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Ethan Hunt

top 50 films for the half decade; Kalo's list begins! (pg. 45)

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WOWS was the best film of 2013.

Heh, I'm always scared of saying my #1 of 2013 as people tend to ask if I have brain damage.  :lol:


It's been one year since it released and I still don't know what it's about. As far as I can tell it's just a 3-hour Hangover movie - i.e. a snorefest.

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Heh, I'm always scared of saying my #1 of 2013 as people tend to ask if I have brain damage.  :lol:


It's been one year since it released and I still don't know what it's about. As far as I can tell it's just a 3-hour Hangover movie - i.e. a snorefest.


What's your #1 movie of 2013? :P


WOWS isn't remotely like THE HANGOVER -- it's one of Scorsese's best movies in years: vibrant, brash, savage, and hilarious.

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What's your #1 movie of 2013? :P


WOWS isn't remotely like THE HANGOVER -- it's one of Scorsese's best movies in years: vibrant, brash, savage, and hilarious.

I'm sure they're nothing like each other in reality, but the trailer and all the pictures/memes that people share of it just make it look like a movie about partying and doing stupid stuff - which isn't my sort of thing at all. If it ever comes to Netflix then I'll watch it, but otherwise I doubt I will see it any time soon.  :unsure:


And my #1 movie is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, a film which I just loved. It's beautiful and inspiring. It was such a pleasant viewing experience. I wasn't a big fan of Stiller beforehand, so I went in with fairly low expectations, and came out having had one of the best cinema experiences ever. Loved every second of it and I'm not ashamed, even if RT says it's rotten.  :lol:

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I'm sure they're nothing like each other in reality, but the trailer and all the pictures/memes that people share of it just make it look like a movie about partying and doing stupid stuff - which isn't my sort of thing at all. If it ever comes to Netflix then I'll watch it, but otherwise I doubt I will see it any time soon.  :unsure:


And my #1 movie is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, a film which I just loved. It's beautiful and inspiring. It was such a pleasant viewing experience. I wasn't a big fan of Stiller beforehand, so I went in with fairly low expectations, and came out having had one of the best cinema experiences ever. Loved every second of it and I'm not ashamed, even if RT says it's rotten.  :lol:

It's not my favorite movie of 2013, but I agree that Walter Mitty is criminally underrated.

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8. Source Code

Jake Gyllenhal is a fantastic actor. The concept of this movie is fantastic ( Edge of Tomorrow agrees :P .)  This is more than a simple thriller with a twist though. It's a stroke of pure genius. The conversations between Colter Stevens and Colleen Goodwin are just perfect. Each time they come back and discuss, the two just have a chemistery and it works and sometimes the ideas they discuss cause you to think. This movie is incrediblly emotional and highly quotable. Now that ending is truley exceptional.

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7. Mockingjay Part 1

Not to along ago I declared this my favorite movie of the half decade, but then when I sat down to compile this list and actually thought hard about these films I disagreed with my proclomation. That being said I still absolutly love this movie to death. As I mentioned when discussing Catching Fire, Francis Lawernce creates a great tone for this serise. THis movie also features that tone and actaully manages to maintain that tone throughout the entire movie. Jenifer Lawernce is great once again as Katniss Everdeen. THis one takes the character down a darker rout and shes even more confused and emotionally confilicted. The Darker Katniss' story get the more appealed I become.

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6. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

OK, who wants to hear me rant about how perfect my baby monkey is? This movie takes you through the life of Caesar the monkey and you get to watch him grow up. I feel as if Caesar could be my own child hence why I call him my baby monkey. Form the gitgo the connection that James Franco's character has with Caesar is beautiful and it seems real.  The scene where Caesar and Franco are having a conversation and Franco tells Caesar how he came from a lab is heartbreaking because, I mean I want my baby monkey to know the truth but it's still hard for me. Then things go awry and they take Caesar away and once again my heart is broken. Not only do they take him away the way the people treat him, the way the other monkeys treat him is hideous and it upsets me that they are treating my Caesar this way. Then of course Caesar ends up getting the last word so, YAY! my baby monkey did it. The "Caesar is home" line is chilling because you I understand that he wants to be with his people but It has to be painful for Franco because he and Caesar were so close.

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6. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

OK, who wants to hear me rant about how perfect my baby monkey is? This movie takes you through the life of Caesar the monkey and you get to watch him grow up. I feel as if Caesar could be my own child hence why I call him my baby monkey. Form the gitgo the connection that James Franco's character has with Caesar is beautiful and it seems real.  The scene where Caesar and Franco are having a conversation and Franco tells Caesar how he came from a lab is heartbreaking because, I mean I want my baby monkey to know the truth but it's still hard for me. Then things go awry and they take Caesar away and once again my heart is broken. Not only do they take him away the way the people treat him, the way the other monkeys treat him is hideous and it upsets me that they are treating my Caesar this way. Then of course Caesar ends up getting the last word so, YAY! my baby monkey did it. The "Caesar is home" line is chilling because you I understand that he wants to be with his people but It has to be painful for Franco because he and Caesar were so close.

:mellow: Ethan... You're scaring me...
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5. Transformers: Dark of the Moon

I have no ashame in sharing my love of the first film, and the same goes for this film, it's amazing. I remember axiously sitting in the back row of an IMAX 3D showing of this film hoping that the franchise would be able to come back from the god awful Revenge of the Fallen. Well it did. The opeing monolauge is great and I love the fact that they bring real history into this serise. Shia LaBeouf of course is flawless once again in the role of Sam Witwicky. He is in a life seperated from the autobots and he obviouly feels uneeded in the world. Of course I feel for his character, I've always loved the character. Sam's parents are back breifly and they're still hillarious. Then comes the moment when Sam is reunited with the autobots and things start to pick up. There are a couple of big reveals ( all of which being effective.) Leading into the portion of the movie that makes me tear up everytime. Watching the Autobots get blown up and mostly Sam's reaction to the events get me. Then there's the big destruction and Chicago and Sam getting together with some of the dudes from the other movies, that stuff gets to me too. Then the last action scene is just massive. It's incredibly entertaining, incrediblly intense. Hell there are several incredibly emotional beats during this battle.

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