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TUESDAY NUMBERS 05/27/14 | 8.2 M X-M: DOFP | We have a new God. | All #s on p19 | All DeHaan, All DeTime

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Anyone catch Jandrew's box office hunger games trailer. Good editing, though I'm wondering why he chose to put off screen movie clips.


Good work dude!



Yeah...I don't understand the filming of movie clips. Those can be had online pretty easily. 

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That's right, it's time for the most narcissistic 10,000th post of all time!



Back in the June of 2012, a young lad named Blank Ments joined the BoxOffice Forums; simply because CAYOM interested him. He peaked into the Box Office Discussion once in a while but it never truly interested him... UNTIL A FAITHFUL DAY in December of 2012 when I posted my first club,  probably the best club in Boxoffice.com history




There was no way this club was gonna fail... until it did. But it's okay, because I redeemed myself later in 2013 with a different club


Frozen>250M DOM


These are the two clubs that define Blankments and his sheer awesomeness



And now, in all seriousness, I'd like to thank this website for... like, existing. I first joined for CAYOM, but I really got into box office tracking last summer, and I find it a lot of fun as a sidehobby now. I won the Winter Game which was pretty awesome, and honestly, I've been at so many communities on the Internet, but none have been as welcoming and laidback as this one. Love you guys :)




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10,000 POSTS!!!!!!!!!

:D :D :D


Well that's one way to celebrate your 10000th post Blankments.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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Yeah, biggest mistake was making Khan a reveal for no apparent reason. If they had just marketed Khan being Khan, interest would've been up, and also highlighted the crew more



Finally caught up on this thread btw


Totally. I think STID gets more flack than it deserves online, but they really butchered the potential hype of Khan before release. 

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Shawn, please add this gif to the spoiler policy. Seriously Tele?

Stop being boring ED! How many times do I have to tell you that?
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Anyone catch Jandrew's box office hunger games trailer. Good editing, though I'm wondering why he chose to put off screen movie clips.


Good work dude!



That is absolutely awesome! Uh oh we have a budding filmmaker in our midsts. Kudos.

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Totally. I think STID gets more flack than it deserves online, but they really butchered the potential hype of Khan before release. 


I like STID; definitely my fave blockbuster of last summer, but even I can admit the marketing totally sucked, and a lot of that does fall on that decision :/

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