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Back To the Past: Jandrew Gets Cultured. Maltese Falcon, Arsenic, Blair Witch, etc.

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Sorry people, back on this tomorrow. Finally back home, like home home. Was gonna do Road Warrior and Shaft tonight, but its already 1130, and I kinda want to play 2K for the rest of the night, so Ill watch tomorrow, and if I see Mad Max on Fri ill watch Thunderdome before hand.

And thanks for those suggestions Dar, Ill look them up.

Watched Liar Liar, and the Bournes while at the gfs house, and she saw Raiding Arizona for the first time. Yeah yeah I know the formers arent really "classics" but thats what she wanted to see. Liar Liar was alright. Carrey was a little too goofy, but they succeeded with the premise. B.

Bourne Supremacy and Ultimatum were wow...A's from both.

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Rank the Bourne movies






(No, but seriously give us more thoughts on Bourne, I'm curious :P )

Bourne was just superb. The shaky cam did give a more amateur feel, but the cinematogrpahy as a whole was good. But I loved the realism of the action, and the perfect balance of spy action and political turmoil. Each movie basically ran the same, yet it didnt feel like a retread. And I thought the use of the locations was excellent, especially Ultimatum. They kept me begging for answers, which is ideal. Not much to say outside of that. Great music, direction, action, drama, good acting, and the suspense was well done.

One of the best trilogies ive seen honestly, and one of the best spy movies. And that end song is pretty cool, fits really well.

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Alright Mad Max Road Warrior was alot better. To get the negatives out the way, the main villain was weak. He did nothing but look homo-erotic, drive, and give speeches. He was like a male stripper version of Jason. Not intemidating at sll and actually quite laughable, though I will say the way he went out was pretty badass. I also cant tell you who anyone is other than Max and the feral Wild Thornberry kid. The group that takes Max in was all completely the same, one collective personality.

The red mohawk guy was actually the most intemidating. He shouldve been written as the main villain. But the scale was raised and made this one much more enjoyable. The world was crazy and apparently in love with BDSM, but the action was very well done, especially for the 80s when you didnt have computer stunts. The new weapons were also cool, dat boomerang. And the part where Max droves by and blows the blanket off the couple having sex was pretty funny. I liked gyro guy too.

Mediocre characteriztion, and some drab moments, but great action and thrill, the score was good. The bar was well raised.


But I have to ask, I figured the gas wasnt really in the tank, because thats how I wouldve wrote it, but why did they make it look so authentic. Like the people on top of the tanker didnt have to die. Shy didnt just tell Max it was sand and he drive just far enough for the campbound and escape and Gyro guy pick him up. Or better yet, why didnt they just leave the tanker? Yeah yeah I know there wouldnt have been a snazzy climax, but thats a plothole I wish they handled better.

Anyway, Shaft now, and probably Thunderdome after, and maybe something tonight. I want to see Mad Max so if I do will determine if I watch something else.

Edited by LeFlop James
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This has been an interesting read.  


The one thing i'll comment on is actually from the very beginning, just because Big Trouble in Little China is one of my favorite movies.  Anyway, the point about Kurt Russell's character is that while the story is told from his point of view, and he certainly considers himself the hero (and plays himself like a parody of one), he's actually the comic-relief sidekick and Wang is the hero.  Wang drives all the action and has all the contacts.  Wang's fiancee is the one who's kidnapped and its Wang's cultural enemy who is the bad guy. Wang goes toe-to-toe with a demi god and wins, while Kurt continually struggles with mooks and even accidentally knocks himself out.  Kurt does get all the good lines, but that's really it.

Edited by Wrath
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Alright Mad Max Road Warrior was alot better. To get the negatives out the way, the main villain was weak. He did nothing but look homo-erotic, drive, and give speeches. He was like a male stripper version of Jason. Not intemidating at sll and actually quite laughable, though I will say the way he went out was pretty badass. I also cant tell you who anyone is other than Max and the feral Wild Thornberry kid. The group that takes Max in was all completely the same, one collective personality.

The red mohawk guy was actually the most intemidating. He shouldve been written as the main villain. But the scale was raised and made this one much more enjoyable. The world was crazy and apparently in love with BDSM, but the action was very well done, especially for the 80s when you didnt have computer stunts. The new weapons were also cool, dat boomerang. And the part where Max droves by and blows the blanket off the couple having sex was pretty funny. I liked gyro guy too.

Mediocre characteriztion, and some drab moments, but great action and thrill, the score was good. The bar was well raised.


But I have to ask, I figured the gas wasnt really in the tank, because thats how I wouldve wrote it, but why did they make it look so authentic. Like the people on top of the tanker didnt have to die. Shy didnt just tell Max it was sand and he drive just far enough for the campbound and escape and Gyro guy pick him up. Or better yet, why didnt they just leave the tanker? Yeah yeah I know there wouldnt have been a snazzy climax, but thats a plothole I wish they handled better.

Anyway, Shaft now, and probably Thunderdome after, and maybe something tonight. I want to see Mad Max so if I do will determine if I watch something else.

If they left the tanker in the compound a couple of Humungous' guys would've watched it while the rest hunted down all of them fleeing in their cars. The only way to guarantee survival for most was to 100% sell the fake-out as the real deal.

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Shaft. I dug it. Slowed down in the third acr, but Roundtree was like a black Bond, and I loved his smooth talking jive. It was also good to see this movie not focus so much on racial themes and get to the point of search of rescue instead. Obviously the best thing about this move though was the score. If it wasnt on Numbers' list, it shouldve been. CLASSIC score from Isaac Hayes, and that theme...that theme.

B as well.

If they left the tanker in the compound a couple of Humungous' guys would've watched it while the rest hunted down all of them fleeing in their cars. The only way to guarantee survival for most was to 100% sell the fake-out as the real deal.


This has been an interesting read.  


The one thing i'll comment on is actually from the very beginning, just because Big Trouble in Little China is one of my favorite movies.

Yeah it makes a lot more sense now. It wasnt really a problem I had, it was just unexpected, but still a fun movie. Its currently on Netflix btw.

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Thunderdome: Started off kind of wonky, I was expecting that kinda of tonal shift from RW. And then the middle started to drag considerably. I wasnt a big fan of Children of the Forest. But the thunderdome was pretty cool, wished we actually saw more it...I thought it was gonna be like in the California Love video. The final act picked up the pace though and was a good send off. RW is still the best by a good bit thiugh imo.

House of Wax: Since I started this, I havent watched many horrors so I deciee to give this a go. While it wasnt a bad movie, it was misleading. I was expecting live victims being entimbed in wax and a pyscho going out and stalking people and shit, not one person goes missing and they spedn the rest of the movie trying to figure out if its her. Not bad, but not what I was hoping itd be.

French Connection: Eh, IDK. It just didnt connect with me. Hackman and Schieder (sic) are great actors, but they didnt have the chemistry., and it didnt break any barriers. I know this movie is highly regarded, but just felt standard to me, and alot longer than a hour 45.

Dont know whats on the docket for tomorrow, but Ill have it in the title! Hopefully I can watch at least 2.

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Aliens...my god. That-was-cinema. Everyone said it got better...I said no way. I gave Alien an A, I didn't see how Aliens could top that...well it did. If there was a letter before A, Aliens would get that grade. Flawless. There was a good bit of characters, yet they all had distinct personalities and I was actually remembered all of their names. Ripley, Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez, Bishop, Burke, Newt, no one was a carbon copy of the other. The characterization was well done. 


That script is one of the best I've seen. The brisk dialogue, the subtleness, the syntax, characterization, the angst, and balance of all those characters. What a script. The set pieces were just oh my goodddd. 1986? 1986, really? There was so much intricate detail, those set designers had mad patience and talent. It looked like those took a gooddddd while to build, but they were impressive and the movie almost deserves an A from that alone.


I loved the addition of Newt. And I love how everything started to revolve around her. Her and Ripley quickly grow a mother-daughter relationship, so it was great to see Ripley go through such great lengths to save her, help her, love her, talk to her, etc like a mother would. That just made Ripley even stronger of a character. Before she was just the smart scientist, but now shes the smart scientist, loving mother, and bad ass action hero. Ripley was such a boss, and only Sigourney could pull that off, she was flawless and an Oscar nom was well deserved. Ripley was more powerful than every male in the movie, and the scene were she battled the queen in the loader suit just had my jaw on the floor. If I voted in Chas' top movie character thing, Ripley may just be in my top 5. Amazing direction from James Cameron. I thought this was a Ridley Scott joint, so I was surprised when I realized it was Cameron, but I see why it was so amazing. James Cameron is not a filmmaker, he is an innovator. Few go so beyond the bar, out of the box, and Cameron is in that select few.


I also loved the subtle transitions of white, pristine, clean spaces contrasted with dark, gritty, black spaces. The movie also wasn't plagued with a bunch of subplots. It was pretty straightforward: they needed to get from point A to B. When B didn't work, they just had to move on with C. The music was good as well and so was the editing. Really I found nothing wrong with this movie. Even with the runtime. I dread 2 1/2 hours of film, its just too long, but this movie went by pretty fast. Didn't feel like 150 minutes. It couldve been a tad shorter anyway, but its sill fine how it is. 


No doubt one of the best movies I have ever seen. Probably tied with T2 for best sci-fi. Masterpiece. Cant believe it took this long. Im afraid to see Alien 3 now, I'll wait a while on that, so Aliens stays pretty unspoiled. Damn, this shit was so good. The acting, the writing, the direction, the design, the angst, the the tension, the thrill, the every-damn-thing. Bravo. A rewatch is in order very soon.

Edited by LeFlop James
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if you think french connection didn't 'break any barriers' I'm pretty sure it's because you're just used to the cliches established in that movie. I mean the car chase alone was a huge game changer.

I didnt think of cliches until you used that word, so no. I went back and rewatched the car chase, and it was very good, and obviously had an impact. I could see that scene influencing Speed, Spiderman 2, F&F, Bourne, Die Hard 3, even Basic Instinct. But the rest of the movie just didnt give me what I was expecting. I didnt say it was bad, Ait just didnt connect.

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Aliens...my god. That-was-cinema. Everyone said it got better...I said no way. I gave Alien an A, I didn't see how Aliens could top that...well it did. If there was a letter before A, Aliens would get that grade. Flawless. There was a good bit of characters, yet they all had distinct personalities and I was actually remembered all of their names. Ripley, Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez, Bishop, Burke, Newt, no one was a carbon copy of the other. The characterization was well done. 


That script is one of the best I've seen. The brisk dialogue, the subtleness, the syntax, characterization, the angst, and balance of all those characters. What a script. The set pieces were just oh my goodddd. 1986? 1986, really? There was so much intricate detail, those set designers had mad patience and talent. It looked like those took a gooddddd while to build, but they were impressive and the movie almost deserves an A from that alone.


I loved the addition of Newt. And I love how everything started to revolve around her. Her and Ripley quickly grow a mother-daughter relationship, so it was great to see Ripley go through such great lengths to save her, help her, love her, talk to her, etc like a mother would. That just made Ripley even stronger of a character. Before she was just the smart scientist, but now shes the smart scientist, loving mother, and bad ass action hero. Ripley was such a boss, and only Sigourney could pull that off, she was flawless and an Oscar nom was well deserved. Ripley was more powerful than every male in the movie, and the scene were she battled the queen in the loader suit just had my jaw on the floor. If I voted in Chas' top movie character thing, Ripley may just be in my top 5. Amazing direction from James Cameron. I thought this was a Ridley Scott joint, so I was surprised when I realized it was Cameron, but I see why it was so amazing. James Cameron is not a filmmaker, he is an innovator. Few go so beyond the bar, out of the box, and Cameron is in that select few.


I also loved the subtle transitions of white, pristine, clean spaces contrasted with dark, gritty, black spaces. The movie also wasn't plagued with a bunch of subplots. It was pretty straightforward: they needed to get from point A to B. When B didn't work, they just had to move on with C. The music was good as well and so was the editing. Really I found nothing wrong with this movie. Even with the runtime. I dread 2 1/2 hours of film, its just too long, but this movie went by pretty fast. Didn't feel like 150 minutes. It couldve been a tad shorter anyway, but its sill fine how it is. 


No doubt one of the best movies I have ever seen. Probably tied with T2 for best sci-fi. Masterpiece. Cant believe it took this long. Im afraid to see Alien 3 now, I'll wait a while on that, so Aliens stays pretty unspoiled. Damn, this shit was so good. The acting, the writing, the direction, the design, the angst, the the tension, the thrill, the every-damn-thing. Bravo. A rewatch is in order very soon.


Fantastic review for my favorite movie of all time tied with T2.

The world building Cameron did for Aliens was staggering, the level of detail of each prop, weapon, set designs, the Queen godamn it.

Oh and it was the first time we saw on screen a MECHA and the movie created the FPS video game genre with the sensors and helmet cameras.

Vasquez for Life !!! She s in Titanic, can you recognize her ?

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I didnt think of cliches until you used that word, so no. I went back and rewatched the car chase, and it was very good, and obviously had an impact. I could see that scene influencing Speed, Spiderman 2, F&F, Bourne, Die Hard 3, even Basic Instinct. But the rest of the movie just didnt give me what I was expecting. I didnt say it was bad, Ait just didnt connect.

FRENCH CONNECTION and DIRTY HARRY basically established the model of the maverick cop who takes matters into his own hands.

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FRENCH CONNECTION and DIRTY HARRY basically established the model of the maverick cop who takes matters into his own hands.


I think BULLIT got there first though. And that one has one of the best car chases ever. Not a lot of flash compared to today, but effortlessly executed with simmering tension overflowing the brim.

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Thunderdome: Started off kind of wonky, I was expecting that kinda of tonal shift from RW. And then the middle started to drag considerably. I wasnt a big fan of Children of the Forest. But the thunderdome was pretty cool, wished we actually saw more it...I thought it was gonna be like in the California Love video. The final act picked up the pace though and was a good send off. RW is still the best by a good bit thiugh imo.

House of Wax: Since I started this, I havent watched many horrors so I deciee to give this a go. While it wasnt a bad movie, it was misleading. I was expecting live victims being entimbed in wax and a pyscho going out and stalking people and shit, not one person goes missing and they spedn the rest of the movie trying to figure out if its her. Not bad, but not what I was hoping itd be.

French Connection: Eh, IDK. It just didnt connect with me. Hackman and Schieder (sic) are great actors, but they didnt have the chemistry., and it didnt break any barriers. I know this movie is highly regarded, but just felt standard to me, and alot longer than a hour 45.

Dont know whats on the docket for tomorrow, but Ill have it in the title! Hopefully I can watch at least 2.

I think French Connection suffers a bit in that while it was groundbreaking at the time, everything it did has since been done better elsewhere. So it was huge at the time, and if you're into film history its *totally* worth respecting for what it did. But as someone today simply watching it as a movie, its good and all but I dont know that theres anything about it thats amazing by today's standards just its own rights.

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