm in no rush for #2.

Edited by Jandrew
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Miscounted, missed 2 Frozenites.



The second part means what it means. It's Annual Forum Games, so only once a year. Meaning there's a lot of dead time, especially after TBOKR is over.


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Oh I don't mean annual literally, I think I say that on page 1, Annual just sounds better. I'll wait a good while between them though, but probably not every May. Just depends on how much time I have, if I can think of a way to make it differ from the previous, and whether I just generally feel like it. If you have something in mind though, go for it. I'm in no rush for #2.

Well Forum Games 1 still has a ways to go, unless you kill off half the players in the next 2 parts!  :unsure:


I'm just knocking around ideas in my head of something more story-driven.

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Part 10 has arrived. Just like to remind everyone to keep checking out Page 1. All past stories and Numbers' Kill and Appearance List is linked there. I'm also going to be linking all character posters there. And of course the Roster. Teams No O2 and Gryffindor should be happy the team dynamic has faded because well...so yeah always check out Page 1. Also had an issue with length again, so I had to take out a big scene, but that will just open up Part 11. And expect something big around Part 14-16 or so.


I was going to start with a Lion King intro, but it was too long and dumb, so we start normally. In the Forum, a flick, ceiling lights are turned on. BCF26 walks in. He closes and locks the door behind him. The control room. He runs up to the panel and tries to find the button for canister messages. The illustrious Jandrew and IJack are still where we last saw them.

Jandrew: Well, what are you waiting on? Get me out. IJack pulls out a cube from his pocket and it transforms into a glider. He sets the glider on auto-pilot and it flies out of his hands and through the looking glass. Jandrew ducks and it boomerangs and flies through again, shattering the glass. IJack catches the glider and turns it off. Crunch, crunch. Jandrew steps on the glass as he steps out.


Bcf26 finds the canister control and types. In Skull Island, Mango, AndyLL, and Dragon learn more about each other.

Dragon:...And that's why I love when Channing Tatum walks around with his shirt off, covered in lemon juice and Cheeze-Its. Mango and AndyLL stand confused. Beep, beep, they look up and a canister falls down. Mango snatches it out of the air. He opens it and a slip of paper sits inside. He reads out loud.

Mango: "Dear members, my name is Bcf26. I'm a member that wasn't put in the Games. Chaos has been happening here in the Admin Capital. Jandrew and ShawnMR fought. Shawn was taken down and now Jandrew is in charge. The Games is his doing, and he wants you all to kill. What you must do now is rebel. The Admin Capital has been shaken, but not stirred. You're currently not being monitored either. There's still power here and Jandrew has it. Save yourself and don't fight. Fight the Games, fight the Mods, but don't fight each other. I will try to free ShawnMR, take down Jandrew, and we can end these Games. Just remember who the real enemy is." 

Mango and co. stand surprised. In the control room, Bcf26 has sent the canisters to the Skull Island zone, he brings up the Marvel zone and the door handle jiggles.

Jandrew: (on the other end) What is this? Why is the damn door locked?

IJack: How am I supposed to know? Jandrew keep thrusting the handle up and down, but it won't budge. 

Jandrew: Where is everyone? Where are the Mods? My illustrious honeys? Did they not see anything? 

IJack: I'm not sure. 

Jandrew: Well be sure! Get something we can open this with! IJack runs off and Jandrew bangs on the door. Who's in there!? Bang bang. Open this door! IJack runs into the master monitor room. He sees Bcf26 at the controls and stands stunned. In the control room, Bcf26 continues to drop canisters in the zones. He drops them in Arendelle, Metropolis-Gotham Metropolitan Area, Baysphere. He pulls up Westeros and aims for the enter key. IJack appears through an electrical outlet and shoots a stream of electricity at the metal chair. Buzzzzzzz, the current flows through Bcf26. He drops to the ground. Jandrew stands banging on the door and it opens. He sees IJack and rushes inside.

Jandrew: What happened!?

IJack: We have a new friend. IJack motions to Bcf26. 

Jandrew: Tie him up, and get the other Mods in here. Now. Shawn as well.


A portal opens above the Snow Mountain sky and Claire Holt spills out. Lady Evanstar spills out a few yards away. Claire Holt spits the white stuff out her mouth and gets up.

Claire Holt: Snow? Where the fuck are my dragons? She sees Lady Evanstar and runs over. Bb! Bb! Where the hell is everyone?

Lady Evanstar: I'm not sure. I don't know what happened. 

Claire Holt: I already don't like this place. I can't get a tan here. A bad bitch cannot go tanless.

Lady Evanstar: Is that a castle? They look over. 

Claire Holt: Arendelle! It all makes sense. I love Frozen! I hate this cold, but I love Frozen! The canister drops down and Claire picks it up. She reads it to Lady Evanstar and they stand surprised - and cold. Oh my gosh, Jandrew? Do you think other people got this? 

Lady Evanstar: I hope so. I'm so cold though. We need to find some place warm and strategize. 


Still raining in Westeros, the army approaches. The scattered members in Westeros all run away from the castle. They all run into each other, minus Ecstacy, in a courtyard and aim their weapons.

Jesus of Suburbia: Wait wait! Everybody chill! 

Damien Roc: (to Iceroll) What are you doing here!? I saw you in the sky during the doorbell. You died!

Iceroll: Ghosts are scary, aren't they? Damien Roc notices Walt Disney.

Damien Roc: YOU!

He pulls his sword and goes charging towards Disney. He swings up his sword, OOF, he's tackled by Numbers.

Numbers: What the hell are you doing?

Damien Roc: He killed Ruthie and Spidey Freak! And then he tried to frame me and almost had me killed!

Walt Disney: That was the game, Damien Roc! That's how the game is played.

Damien Roc: We were teammates you bastard! We made a pact! They hear the army growing louder.

Numbers: The army is approaching! Maybe we should shift focus? They stand around with their weapons still aimed. Who knows when another portal will appear, and that army will pick us apart. Let's concentrate our efforts into fighting off that army, then when we're done, we can do hide and go seek.

Spaghetti: Walt and Damien settle differences afterwards or go fight somewhere else.

Walt Disney slowly puts down his crossbow and Iceroll and Numbers put down theirs. Spaghetti, Tawasal, and Telemachos (not pronounced Tel-E-Machos) follow suit. Damien Roc puts his down.

Telemachos: We're going to need better firepower.

Ecstacy: (off screen) I know where you can find some firepower. They all look over and notice Ecstacy. Her hair is now white-ish like Daenerys'. It looks cool.


Claire and Lady Evanstar walk up to Oaken's Shop. They see the smoke coming out of the chimney and rush up. Claire kicks the door open and they walk in. 

Lady Evanstar: I think we can stay here. Stop. They freeze, pun intended. Spidey Freak is aiming right at them.

Claire Holt: Just cool it!

Lady Evanstar: Please, don't do anything cold! Spidey Freak motions them forward. 

Spidey Freak: So you guys came to chill?

Lady Evanstar: Yeah, and what a way to break the ice. 

Claire Holt: Look, we're not here to ice you, we just needed shelter.

Spidey Freak: My brain may be a little frosty, but isn't that how the game is supposed to be played?

Claire Holt: Yes, but we're not being watched. So thaw your attitude.

Spidey Freak: What do you mean? Claire holds out the canister. Spidey Freak takes aim again. Chill! How do I know that's not a grenade? Or some other kind of trap? You open it. Claire slowly opens the canister. She pulls out the note inside and slowly hands it to Spidey Freak. He reads while still keeping aim. He finishes and is surprised. He places the weapon on the counter. Close the door. So what does this mean? I'm just shoveling snow here, but surely, even if we're not being watched now, we'll be watched later. 

Lady Evanstar: Well until then, will we be cool? We trust each other? Spidey Freak holds out his hand.

Spidey Freak: Spidey Freak. My acquaintances call me IJack's twin. My enemies call me IJack. 

Claire Holt: I bet that makes you frosty. My name is Claire Holt, and this is Lady Evanstar. We're from Team Catching Fire and Ice and shit. Nice place here. Is that a sauna back there?

Spidey Freak: Yep. (smooth) The best sauna in all of Arendelle. Just had a North stripper pole installed. The girls look in disgust.


Punishment is walking through the Skull Island jungle. He hears a noise and hops into the bushes. AndyLL, Mango, and Dragon come walking by. Punishment has to let go. He sneezes twice and the group stops. They aim at the bushes.

AndyLL: What's there? Punishment doesn't budge. 

Dragon: It could be a Skull Island animal! AndyLL takes aim and Punishment pops out like a weasel. 

Punishment: Wait! Please! AndyLL lowers his weapon. Punishment notices Dragon. Hey, you were on Team Black. I thought we had an alliance?
Dragon: We're not going to kill you sweety. Punishment looks lost. What? Did you not get the memo? Mango tosses Punishment the canister and he reads the note. 

Punishment: Do you have room for one more?


Ecstacy leads the group out to the dragons. Telemachos (pronounced Tel-M-Uhkos) spots a small shed. He prances over and flings open the door. It's an armory. Weapons galore. 

Telemachos: I found more weapons! Telemachos (pronounced Tel-M-Uhkos) picks up a bow and ignitable arrows. The rain suddenly starts to slowly turn to snow. Group members run over and raid the armory. 

Walt Disney: Wait, I'll be right back. I have to go get something. Walt Disney leaves.


In the snowy Westeros, team...uhm, the group, wait I got a cool name: N.W.A! The New Westeros Alliance. Straight outta Boxoffice. They are prepped for battle. Ecstacy, Tawasal, and Jesus of Suburbia sit on their dragons, anxious. Telemachos (really pronounced Tel-E-Tub-E), Numbers, Iceroll, Damien Roc, and Spaghetti stand on the ground, with their ignitable arrows, heat blades, transformable crossbows, and throwing knives in hand.

Spaghetti: Where the hell is Walt Disney?

Damien Roc: I'm guessing the bastard bailed. Told you not to trust him.

Numbers: We don't need Disney. We're more than capable.

Iceroll: Everyone get ready! NWA stands ready to fight. The dragons growl as the army is fast approaching. PHEW, a catapult shoots a fireball and it goes hurling up in the air. Look out! They all jump as the fireball crashes in their path. Phew, phew, phew, more and more fireballs are hurled into the air. They scramble and dodge. BOOM! BOOM, the fireballs land, dashing into the snow. Suddenly, boof! Boof! Boof! The undead starts to pop out of the snow. Welding swords, they march with the army.

Tawasal: Well...shit!

Ecstacy: It's too many of them! Army and undead? We can't take them on! PEW! A red laser flies into the army and smack a warrior. A hole bleeds through the warrior and he falls. NWA looks over and sees Walt Disney on the ledge with the plush Olaf.

Walt Disney: Let's give em some warm hugs. Walt Disney puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles. Woof! Woof! Woof! Growl! DIREWOLVES comes busting out. They surround and sniff NWA.

Numbers: Direwolves!?

Tawasal: What are they doing?

Walt Disney: Sniffing you to get a scent. So they can protect you. I found on way to get plush Olaf. Pet them, they're so soft. The plush Olaf shoots off a few more lasers and they strike various warriors, burning holes into them. Ready?

Spaghetti: Let 'em come to us. The direwolves go running. A direwolf jumps and bites a warrior on the face. The warrior falls and the direwolf rearranges his face. Other direwolves jump and do the same. A direwolf leaps to a warrior and he shoots an arrow into it. Phew. He looks down at his stomach and an arrow resides, and he falls over. Damien Roc shoots ignited arrows into the air...thwack, thwack, they land in warriors and undead chests.

Ecstacy: It's timeee to partayyyyy!

Ecstacy's, Jesus's, and Tawasal's dragons rise. The grounded NWA rushes. Cling, cling! The battle begins. Iceroll slashes, moving through the warriors and the undead. A skeleton swings his sword and he ducks. He places the sword under its skeleton crotch and thrusts his sword up, splitting the bag of bones in half. While the plush Olaf shoots his lasers, Walt Disney stands on the ledge and shoots firebombs (tubes with flammable liquid that explode when they hit the ground). PHOOMM!! Ecstacy's dragon lights a trail of fire, engulfing warriors and undead in flames. 

Ecstacy: Hey, Jesus! Double take!? Ecstacy and Jesus of Suburbia drop back. A skeleton grabs Numbers from behind and another pulls out his sword. He thrusts the blade toward Numbers stomach and suddenly falls. Spaghetti has cut its legs. He quickly pulls his bow and shoots an arrow in the skeleton's eye socket. It falls and lets go of Numbers. 

Numbers: (though the noise of the battle) Thanks! Duck! Spaghetti ducks and Numbers swings his heat blade and slices a warrior clean open. Telemachos (pronounced King Like Whore) swings his battle hammer, crushing the skull of a warrior. He pulls it out and jabs the pole into another warriors eye socket. A warriors swings and cuts off half of Tele's hand. 

Telemachos: AH! He swings the hammer and knocks the warrior in his side. The blow isn't hard of enough and the warrior lunges for Tele. A direwolf appears and grabs the warrior by the face. Tele runs and waves for Tawasal. Tawasal picks him up and carries him over to a safe spot. I need your dragon!

Tawasal: Why?

Telemachos: I can't fight! My hand was cut, bad. I can't hold my axe anymore. You take it. Dissect these bastards. Tele takes off on Tawasal's dragon. Damien Roc ducks a swing, and another. He trusts an arrow into the throat of a warrior and pulls it out and kicks the warrior into an undead. Numbers slices a warrior's skull, then transforms it into a crossbow. He shoots at the undead as they approach. Telemachos throws throwing knives at warriors from the dragon. They land in skulls and backs and throats. Good aim, Tele. Olaf continues his laser show and Walt Disney barrages warriors with fire. Ecstacy and Jesus of Suburbia come flying back.

Jesus of Suburbia: Everyone move! NWA jumps out the way. Ecstacy's and Jesus of Suburbia's dragons spew fire at the same, engulfing the perimeter in flames. The warriors scream in agony as they roast. They create a circle barrier of fire. The dragons then stop spewing fire. (to Ecstacy) They're all out! We have to retre-- PHEW! An arrow from the ground goes through Jesus of Suburbia's back through his left side. He looks down and sees his shirt turning red.

Ecstacy: Are you okay!? Jesus of Suburbia falls off his dragon. Dex! JoS hurdles towards the ground, SNATCH, Ecstacy catches him and flies away. NWA notices the burning bodies and puts down their weapons. 

Spaghetti: I think we got 'em. Today, was a good day. Undead then start to pour out of the flames. Warriors that were just live flambe are now undead flambe. They trot towards a tired, panting, and bleeding NWA.

Damien Roc: Looks like today's not over. Shit. 

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