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Weekend Estimates | TF4 - 100M (Paramount sticking to 100M for the Wknd Est)| More Numbers on Page 1

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Not to prod, and admittedly this is a digression, but aren't you part of theater groups and such? I've seen your posts from some of the events. Summer job between semesters? General friends at large? We always like to see you here, but just doing something else other than being on your computer can make a big difference.


Yeah,Blank, look into your hobbies. Don't be afraid to diversify your hobbies either. You're young, put yourself out there a bit. The world's a big place and you've got your whole life ahead of you. That phase doesn't last long, trust me

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You know... I know you're right. :/ And I've tried to get better by actually using the MultiQuote feature but there's a lot dead space in my posts and I know it.


I have no one to blame but myself for this shit, but if I had to psychoanalyze myself, I'd say that the fact that I've near zero social interaction with people outside my family for the past few weeks, I'm trying to overcompensate online. Why I have zero social interaction... IDK. Probably still my depression lingering around. What do I know though?


I'll try to tone it down more, sorry.

I am sorry to hear that Blank. If you hangout with friends it will probably help your depression. Just doing something fun will help it a lot. 


Also, remember in a couple of months you are off to college, so you have that to look forward to. 

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Detailed TF4 impressions:


The movie doesn't make a lick of sense if you think about it for even a second. There are plot holes big enough to drive Optimus Prime through them. The logical leaps required to piece the plot together are way too many to count. Michael Bay geography is in full display here, especially when characters somehow drive from Shanghai to Hong Kong. The acting apart from Wahlberg is horrid, the movie has the feel of 3 different movies in one, especially when the plot focus changes every hour or so.


Despite all of this, I would still recommend the movie to anyone. It is a true spectacle worth watching. Michael Bay has somehow managed to make a movie which is simultaneously awful and awesome. Well worth your money for sure. Watch it in IMAX 3D.

Edited by grim22
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Not to prod, and admittedly this is a digression, but aren't you part of theater groups and such? I've seen your posts from some of the events. Summer job between semesters? General friends at large? We always like to see you here, but just doing something else other than being on your computer can make a big difference.

I applied too late for the job I wanted and I stupidly didn't apply anywhere else. Nowhere in town is hiring for two months now. :/


My issue with general friends is basically in the last few months (like February on) of school, as I'm sure y'all can gather from some posts around here, my closer friendships started destructing in various ways. I'd say I have probably two legitimately close friends nowadays in town. That's why I can't wait to get the hell out of here. As a basic idea of what my summer has been like outside of the house with non-family-members:


- Open house hopping with meeting some friends there

- 22 Jump Street with my brother and two friends but the friends arrived uber-late and my bro kinda put a damper on friendness

- 22 Jump Street again with other friends but this time we arrived uberlate

- Drive-in with a friend which was actually neat; just wish there was more of us there

- Ice cream with a friend and her friend one night

?-? Arranged to do a double feature with a friend twice; both times was cancelled on


That's about it. And the issue also is that as much as I love to watch movies, watching movies with friends can be dull as there's no actual social interaction in it. I kinda miss school and being able to do stuff together that was... well, you know, acting doing stuff.



Go hang out with some friends Tried that.

Read a book  HAH! Literature. Can't stand most books nowadays alas.

Watch a movie (if not on tv, then at a theater!) I've seen seven in three weeks

Tip over some cows None in the area

Put a penny on the railroad tracks Huh?

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I'm glad the rumors of Drift speaking only-chinese were false.



I thought


was supposed to be the cool robot in this movie, but he paled in comparison to

Hound. Hound just kicked all sorts of ass. So glad he didn't get killed in the final battle.

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I thought


was supposed to be the cool robot in this movie, but he paled in comparison to

Hound. Hound just kicked all sorts of ass. So glad he didn't get killed in the final battle.


The final battle was awesome. So was the battle in the middle of the movie. The John Goodman robot was the best. The thing I liked about this movie was that they gave the autobots distinct personalities, and not just Optimus and Bumblebee, and non-racist personalities as well.

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I applied too late for the job I wanted and I stupidly didn't apply anywhere else. Nowhere in town is hiring for two months now. :/


My issue with general friends is basically in the last few months (like February on) of school, as I'm sure y'all can gather from some posts around here, my closer friendships started destructing in various ways. I'd say I have probably two legitimately close friends nowadays in town. That's why I can't wait to get the hell out of here. As a basic idea of what my summer has been like outside of the house with non-family-members:


- Open house hopping with meeting some friends there

- 22 Jump Street with my brother and two friends but the friends arrived uber-late and my bro kinda put a damper on friendness

- 22 Jump Street again with other friends but this time we arrived uberlate

- Drive-in with a friend which was actually neat; just wish there was more of us there

- Ice cream with a friend and her friend one night

?-? Arranged to do a double feature with a friend twice; both times was cancelled on


That's about it. And the issue also is that as much as I love to watch movies, watching movies with friends can be dull as there's no actual social interaction in it. I kinda miss school and being able to do stuff together that was... well, you know, acting doing stuff.



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