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Chasmmi's Winter Game - Discussion and Rules - SCORES ARE TALLIED RESULTS COUNTDOWN IN PROGRESS!!!

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China's Mockingjay release has been delayed to Jan 15. So there will be only a few days for its box office before the game ends. Does this affect HG os countries question? In other words, is China's result still part of the game or have we to use our make up country?

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Yeah, as this game has progressed I've gotten a much better feel for how international releases, especially China, work.  And some of my WW predictions are now looking a little optimistic.  That's the way it goes.

Edited by Wrath
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A little late this week sorry. As always all questions relate to the Domestic 3 day, the top 12 and are worth 1000 points UOS.


Deadline is the usual


1. Will a New Release debut at number 1? 3000 YES

2. Will Beyond the Lights gross more for its 3 day than Big Hero does for Saturday? NO

3. Will both Interstellar and Big Hero drop less than 33%? NO

4. Will Big Hero 6's total gross be over 20M ahead of Interstellar's by the end of the weekend? NO

5. Will Dumb and Dumber open above 30M? 3000 YES

6. Will Birdman remain in the top 12? YES

7. Will St Vincent remain in the top 6? 2000  YES

8. Will Saving Christmas finish in the top 12?  NO


9. Which film excluding Birdman will have the lowest weekend drop? GONE GIRL

10. Will at least 2 films not increase 100% on Friday? NO

11. Will Maze Runner pass $100M this weekend? YES

12. Which film will have the biggest Saturday jump? ALEXANDER (by 0.4 flippin' % )

13. Will Book of Life Finish above The Judge? 3000 NO

14. Will the top 3's combined gross be more than 110M? NO

15. Will the whole forum have unanimously agreed on whether Interstellar is a flop or a hit by the end of the weekend?  :)




12/15 3000 points

13/15 5000 points

14/15 7000 points

15/15 10000 points


Bonus Questions


1. What will Dumb and Dumber's Saturday Gross be?  13.92m

2. What will be the difference between Big Hero and Interstellar's weekend gross? 6.355M

3. What will Birdman's percentage change from last week be (please state decrease or increase)? +6.9%









11. WICK


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Oh the humanity!!!
Low scoring week this week (with a couple of exceptions)

Questions Bonus Places Total 
Spaghetti 10000 0 6000 16000
Avi  6,000 0 6000 12,000
Darkelf 10000 0 6000 16000
Grim 9000 0 4000 13000
Iceroll 11000 0 6000 17000
Empire 10000 0 6000 16000
Bcf26 10000 0 4000 14000
Laguy 18000 0 6000 24000
Geraldino 18000 0 0 18000
Jajang 14000 11000 4000 29000
Wrath 9000 0 2000 11000
Blankments 7,000 5000 4000 16000
Dajk 10000 0 8000 18000
Grey Ghost 6000 0 8000 14000
Chasmmi 15000 0 6000 21000
Alpha 0 0 0 0
Snoopy 9000 0 6000 15000
Baumer 0 0 0 0
Punishment 0 0 0 0
The Panda 0 0 0 0
Filmovie 0 0 0 0
Mahnamahna 0 0 0 0
CmasterClay 0 0 0 0
Telemachos 11000 0 0 11000

(Jajang gets 1000 bonus points for being only 0.1% out on the Birdman bonus question)

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SOTM 2 can be answered now, (The only open prediction is Alpha going for Gone girl reaching 176M so if that happens I will of course change their score as and when it happens). Anyhow the scores:



Name SOTM 2
Dajk 4000
Darkelf 4000
Geraldino 4000
The Panda 8000
Jajang 5000
Grim 4000
Wrath 3000
Laguy -10000
Blankments 6000
Bcf26 6000
Chasmmi 5000
Grey Ghost 6000
Iceroll 4000
Films -10000
Telemachos 4000
Snoopy 4000
Spaghetti -12000
Baumer -10000
Punishment -10000
Filmovie -10000
Mahnamahna -10000
CmasterClay -10000
Empire -12000
Avi  4000
Alpha -40000
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Currently weekly scores only standings:





Name Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Total
Laguy 38000 11000 18000 20000 20000 36000 24000 167000
Iceroll 43000 14000 17000 16000 14000 37000 17000 158000
Spaghetti 46000 20000 24000 0 12000 34000 16000 152000
Grim 47000 10000 18000 14000 14000 34000 13000 150000
Dajk 30000 12000 14000 21000 17000 37000 18000 149000
Geraldino 35000 11000 18000 20000 17000 27000 18000 146000
Grey Ghost 30000 12000 10000 26000 20000 29000 14000 141000
Empire 46000 7000 15000 11000 20000 26000 16000 141000
Chasmmi 22000 19000 13000 22000 12000 32000 21000 141000
Darkelf 43000 16000 10000 17000 14000 23000 16000 139000
Wrath 30000 14000 23000 14000 21000 24000 11000 137000
Jajang 34000 12000 15000 11000 10000 24000 29000 135000
Avi  42000 18000 14000 8000 14000 24000 12000 132000
Blankments 29000 15000 21000 15000 13000 18000 16000 127000
Bcf26 30000 20000 10000 17000 10000 21000 14000 122000
Snoopy 24000 16000 15000 9000 9000 33000 15000 121000
Alpha 27000 13000 0 12000 0 0 0 52000
The Panda 10000 7000 12000 0 0 21000 0 50000
Telemachos 10000 0 0 0 0 12000 11000 33000
Filmovie 10000 0 13000 0 0 0 0 23000
Baumer 21000 0 0 0 0 0 0 21000
Punishment 21000 0 0 0 0 0 0 21000
Mahnamahna 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000
CmasterClay 10000 0 0 0 0 0 0 10000


Edited by chasmmi
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Current SOTM only table as it stands:



Dajk 8000 4000 13000 25000
Darkelf -7000 4000 24000 21000
Geraldino 3000 4000 10000 17000
The Panda 8000 8000 0 16000
Jajang 2000 5000 7000 14000
Grim 8000 4000 1000 13000
Wrath -10000 3000 16000 9000
Laguy 2000 -10000 16000 8000
Blankments -10000 6000 10000 6000
Bcf26 -7000 6000 4000 3000
Chasmmi -10000 5000 7000 2000
Grey Ghost -15000 6000 10000 1000
Iceroll -15000 4000 6000 -5000
Films 3000 -10000 0 -7000
Telemachos -15000 4000 0 -11000
Snoopy -15000 4000 -2000 -13000
Spaghetti -7000 -12000 0 -19000
Baumer -15000 -10000 0 -25000
Punishment -15000 -10000 0 -25000
Filmovie -15000 -10000 0 -25000
Mahnamahna -15000 -10000 0 -25000
CmasterClay -15000 -10000 0 -25000
Empire -25000 -12000 5000 -32000
Avi  -25000 4000 -30000 -51000
Alpha -25000 -40000 0 -65000
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Current overall standings:



Position Name Weekly Scores SOTM Pre-Season Total
1 Grim 150000 13000 35000 198000
2 Dajk 149000 25000 23000 197000
3 Laguy 167000 8000 7000 182000
4 Iceroll 158000 -5000 19000 172000
5 Geraldino 146000 17000 7000 170000
6 Darkelf 139000 21000 0 160000
7 Wrath 137000 9000 7000 153000
8 Grey Ghost 141000 1000 10000 152000
9 Chasmmi 141000 2000 7000 150000
10 Jajang 135000 14000 -15000 134000
11 Spaghetti 152000 -19000 0 133000
12 Blankments 127000 6000 0 133000
13 Bcf26 122000 3000 0 125000
14 Empire 141000 -32000 0 109000
15 The Panda 50000 16000 35000 101000
16 Snoopy 121000 -13000 -25000 83000
17 Avi  132000 -51000 -25000 56000
18 Alpha 52000 -65000 35000 22000
19 Mahnamahna 10000 -25000 35000 20000
20 Filmovie 23000 -25000 0 -2000
21 Telemachos 33000 -11000 -25000 -3000
22 Baumer 21000 -25000 -25000 -29000
23 Punishment 21000 -25000 -25000 -29000
24 Films  0 -7000 -25000 -32000
25 CmasterClay 10000 -25000 -25000 -40000
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(Jajang gets 1000 bonus points for being only 0.1% out on the Birdman bonus question)

Damn. I knew I got the 3rd bonus. That is nailing it. Finally had a good weekly score. Edited by Jajang and Back Again
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I chickened out as well, only losing 1000. Can't believe how badly Mockingjay did.

I don't think Chas thought this SOTM could be scored this quickly.



You're telling me. Question 1 was the gimme so that I didn't need to think about abstain criteria

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