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Diversity in top films misrepresents U.S. population

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Has someone actually seen a Mexican telenovela ? It is on average whiter than a Mitt Romney rally.


If Hispanics actually wanted diverse representation it would first reflect in Univision or Telemundo.

lol too true and i would know i've watched as many telenovelas as a mexican has and way more than the average non-latino person has in their life, back in high school i watch up to 7hrs of telenovelas a day 4 in the afternoon 3 at night , ah it was glorious but i was kinda binge learning spanish with this intensive method lol


even mexico and other latino countries have their minorities who are rarely represented in that genre and when they are they're either domestics, poor people living in la vecindad , or farmer type if its in the countryside 


very few make it to lead roles, from top of my head i can name you fernando colunga (he's like brad pitt & tom cruise rolled into one popularity/acting wise) 

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I feel like this whole diversity movement is getting a bit overblown. People want more black people in movies and now more women and Hispanics and Asians. It's like nothing satisfies people anymore. All I want is good movies.


I feel the same way and I'm a "minority"!

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I will voice Dash and Rich's view point.


The lack of diversity in Hollywood, has made minorities angry at white people and the establishment and is the reason for their struggles in our current society.  :)





 If I really base my position in society over how I am portrayed in media, then I have a really low sense of self respect and individualism. 



Would I like better roles yes, but do I get worked up about it not really.


People say Indian people are badly shown in Temple of Doom (Indy 2)...


Guess which group really liked and enjoyed that film lol. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Do you guys even know what racism/prejudice is?


It is treating someone differently in an arbitrary manner based on some inherent disposition.


All you morons spouting off about the "straight white males" in this thread are in fact being racist in a thread supposedly about stopping racism and promoting diversity.  So our opinion isn't relevant because of our race and sexual orientation?  The absence of racism/prejudice is equality.


Dear god, are you really all this dense?



Only white rich people who are conservative are racist..





Hollywood portraying stereotypes is not the reason of racial unrest in America. 


Its the fact that every thing and every discussion turns in to race. It will becomes about race. 


If people who fight against racism make everything about race and colour, then everyone will see things always through race and colour. Imo they have failed dramatically in ending racial tensions in America during these recent times. 

Edited by Lordmandeep
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I will voice Dash and Rich's view point.


The lack of diversity in Hollywood, has made minorities angry at white people and the establishment and is the reason for their struggles in our current society.  :)





 If I really base my position in society over how I am portrayed in media, then I have a really low sense of self respect and individualism. 



Would I like better roles yes, but do I get worked up about it not really.


People say Indian people are badly shown in Temple of Doom (Indy 2)...


Guess which group really liked and enjoyed that film lol. 



Talk about getting it backwards...


Let me voice Lordmandeep's view point: Asking for diversity in massmedias is what creates and perpetuates racism, they should shut the hell up and stay in their place where they belong unchallenging the status quo and doxa because by being passive and silent, racism would just disappear magically, yup.



Edited by dashrendar44
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Talk about getting it backwards...


Let me voice Lordmandeep's view point: Asking for diversity in massmedias is what creates and perpetuates racism, they should shut the hell up and stay in their place where they belong unchallenging the status quo and doxa because by being passive and silent, racism would just disappear magically, yup.




Actually dealing with racism would be more focusing on crime and poverty rather then the next blockbuster should have more black and Hispanic actors. 


All I am saying deal with the actual problem, This is just white noise and feel good nonsense in comparison. 


This is classic example of making everything about race in America and doing actually nothing in actually solving race relations. 


If the US actually dealt with its societal problems of poverty and the racism behind  it like other western democracies and not make every issue about race, it would not suffer with so many race relation issues. 



The issue with Hollywood is not the lack of diversity. It is the stereotypes that are being forwarded by all groups towards each other.


The issue is no matter how sophisticated and intelligent we are, we human beings generalize a lot.

For example if you see a Jewish guy in front of you arguing over 5 cents, you will have a hard time not laughing. If a black guy walks out with a watermelon and grape juice you will "seriously? " 


These stereotypes have been further my ourselves and made their way into our media and culture. 

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More like actual racism deal with serious problems of crime and poverty rather then the next blockbuster should have more black and Hispanic actors. 


All I am saying deal with the actual problem, This is just white noise and feel good nonsense in comparison. 


Because we can't fight more than one issue or racism is just a matter of crime/poverty and not ingrained in culture and representation. Right...


You don't give a crap about "diversity", okay. That's not a reason to be all judgemental saying that's a non-issue altogether. Diversity is one way among many others to counteract pervading racism which ostracize people based on their color, creed, "race", culture. It's like saying women wanting equal wages as their male counterparts in a company is bunch of white noise because rape issue is more important and women should only focus on that one issue.

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Diversity is pointless in Hollywood if they come across as stereotypes and it seems the actors have no issue in acting that way anyways. 



Then people say why aren't Asians, blacks and etc show as being more realistic...And then i say acting more white is being more realistic? 



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Actually dealing with racism would be more focusing on crime and poverty rather then the next blockbuster should have more black and Hispanic actors.


The fact that you had people bitching on the internet that Rue, a character described as black in the Hunger Games, was cast as a black actress  is a sign that racism goes beyond crime/poverty but also the perception of minority people. The perception that can be positively changed by making roads for more diverse casts.


Diversity is pointless in Hollywood if they come across as stereotypes.


I agree with you but if we open up blind casting so that instead of it applying only 7% of the time, it's true in the majority of cases and we don't rewrite roles to fit a person's race...then we won't necessarily have racial stereotypes.


I'd also like to point out that a part of the reason that there's racial stereotypes is the lack of diversity in Hollywood in general. We fix that, especially with writers, then I think we can also make progress on the racial stereotype part in dramas.

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The issue is not that there are no minorities on tv. Its that minorities are playing characters of their own race and have no issue perpetuating those stereotypes. 



It is not like in the past when Sidney Poitier became the first male black lead. That was a groundbreaking change...


These stereotypes are rather deep and ingrained and not so much due to the "evil white man".

We minorities believe and even accept  many of these stereotypes..

Here is a harsh reality lesson, some stereotypes actually have some validity to them in some twisted manner. 



For example in Modern family, that really has worked wonders in making people more accepting gay people as parents. However, they act in those stereotypes and such. 

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The issue is not that there are no minorities on tv. Its that minorities are playing characters of their own race and have no issue perpetuating those stereotypes. 



It is not like in the past when Sidney Poitier became the first male black lead. That was a groundbreaking change...


These stereotypes are rather deep and ingrained and not so much due to the "evil white man".

We minorities believe and even accept  many of these stereotypes..

Here is a harsh reality lesson, some stereotypes actually have some validity to them in some twisted manner. 


Almost all stereotypes are based on some kind of reality. Doesn't make them right to use necessarily. And yes, minority actors/actresses help perpetuate these stereotypes but that's because they have to pay rent somehow. I'm not going to judge them for trying to make a living.


I'd also argue the point that we minorities believe and accept these stereotypes when we minorities aren't writing the scripts, producing them, directing them, etc.


I also think trying to shift the blame from Hollywood to minorities is just trying to avoid a problem. The fact that Hollywood doesn't cast based on merit when they can IS a problem. The fact that they WRITE these stereotypes is also a part of the problem.

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don't know if it's too late to say anything, but...


There are reasons why minorities are misrepresented on films, they can go from racist audience to a lack of hispanics interested on acting. Comparing diversity on films to diversity on population means shit and just demanding more diversity is like asking for immediate results that may OR MAY NOT represent a change in people's way of thinking.


Sometimes it seems that diversity-obsessed people believe that others will learn stuff just by watching diversity on tv, like it's a learn-through-repetition thing, you know, just show lots of gay couples, independent women and black protagonists on mass media because that will help society accept them and change their values. And hey, stop using damsel in distress or flamboyant gay stereotypes in order to stop oppresion. People's minds aren't like empty recorders that will just mimick whatever they hear and shouldn't be used like they are, mass media is not a way of resolving this kind of issues UNLESS useful discussion is brought to light, a hispanic superhero or Katniss saving her district won't make people less racist or sexist and if it does then we have a serious problem, because people are shaping their thoughs based on what's cool on contemporary pop culture.


So the thing is, don't focus on the numbers (is it sexist that there are more female dental care professionals than males?), try to understand why these are the numbers, then we will be able to do something. And don't use mass media to shape people's mind with cool characters, because they will never replace personal reflection and actual conclusions.

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don't know if it's too late to say anything, but...


There are reasons why minorities are misrepresented on films, they can go from racist audience to a lack of hispanics interested on acting. Comparing diversity on films to diversity on population means shit and just demanding more diversity is like asking for immediate results that may OR MAY NOT represent a change in people's way of thinking.


Sometimes it seems that diversity-obsessed people believe that others will learn stuff just by watching diversity on tv, like it's a learn-through-repetition thing, you know, just show lots of gay couples, independent women and black protagonists on mass media because that will help society accept them and change their values. And hey, stop using damsel in distress or flamboyant gay stereotypes in order to stop oppresion. People's minds aren't like empty recorders that will just mimick whatever they hear and shouldn't be used like they are, mass media is not a way of resolving this kind of issues UNLESS useful discussion is brought to light, a hispanic superhero or Katniss saving her district won't make people less racist or sexist and if it does then we have a serious problem, because people are shaping their thoughs based on what's cool on contemporary pop culture.


You have no idea how people mold themselves and their compass on what is perceived cool on contemporary pop culture and doxa...Most people conform and think like an hivemind.


Don't you believe in role models and how culture can influence/mold/change the perception of oneself in a society?

Edited by dashrendar44
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