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Year 10 Discussion Thread

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We're finishing this up to day right? Should have Raven Boys finished by 8 or 9

Technically, yeah. Since there are time differences to consider (and because I want people to have as much time to finish last minute stuff as possible) I'm planning on shutting the thread when I wake up tomorrow morning, (after posting Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and any fillers I feel are necessary to fill the gaps left over). So you've still got a solid 15 or so hours left to go.


Also, all these recent last minute cancellations are exactly why I've been ignoring the Advanced Schedule so much. Here's hoping things improve next quarter otherwise I'm probably going to end up sweeping the Oscars again (not that I'm opposed to that, of course). Especially since I've got a number of planned Oscar contenders.

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Yeah I kinda have to pull out from this trimester too. Not that I'm not still working on my films, but college is taking up a lot of my time and I only have so much time in between to finish things up. So remove my four films (Scavenger Wars, Mirror's Edge, Final Transmission, Six Shots) from the list. The former is progressing nicely at least, and I'm proud of what I've written so far (even if its going to end up being very long). I hope to have it ready for the Fall-Holiday season for you all to enjoy.  :)

Edited by C00k13
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I can't really write for CAYOM right now. I've got a lot of school stuff to focus on in sophomore year.

^^^ This

I might crank out a couple quick fillers but that is really the best I can do. I really have no motivation to do any writing right now. Maybe it's because I picked two films to work on that I wasn't entirely interested in doing in the first place or whatever (though I have some projects I will for sure post next quarter (possible Oscar contenders too) ).

So for me, it's mostly a lack of motivation and school.

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If I somehow try to bring back Fool on the Hill this quarter there's no chance in hell I'm going to have THAT finished by Friday. Like everyone else here I'm extremely busy and CAYOM is my last priority right now. I just joined CAYOM because I thought it was a fun thing to do and all the fun in the world can't supersede your job.


(Also sorry to bug you again Rukaio but Terminal Red still isn't taken off May 22nd on the schedule - it'll be on Aug 28th, I don't want people to do reviews for the wrong date)

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Sigh. Okay, I'm going to extend the deadline to Friday anyway, mostly because I think I'm going to need time to come up with enough fillers to fill the gap more than anything. But if in the meantime you can try and get entries of your own done between your schoolwork, then that would be useful. 


Also, if this round is any indication, I would advise you get started on your Oscar Contenders for next trimester now. As satisfying as it is sweeping the ceremony, it'll feel a little empty if we don't have any real competition outside of Numbers and me.

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Ok, I found a CoD replacement. I am going to use the wiki entry as a template but then expand/edit it to give things a little more depth. I will post the blank slate in the Part 1 thread and I will have it fully ready by tomorrow night (tonight I will be distracted by the entertainment of the GOP debate).

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