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Alien: Covenant | 5/19/2017 | Who needs mystery?

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How in the hell would that have made sense with what we saw of the alien until then.  All of a sudden he eats her head and can pilot a ship?

Are you kidding me? The whole entire time only takes place in a number of hours.

He is growing and by the end it's displayed the full capabilities of this biomechanoid creature.


That ending would have been brilliant instead of the stock Hollywood one we got. B)

All great science fiction endings end with a cliff hanger bizzare premise setting our immaginations wild with speculation. Also it would have never allowed the series to be degraded into monster mash bugs who might as well be completely organic.

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I preferred Sawyer with Juliet actually.




The Sixth Season had some truly excellent parts within it, but the whole mythological payoff and the Sideways world just was handled very poorly. I'd rather have major mysteries left hanging or ambiguous than be resolved in a poor fashion.

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Woof. You're in the extreme, extreme minority for that one.

Hey I just had no nastolgia for it. :)

Funny thing, Sisco and Ebert originally gave Alien poor reviews

So time will tell.

in fact Alien got pretty bad reviews when it originally came out (along with The Thing, 2001, Blade Runner) Keep in mind I love Alien as well. Ebert eventually recanted years later. But still gave Prometheus the higher score.


Original Alien reviews:


"An overblown B-movie... technically impressive but awfully portentous and as difficult to sit through as a Black Mass sung in Latin... Alien, like Dawn of the Dead , only scares you away from the movies."(Michael Sragow, L.A. Herald Examiner)"Occasionally one sees a film that uses the emotional resources of movies with such utter cynicism that one feels sickened by the medium itself. Alien... is so 'effective' it has practically turned me off movies altogether... The movie is terrifying, but not in a way that is remotely enjoyable."(David Denby, New York)“There is very little involvement with the characters themselves... A generally good cast in cardboard roles.”(Variety)"The roles might have been written by a computer."(Vincent Canby, New York Times)“A horrid film, skilful and studied in its nastiness, and there is little the cast can do to mitigate its manipulative horror... those with the stomach for indulgent nastiness may go and gibber.”(Film Illustrated)“Empty bag of tricks whose production values and expensive trickery can not disguise imaginative poverty.”(Time Out)“A sort of inverse relationship to The Thing invites unfavourable comparisons.”(Sight and Sound)“Some people’s idea of a good time.”(Maltin)“Deeply dislikeable.”(Shipman)“Highly commercial shocker with little but its art direction to commend it to connoisseurs.”(Halliwell)

"basically just an intergalactic haunted house thriller set inside a spaceship" and one of several science fiction pictures that were "real disappointments" compared to Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and 2001: A Space Odyssey(Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert)

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Season 6 (for the most part) wrapped up characters and emotional moments well, but wasn't as successful with the mythology or the overall framework of the story. It was also strikingly literal about some things that probably would've worked much better in a metaphorical or ambiguous manner.


Still, for all its problems, it's one of my favorite shows.

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Better than Aliens of course. That's a cameronfest that destroyed the original intention of the creature. Granted that's an enjoyable film, but completely lead the franchise into ruin.


Alien is a masterpiece however there were enough things in Prometheus for me to prefer it to Alien. Not limited to the Hollywood hackjob ending Ridley was forced to change Alien to. What he originally intended was for the Alien to eat Ripley's head and then enter in the coordinence for Earth. That would have been an excellent finish and fully established the creature's rapid intellect capable of using human technology in just a few hours.


So yes, I love Prometheus the most so far. I didn't see the original Alien when I was young either, so I'm able to judge it more objectively.


I wouldn't compare Prometheus to Aliens because they're nothing alike in the least.  Ironically, Prometheus is infinitely more similar to 2001 and Bladerunner than Alien. The entire premise of Alien and its well made video game sequel is just a twist on surprise sex(rape).


I get what you're saying about Aliens though.  James Cameron demoted the Alien to kamikaze space bugs with a T-rex queen just for the sake of making an action movie.  Still a really good movie for what it is though.

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Hey I just had no nastolgia for it. :)


No, actually, I think nostalgia for ALIEN and the Scott mythology is what makes people bitch about ALIENS. Taken on its own, it's a near-perfect action/thriller, wonderfully paced, great vivid characters, and huge crowd-pleasing moments, not to mention taking a solid female SF heroine and expanding her character in beautiful ways. Without Cameron's take on Ripley, she wouldn't be nearly the icon that she is.

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I get what you're saying about Aliens though.  James Cameron demoted the Alien to kamikaze space bugs with a T-rex queen just for the sake of making an action movie.  Still a really good movie for what it is though.

Rumor was he wanted to make Star Ship Troopers, but used the availiable monster when given the project.

It's interesting how each Alien film has a completely different tone based on the director. Even if the main plots are essentially the get in - get out beats

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Prometheus was an abomination on every level save Fass acting. Mythology was laughable and everyone who thinks Aliens was worse is just a sad Cameron hater because Titanic overtook Star Wars EE or whatever grudge you guys still hold.


Aliens is one of the best sequels ever and a showcase how sequels should be made. To say that it fucked up Alien mythology but Prometheus didn`t is laughable. Eveyrone has the right to their opinion but this is just face palm.


Cameron made an action classic because he was smart enough to know he couldn`t top Scott`s horror classic. Unfortunately, Scott wasn`t smart enough to know he can`t top Fincher`s shoddy sequel let alone his veyr own masterpiece.

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I think there's a lot of things to admire about PROMETHEUS on a technical level, and I think the acting is good to strong across the board. It has some very silly absurd scenes and some ridiculously compressed/skipped-over beats for some of the characters, and it certainly doesn't compare to either ALIEN or ALIENS, but I think the hatred is over-stated (although understandable given some extremely high expectations).

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I don`t care about what`s in line with Giger work. The story and characters were ridiculously bad, mythology was laughfest. Giger artwork isn`t all that made Alien a masterpiece and Aliens is also a masterpiece but in sci fi action.  


Also, Giger should not be proud of those retarded Bane-like space jockey`s. Not at all.

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Nope. This was this had the most interesting written characters out of any Alien film.

and the mythology was brilliant and subtle. Yes lots of things you can get, but there is some really bizzare stuff like Harmony of the Spheres, Frankenstein A Modern Day Prometheus, the Alchemic callender, Annunaki, Popol Vuh.. different things you unravel after seeing it. Every element is rich and complex.


also HR Giger designed the Space Jockeys back in 1977 as wiener nose masks over humanoids.

You need to brush up on your Giger


Besides the fact that organic trunks are made of cartlage and wouldn't fossilize. It's a decomposing biomechanoid suit. The talk about constructing the interior out of lettuce leafs in the behind the scenes.

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The guy who is the map specialist got lost for Christ sake people !!!!!!


Wake up people, this is veeeeryyyyyy baaaaaaaaaaaaad sci fi from head to toe.


All characters' dialogues, reactions and actions are stupid, there isn't any of those that make just a bit of a sense.


In the making of, you could clearly see that there was no captain on this one, the movie had no direction ( and too many directions which is in fact the same) and Scott was clueless.


Scott will try to have his Oscar this year, good for him.

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He wasn't a cartographer. He was a geologist and deployed some tracking balls.


I swear haters didn't watch the film, but some youtube video attempting to be witty made by some tween. :P


Of course it had a captain. Everyone followed what Ridley wanted. Even Lindeloff.


50% of the haters are bawwing anti-Lost Lindelof trolls.

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