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The Top 100 Film Characters of All Time Countdown Thread - Top 20 incoming!

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YAY! for Tyler Durden cracking the Top 15. And agree with chasmmi regarding Tony's placement. Kind of surprised and also impressed that only one superhero made it into the entire Top 34. 


Shit! I left Forest Gump off my list


It's for the best. 

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15th - Tyler Durden - Fight Club - Brad Pitt

96pts - 5 Votes




The highest ranked character to receive 5 or less votes (in fact also fothe case for 6 or less). Tyler is a cult character in film: loved by many who have seen him on screen, but perhaps not viewed by as large an audience as he deserves.


Fight Club was a great film and Pitt puts in a great performance which at ithe very worst is in the conversation for best Pitt performance. (I apersonally have soft spots for 12 monkeys and Meet Joe Black, but I'm weird like that.)


Somewhat shockingly, this was the only Brad Pitt chaacter to receive an votes at all, not even achilles!


This is too low. He's definitely one of the most morable characters ever.

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10th - The Joker - The Dark Knight - Heath Ledger

124pts - 8 Votes




Okay Iron man may have been the highest placed superhero, but The Joker comes in as the top comic book career full stop and who can argue that?


The Joker made the Dark Knight... no no scratch that, Heath Ledger made The Dark Knight. This was truly the performance of a lifetime and that isn't meant to be a ill-conceived pun or joke. If ledger had lived another 90 years, he'd have never mathced this performance. Or at least, if it had happened, we'd be talking about a number 1 challenging perfomrnace then surely.


Heath Ledger was a great actor with a very good career behind him and what appeared to be a great career ahead of him. He is also the highest rated actor to no longer be with us. :( 

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9th - The Terminator - Terminator - Arnold Schwarzenegger

124pts - 8 Votes




What would 80s Hollywood have done without Arnie? Conan, Predator and of course Terminator are action movie hall of famers and this role particularly could not have been played by anyone else in hindsight.


The thick accent, dodgy English and wooden acting makes this character better instead of hinder it, kind of like Drax the Destroyer from Guardians of the Galaxy. Even a Tom Hanks or Daniel Day Lewis could not play these roles better than the actors who got them.


Number 3 may have been a drop in quality and who knows how 5 will turn out. But as long as there are copies of the first two films in existance, Arnie and the terminator are always going to hit the highest heights of these kinds of lists.  

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8th - Han Solo - Star Wars - Harrison Ford

136pts - 8 Votes





Did I say Hanks was the actor with the highest second placed finish? I may have been lying ;)


So we are back in the Star Wars world with their first representation in the top 10 but perhaps not their last. This role launched Lucas' love affair with young Harrison and to many he will always be the coolest character in Star Wars even if he isn't the best.


Personally for me it was difficult to take any character seriously who was 90% of the time accompanied by the star of Harry and the Hendersons. :)


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Woody was my #1. Just such a great character made even better my Hanks' voice acting.


I didn't even make a list, and I know Woody would have been in my top 20. Great character, and great story-arc, as brought to life by Tom Hanks. 

Edited by Insidearcher
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7th - Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean - Johnny Depp 

136pts - 8 Votes




Jack Sparrow is a character that troubles me with lists like these. If there had only ever been 1 Pirates film, I could almost accept him being top 10 and would be happy with him in the top 20. But as with almost all things Depp since that film, the character nosedived insanely with each subsequent film and that makes me question the validity of his claim to be so high based on that on amazing performance and 3 bad ones.


The character himself is great and Johnny Depp did make the role something unique and memorable as all great characters need to be and is a chracter that will go down in the annals of film history. .

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6th - Marty McFly - Back to the Future - Michael J Fox 

146pts - 9 Votes




Tracking in the top 3 for a large proportion of the vote, Macfly finishes in a more than respectable 6th place. Doc Browne may be the scene stealer but these were Marty's films and will go down as one of the most iconic and best film trilogies ever made.


Back to the Future is a film series I can show to 13 year old Korean students today and they still enjoy the story and what is going on (with subtitles of course). A series destined to be rebooted sooner rather than later, one of the greats and with a great leading character.  

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5th - Elsa - Frozen - Idina Menzel 

149pts - 7 Votes





(not my school btw)


Well you all knew it was coming. This film and the song that came with it was a global phenomenon. Elsa reinvigorated what a Disney princess should be to cinema goers. People loved these films for so many reasons and the same goes for Elsa.


As the video above shows, this wasn't just a US thing, the whole world went crazy for this film in a way only a film films from the past can equal. Yes some got sick of it and some may not care for it getting so loved (a reason why it is the only role in the top 10 not to get 8 votes or more). That it is able to make the top 5 regardless shows that those who love it, really really love it.


Personally Mulan is still my favourtie Disney female character and I'd have loved to see how the film would have panned out if Elsa had indeed been the villain. Otherwise though, Elsa is a strong and popular character with credentials for being a high ranked choice.




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7th - Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean - Johnny Depp 

136pts - 8 Votes




Jack Sparrow is a character that troubles me with lists like these. If there had only ever been 1 Pirates film, I could almost accept him being top 10 and would be happy with him in the top 20. But as with almost all things Depp since that film, the character nosedived insanely with each subsequent film and that makes me question the validity of his claim to be so high based on that on amazing performance and 3 bad ones.


The character himself is great and Johnny Depp did make the role something unique and memorable as all great characters need to be and is a chracter that will go down in the annals of film history. .


Ugh, damn it. I expected it to be at least Top 3.

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