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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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Films on the list that rock(.)


Potter (all of em) (B+-A+)

Batman Returns A+

The Dark Knight Rises A+

Interstellar A

Skyfall A

There Will Be Blood A+

Shakespeare in Love A

Chicago A

Kill Bill A

Star Trek (both of em) A&A-


No brainwashing necessary, these films all rock.

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So far this list has some true ova rated turds


Gladiator + King Kong fo sho


But these Four are genius


Ace Ventura: Pet Detective A+

Blade Runner A+

Fantastic Mr. Fox A

A Clockwork Orange A+

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Films on the list that rock(.)


Potter (all of em) (B+-A+)

Batman Returns A+

The Dark Knight Rises A+

Interstellar A

Skyfall A

There Will Be Blood A+

Shakespeare in Love A

Chicago A

Kill Bill A

Star Trek (both of em) A&A-


No brainwashing necessary, these films all rock.



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Baumer I think you are dead on with skyfall. I really like the film but when I look back, everything you said makes so much sense. The bad guy was player by a great actor and they really did do nothing interesting with him, the end was very anti climatic and relied on Judy Dench's shocking death to leave us feeling like this new Bond was an experience. I thought I loved this film but when I think of it, I couldn't sit through it again and there are just so many problem with it I kind of ignored first time round.


It did have the greatest bond entrance ever though



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I don't know if King Kong is overrated, at least not now. Maybe it was back in 2005, but it feels like its current reputation isn't anywhere near as sterling. I feel like quite a few people do see it for what it basically is: Peter Jackson given $200 million to play in the sandbox and make a really really expensive fan film.

Edited by TServo2049
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I don't know if King Kong is overrated, at least not now. Maybe it was back in 2005, but it feels like its current reputation isn't anywhere near as sterling. I feel like quite a few people do see it for what it basically is: Peter Jackson given $200 million to play in the sandbox and make a really really expensive fan film.

KK is like TDKR. A minority intensely dislike the movie, and like all minorities they seem to be bigger than they actually are.

KK has some flaws and it's a bit bloated, but it is a great and entertaining movie nonetheless.

Edited by Goffe Ascending
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Can I be after Snoopy?


I think as the GOD of this site now, you can do whatever you want.  


Has Snoopy called dibs for the next one?

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I think as the GOD of this site now, you can do whatever you want.  


Has Snoopy called dibs for the next one?








After Snoopy, I'll go.

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I'm very curious to see your list Alpha.  These lists are pretty light hearted but it's interesting to see what films you see as those brainwashed type films.

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I'm very curious to see your list Alpha.  These lists are pretty light hearted but it's interesting to see what films you see as those brainwashed type films.


Could I just do a top 10? Doing a top 25 seems a bit stressful for this kind of list, lol.

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Ok people, M. Night Shymalan has made ONE great film. Not two, one. The Sixth Sense was awesome and one day i hope he finds that groove again, but Unbreakable was a chore to sit through. Just because its a comic book superhero film in disguise doesn't make it good. If that was all it took to make film fans happy then Marvel may as well start releasing films with any old shit like talking trees and people that ride ants or something.


the concept of this film was a good idea and the twist was pretty decent I accept, but the 100 minutes between concept and twist, I'd honestly prefer to Supergirl than this. I don't have much more to say than that. 

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57th IMDB, 11 All Time WW Box Office, 7th All Time Dom Box Office, 63rd Adjusted




The Dark Knight was not just one of the best Superhero films ever, it was one of the best films ever period. That film was lightning in a bottle with the perfect story, perfect casting, awesome direction... it had eveything. The Dark Knight Rises however was one of the biggest disappointments in cinema for me.


It would not surprise me if The Dark Knight was written with the intention of the Joker returning for rises and that the tragic events with Ledger forced Nolan to change his plans for the final installment and that may go a little way to explaining why we essentially get given a dark and gritty Robin film with the odd Batman cameo here and there. However the lack of Batman in this batman film was not the only problem. For one thing Bane is pretty much intelligible for the whole movie, if it wasn't for the fact that I had Korean subtitles to read, I'd have had no idea what he was saying all the way through the story.


I don't reall feel like talking too much about plot holes and stupide character decisions in a comic book film so I'll leave some of it up to the good floks at HISHE:





The fact is that when watching this, I spent the first two hours just think 'this is a bad film', then the final 30 minutes happened that ramped up the action and drama quite a bit to be enjoyable and almost succeeded in tricking me into thinking I'd actually been entertained when in fact I had been anything but entertained for 2 hours followed by a short burst of fun at the end to fool me.


It would be like being forced to eat a giant ball of polystyrene  but when you get to the centre, the final golf ball-sized amount of the ball is actually made of chocolate so when you finish eating it, you almost start to think the whole meal was a pleasant experience, when in fact it was only the chocolate at the end that was anything other than horrible.  

Edited by chasmmi
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