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Alien: Covenant | 5/19/2017 | Who needs mystery?

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Obviously you're too young to have ever used a GPS system, which it's easy to take a wrong turn with.

Despite the fact that this was equivalent to talking to someone on a cellphone instead in an Alien temple filled with identical tunnels.


The other group makes it out because they are with David the machine who records all he sees. They do notice they are lost, but when they contact it is too late because of the storm and the other group leaves minutes after.


Besides your false claim of the tracking balls were finished when they were not even close to completion at that point.


Pay attention. The only thing with plot holes is your analysis. :rolleyes:-_-

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Except the two guys' signatures are always present on the map and they are never in an unmapped area, meaning if they stopped for a minute to ask Janek to walk them through things they'd have gotten unlost.


By the way, calling someone young as a way to dismiss criticism is about as helpful to your points as making up entirely false assertions, which you also do.

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I don't know about you but the people I'm with never want to ask for directions. As I have said before the other group leaves minutes afterwords. Fifield is in a "mood" and hastily leaves. By the time they check the storm has enveloped the pyramid.


And you seem to have missunderstood the point. The point is you never using GPS an therefore being ignorant of easy to get in situation. Of course this is that x1000


sorry I went over your head with that one ^_^

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Exactly, you claim that I am 1) too young and 2) Have never used a GPS.


Wrong. For all you know I'm older than you, you just used an ad hominem to back out of a corner.

Wrong. I have used a GPS when I go to places I have never been before and I haven't had any issues of note.


Oh, and simply saying "people I know hate asking for directions" as a way to support your point is about the worst way to advance an argument. Who are "these people?" Are they the HR Giger Action Figures who whisper thoughts into your brain during REM sleep? None of us know these people and so we can easily say we have people who say exactly the opposite of your people. However none of us will do that because we all know it's akin to making a face and sticking out your tongue and going "Nah nah nah I'm right you're wrong!"

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Definitely one of the more unusual casting choices of the last several years.


Huge waste of talent, especially after the viral video showing him as young Weyland. That vid was great. Old Weyland...not so much (not his fault, the writing for the character was weak).

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they had the normal looking Guy Pearce appear in several viral videos so I guess that is why he was cast



Huge waste of talent, especially after the viral video showing him as young Weyland. That vid was great. Old Weyland...not so much (not his fault, the writing for the character was weak).


I know they originally had more flashback scenes scripted of him as a young man. Regardless, a better choice (in retrospect) would be two actors.

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I dunno. He's supposed to be a super old guy trying to extend his life with futuristic technology.

Vickers comments on his bizzare appearence in the deleted scene.

Also young Weyalnd was to appear in the Yacht dream scene where David talks to him.


Max von Sydow was originally going to play him though.


Check out the Extended Young Weyland ted talk exclusive to the bluray if you haven't seen it.

Someone posted it here: http://vimeo.com/50383392

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Prometheus characters weren`t interesting at all and were so unmemorable I can`t remember any name save David.

Of course they were. Elizabeth Shaw, Weyalnd and David were some of the most memorable in Science Fiction. Usually scifi films have poor characters simply serving as elements to push the plot along, while these were rich, interesting, and relatable. It's a good thing when the thing I'm looking forward to most in the sequel isn't the monsters or special effects, but the relationships between their characters. I could go for three hours of Shaw and David in a dark room not even arriving to Paradise.


In contrast when people began discussing Alien I had no clue what the characters names were besides Ripley and Ash robot. Still Alien wasn't and didn't pretend to be a character piece. Granted character pieces are what I generally prefer.


I have used a GPS when I go to places I have never been before and I haven't had any issues of note.

You've never taken a wrong turn with it ever? Now I know you are lying.

Reguardless of the fact that:

this was equivalent to talking to someone on a cellphone instead in an Alien temple filled with identical tunnels.



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Of course they were. Elizabeth Shaw, Weyalnd and David were some of the most memorable in Science Fiction


In contrast when people began discussing Alien I had no clue what the characters names were besides Ripley and Ash robot


You've never taken a wrong turn with it ever? Now I know you are lying.

Reguardless of the fact that:

this was equivalent to talking to someone on a cellphone instead in an Alien temple filled with identical tunnels.




They had a 3-D layered map of the structure that showed exactly where they were in relation with tunnels. An idiot could give real-time guidance. "Back up 50 feet. Turn left. Go 100 feet. Turn right and up the incline. Etc."


I said I never had issues of note with a GPS. I never said I never had a wrong turn. Making an occasional wrong turn is not an issue of note because it is easily correctable.

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No they didn't. Janek had the 3D map structure.


As I said by the time they realized the other group had left minutes later. Try following the story.

Making a wrong turn is not "unrealistic". Do you tell that to people in real life?


Even holding a map in your hands it can be confusing.

And not in an Alien temple with thousands of identicle tunnels following a pissed off guy.



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space biscuit, I liked the movie, but really, that scene is absurd. Not necessarily that they almost immediately got lost (though that's a stretch right there), but that they never bothered to try checking back with the ship until the signal was being lost, and alternated between being extremely cavalier and extremely nervous. It's a silly scene -- and fun in a basic "oh haha, look at the idiots about to get killed" way, but it's not well-written if you're going for a realistic, nuanced, dramatic moment.

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