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Box Office.com's Top 100 films of All Time (2014 edition)- List Complete! Everyone is Disappointed!

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Wait, neither Vertigo or Psycho made the list?


Yet the Prestige and Batman Begins did?


Do people not realize Nolan (and most modern directors) directly rip off Hitchcock's masterpieces?


Sham.  I mean, Rear Window is great and I am glad it made the list, but without Psycho or Vertigo you don't have modern cinema.


My only regret is that I have but one computer with which to complain.

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.mahnamahna, on 21 Oct 2014 - 11:45 AM, said:


If Psycho and Vertigo didn't make the list... NO WAY.


Man of Steel is top 2500 maybe... 


I haven't seen those, but if Citizen Kane made it, then there is almost no film that doesn't deserve to make it...


I'm sorry, but you're just ignorant of film history if you think MoS is anything close to a top 100 film. There's some questionable choices already, but MoS making the list would be way too MTV Movie Awards/Peoples Choice Awards-esque. It's not even among the greatest superhero films (at this point I'd rank it 18 or 19 out of the ones I've seen). It's an enjoyable blockbuster, but certainly not worthy of being compared to Hitchcock, Welles, Kubrick, Fincher, Tarantino, Coppolla, Ford, Hawks, Kurosawa, Lynch, Spielberg, Nolan (he's a great filmmaker even if his appearances on the list are overkill), Chaplin, etc... 


MoS - RT rating of 56%. Critics Consensus: Man of Steel provides exhilarating action and spectacle to overcome its detours into generic blockbuster territory....


Nuff said  :lol: 

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Ruk mentioned the birds in his write-up which I feel compelled to say is a complete piece of shit. It's a shame about the others tho.

Are you certain you're not confusing it with Birdemic?

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I think the bigger issue isn't that Nolan cracked the list so often, but that Hitchcock's isn't being represented by his best films (Vertigo+Psycho).

I did not car for Vertigo but i loved Psycho, North by North West, Rear Window, & Dial M for Murder.  

Edited by Snoopy of Suburbia
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They're closer in quality than you'd think. Even if the effects didn't look awfull by the standards today it's still a poor effort from hitch.

While, I'll admit that not every effect has aged perfectly (although I'd point out that a large number of scenes used actual birds so how the 'effects' there look awful I'm not entirely sure), it's a fantastically intense film. How you can call classic scenes like the attack at the schoolhouse, Hedren going into the attic or the final scene (one of my favourite movie scenes period) 'complete shit' is beyond me.

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I'm surprised Vertigo didn't make since it's had a such a critical surge over the last decade or so.  But it doesn't make my Hitchock top 10.  Visually and thematically it's  complex and interesting but as a story it leaves me unmoved.  Notorious and Rear Window are my two top Hitchcock movies but Psycho, Rebecca, Strangers On A Train, North by Northwest, The Lady Vanishes, 39 Steps are A level classics.

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I'm surprised Vertigo didn't make since it's had a such a critical surge over the last decade or so. But it doesn't make my Hitchock top 10. Visually and thematically it's complex and interesting but as a story it leaves me unmoved. Notorious and Rear Window are my two top Hitchcock movies but Psycho, Rebecca, Strangers On A Train, North by Northwest, The Lady Vanishes, 39 Steps are A level classics.

I remember when I made my top 250 I deliberately left a few Hitchock films off because otherwise his entire filmography would have been on it.

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.mahnamahna, on 21 Oct 2014 - 11:45 AM, said:



I haven't seen those, but if Citizen Kane made it, then there is almost no film that doesn't deserve to make it...


I'm sorry, but you're just ignorant of film history if you think MoS is anything close to a top 100 film. There's some questionable choices already, but MoS making the list would be way too MTV Movie Awards/Peoples Choice Awards-esque. It's not even among the greatest superhero films (at this point I'd rank it 18 or 19 out of the ones I've seen). It's an enjoyable blockbuster, but certainly not worthy of being compared to Hitchcock, Welles, Kubrick, Fincher, Tarantino, Coppolla, Ford, Hawks, Kurosawa, Lynch, Spielberg, Nolan (he's a great filmmaker even if his appearances on the list are overkill), Chaplin, etc... 


MoS - RT rating of 56%. Critics Consensus: Man of Steel provides exhilarating action and spectacle to overcome its detours into generic blockbuster territory....


Nuff said  :lol: 



Critics opinion doesn't change my personal one, as you can see from how little I think of the 100% on RT Citizen Kane, sometimes I like films from the people you listed, and sometimes I like stuff like MOS. What I definitely don't have is the mindset that any modern blockbuster is automatically unworthy.

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I'm surprised that more people don't outright love Vertigo on this board. I found that film to be amazing. It has a great story, solid acting, and a really tense and creepy vibe. My only complaint is with the end of the film. But yeah, it's my favorite Hitchcock, so far.

But if you've never seen a Hitchcock film, and you want to start, I wouldn't start with Vertigo. I would go with Rear Window.


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Critics opinion doesn't change my personal one, as you can see from how little I think of the 100% on RT Citizen Kane, sometimes I like films from the people you listed, and sometimes I like stuff like MOS. What I definitely don't have is the mindset that any modern blockbuster is automatically unworthy.

There's a difference between personal opinion and general consensus. You may personally love MoS, but that doesn't make it overall worthy of being one of the top 100 all-time greats (as in less than 100 films are higher quality than MoS) 


Certain blockbusters are generally considered worthy of being an all-time great:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. Jaws
  3. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  4. E.T.
  5. Jurassic Park
  6. Titanic (debatable) 
  7. The Dark Knight (debatable) 
  8. Toy Story or really any Pixar film during their golden streak
  9. The Lion King or any Disney Renaissance film (1989-1994... 1995-2000 is whatever  :P )
  10. LOTR Trilogy 

Putting MoS on here is like putting POTC 2 or the first Transformers on here. Sure, they're enjoyable blockbusters... but nothing more. There's no reason to consider them all-time greats. 


Think about all of the superhero films that rise above MoS that I wouldn't consider a true all-time great:


  1. Batman (1989)
  2. Batman Begins
  3. The Dark Knight Rises
  4. Spider-Man
  5. Spider-Man 2
  6. X2
  7. Mystery Men
  8. Super
  9. The Incredibles
  10. Superman (1978)
  11. Captain America 2
  12. Guardians of the Galaxy
  13. The Avengers
  14. Iron Man 

Aside from The Dark Knight, there's not really a legtimate case for why any of those are among the 100 absolute greatest films ever made. Most of those are among the best blockbusters, but they're not true masterpieces. 


Why would MoS go in above them, most of Hitchcock's filmography or Citizen Kane? 



And saying Citizen Kane is unworthy of a top 100 films list is liking saying Shakespeare and Dickens aren't worthy of a top 100 pieces of literature list. 

Edited by mahnamahna
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