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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Ya'll have way too much free time in your hands. This shit is gold but I am far behind at this point. I will read it all when I get done with my damn exams. 

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Part 14. More character posters soon. Again, anyone notice me break the 4th wall in 13? If you notice these things, 4th wall, innuendo, special jokes, plot points, etc, say something. I love the feedback and it helps me make the stories better.


The Mods have gotten the screens and controls back online.

Baumer: Finally! 

Neo: Well, we still have to wait.

Baumer: Why?

Neo: We still have dial-up. *Dial up tone*, they sit there and wait. 

AOL: You've got mail. Now the systems are back online.

Baumer: I told Jajang to check on cable internet. He never follows instructions. Anyway, I'm sick of this. I don't want this anymore! They've buddied up long enough. It's time to die. Violently. I want you to drop canisters, with the ticks. Now.


In Arendelle, everyone is trying to ponder what happened.

Sixteen16: What the hell was that? It was like a friggin black hole!

Alfredstellar: The Mods have to be watching now. The snowball fight must've pissed them off.

Noctis: What are we gonna do about Heretic!?

Lady Evanstar: And Kelli! And Films.

Claire Holt: What can we do? We don't know where they went. Beep...beep...beep, canisters come parachuting down. They each grab one. The canisters open and robotic ticks come flying out, wrapping around their ankles like house arrest bracelets. Ew! What the fuck is this thing!? They try to pull them off, but they wont budge. The more they try, the harder the ticks squeeze.

Spidey Freak: Ouch! Ouch! Don't struggle with them.


In Westeros. Dar runs up to Numbers, Iceroll, Damien Roc, and Tele.

Telemachos: Dar? Where'd you come from?

Dar: I was tied up in the dungeon. Walt Disney. Then Jay Hollywood turned on me, Ecstacy, and Snoopy. He's dead. Ecstacy and Snoopy were sucked up into the sky! The portal was huge! Biggest one yet!

Numbers: Yeah, we saw it. Spaghetti got sucked up.

Iceroll: I wonder if this happened in the other zones.

Damien Roc: I don't know. Say, where's Walt Disney, and Tawasal.

Dar: Tawasal ran in the dungeon, then ran out. Walt disappeared.

Damien Roc: I told you guys not to trust that asshole. Mister Numbers here though, wanted to play Dr. Phil.

Numbers: Do you have a problem, Damien? We needed as much man power for the fight as we could get.

Damien Roc: Well when his Olaf puts a laser through your head, don't regret it.

Numbers: Hey my brother, you wanna take this outside?

Damien Roc: We are outside! Damien Roc swings at Numbers and they fight. Tele and Dar pull them off each other. 

Iceroll: Keep your composure, guys! Keep your composure! 

Beep, beep, the canisters parachute down, open, and the ticks fly out and attach to their ankles.

Everyone: Ouch! 

Dar: What is this? 

Dar picks up the note from the canister and reads aloud. "Hello, Admin Capital here. You thought we weren't watching, but we were. Your ally, Bcf26, is dead. We are back in control. It's nice that you all have become friends, but since when do friendships last? This is the Forum Games, so we're getting back to business. The metal bugs around your ankles are ticks. It's actually a double meaning. They're attached to your flesh, like a real tick, and they have a timer in them, the thing that makes ticking noises. Anyway, the tick is a powerful explosive. You have 1 hour to kill someone. If you don't kill anyone within 1 hour, your tick will explode, and you will die. For every person you kill, you get an extra hour to survive. So if you kill 2 members off the spot, you can go 3 hours without worry. Now you can fight to survive, or all rebel, either way, you lose. Happy hunting. Oh and happy Independence Day. Sincerly, the Admin Capital." Dar drops the paper and they stand in surprise.

Iceroll: What's this mean... They stand, tense. They all back away slowly. (backing away) Let's just try to find the others...no need to harm each other...WHACK. An ice sickle goes through Iceroll's left eye, out the back of his skull. Damien Roc. He runs and they all stand in shock.

Numbers: DAMIEN! (to Iceroll) Ice! Tele and Dar run, and Numbers cradles Ice.

Iceroll: I have...I...I...I have...a...

Numbers: What is it, Ice!?

Iceroll:...a...brain freeze...Iceroll dies. Numbers does a Vader-esque "noooo!" Numbers drops Iceroll and runs after Damien Roc. 


Tawasal is hiding behind the castle, trying to get his tick off. The more he tries, he struggles. 

Tawasal: Fuck! I need to find somebody! Shit! Tawasal runs, in pursuit. 


Dar chases after Damien Roc. He loads in an arrow and shoots. Damien Roc maneuvers his gloved hand and a block of ice jets up from the ground, shielding him from the arrow. Dar tries to shoot more, but Damien Roc blocks them all. Dar keeps running, but is tripped by Tele.

Telemachos: I'm sorry, but I need that hour! Tele throws down the battle hammer, but Dar rolls out of the way. Tele slaps him with the butt of the hammer. He kicks Dar. Numbers, out of nowhere, shoots an arrow into Tele's shoulder, causing him to drop the hammer. Ah! He turns around and notices Numbers approaching. He bends down, reaching for the hammer. 

Dar: (of screen) Yo, O' Toole. Tele looks up and Dar swiftly drags the jagged battle hammer across his face, practically ripping off his skin. Tele falls and Numbers catches up to Dar.

Dar: Those ice gloves! 

Numbers: We're gonna get him, don't worry! Damien Roc runs down the snow covered hill, back to the castle. He runs in. Dar and Numbers chase. They see Damien Roc head to the dungeon. 

Dar: Be careful, he's gonna try to use the direwolves! They bust open the door and carefully trot down the steps, armed and ready. They peak in the dungeon, but nothing there but the wolves and Jay's corpse. Nothing here. Damien Roc appears from behind and pushes them down the steps. He covers the ground and steps in ice. 

Damien Roc: Have a nice trip, see you next Winter. Damien Roc slowly walks up the ice covered steps. The direwovles growl as Numbers and Dar struggle to maintain balance. 

Numbers: He talked all that shit about Walt Disney! He's just as much of corporate evil! A direwolf lunges at Numbers. Numbers slips on the ice and falls. The wolf lands on him, but Numbers draws his sword and stabs the wolf off.


Note: I do not condone violence against animals, but these wolves are altered, man-eating machines, manipulated by the Admin Capital. So this fight is necessary. Please don't take it as killing a bunch of animals. This is like in the final act of Hunger Games when they dropped those mutant rottweiler things. Nobody felt sympathy for those. Again, these aren't cute little forest wolves, these are evil Capital wolves.


Dar skates over and helps Numbers up. They juggle themselves as wolves lunge. Dar drops his bow and pulls out a dagger. The wolves have trouble balancing as well and skate around. One chases after Numbers. It lunges and he smacks it away. Another wolf comes out of nowhere. He tries to run, but slips and falls on his back. The wolf bites his shoulder and he stabs it off. Two wolves lunge at Dar, he ducks, and the wolves collide.

Dar: Numbers, let's just get out of here! Numbers gets on all fours and tries to get up. A wolf comes from behind and knocks him down. The wolf grabs his leg and pulls him back. Another wolf comes and does the same.

Numbers: Dar! Dar! Dar jumps off the steps, balances himself, and picks his crossbow. He badassly slides around the dungeon, and puts two arrows in the wolves, while sliding. 

Dar: Run to the steps! Run! Numbers skates over to the steps and tries to run up, but he keeps slipping and falling into the hard steps. Dar skates over and helps him, and they slowly try to balance up the stairs. The wolves don't chase.


Walt Disney runs, panicked, with his plush Olaf through the castle.


Numbers and Dar keep running.

Numbers: Wait until I find that bastard!

Dar: People are finally showing their true colors! They turn the corner. PEW PEW...they stop. A hole is residing in Dar's forehead. What? PEW PEW PEW. Two more lasers shoot through Dar's skull and he drops. Numbers, not wasting any time, jumps off the ledge. Walt Disney comes out of the darkness, holding the plush Olaf. He looks over the ledge and sees Numbers running away. PEW, PEW, PEW, Olaf shoots laser after laser, Number's dodging. PEW, RIP, a laser goes through Numbers' calf and he drops. Walt Disney aims Olaf, but it slips out of his fingers. 

Walt Disney: No! Walt Disney runs off and Numbers limps off.


In Arendelle, they read the notice and the situation becomes tense.

Claire Holt: You bitches better not try it. 

Alfredstellar: We don't even have any weapons. Bags suddenly drop. Cliche, I know. They pick them up and slowly examine.

Sixteen16: Guys, we don't have to hurt each other. There's plenty of other members lying around. They see something else falling the sky and dodge. Look out! Snowmobiles land. 3 of them. 

Noctis: I don't care who you guys are. I'm not dying in an hour. Noctis opens his bag and pulls out a pumpkin bomb. He sets it off and tosses it. BOOM. It explodes and everyone goes flying and ducking. Noctis hops on the snowmobile. Sixteen16 pulls out a wand. He aims it at Noctis, speeding off.

Sixteen16: Incendio! POOF! The snowmobile bursts into the flames. Noctis speeds up and crashes into a tree. WileECoyote, Tarzan, Sixtenn16, and Alfedstellar run. Empire and Stingray take the other snowmobiles. Water Bottle runs up to Stingray.

Stingray: Get on! Water Bottle edges over to the snowmobileTHWACK, Empire runs him over. Water Bottle tumbles over, breaking the windshield, rolling over Empire, and off the back of the 'mobile. Water! Empire turns around and heads for Claire Holt. Claire pulls a staff covered in barbed wire, but it's not enough for the mobile. Spidey Freak lunges in the way, pushing Claire. He is struck by the mobile. Empire rides off, being chased by Stingray. Claire and Lady Evanstar run up to Spidey Freak, who has a huge gash in his side. 

Claire Holt: Omg! Are you okay!?

Spidey Freak: (weak) You look at me and tell me... Lady Evanstar looks around in the madness. Everyone running off. 

Lady Evanstar: Claire, we need to get out of here! They try to drag Spidey Freak.

Spidey Freak: No...no...leave me.

Claire Holt: You saved my life, bb! (teary) You saved me! I want you in me, now! 

Spidey Freak: (weak) Listen, as much as I'd love to get in you, I'm no good. You two need to buy time. Both of you...kill...buy yourselves an hour.

Lady Evanstar: What!? No!

Claire Holt: I'm not killing you, bb!

Spidey Freak: Well you're not moving me. (coughing) Look, my side is open, I'm in pain. Please, end this pain. Buy yourselves time. Claire Holt is trying to hold back tears, but they keep streaming. Lady Evanstar is getting emotional as well. Just promise me you kill that bitch, Empire. 

Lady Evanstar: Oh it's about to be a cool running. ​(LE Caribbean joke).

Spidey Freak: Hurry! I'm getting a migraine! Claire Holt kisses Spidey Freak, passionately. She remorsefully smacks the barbed wire staff across his face, while Lady Evanstar jabs him in the heart with her throwing knife. Spidey Freak succombs.

Claire Holt: No! Come back, Spidey Freak! Come back! I'm about to get VH1 up in here! Come back! Lady Evanstar pulls Claire off of him.

Lady Evanstar: We have to get out of here! Claire and Evanstar run. The field is clear.


Spaghetti, Ecstacy, Snoopy, Heretic, K1stpierre, and Films stand in the training room.

Spaghetti: So when is Emily Blunt gonna pop out? 

Ecstacy: How did we get here? That portal, it got us inside, but why?

Snoopy of Suburbia: Maybe it was an accident. Why would the Admin Capital want us here?

Spaghetti: You're right. Maybe they don't know that we're here. It's best to stay desecrate.

Heretic: We could affect the Games. Everyone that's still stuck inside, we can break in and get them out.

K1stpierre: And then overthrow the Admin Capital.

Heretic: Let's arm ourselves, figure out the layout of this building, and get our fellow posters out of that hell hole.

Films: Let's do it.


We have company; the doorbell has rung. Spidey Freak, Telemachos, Water Bottle, Noctis, Iceroll, Jay Hollywood, Dar, Blink23.

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This is probably my favorite part yet.


The addition of the ankle bracelets were great as they made the story a lot more exciting. Also, my character is a big time jerk and I love it. Oh, and I better get the hell to somewhere safe with Claire after me and Stingray chasing me.



Edited by Empire
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 I have a Heat Blade. I can do the Saw Gambit with instant wound cauterization. However I'll also need to MacGuyver a prosthetic foot.


Of course Jandrew could be a cruel DM and have someone do that and it backfire!  :o


I liked how DAR and I were buddies for about 3 paragraphs too with tag-teaming Tele.  :lol:

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OH SHIT!!!! THIS CHAPTER WAS INTENSE!!!This is your best one J, seriously. Those tick devices are the best you came up with.I pissed with Ice death but ironic at the same time......brainfreeze......lmao!!!!!Damn, just.......just so many people died in this!!! This was big.

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I love how one of the seeming protagonists was really a bastard. Damien Roc is the Hans of BOF Hunger Games.Also, I think we found a new team of heroes at the end of the chapter...


The Southern Isles send their regards.

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Great chapter. Tele fighting against Numbers and Dar was a great battle.


I think this should be edited slightly:


Claire Holt kisses Spidey Freak, passionately. She remorsefully smacks the barbed wire staff across his face, while Lady Evanstar jabs him in the heart with her throwing knife. Spidey Freak succumbs.


It should say "he" for Claire Holt.

Edited by Walt Disney
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Great chapter. Tele fighting against Numbers and Dar was a great battle.


I think this should be edited slightly:


Claire Holt kisses Spidey Freak, passionately. She remorsefully smacks the barbed wire staff across his face, while Lady Evanstar jabs him in the heart with her throwing knife. Spidey Freak succumbs.


It should say "he" for Claire Holt.

Good catch B)

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