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The Top 100 Film Characters of All Time Countdown Thread - Top 20 incoming!

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20th - Caesar - Planets of the Apes - Andy Serkis

81pts - 5 Votes




One of (if not the) biggest jumpers from the previous list excluding new entries, Caesar was popular in Rise (107th back then), but Dawn was something else. The Ape characters in that film put most human actors to shame and was a one film campaign for recognising Motion Capture perfromances at the Oscars in some way or form.


I'll go on record as thinking that Caesar should have nomiated for an Oscar last year (but I am quite biased seeing as I rated DOTPOTA as the single 100/100 film last year) but it shows the amazing skill that Serkis has that he can create such a character whilst having all manner of gizmoids strapped to him and tracking his motion.


Some maybe surprised to see Caesar beat Golum, but in my mind (and it the minds of some others too it seems), Caesar is the evolution of what Gollum began and if War is anywhere on the level of Dawn, then it may be hard for awrds folks to keep ignoring this fact much longer.

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19th - Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal Trilogy - Anthony Hopkins

84pts - 5 Votes




If memory serves, this was the shortest performance to win best actor at the Oscars with only about 15 minutes of screen time. Yet that 15 minutes was all Hopkins needed to create one of the most memerable psychos ever put to film.


I'll actually admit that Mads Mickelsen (sp?) is doing a great job fleshing out the character the past few years, but when push comes to shove, this is still the one true Hannibal Lecter. Smooth, intelligent, menacing and scary. Pound for poiund in my eyes the best villain film has ever seen. (This list has about 5ish sorta, maybe, depends how you look at things that beat him).

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18th - Genie - Aladdin - Robin Williams

85pts - 6 Votes




The seminal voice over performance. One of those rare roles that genuinely changed the course of how an entire genre was made.


Before Genie, A listers doing animation was pretty much not done. Robin Williams playing the Genie was an event and if it had failed then almost every subsequent animated character you love would have continued to be played by voice actors you've never heard of. (Not saying they were bad, just that you don't know who they are :) )


Even ignoring the history though, this is the fecking genie. the bst character in the second best disney film (oh subjectivity how I love thee). The energy in this role is immense, the pop culture references work in a way that Dreamworks still can't quite get perfect and I even believe that half Genie's lines are improvised and Disney just animated around him to an extent. That's pretty gosh darned impressive.






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17th - Katniss Everdeen - Hunger Games - Jennifer Lawrence

89pts - 6 Votes




From 40th to 17th is a healthy jump for Katniss and it's testament to how well Lawrence plays this character.


Since the last list, we have gone from having just Hunger Games which was good to having Mockingjay Part one which was good and Catching Fire which was stunning. The Hunger Games is an example of how great casting can elevate a potential franchise from an Insurgent or Maze Runner into a phenomenon. Hunger Games owes so much of what it is to Lawrence and how well she nails Katniss' character.


I can see some not being happy at the high placement, but I'd say it is justifed in my own humble opinion.

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16th - Don Vito Corleone - Godfather - Marlon Brando

95pts - 5 Votes




Another classic fllm character and another casualty to drop from the previous top 10. This is the role that made Marlon Brando an actor that will always be remembered through the generations (there may be others but this is numero uno).


The lead actor in what many consider the greatest or at least one of the greatest films of all time. It would be criminal for the Don to not rank at the upper echelons of this list. The only outrage could be that he missed the top 10.

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15th - Tyler Durden - Fight Club - Brad Pitt

96pts - 5 Votes




The highest ranked character to receive 5 or less votes (in fact also fothe case for 6 or less). Tyler is a cult character in film: loved by many who have seen him on screen, but perhaps not viewed by as large an audience as he deserves.


Fight Club was a great film and Pitt puts in a great performance which at ithe very worst is in the conversation for best Pitt performance. (I apersonally have soft spots for 12 monkeys and Meet Joe Black, but I'm weird like that.)


Somewhat shockingly, this was the only Brad Pitt chaacter to receive an votes at all, not even achilles!

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14th - Tony Stark - Iron Man - Robert DJ

98pts - 8 Votes




Well he's finally here! The topic of many heated discussions about his deserved or undeserved position on the list. This is bound to split folks in half as to whether this is a deserving or undeserving finishing spot.


Iron Man is the highest ranking superhero on the list. He is also the highest ranked character able to fly (sort of :) ).


Personally I think this is a tad high, but not too much so. Iron Man brought forth the glorious comic book revolution we enjoy today and a big part of that was Downey nailing the role in the first film. The character may have suffered in following sequels where other Avengers such as Cap and Thor, only grew into the role more and more, but I still see him as the seminal marvel superhero not to have ever been bitten by anything radioactive.



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13th - Woody - Toy Story - Tom Hanks

110pts - 7 Votes





The highest Pixar character, the original Pixar character and arguably (or less arguably and more definitely if going by this list) best Pixar character.


Woody and Buzz were the duo that launched Pixar. If they had failed, we'd possibly still only be getting animated shorts in from of Disney films instead of fully feldged feature films like we do today.


Hanks is great in this role and you can't view Woody as anyone else, but then that is the greatness of Hanks and one of the reasons why he has the highest ranked character that is not a certain actors highest finishing position. (You have to go down to 31st and Magneto to find the next 2nd best character for any one actor).


Edited by chasmmi
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12th - Rocky Balboa - Rocky - Sylvestor Stallone

120pts - 7 Votes




If you doubt Rocky's worth at the top of this list, you just need to watch the clip above to see that this is the greatest sporting character in film, bar none. And this is from film number 6!!!


Rocky may have had a couple of misteps in latter incarnations, but there are still 4-5 great films (possibly about to be 5-6) invoilving the Rocky chracter and he works so well. A man capable of beating anyone in the world to a bloody pulp, yet he's soft, kind hearted and a good pure man.


Rocky is the champion we want to be, the champion we want to win and the champion we want to comeback nomatter how many blocks in the road they hit. Almost would be ready to argue this is too low, but that's me.

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11th - Forrest Gump - Forrest Gump - Tom Hanks

121pts - 7 Votes




One of the most quotable films ever, and one of the few must see all time great dramas that I can watch multiple times without getting depressed into despair (I'm looking at you Schindler and Shawshank!).


This is in my opinion Hank's greatest moment in a career of greatest moments and I pray that one day we'll get this Hanks on screen again one day. I love this film, as do most people and it's no surprise that this character makes it so high on the list.

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