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Forever (ABC)

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I really enjoyed the pilot episode. Most reviewers have compared it to New Amsterdam but I don't even remember hearing about that show, much less watching it, so I'm not bothered. Playing the pilot on Monday against Blacklist and football was a mistake on ABC's part, IMO, because that guaranteed low ratings for it. People who pick up with the second episode in its real spot, 10 PM Tuesday, will have missed the character's origin, which will lead to confusion.


The lead character was extremely charming, due in large part to Ioan Gruffudd's performance. Henry Morgan out-Sherlocks Sherlock (both of them) without coming across as an unbearable prick posing as a sociopath. The pilot did a good job of showing Henry's dilemma and setting up the mysterious bad guy he'll be up against this season. The revelation of Abe's identity wasn't a shock but it was a good twist on his relationship with Henry. The two of them will be interesting to watch as the season goes forward.


One thing that left me cold was the female detective character. She was colorless, humorless and a bit of an obvious cast addition.   The character and actress are so forgettable that I don't even remember her name. These procedurals seem to rely overmuch on manufactured sexual tension between male and female leads as part of the formula. In Forever's case, the leads unfortunately lack any real chemistry at all. Even when Henry set whatserface on fire there wasn't a bit of heat between them. The problem is that she is a bland character played by an even blander actress, making this particular chemistry experiment a damp squib instead of an explosive combination. 


The supporting cast features the obligatory quirky lab rat and straight-arrow alpha male detective that these shows are too well known for having. I wish that the creator had ditched the will-they-or-won't-they love interest angle and dreamed up some truly interesting and novel characters to compliment Gruffudd and Hirsh's very solid presences. 

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The revelation of Abe's identity wasn't a shock but it was a good twist on his relationship with Henry. The two of them will be interesting to watch as the season goes forward.

That's what I was talking about above.  It was almost scene for scene exactly what happens in Highlander.

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People who pick up with the second episode in its real spot, 10 PM Tuesday, will have missed the character's origin, which will lead to confusion.


I doubt it will lead to confusion. The second episode SHOULD act as a second pilot for those new viewers: it'll go over the origin story briefly. They might even go with the tried-and-tested technique of having someone tell viewers the whole premise of the show before it begins. Shows that do this don't do it because they think people have forgotten but to catch new people up to the general gist.


Even if they do none of this, people should be smart enough to figure out what happened.

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That's what I was talking about above.  It was almost scene for scene exactly what happens in Highlander.


I wasn't aware of any similarity because it's been years since I saw anything Highlander related. That sort of thing has many literary antecedents, including The Portrait of Dorian Grey and other works. Sleepy Hollow has a variation on the theme. It's almost an expected convention in such a story. 


I doubt it will lead to confusion. The second episode SHOULD act as a second pilot for those new viewers: it'll go over the origin story briefly. They might even go with the tried-and-tested technique of having someone tell viewers the whole premise of the show before it begins. Shows that do this don't do it because they think people have forgotten but to catch new people up to the general gist.


Even if they do none of this, people should be smart enough to figure out what happened.


The show uses the omniscient narrator device, with Gruffudd providing exposition for the audience. It worked well enough. 

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i like it but i'm easy to please once there's a britsh accent somewhere esp if its the lead ! kkkk



i like his chem with his dead gf , so maybe she isnt dead as its not quite clear what happened with her 


the cop who knows she's a poor man's beckett but i'm willing to give her some leeway to see if there's improvement there !


like his son too !

Edited by LadyEvenstar22
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