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Studio: Fine Films Inc.

Genre: Horror/Thriller

Director: Ciaran Foy

Producers: Doe John, Jason Blum

Budget: $3.5 million

Release Date: October 2nd

Theater Count: 3,012

Running Time: 82 minutes (1 hour, 22 minutes)

Rating: R

Cast: Shannon Sossamon, Derek Mears, Jennifer Morrison, Stephen Amell




Stacie Donaghan (Sossamon), a young deaf poet who lost her hearing after a bout of bacterial meningitis at age 13, lives isolated in a small cottage in the woods, surviving off money from book sales. Her friend and neighbor Karen (Morrison) visits her one-day to return a copy of one of her books, and that night, is chased back to Stacie's cottage by a masked man (Mears). Karen bangs on the door for help, but Stacie doesn't notice her and the man stabs her to death on the doorstep. The man quickly realizes that Stacie is deaf and uses it to his advantage. He sneaks into the house, takes her phone, and begins taking photos of her and sending them to her laptop to make her aware of his presence. As Stacie realizes she's being stalked, she locks herself inside the house. The man cuts the power and sabotages her car. Stacie writes that Karen's boyfriend is on the way to the house on the glass-paneled front door in lipstick. The man responds by taking off his mask. The man taunts Stacie by propping Karen's body up against her bedroom window. Stacie tries to distract him with her car alarm so she can get Karen's phone from her body, but fails to get it before he returns. She manages to fight him off with a hammer and locks herself inside again.


Stacie makes several failed attempts to escape, eventually climbing through a second story window onto the roof. She tries distracting him and making a run for it, but he comes back before she can climb off the roof. He fires a crossbow bolt into her leg. She manages to knock him off the roof and steal his crossbow as he tries climbing up to finish her off. She staggers back into the house on her injured leg and frantically tries to load the crossbow as Karen's boyfriend David (Amell) arrives at the house looking for Sarah. The man confronts David, pretending that he is a police officer on a dispatch call to Stacie's residence. He pretends to call for back-up on David's phone but David doesn't fall for it and attempts to attack the man from behind with a rock. Before he can, Stacie sees him and bangs on her door to get his attention, distracting him and enabling the man to stab him in the neck. As he bleeds out, David uses his remaining strength to put the man in a chokehold to give Stacie time to escape, but she realizes she can't run on her injured leg and that she's in danger of bleeding out. Stacie begins thinking through all her options to escape or hide but realizes that none will succeed. David dies and the man recuperates as Maddie makes the decision to fight back.

While he begins to threaten Stacie's cat, she manages to load the crossbow and shoot the man, but it only hits his shoulder and makes him angry. While running back inside, her hand gets caught in her front door and the man stomps on it repeatedly, crushing it. He threatens to enter, and she taunts him back by writing "do it" on the door with her blood. Stacie types her last words with a description of the man on her laptop then runs to hide in her bathroom. He manages to climb in behind her from a skylight above, he prepares to stab her but she feels his breath on her. She turns around and stabs him in the leg then stumbles to the kitchen where she uses spray insecticide and her specialized smoke alarm to blind and deafen him, but he regains the upper hand by strangling her. On the verge of losing consciousness, she manages to grab a nearby corkscrew and fatally stab him in the throat. The man dies and, after calling 911, Stacie goes outside to sit on the porch and waits for the police to arrive. Her cat comes to sit with her. Police lights flash through the woods as she closes her eyes and smiles.



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Amulet II: The Last Council
Director: Dean DeBlois
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Genre: Traditional Animation / Epic / Adventure / Fantasy / Sci-Fi
Date: November 6
Studio: Alpha Pictures / Hollywood Animation Studios
Format: 2D animation, 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D
Budget: $165 million
Theaters: 4,124
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 163 minutes


Joey King as Emily Charnon
Preston Bailey as Navin Charnon
Daniel Craig as Leon Redbeard
Jake Abel as Prince Trellis
Sam Claflin as Max Griffin
Alan Tudyk as Enzo
Jay Baruchel as Rico
Christoph Waltz as Luger
Jessica Chastain as Karen Charnon
Tara Strong as Miskit
Hugh Jackman as Cogsley
Mackenzie Foy as Allison
F. Murray Abraham as Vigo Light
Jeremy Irons as Gabilan
Sofia Vergara as Selina
Karl Urban as Allison’s father
Angela Kinsey as Allison’s mother
Michael Fassbender as The Stone
Jeff Bridges as The Elf King
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Cole Duncan
Liam Cunningham as the prison guard
Berenice Marlohe as Morrie



The opening of the film is narrated by Leon (Daniel Craig), and is told as a montage. Many years ago, Stonekeepers gathered together in the capital city of Cielis, a bustling metropolis. The leaders of Cielis came to be known as the Guardian Council. The five members of this council governed Alledia for many years. Everything went according to their plans and Alledia benefited from a century of peace. It came as a surprise when Gulfen, the nation of elves, began to attack their neighbors. As the elves had become a ruthless aggressor, the Guardian Council retaliated, but severely underestimated the Elf King's power. In a battle for the throne of Alledia, Cielis suffered the most devastating attack. When the dust cleared, all that remained of the city was a giant crater in its place. Many believed the city simply perished, but that the Resistance still believes the city remains intact. Some say the Guardian Council lifted the city out of the ground and hid it among the clouds to safely rebuild. Leon says they have to believe the story to be true, because the survival of Alledia depends on the existence of Cielis and the Guardian Council.


Leaving exactly where the first film left off, Elf Prince Trellis (Jake Abel) continues to follow the walking Charnon House, finding himself trekking through a forest of mushrooms. He comes across the Elf Officer Luger (Christoph Waltz), naked inside a cave crushing his stone with a rock after his transformation and defeat in the battle with Emily. Luger is afraid that the Elf King will kill him and Trellis for failing them. The Elf King (Jeff Bridges) then speaks to Trellis to Luger through Trellis’ Stone, and the Elf King, disappointed in Trellis’ failure, demands that he complete his mission and kill Emily. Trellis, tired of following his father’s orders, lays his foot on the stone to silence his father, sealing his and Luger’s fate. Luger is scared, but Trellis tells Luger there’s a port city east of the forest, where he believes they can find refuge.

Back in the elf city of Lucien, a bounty hunter named Gabilan (Jeremy Irons), an elf with a metal mask and two glowing eyes, is summoned to appear before the Elf King. Gabilan has been hired by the Elf King to target Emily and her companions. However, the Elf King requests one more target; Prince Trellis and Luger for failing him and disobeying his orders. Gabilan is skeptical at first of the Elf King’s request, but the Elf King affirms that two of them are practically meaningless to him, especially his son. Gabilan takes the offer. On his way out, he asks a guard about his master, the king. The guard replies that by doing his services, the Elf King allows him to live. Gabilan looks back at him, and says, "a most unfortunate arrangement. I can promise you a better wage...when I am king." He then rides off into the night.

Deep in the forest, Emily and her companions have set up camp with Charnon House, on the run from the Elf King’s forces. However, they’re having trouble hiding the house under the trees, and Emily, her brother and commander of the Resistance Navin (Preston Bailey), her mother Karen (Jessica Chastain) and her bunny companion Miskit (Tara Strong) are busy gathering branches to cover it up. When they arrive back at the site, Miskit comments on the appearance on the house, which instead of appearing normal and uninviting is instead positioned as if it’s seated with it’s legs crossed on a floor. The gruff, cynical robot and the “tenant” of the house Cogsley (Hugh Jackman), however, insists on covering it up even in it’s current state, saying he can’t bear to lose the house he built with Silas. 

Emily visits her humanoid fox companion Leon Redbeard in the library inside Charnon House. Leon greets Emily, and tells her that he can't find their destination Cielis, because it seems to have disappeared. Many believe that when the Elf Army set fire to Cielis, all of the citizens perished. Leon argues that as a home of Stonekeepers, this is only a mere assumption. Leon then explains that Cielis still exists as a large, floating city, isolated from the land-dwellers to hide from the Elf Army. Miskit interrupts and says that while Cielis makes for a nice story, Silas himself said that Cielis was left in ruins and looking for it is a waste of their time. Leon retorts that, according to Silas’ notes, he spent a lot of his time after the city’s destruction looking for it. He finishes that, if Cielis still possibly exists, then he has an obligation to take Emily there as her mentor. Later that day, everyone gathers their belongings for the trip to Nautilus, the shipping capital of Alledia where Leon plans to find a captain who can take them to Cielis. Cogsley says his goodbyes to another robot companion, Morrie (Berenice Marlohe), who wishes them good luck (Cogsley replies, “I’ll need it. I still don’t know where the heck we’re going.). Emily, Navin, Leon, Karen, Miskit and Cogsley then get on the transport and head on their way. When they're out of the forest and on the side of the mountain, they see a zeppelin flying through the sky, and then a giant city perched on a plateau next to the ocean.

They arrive in the heart of Nautilus, bustling with different kinds of travelers and residents. Leon says the pilots congregate in the drinking hole The Salty Squid. However, most of them don’t believe in the existence of Cielis, meaning it’ll be hard to find someone willing to take them, and even harder to have a productive discussion considering most of them, according to Leon, “are probably really nasty and really, really drunk.” Karen is concerned by Emily entering a bar, but reluctantly lets her go considering how important the mission is. Emily, Leon and Miskit head inside and ask numerous pilots, most of whom dismiss the notion of Cielis’ existence and tell them to “take a hike” and “shove off.” They find a pair of humanoid cats willing to take them to Cielis; Enzo (Alan Tudyk), a short-tempered pilot who spent many years searching for Cielis before giving up, and his younger brother, co-pilot and crewman Rico (Jay Baruchel). Although Enzo doesn’t want to go looking for Cielis again, Rico persuades him to help them, saying he should try looking for what he truly wants one last time.

Suddenly, two elf guards burst in through the door, and holler at the patrons that they're looking for Prince Trellis and Luger. Emily sees the poster, and recognizes the two faces. Leon then pulls table linen over her face, and tells Emily not to show her face at all. One of the elf guards carries Trellis and Luger inside the bar, saying he found them asleep in the back alley. One of the guards berates Trellis, to which Trellis knocks him over with a light beam from his stone, but not before the elf guard pulls out an electrical staff and forced him against the wall. Emily thinks she needs to help him. Miskit says she's crazy, because Trellis tried to kill her just a week ago. However, Emily says he asked her to help defeat his father, and she just didn't know who his father was. As the guards pin Trellis against the Emily points her staff and tells them to leave him alone. The elf guards laugh her off, mocking her for being "a young, stupid girl." A red light glows from Emily's eyes, and she uses the stone's energy through the staff to throw them back and across the room, smashing into tables and barstools. Emily and Miskit run outside to join Karen, Navin and Cogsley, and Leon asks where their ship is located; Enzo replies, “Dock 10.” Emily, hoping to understand Trellis’ motivations, decides to bring Trellis and Luger along as well. The rest of the group get on the transport, chased by the elves. As the transport arrives at Dock 10, they bust through the gate, and find the Luna Moth, Enzo and Rico’s airship. It’s a small ship, but it’s the fastest in the pier. Everyone quickly gets on, and as the airship takes off, the elves try to bring down the ship with their weaponry. Trellis deflects the firepower with his Stone, and Emily is able to clear a path for the ship to fly away. Inside the ship, Trellis demands Emily tell him why she brought him and Luger along. Emily says that she’s looking for answers; why Trellis asked her to defeat the Elf King, and how she can get back to her world. Trellis says that’s the Curse of the Stonekeeper; Emily is binded to this world. Emily still wants to know why he wants to defeat his father; Trellis only replies, “it was a mistake getting you involved in this.”


Back at the bar, the two elf guards are drinking in their unceremonious defeat, being served by a nervous, sweating bartender. Gabilan, shrouded in a hood and cape, walks into the bar. The two ask what Gabilan, of all elves, is doing in Nautilus. Gabilan tells the two that he’s to collect information about “the Stonekeeper”, and pulls out a device with three latches and a glowing blue center. Gabilan says it’s a memory extractor, which will steal all of the guard’s memories. It’ll take years to recover from, and during that time he’ll barely remember who he is. Gabilan asks where the fugitives are, and when the other guard tells him to “shove off”, Gabilan pulls the trigger as the guard shouts in pain before collapsing, and the latch pulls back. Gabilan looks through the memories, and finds a shot of Enzo and Rico.

As Emily sleeps in a bed aboard the ship, her stone glows. Suddenly, she finds herself in a burned-down forest, as the physical manifestation of the Stone (Michael Fassbender) guides her up a hill, where one single tree lies. It’s the hill where Luger and the elf soldiers burned the Gaboda trees. The Stone says that this is their meeting place, but Emily says she’d rather not meet here, as it brings painful memories. The Stone says she can make it go away, and suddenly the landscape turns to a quiet beach on the side of shore. The two stroll up the beach, before they come across Manhattan. The Stone says Alledia isn’t the only world in danger, and that the Elf King wants Emily to go home, more than she does. Emily asks why, and the Stone says, “because you can stop him.” Suddenly, a purple ball of light emerges from the center of the landscape, and engulfs everything in Manhattan, before destroying the beach Emily stands on. Emily jumps up out of bed, and clamps the stone in her hand as the light from it dies down. In the night skies above Nautilus, Gabilan flies with other flying creatures called wyverns, stating to himself that he’ll take Emily and her friends down with their ship.

In the morning, Enzo shows Leon their possible route. They’ll have to pass through the Golbez Cycle, a massive storm system in the middle of the ocean. According to Leon, Silas’ notes indicate Cielis it’s in the eye of the storm. Enzo, knowing the ship is not built for strong weather, says he’s starting to feel like they’re drifting up a creek without a paddle. Miskit, Cogsley and Navin are assigned crew roles by Enzo, who states that every crew is as strong as its weakest link, and that he expects them to maintain the ship. Cogsley retorts that Navin, being the commander of the Resistance, is more than some lowly crew member. Enzo hands Navin a broom and replies, “well, on my ship, he will be the commander of this broom.”


Leon continues to teach Emily how to use her Stone's powers as defense. Leon picks up a bottle, and instructs Emily to lift it in the air with the Stone's power. When Emily does so, Leon takes out his sword with no caution, and slashes it at lightning speed. Emily says he's too fast, but Leon asks if that's what she'll tell her enemies. Emily is frustrated, but Leon says not to let her frustration get to her. Leon reminds her of what she learned at Demon's Head, which was the ability to hold on to something without destroying it. Leon tosses the bottle again. While Miskit is cleaning, she sees Emily's training. When Leon slashes his sword at the bottle, she's able to protect the bottle. Leon commends her, but they'll have to practice more to get the technique in place.
Enzo is sleeping at the captain’s chair, while Rico pilots the ship, when he’s awoken by a “whoosh” outside his window. When he sees a flying creature outside the window, he tells Rico to get everyone back inside, and fast. Rico asks why, and he sees the flying creature. “Wyverns.” Rico begins to ring a bell, and yells to everyone on the deck to get inside the ship. Emily, while practicing with Leon, is suddenly grabbed by Trellis with the energy from his stone. Leon tackles him down, and asks what the heck he thought he was doing to her, and Trellis angrily replies that he was trying to protect her. “Protect her from what?” Trellis points behind him. “From that.” Suddenly, a wyvern lands on the bar of the deck, screeching. Miskit yells from the ship for the three to get back inside. Emily says to Trellis that they can kill it, but Trellis states that there’s too many of them. Four other wyverns start to fly towards the ship. Inside the ship, Enzo grabs a stunner gun. One of the wyverns lands on the right wing of the ship, and starts to tear the engine apart. Cogsley and Miskit see this from outside the window, and Cogsley gives Miskit a rope and asks her to tie it around her arm. He’s going to repair the engine. When Cogsley walks out onto the wing to repair, Enzo asks if he’s crazy. Cogsley says, “no. I’m a crew member.” Trellis offers to back him up, but Emily says she should; Cogsley is her friend, she should protect them. Trellis relents despite his concerns about her ability, and says he’ll be at the bow if she needs help. Cogsley magnetizes his feet to the wing, and Emily protects him with her Stone. The wyvern tries to attack him, but Emily’s shield covers him. Trellis is able to attack the wyverns and keep them away from the wing. Leon and Miskit watch from the deck, in awe at Emily’s defense. Cogsley successfully repairs the wing, and Miskit welcomes him back. Enzo yells that they’re back to full power. Suddenly, a wyvern flies right towards Miskit, unaware of the wyvern, then grabs her and flies off the ship. Cogsley, with his waist still tied to the rope, is dragged off the ship by the wyvern as well. Emily calls out to Miskit and Cogsley as the wyvern flies off. She runs to the control room and demands Enzo turn the ship around and find the two, but Enzo says that they need to get out of the clouds before more wyverns find them. Emily, tearful about losing Miskit and Cogsley, tells Leon that he has to convince Enzo to turn around. Leon says that there’s nothing they can do. “Their job was to protect you. Not the other way around. Putting you in harm’s way to save them is the last thing Silas would have wanted. It’s not your fault, Emily.” Emily angrily walks away, and mutters, “you know that’s not true.”


Rico is cleaning the speedometers, he sees the ship has low fuel. He calls Enzo over, who has a pained expression on his face. He tells Rico that there's only one fueling station out here. Rico realizes this, and whispers one word; "Selina." Enzo leans back in the captain's chair, and says, "let's just hope old wounds heal fast." The airship glides through sky, and we cut to the airship flying towards a tall rock with buildings on the side, and a sign near the top that says "Selina's." The ship stops at a dock on the port, and see a robot assistant and a white cat named Selina, who has a stern expression on her face. Inside the ship, Rico is trying to calm Enzo down, who's afraid of seeing her. Rico says just to inhale and exhale, and he'll meet with her first. He leaves the airship, and says hello to Selina. The two are happy to see each other, and asks how he got here with Enzo's ship. Rico pauses, and says that he didn't fly the ship. Enzo then appears, and Selina appears angry. When Enzo greets Selina, Selina slaps his in the face. Selina hollers at him, asking what he's doing here. Enzo says he just needs fuel, and Selina asks if he's still looking for that "stupid flying city." As the two argue, the rest of the group comes off the ship. Rico says to Leon that these two have a bit of history, and that Selina broke up with Enzo because she thought he had driven himself crazy with finding Cielis. Finally, Selina says she wants Enzo and the travelers out of here first thing in the morning, and to never come back.

Outside, Trellis walks up to a small cove facing the ocean, where he sees Emily sitting on a rock and looking at the sunset. Trellis says he thinks Emily doesn't trust him, and Emily looks back, and says she feels the feeling is mutual. Trellis starts to leave, saying that the next time he tries to help, Emily should stay out of the way. As he's about to leave, Emily asks why he turned against his father. "If you want me to trust you, you can tell why you need my help." Trellis pauses, and sits down on a rock, and begins telling a story. "On Gondoa Mountain, the day we met, the Arachnopod carrying your mother was supposed to find its way back to the Elf King, but I stopped it. It was seen as an act of treason. My father was looking for a young Stonekeeper to take my place as his successor, and I wanted to stop him. I wanted to use you against him, but I failed. Being jealous, I assumed that was his wish. But I'm afraid the truth is far more sinister. For the past several years, I have had trouble remembering things. The kinds of things one doesn't forget. Much of my childhood were a blank slate, and I suspected my father had something to do with it. Strangely enough, one of the few remaining images in my memory was that of my father's face. It was the only thing I saw clearly, as if I had decided it was the only memory worth keeping. I wanted to see him again, to catch a glimpse of his face behind the mask, with the hope that it might bring back more memories. Under the cover of night, I snuck into his tower and bedroom chamber. And what I saw I will never forget. Behind the mask was my father's face, just as I had remembered it. But just as my memory was frozen in time, the face before me was frozen as well. Something was wrong. His features were gaunt and gray, with skin like stones. His eyes glazed over by a milky white substance, and nothing but a cold emptiness behind them. He was dead." Trellis says the Elf King is nothing more than a walking corpse, and whatever lives inside it killed him. Emily asks how you kill something that's already dead. Luger appears from behind, and says they have to destroy the Stone. A Stone cannot survive without a Stonekeeper, but this Stone has found a way to reanimate the body of it's dead master using the darkest kind of magic there is, and it's likely the Elf King wasn't the first victim. Both Emily and Trellis will need to work together to defeat the Stone. Trellis says Luger should go inside before he gets sick. Trellis starts to leave, and Emily asks why he needs her. Trellis says, "because my Stone told me it had to be you."

Later that night, Emily sits by the fireplace, unable to sleep. Karen walks in her nightgown, asking Emily if she can talk to her. She asks what's keeping Emily up, and Emily says that she feels she has so much on her shoulders, and it's too much to handle. Karen replies that she understands. "When your father passed away, I felt the same way you do now. I had so much on my shoulders that I didn't know what to do. Without that extra support, I felt so alone. But then I saw your faces, and I realized I couldn't feel bad for myself. At the same time, I needed to take care of your and your brother. So I trusted myself to figure it out. And my worries vanished. If you can trust yourself, and gain your confidence back, you can make it through any situation no matter how bad things may seem. And you should trust yourself, Emily. You saved my life. If you can save a life, you can get yourself through this." Emily smiles, and hugs her mom. Emily asks if Karen is worried, but Karen says that she's her mother. Worrying about Emily is her full-time job.

In the morning, the Luna Moth is ready. Outside, Enzo and Selina share final words. Selina says he should settle down after all these years of traveling. At one point, he needs to stop chasing these rainbows and think about the remaining years of his life. Enzo says that he plans to use his time in the skies wisely. Selina smiles that when he's done traveling, there's a job waiting for him and the station. Enzo says he won't need to settle here, because there's a city waiting for him high above the clouds. "I'll send you a postcard." The two smile, and hug one last time before Enzo gets on the ship. As the ship takes off, Leon tells Enzo and Rico that they can fly into a lighter area of the storm and be able to see Cielis from afar, but Enzo says he'll just fly right through it. Rico asks Enzo if he's sure that Cielis is on the other side. Enzo replies, "well, there's only one way to find out." The airship fly off into the sky, as Selina watches from the dock.


Later, the ship begins to fly into the Golbez Cycle. Navin is inside the bridge as Rico shows him some of the controls for the time being, as Enzo sits on the other side. From the bridge into a loudspeaker, Rico tells everybody that their flying into the storm, and everyone needs to sit down and secure themselves to the ship. Outside the window, Navin and Luger see sky eels, giant flying fish-like animals that Luger explains are docile creatures. Most of them are older than the history of Navin’s world. He wonders about all the things one of those sky eels must remember from their lifetime. As Luger explains how he can’t even recall the days of his youth, Gabilan sits on the deck near the stern of the ship, cloaked with his glowing yellow eyes.
The flag on the top starts flapping around, parts of the ship start vibrating, and rain pours down on the exterior. Enzo and Rico see ice form on the wings, and both go out dressed in ponchos. Enzo says that they need to de-ice the wings, and he needs Rico’s help. Enzo turns to Navin, and says that he’s the only other crew member left, and he needs to take control of the ship. Shocked, but excited, Navin rushes to the control room of the ship. Rico begins to blast hot water at the wings of the ship, but he notices something in the distance. “Enzo! We’ve got a problem!” Enzo then sees funnel clouds, and the Luna Moth is headed right towards them. The intense wind makes it incredibly difficult for Navin to steer the ship. He loses control at one point, and the ship begins to swerve right towards one funnel cloud. Navin, determined to prove his worth to Enzo, swerves the ship right back on course, and plows through the storm, avoiding the funnel clouds. Enzo and Rico arrive back at the control room, and Rico congratulates Navin on his flying. Navin is willing to give Enzo back the wheel, but Enzo says it looks like he’s got it under control.

The storm begins to clear up, and Rico points out something in the sky. Enzo and Navin see a floating piece of land, with something akin to a rock pillar. When Navin stops the ship next to the rock pillar, Emily, Leon, Trellis, Luger and Enzo climb off the ship. Emily asks that Karen that she, Navin and Rico to wait aboard the ship. When the five walk inside the pillar, it appears to be a stone room with floating rocks in the center. Leon states that Silas’ notes indicate this as some sort of beacon, and the rocks are a puzzle to test those seeking passage into the city. Luger adds that the rocks appear to be imbued with the same kind of energy that gives Emily and Trellis’ Stones power. Enzo is in disbelief that he might’ve been right about Cielis all along.


Rico is busy cooking with Karen for everyone to eat before they enter Cielis, despite his complaints that he can’t cook to save his life. Suddenly, a metal device is held to Karen’s head. “Hold still. Put your hands where I can see them.” Karen looks over and sees Gabilan. She takes her frying pan and tries to knock the metal device back, and yells out to Rico to warn the others. Rico tries to escape and outsmart Gabilan, but Gabilan knocks him back and renders him unconscious. As Gabilan grabs Karen despite her struggling, he retorts, “relax, I don’t want to hurt you at all. I simply want to join your little party.”
Emily and Trellis complete the puzzle with their Stones’ power, which sends a beacon of light into the sky. Gabilan walks into the beacon. “Looks like I’m already too late.” Emily turns around, and sees her mother being held by Gabilan, who is pointing his metal device at her head and tells Emily to stand back, threatening her mother. Emily charges up her Stone tells him to get away from her mother, while Luger states that he recognizes Gabilan’s voice. Gabilan continues: “I’ve informed the Elf King about the location of this beacon temple, so it's only a matter of time before the forces of Gulfen ravage Cielis once again. How does it feel to be responsible for the demise of the Guardian Council?” Trellis whispers to Emily that he can buy her at least ten seconds. Suddenly, Luger realizes who Gabilan is. “You’re the one who did this to me! You’re the one who made me forget everything!” Gabilan says he was only following his father’s orders. When Luger hears this, he’s shocked. Gabilan laughs heartedly. “Oh, Luger, you didn’t know? I must have done a better job than I realized.” That’s when Trellis yells to Emily to attack, and Trellis grabs Karen telepathically. Emily then charges up her Stone as Gabilan stumbles from the sudden movement, and sends an energy beam towards Gabilan, knocking him back. Karen runs back to Leon and Enzo. Gabilan asks if that’s all Emily’s got, and throws out a spiral device that absorbs her magic. He then transfer the magic from the spiral device (which forms into a shield) through him, and then creates an energy blast that creates a hole in the side of the beacon. He laughs, and Emily yells to Trellis to avoid his shield. Trellis tries to attack Gabilan and work his way around the shield, but Gabilan ends up blocking his Stone’s energy, charges it up and blasts him right outside the beacon. Trellis flies through the air and grabs onto a tree root, hanging off the tree root. He’s able to pull himself up, but he’s suddenly punched in the face by an unknown figure. The Stone speaks to Emily. “It’s time to end this little dance, Emily. Focus.” Emily fires back at Gabilan with her Stone’s energy. Gabilan quickly dodges it, but Emily thens severs a rock platform above from the beacon, which begins to crash down on Gabilan, nearly crushing him. Karen yells to Enzo and Leon behind to look out. Emily pulls out Gabilan telepathically from under the rocks. Gabilan opens his eyes. “You think you’re in control. But you’re not. That Stone has it’s own agenda. And when it’s finished with you, you’ll die like the rest.” Emily then throws him off the side of the beacon down to the clouds below. As he falls, a wyvern flies below him and catches him mid-air. Gabilan retains control of the wyvern, and flies off.

Emily remains motionless through the dust and rubble, her stone still glowing. Suddenly, she hears clapping. Out from the dust, a young, dark-haired man walks towards her with other individuals behind him. “Wow, oh, wow! Now that’s an impressive first showing, Stonekeeper.” Emily asks who he is, and he introduces himself as Max Griffin (Sam Claflin), and he’ll be her escort to Cielis. The two individuals ask about the elves, and Emily says they’re with her. Max turns to Trellis and Luger, and says that this isn’t just a free pass. Emily tells Max that the Elf King is already on his way, and Max says he’s aware of that. The six companions, including Max and the two Cielian individuals walk aboard the Luna Moth. Navin and Rico wait on the deck. Emily expresses her worries to Leon about Max and the fellow Cielians, but Leon says they’re here to teach her things he can’t. Karen says to Emily that Max has been telling her all about “the school” and how exciting it is. Emily is surprised about the idea, but Max states that she’ll be trained and tested to see who makes up the new Guardian Council. Max continues that the Guardian Council is looking for new successors to govern Alledia, with her taking a leadership role. “Could you imagine what having that kind of power must be like?” The Luna Moth enters through a jump gate portal, and we the city Cielis in all it’s glory. It’s a stone behemoth of city, floating in the air and surrounded by flying ships. Max welcomes Emily to her new home. Enzo tells Rico to find a camera and document the moment. “We’re gonna make ourselves some postcards!”


The Luna Moth is guarded by several Cielian officers, on a floating airship hangar close to Cielis. Emily is taking a nap in her cabin, and she finds herself in an odd forest. She finds her stone’s physical manifestation in front of a chessboard by itself at the top of a rocky staircase. Emily asks who it's playing against, and the Stone says it's simply preparing. Emily’s been worried about how quiet her Stone’s been since they’ve been preparing to enter Cielis. The Stone is clearly happy about Emily’s concern for it considering the big stupid grin on its face. Upon entering Cielis, the Stone says, Emily will not hear its voice due to the magic used to silence them. However, the Stone says that in the end, she’ll need it’s guidance. He leaves her with a warning as the atmosphere around her dissipates; “Beware the Hall of Humble Kings. Pass through to the end and the game will begin.” Emily asks what that’s supposed to mean, and the Stone says its best she not know. Emily responds that the Stone shouldn’t keep secrets from. The Stone ends the conversation with: “You are not ready. Not yet. You will be soon. When you begin to realize the true weight of your actions, you will awaken to become the person this world needs you to be.”

Emily wakes up. Max stands by her bedside, saying everybody’s ready to go now. Emily says she has a headache, and Max says that she sounded like she was having a bad dream. “Maybe seeing Cielis for the first time will help.” Max walks her out to the hangar, telling her that they’ll be taking the dropships into the city, and she’ll be riding with him. The dropships are orange and somewhat futuristic-looking. As they enter the dropship below, Max asks Emily to watch her step. Trellis and Luger are escorted onto a separate dropship, handcuffed. Emily asks Max aboard their dropship why the guards treat Max like a leader. Max replies that his father was Captain of the Cielis Guard, and he took his place when he passed away. “The police work never really suited me, to be honest though. My real ambition is to be on the Council. It should be your goal, too.” Emily asks why, and Max says that she has the ability to make a difference. The dropship engines turn on, with rocket boosters propelling it from the hangar towards the city below. The city looks even better from up above. It’s filled with buildings, architecture and green. Basically, imagine Minas Tirith from Return of the King, but as a floating city above the clouds in the sky. As they fly down towards the city, Emily gets a glimpse of the city from below. The Gothic architecture with modern elements is just beautiful to look at.

They arrive on an enclosed runaway. Leon follows Emily and Max, but is stopped by a guard who states he is not authorized to go beyond that point. Leon states that he’s with them, but the guard replies that only Stonekeepers and their families are allowed access to the Academy. Despite Leon’s protests, Enzo asks him to let it go. Leon asks what he’s supposed to do now that his duties are apparently relieved, and the guard simply says to enjoy their stay in Cielis. Leon grumbles, and Enzo pulls him away with Rico. The three of them walk through the streets, and Leon says that’s something wrong with this picture. Enzo states that he won’t let snobbish guards ruin his time here. “Now let’s go get a bite to eat!”

 Inside their dropship, Trellis and Luger remain silent as Duncan flies them away from the others. Trellis asks where he is taking them, and Duncan replies, “asking the wrong questions can get you in a lot of trouble around here. I suggest you just stay quiet and do as you’re told. You can save yourself and the old man from a lot of pain.” The dropship lands in front of a prison, and Trellis and Luger are escorted by Duncan towards the entrance. The prison guard introduces Trellis and Luger to Yarboro Prison. He then leans towards Trellis. “A little birdie once told me you were the son of the Devil himself. When I heard that the Elf King was your father, I asked to be in charge of you personally. Now, you should know that my family was killed by your people back in the war. And I’m the kind of man who doesn’t forget things too easily.” Inside their cell, a collar has been placed around Trellis’ neck to prevent himself from using his stone. Luger says all they can do is wait for the Elf King to find them in there are kill them. Trellis says they won’t have to wait. “This place is already compromised. Everyone here is stricken by fear. They’re crippled by it. The city will fall even before the King arrives.”

Emily, Karen, Max and Navin are aboard an elevator going up. Karen comments on the view, and Max says it’s the best in the city. He continues that Emily is being offered the opportunity of a lifetime. Karen asks exactly what this “opportunity” is. Max replies that if she is who the Council is looking for, then she might just help them save the world. When Max shows Emily her living quarters, she and her mom are perplexed by how fancy it is. Max says that’s because Emily is already held in high esteem in Cielis. Outside on the deck, Emily looks over the whole city. Navin walks out and says that really doesn’t like this place. Emily replies, “where else can we go, Navin? These people are supposed to be the only ones who can help us.” Navin says that he thought they were always on their own. Max joins them and interrupts their conversation, saying he understands their hesitation, but Emily’s first day at the Academy will clear up any doubts. Emily sternly replies that they came to the Council to ask for help, not to join them. Max says that hopefully Emily begins to take her opportunity more seriously. “These tests determine who among us are the strongest Stonekeepers. And only the strongest will earn the right to lead our army against the Elf King. It’s your duty to help us however you can.” Max walks away, and tells Emily that she should make sure to get plenty of rest tonight. “You’re going to need it.” Max wishes Karen a good night, and shuts the door behind him.

Karen awkwardly states, “well, I guess he seems nice.” Navin says they need to get out and find the others, but Emily discovers that the door’s locked. Navin asks if she can just blast through it with the Stone, but Emily retorts that ever since they’ve entered Academy grounds, it’s been growing weaker and weaker. Karen says that they’ve been receiving good treatment, but Navin still things they should go. Emily agrees with him, and Karen states that she shouldn’t be so quick to judge. “Emily, defeating the Elf King is the only way we’re going to make our way home, right? Getting home is the end goal of all this, isn’t it? And these people seem like they could help us.”

 “But Mom, can’t you see there’s something wrong with this place? The locked doors? The secrecy of everything? The fact they’ve separated us from everybody else? That they took Trellis and Luger away? Can’t you see that?

“I’m not blind, Emily. Now I’m going to tell you something very important. As you grow up, you’re going to learn that you’re going to find ‘something wrong’ with anywhere you go. That’s just the way life is. You just have to be willing to follow their system and do what you can to make things right. As long as you’re doing what’s right, things should work themselves out. And you might even help around you along the way.” There’s a brief pause. Then, Karen hugs Emily and Navin and says they’re going to be alright. “I love you both. And we’ll be fine as long as we stay together. I just don’t want to see you two lose me again.”

 Leon, Enzo and Rico walk through the streets and alleyways of Cielis, which are absolutely barren and quiet. Enzo only says, “well, this one of the most disappointing things I’ve ever seen. This place is like a freakin’ ghost town.” Leon says it’s strangely quiet now, and that the street they’re walking down used to be one of the busiest. They find a quaint cafe, which looks a little run-down from the outside. Nobody acknowledges them as they walk in. The waiter says the cafe is closed. Enzo asks why the sign said it was open then, and the waiter flatly repeats that the place is closed. Enzo grabs his shirt collar, and says, “I get it. This place is closed to us. Right?!” Leon pulls Enzo away as the latter hollers, “I didn’t want your rotten food, anyways. It smells horrible in here!”. As they stand outside, Rico states, “it’s a shame, because the food actually smelled pretty good in there.” Enzo sighs, and ponders why he thought life would be better here. Leon replies that it’s not normal for the people here to act so gruff. A little girl named Allison (Mackenzie Foy) walks up to the three, and says she heard they needed a place to eat. She asks them if they’re ghosts. Enzo thinks she’s joking, but Leon says they should follow her, thinking she could provide some answers. “And maybe some food as well.”

They follow her to a hole-in-the-wall cafe, where Allison tells her mother (Angela Kinsey) that she brought some customers. Her mother says they can take a seat anywhere. Her father (Karl Urban) comes out, and asks Allison what he told her about bringing strangers. Allison says that they aren’t “like the others.” The father turns to the three, and says they need to leave for their own safety. “Don’t you know? This town is cursed. If you stay here for even another day, they’ll lock you up. And then, they’ll kill you like everyone else.” Leon asks if he’s talking about the Elf King, and the father corrects him; the Guardian Council. Leon questions this, affirming that they were the ones who sent him on his mission. The father replies, “how many years ago did they send you? The Council is no longer what it once was.” Allison’s mother locks the door. Allison reminds her father that the Council isn’t real. “They’re ghosts, like the ones that haunt the city!” Enzo asks what she’s talking about. Allison replies, “a few years, I saw a group of people I knew. But they acted like strangers. They took over the city in a matter of days.” Leon asks what makes Allison believe they’re ghosts. “Like I said, I recognized them, but these people - they’re supposed to be dead.” Her father tells her to stop talking about, but Allison says she can’t bottle up the truth. “My parents are afraid because the know we’re always being watched! But I don’t care! You’re not ghosts. And you’re not from here. So you must be here to help us, right?” Her father yells at her, saying that she should remember what they talked about. Leon doesn’t know what to say, but Enzo says they came looking for help, not the other way around, and he’s sorry to disappoint her. There’s a knock at the door, and the father says it’s the guard. He says there’s an exit through the kitchen. Allison says that they need to help the strangers, but her father says that there’s no use hiding there, and he wants her to go with her friends since the guard will take him and her mother. They say their tearful goodbyes, and the mother and father say to Leon, Enzo and Rico to take care of Allison. They escape through the back window in the kitchen. The father answers the door, and sees Duncan at the door, recognizing. Duncan bursts down the door, sending the father flying back. The father grumbles, “I knew Cole Duncan for most of my life. He was a good friend and he died a proud soldier. I don’t know what you are, but you are not Officer Cole Duncan.” Duncan silences him, and arrests him and the mother for conspiring against the Council. As the mother and father are carried out by officers, Cole’s eyes glow blue, similar to those of a Stonekeeper. “They know, sir.” Leon, Enzo, Rico and Allison run through the streets. Leon asks Allison that they show her the way to the prison, saying he needs a little help from his friends.


Somewhere near the ocean, Miskit and Cogsley wake up in the nest of a wyvern. Miskit immediately ties the rope off her arm. After his sensors fully activate, Cogsley gets pushed over by Miskit.

M: “You got us into this mess, I hope you’re happy!”
C: “What was that for?”
M: “This is all your fault, Cogsley!”
C: “My fault? Gimme a break, you’re the one who got caught by the wyvern. I was just an unwitting passenger.”
M: “Whose idea was it to tie us together with this stupid rope? Maybe you should’ve tied yourself to the ship instead of taking me along for the ride!”
C: “Yeah, yeah. Water under the bridge, Miskit. If you thought that, maybe you should’ve said something to me. And you whining isn’t gonna get us outta this nest.”

Miskit pushes Cogsley over again, and Cogsley lands into the back of an egg.

 C: “Oh, now look what you’ve done! Now you’ve just cracked into this - rock?”

 The egg begins to crack further, and out pops a baby wyvern.

 C: “Uh-oh.”

 The wyvern unfurls its wings, and begins to look at Cogsleystrangely, before it looks at him happily and starts to coo.

C: “Uh, Miskit? This guy’s looking at me funny and he’s making weird noises. What does he want?”
M: “Um, Cogsley? I think he must think you’re his mother.”
C: That’s not funny, Miskit.”

 Cogsley turns over to the baby wyvern.

 C: “This is a bad idea, kid. You don’t want me to be your mom. Trust me. I am vicious. I have the worst parenting program, you’ll be absolutely miserable.”

 The baby wyvern begins to cuddle up to Cogsley.

C: “Miskit! Do something!”
M: “I can’t, Cogsley. He’s your kid.”
C: “This is no laughing matter, I’m not gonna be the parent of this animal.”
M: “Jeez, Cogsley, that’s your child right there.”
C: “Stop joking around!”
M: “Well, what do you want me to do? He looks harmless, and he’s sooooo cute.”
C: “It’s his real mother I’m worried about!”
M: “Wait, Cogsley, do you see that?”

Miskit and Cogsley look up above, and they see a bright light in the clouds above, reflecting a shadow over the water. Miskit thinks it’s an airship, and yells at it while making a distress signal. Cogsley gets a closer look at the ship, now headed towards the wyvern nest, and tells Miskit to get down and stay quiet, saying it’s a hemlock ship of pirates. Cogsley bends down, looks the baby wyvern in the eyes, and gives him a pep talk. “Listen to me, kid. You’re gonna have to fly. And if you don’t, these people are going to eat you, understand? You have no idea what I’m saying, do you - this doesn’t make any sense. Let’s get this over with.” Cogsley picks up the baby wyvern, and says that it’ll thank me for this someday. As he tosses it, he hollers at the baby wyvern to “flap your wings and fly, kid!”. It glides across the water, and Cogsley is proud of himself before he and Miskit are grabbed by two metal claws from the airship, carried up into the ship. Cogsley calls out above “spoiled your lunch, barbarians!”, but Miskit retorts back and says, “I don’t think they care about the wyvern, Cogsley.”

Miskit and Cogsley are dropped by the claws onto the deck of the airship, and their gaze meets an older man with a gray beard (F. Murray Abraham). He inspects Cogsley, and notes that he’s an older model. Cogsley replies, “well, you’re not exactly a spring chicken, either, huh?”. The old man says they look harmless enough, and tells them to hold onto something. Miskit asks where they’re going, and the old man says “home.” Miskit looks over the deck of the airship, and tells Cogsley that “his newborn child decided to follow us.” Cogsley yells at the kid to go back, saying he’s “making the whole ‘flying-for-the-first-time-and-escaping’ thing kinda pointless.”

 The old man offers some tea to Miskit and Cogsley. Cogsley says they don’t have time for this, and Miskit says that they’re on a very important mission. The old man says there’s always time for tea. “If your mission is so important, you should reflect on what you are about to do.” Cogsley says he’s getting out of here, and he asks Miskit to join him. The old man sternly tells Cogsley to sit down, and Cogsley quiffs “sorry, grandpa, but I don’t drink tea.” As Cogsley walks away, the old man’s hidden Stone lifts up from under his vest and sends an energy beam that wraps around Cogsley and lifts him off the ground. Cogsley yelps, and the old man telepathically places him on the couch, and lifts a teapot and pours tea into his cup. Cogsley lets out a small “hmph.” Miskit is surprised to see the old man is a Stonekeeper, and asks who he is. The old man finally introduces himself as Vigo Light. Miskit asks how he knew Silas, and Vigo says they served together on the Guardian Council. He shows a transmitter to Miskit and Cogsley that was designed to locate his creations, which is how he found them. He adds that he didn’t know what it was for until many years after their time on the Council. Miskit says that Silas said he exiled from Cielis for “telling the truth.” Vigo finds that interesting, and Cogsley asks why he was booted out. Vigo says he wasn’t booted out, but he left instead. “You must understand that Silas was an odd man. He spoke his mind freely, and it upset the other Council members. He was eventually voted off the Council.” Miskit asks why the council would exile him, and Vigo says it was because of the Mother Stone. Miskit asks what that is, and Silas replies that it’s where all of the Stones come from. “It is where all of these come from. Our Stonekeeper powers originated from a single source. Cut from a gem that was discovered by the early settlers of this planet.” As Vigo begins to tell his story, we see it through a flashback.

 “Realizing that the Mother Stone contained tremendous energy, the settlers buried it deep beneath their first city - Cielis, the ancient capital of Alledia. The original Guardian Council was created to govern the use of the Mother Stone. Small bits of the powerful gem were cut and provided to the early settlers of Alledia to help them develop our world. Centuries passed, and hundreds of Stonekeepers were born. With their powers they built the foundation for the great nations of Alledia, and accelerated the development of cities across the globe. Of course, more than a few Stonekeepers abused the immense power that the Stones provided them, and waged war on other Stonekeepers for control of the nations. Many Stonekeepers perished in these battles, their Stones perished with them. By the time I had joined the Council, only a small shard of the Stone remained. It was decided that cutting the final cutting the final piece would only be considered if the Council needed to call on its powers to help defend Cielis and the nation of Windsor. It was considered a last resort. Your master Silas felt that if we were not going to use the Stone immediately, we should destroy it before it fell into the wrong hands. To treat it as an insurance policy, he reasoned was a dangerous mistake. He criticized the Council for making decisions based on its fears, and he believed that if we continued this path, we would see our fears realized. At that time, I was the youngest member of the Council. And due to my inexperience, I made some decisions that I would regret for the rest of my life. The first such decision was to vote in favor of removing Silas from the Council. Shortly thereafter, the elves unleashed a devastating attack on Cielis and forced the Council to hide the city in the clouds. And then I began to see what Silas saw. The Council’s every move was motivated by fear and I was just too young to notice it before. I could not longer be a part of them. So I tendered my resignation.”

Vigo finishes his story that he began to work outside the system by passing down the Stone to my son, training him to become a Stonekeeper. He describes his son’s eagerness to fight, so he set out to take on the Elf King. Miskit asks what happened next, and Vigo only says with a sad tone, “that’s a story for another time.” He excuses himself, saying if they prefer to leave, he can provide them with a boat. Cogsley is happy at the opportunity to leave, but Miskit wants more answers.


At sunset, Cogsley is preparing the boat. Noticing the baby wyvern by his side, he remarks, “you’re not gonna give up, aren’t you?”. Cogsley offers him a position on the crew, but that if he wants to, he’s gonna have to toughen up. “You can start by wiping that stupid grin off your face.” Miskit wants to speak to Vigo, but Cogsley insists she hurry up. Miskit tells Vigo that Silas is dead from illness, and Vigo is sorry to hear that. Miskit mentions that he passed down his power to his great-granddaughter. “Her name is Emily Charnon, and she could use your help right now.” Miskit says she’s looking for other Stonekeepers like Vigo, and even if he’s lost faith in them there’s still people out there fighting for the things he believes in. Vigo only expresses his condolences about Silas, and that they should leave before it gets dark. Miskit and Cogsley set sail. On the sailboat, Cogsley starts talking about possible names for his baby wyvern, before settling on Dagno, saying “it has a nice ring to it.” Miskit hears a whirring sound, and suddenly a bright light shines on the boat. Two metal claws grab Miskit and Cogsley, and Dagno climbs onto the rope. Cogsley remarks that there has to be a better to do this. When they arrive on the airship above, Vigo says that he thought he could use a lift on his way to Cielis. Cogsley quiffs, “are you gonna force us to drink tea again?”. Vigo’s airship flies off towards the eye of the Golbez cycle.


Emily lies in her living quarters bed sleeping, when she hears noise outside. She gets up, and she calls Navin and her mom’s names. A masked guard enters the room, and Emily’s arm is grabbed by Duncan. Emily demands to know what they’ve done with her family, and Duncan, with glowing blue eyes, says that she has been summoned by the Council. Duncan says that her uniform is on her bed, and asks her politely to get dressed. Emily yells, “can you at least let go of my arm?”. Duncan relents, and says that since Emily asked to see the Guardian Council, she’ll get her wish. Emily’s uniform, a blue jumpsuit with her amulet on his chest, is escorted by Duncan and three other masked guards, her hands cuffed together, to the Garden of Keepers. Duncan states that this will be the nexus for the Council’s series of “tests,” and she will meet her fellow students here. She’s uncuffed by one of the guards, and Duncan states that the Council will be with her shortly. “Good luck.” They exit through the shaft door, which closes behind them. Emily walks around the garden, taking notice of the strange statues, which resemble other students fighting. Suddenly, she hears crying. She recognizes it as Max, and she sees him beside a tree. Emily asks what’s going on, and Max only says through muffled cries, “I’m sorry.” Emily asks what he’s sorry for.

 “For lying to you. Just like he lied to us.” Another student, an older teenage student (Nat Wolff) appears from behind the trees, cracking his knuckles. “Can’t you see? He’s lied you into a trap.” Max argues back that the Council lied, and they set him up into a trap. The other teenager aims to punch Max, but a female voice yells at him to stop. “You don’t want any blood on your hands, Pierce. Leave him alone.” A female teenage student (Abigail Breslin) appears from behind a tree. Pierce argues that Max deserves it, but she says that maybe he does, but the Void should determine his fate. Pierce backs away, saying Max is gonna get what he deserves. The girl turns over to Emily. “And you must be the new kid.” Emily introduces herself to the two, and they introduce themselves as Pierce and Ronin.

Pierce asks what Max told Emily. “That you’re the so-called ‘chosen one’ here to save Cielis? ‘Cause if you’re wondering, that’s what he told the rest of us, too. That you’ll be tested. You know what the consequences are for failing these ‘tests’? You pass, you live, you fail, you die. You don’t just get to walk out of here, Emily. Stonekeepers are brought here to die.” Ronin tells Pierce to stop scaring Emily, but Emily says she only wants to know what’s going on, and how many Stonekeepers are here. Ronin says that there were thirty when the test began, but now there’s only a small handful left. Pierce adds that whoever dies in “the Void”, they get turned to stone. Suddenly, a loud horn blows. Ronin says the tests are about to begin, and they need to meet in the center. Emily asks Max if he’s coming, and he says he’ll be right behind her. When they all reach the middle, a platform flies down from the night sky. The Council stands before the four Stonekeepers, all with glowing blue eyes. The Council welcomes them to their last day of training. “Your abilities have taken you this far. But it will take more than talent to succeed at the Academy. It will require sacrifice and a determination to succeed at any cost. Show us weakness or mercy, and you will find a permanent place in the Garden of Keepers. Show us your strength, and we will make you a god.” The Council head wishes them good luck, and they disappear. The Stonekeepers begin to disappear into fragments as they’re transported into the void.


Emily is transported into the Void, in what appears to be a cavernous structure filled with floating stalactites. Max whispers to her from behind a rock, and tells her to get down. Suddenly, a beige, devilish creature with blue eyes scampers close, and growls, before disappearing into the dark. Max explains that it’s a groul, used by the Council to guard their treasures, though he’s unsure of what they’re guarding. Emily goes to find the others, but Max is worried about going back to Pierce and Ronin, saying he didn’t tell them the whole truth. Emily asks if they were expecting something similar to a boarding school, and Max responds that not everyone is as resilient as Emily. “They aren’t as willing to face difficult challenges. It’s what makes you special.” Emily says that the one thing she’s learned about challenges is that you don’t want to face them alone. “We’re going to need the others’ help whether you like it or not. And don’t flatter me. It makes me feel weird.” As they walk out, Max cuts himself, and a drop of blood falls from his cut. He notices the cut, confused as to why he’s bleeding in the Void.


When Max and Emily find Pierce and Ronin, Pierce says he’s ready to do some unfinished business, aiming his Stone’s magic at Max. Max says he can help Pierce, but Pierce responds, “It’s a little late for that, Griffin.” When Emily tries to stop him, Pierce says that she doesn’t know what Max is capable of. “He lied to us and he left us for dead. We’re lucky he got dropped with us in the Void so we can get our revenge.” Max then says that they aren’t in the Void. “If we were in the Void, I wouldn’t be bleeding from my hand. We’re in the Catacombs beneath Cielis.” Pierce says he doesn’t know what game Max is playing, “but I’d rather get rid of you before we all find out.” Suddenly, the group hear small taps in the distance. Pierce feels a drip of water on his head. He turns around, and the glow from his Stone shows a giant group of grouls, all craving blood. He yells at the group to run, and the grouls take off towards the four. They find a rock hill, and begin to climb as the grouls chase after them. Pierce slips, and he falls into the pit of grouls, yelping as he’s grabbed away. Ronin yells to keep climbing. Emily turns around, and sees the grouls screeching. She powers her Stone, and vaporizes one of them. Max yells at Emily to grab his hand. He picks her up, and he then fires a large explosion of energy that blows the grouls back. The three make it to a drain pipe, and use to escape. As they fly down a water stream they land in an underground pond, with large stone structures surrounding them. After they get out, Max explains to Emily that they’re in the city’s water supply. Ronin points to the exit, and they follow her lead.


Near Yarboro Prison, another batch of prisoners are being taken in, none of them who look like criminals. Leon, Enzo, Rico and Alison watch from above, and Alison notes how active the Guard is, and that they must be planning something. Leon then responds, “Let’s move before we find out what it is.” He throws a grapple hook up to the top of the prison, and they climb up the rope. On the top of the prison, they find a grate. Leon and Alison come down on a rope, and they look for Trellis and Luger. As they run, Alison asks why so many citizens are being arrested. Leon says that the guards of Cielis are captured by fear. “It clouds their judgement and makes them difficult to deal with.” They find Trellis and Luger, the latter surprised to see them. Trellis says that the city is as corrupt as his homeland. “If this was your last hope, I’d say we’re in trouble.” Leon says he’s right, but he needs his help to set things right.” Leon pulls out his sword, and slashes Trellis’ collar. Trellis asks why Leon trusts him over his superiors, and Leon says that there’s no superiors. Trellis smiles and says, “I like your thinking. Welcome to the club.” He uses his Stone’s magic to crank the bars open, and he asks where Emily is.

They climb to the top of the grate, only to be confronted by Trellis’ prison guard, who’s surrounding by several other guards. Leon pulls his sword and attempts to attack, but he’s hit back with tremendous force. Trellis asks if he can handle this, and he wraps the prison guard with his Stone’s magic, before throwing him back into the wall. The prison guard then turns into stone, crumbling into pieces. Leon and Trellis are surprised by the guard’s transformation, and are quickly surrounded by several others. Suddenly, a green airship flies through the sky towards the top of the prison. Miskit calls out to Leon and Trellis to look out behind them, and Leon is surprised to see them alive. Leon is attacked by a guard, but he slashes him quickly to stone. Vigo floats down from the airship, and asks Trellis to stand back. He uses his Stone’s magic through his staff, and obliterates the guards, turning them all to stone fragments. The airship lands on the top of the prison, piloted by Cogsley, who’s relieved to be on the ground again, carrying his now-loyal “son” Dagno. Trellis asks if this is a curse, and Vigo says that it’s one of the oldest tricks in the book. “This is the work of a very powerful and gifted Stonekeeper. It’s one of the most thorough illusions I’ve ever seen.” Miskit asks why if the illusion is so strong, the statues break apart so easily, and Vigo responds that the proximity of the Stonekeeper who casts it controls the strength. “It’s likely the Stonekeeper is far away from here.” Miskit adds that Silas’ distance spells rarely worked underground. Vigo pieces this together, and asks Leon where Emily is. Leon responds that she’s at the Academy, and Vigo rushes everyone to get to the Academy.

Emily, Max and Ronin find themselves walking down a large corridor with status of rather humble-looking kings, leading to a passageway emitting light. All three walk through the passageway, and find themselves in a cavernous, bright room with a glowing stone floating between rocks. Max continues walking, and Ronin suddenly stops. Emily calls out to Max, saying this isn’t the exit. Max continues walking towards the glowing stone. Emily turns around to tell Ronin that they have to go back, but sees Ronin as a stone figure, instead. Max grabs the stone, smiling. He turns to Emily, and asks if she knows what what he’s holding is. “It’s where you and I were truly born. This is what remains of the Mother Stone. And it contains enough energy to create a new Guardian Council. The future of Alledia rests in our hands.” The figure of Ronin crumbles away, her stone remains brushed away by the wind inside the chamber. Emily demands to know what Max has done to the others, and Max flatly replies, “There are no others, Emily. It’s just you and me.” Emily darkly states, “Everything was a lie. You lied, Max.”

Max says that he needed Emily’s help to get inside the vault, because it takes two Stones from the Guardian Council to gain access. Emily threatens Max to put the Stone back, ready to fire her Stone’s magic, saying he has no choice. Max replies, “you always have a choice.” Emily hears the cries of help from her brother and mother behind her, and sees Navin and Karen held by Duncan and a guard. Max continues. “The greatest Stonekeepers in history, when faced with such insurmountable situations managed to bottle up their emotions, keep them in check. And they made the best decisions under great pressure. It was the mark of an iron will, something required in all great leaders. Now, the guards behind you have been ordered to kill your family if you dare try and attack me. So I give you one choice; you can try and stop me from taking the Mother Stone, on the condition that your family is executed by the fine gentlemen behind you, or you let me walk out of here and I spare their lives.”

Emily asks Max how she’ll know he keeps his word, and Max flatly replies, “I guess you’ll have to trust me. Something you’ve had no problem doing until now.” Emily, overcome with emotional defeat, looking back at Max and her family, distressfully replies, “get out of here, Max,” powering down her Stone. Max walks away from her. “I’m very disappointed in you, Emily. I guess you don’t have what it takes to be on the new Council. Maybe someday you’ll learn how to make sacrifices for the greater good.” Emily replies, “don’t worry, Max. You can run away now, but don’t think I won’t find you. And the next time I see you, there won’t be any guard to stop me from doing so. I’ll take you down.” Max laughs, “I’ll be looking forward to it. See you soon.” Max disappears with Duncan and the guard, and Navin and Karen run up to Emily, relieved to see she’s OK. Navin explains that the guards brought Emily down into the catacombs using a thing called a transpore, and they can find their way out. Emily only stares at the place where Max last stood, walking away from her.

Emily, Navin and Karen teleport into a place within the Academy, to be greeted by Trellis and Vigo, the latter of whom introduces himself. Back in the city, the rest of the group sees the five walk out from the Academy’s doors. Emily, Navin and Karen are happy to see Miskit and Cogsley, and surprised to see Cogsley’s new companion Dagno. Emily comes over to Leon, and regretfully states that she failed by letting Max take the Mother Stone. Leon only responds that Emily won’t know the meaning of success without knowing how it feels to fail. “How you recover from these trials is what really matters. The Elf King has now become more powerful than ever before. We’ll need to prepare for a long battle ahead. Remember, you’re not alone.” Leon motions to the group, who look back at Emily with optimism. Back at Yarboro Prison, Alison, Enzo and Rico wait outside, and see Alison’s mother and father walking out. Alison and her parents share a tearful, yet happy reunion.

At night, Emily walks on an arch pathway towards Vigo, who’s creating an eagle-shaped beam of light from his staff. Emily asks Vigo what he’s doing, and Vigo says it’s a tribute for fallen Stonekeepers. Emily asks if she can join, and Vigo says that of course she can. Emily asks Vigo if they’re the last ones, and Vigo asks if she means Stonekeepers, there’s very few left. Emily continues that if Max is working with the Elf King, then he can grant the Elves access to the Mother Stone, and they’ll be able to create a new council under his control. Vigo replies, “well, then I guess it’s our job to stop him.” Emily asks if they truly are the last Guardian Council. Vigo continues, “back at the Academy, you encountered the likenesses of several young Stonekeepers. Among them were students of mine, from many years ago. Ronin was my best student, she was the youngest Stonekeeper to be offered a place on the Guardian Council. She chose not to join the Council, claiming that the responsibility was too great for a person her age. Ronin would have joined a Council with several other powerful Stonekeepers. But you’ll be joined by an old man far past his prime, and we’ll be up against a very powerful enemy. Are you sure you’re ready for this kind of responsibility?” Emily replies, “I may not be as clever as Max, or as skilled as Ronin, but don’t ask me if I’m not ready. Because no matter what happens, I’ll have to be.” She creates an eagle-shaped beam of light with her Stone, they both enter the night sky above Cielis.




Edited by Alpha
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Studio: Hunt Productions

Director: Seth Macfarlane

Genre: Comedy/Fantasy

Release Date: September 18th

Budget: 55M

Rating: R

Runtime: 121 minuites

Theatres Count: 3,450



Matt Damon

Tom Hardy

Mark Whalberg

Liam Neeson




Thomas (Matt Damon) is a single man who is filled with anger and rage. He lives alone in a small Lake house and has recently been fired from his job and turns to alcohol as a way to overcome his problems. One fateful day a leprechaun  name Lucky (Tom Hardy) stumbles into Thomas's house searching for a place to stay. Thomas remarks that he must have drank far too much and asks Lucky to leave promising to god that he will stop drinking. Lucky responds by knocking Thomas unconscious and crashing at his place anyways. When Thomas wakes up the two get into a fight (Thomas still believing that he is imaging the entire thing.) Lucky promises that he will give Thomas a pot of gold if he helps him get to the portal back into the Leprechaun world located in Los Angeles.


The two go off on a road trip that includes hijinks and lots of illegal behavior (In one sequence Lucky introduces Thomas too a Leprechaun drug). Along the way the two usually angry individuals grow to appreciate each others company and discusses the problems with each of their societies.  


While the two are adventuring a duo of cops is assigned to being in pursuit of them. An older cop John (Liam Neeson) who is very controlling and rude to his younger partner Marcus (Mark Whalberg). John is always very critical of everything that Marcus does and says despite the fact that John in his old age has clearly become quite reckless in his approach to his job. The two are always one step behind Thomas and Lucky.


Upon reaching the portal to the Leprechaun world Lucky and Thomas share their bittersweet goodbyes. After going through the portal Lucky finds that the head Leprechaun council is making the choice to go to war with the humans. Lucky unsuccessfully attempts to talk them out of it. Meanwhile Thomas sits lonely at a bar missing his companion. John and Marcus come along and arrest Thomas.


Lucky comes back to the human world frantically searching for Thomas I an attempt to warn him. Lucky eventually finds Thomas and breaks him out of prison. The two head back to the portal where the Leprechaun army is just starting to come through. John and Marcus also hear the commotion of the army and head to the location. Thomas and Lucky are feverishly attempting to talk the army into backing down from their efforts. John and Marcus meanwhile discuss what they should do. John is discussing a strategy for the two of them to singlehandedly take down the army. They set up in their attempt to pull off this plan but Marcus does not shoot when he is supposed to. John yells at him to "pull the fucking trigger." Marcus instead turns around and tells John to "fuck off". Marcus walks over to Thomas and Lucky and begins conversing with the army. The army is convinced to turn back around and head back through the portal. Lucky Is made the ambassador between the leprechaun world and the human, and Marcus the ambassador between the human and leprechaun.   

Edited by Ethan Hunt
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An Error Occurred


Director: Kirby Dick

Genre: Documentary

Date: October 23 (limited), November 13 (wide)

Studio: Prestige Features

Format: Documentary, 2D

Budget: $2.5 million

Theaters: 26 (10/23), 190 (10/30), 562 (11/6), 901 (11/13)

MPAA Rating: R

Running Time: 93 minutes

Narrated by: Ryan Gosling




An Error Occurred focuses on the popular video-sharing website YouTube, and the controversy surrounding how it handles copyright claim on content creators' videos.

In 1998, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act passed by a unanimous vote in the United States Senate and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. The DMCA amended Title 17 of the United States Code to extend the reach of copyright, while limiting the liability of the providers of online services for copyright infringement by their users. Since it's passage, and since the creation of YouTube in 2005, the DMCA has led to notable issues regarding online content creators on YouTube's platform. Under fair use, copyrighted material may be used for criticism, news reporting, satire or education without the need for permission from the copyright holder. Unfortunately, many companies have abused YouTube's copyright takedown system by deleting videos using copyright material, even when it's applicable under fair use. In 2007, Stephanie Lenz posted on YouTube a home video of her children dancing to Prince's song "Let's Go Crazy". Universal Music Corporation (Universal) sent YouTube a takedown notice pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) claiming that Lenz's video violated their copyright in the "Let's Go Crazy" song. Lenz claimed fair use of the copyrighted material and sued Universal for misrepresentation of a DMCA claim. In a decision rejecting a motion to dismiss the claim, the district court held that Universal must consider fair use when filing a takedown notice, but noted that to prevail a plaintiff would need to show bad faith by a rights holder.

Companies' abuse of YouTube's copyright system has also led to content creators losing their monetization. YouTube's monetization program allows content creators to earn money from their videos. Typically, the number of minutes watched translates to income from YouTube's program. This has led to many content creators to build "YouTube careers", and hundreds of YouTubers have started part-time, even full-time careers creating content for YouTube, earning money for their work. However, the takedown system also restricts YouTubers earning monetization on so-called "copyrighted" videos, leading to troubles involving finances from YouTube. The lack of transparency in the copyright claim system also creates confusion and disillusionment amongst users. With no place to go to revert claims, besides going through the bureaucracy of YouTube's system, many content creators are left wondering.

In 2016, YouTube content creators began to protest the decisions made by companies and YouTube itself. Internet personalities such as Doug Walker and Adam Johnston started the trend "Where's the Fair Use?", highlighting the problems with YouTube's system. Coupled with YouTube's radical changes to their platform such as YouTube Red, while ignoring many of the underlying problems regarding their policies has led to outrage amongst users. An Error Occurred covers the ongoing battle of upstart and dedicated content creators on YouTube trying to fight a broken, unfair system set up by Hollywood, big businesses and the site itself.

The documentary features interviews from several YouTubers hit by copyright strikes such as Doug Walker of The Nostalgia Critic, Ethan and Hila Klein of H3H3 Productions, Adam Johnston of YourMovieSucksDOTorg, John Bain of TotalBiscuit, Alex from I Hate Everything and many others affected by YouTube's copyright claim system.


Edited by Alpha
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Mech Suit Heroine Rita



Rita, a high-school teenager born with no legs, is along with her newly-moved in cousin Mercedes dragged into a conflict between their grandfather Damien Tanner and the robotics engineering firm Quartzcorp Enterprises, who plans to re-purpose his late daughter's robotic designs - originally intended for rehabilitation purposes - for military use. While Mercedes uses an internship at a local paper to investigate Quartzcorp - as she battles a brazen editor who tries to kill the story - Rita dons one of her mother's designs, a pair of robotic legs, to become a mildly-effective superheroine, attracting both the attention of Pearl City and Quartzcorp itself.



Sophie Oda as Rita Fukinawa, the naive but kindhearted girl who becomes a superheroine

Micheal Douglas as Damien Tanner, Rita and Mercedes' genius but bitter (and slightly unhinged) grandfather

America Ferrera as Mercedes Tanner, Rita's bratty cousin who has journalistic ambitions

Laura Bailey as Kari Fukinawa, Rita's deceased mother and robotics engineer

Grey Delisle as Ronda Okamoto, Kari's former partner who still works at Quartzcorp

Bob Odenkirk as Barry Barnes Benson (B.B. Benson), editor-in-chief of the Pearl City Trumpet and Mercedes' boss

Jason Ritter as Tommy Jenkins, a reporter at the Pearl City Trumpet and Mercedes' mentor

Stanley Tucci as Stanley Bobs, the president of Quartzcorp who takes credit for Kari's work

Djimon Hounsou as Ekwee Mugatu, the Kenyan business tycoon who owns Quartzcorp

Jake T. Austin as Micah Hernandez, a popular student at Pearl High and Rita's crush

Rachelle Hager as Tomoto, a girl physically incapable of expressing emotion and one of Rita's friends

Alyson Stoner as Darlene, an often absentminded girl and one of Rita's friends


Studio: Cookie Pictures Animation

Genre: Traditional Animation / Sci-fi / Superhero / Adventure

Director: Ki Hyun Ryu

Producer: Sebastian Peters

Composer: Michiru Ōshima

Format: 2D, IMAX

Budget: $130 million

MPAA Rating: TBA (still undecided if I should make it PG or PG-13)

Running Time: 120 minutes [Temporary]

Release Date: December 18th

Theater Count: 4,007










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The Impact of Sir Roger the Alien 3

Date- September 4th

Genre- Sci-Fi Comedy

Rating- PG-13

Theaters- 3,341 theaters

Budget- 65 million

Running Time- 89 minutes or 1 hour and 29 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Jared Hess


Sir Roger the Alien (voice)- Charlie Sheen

Pete -Simon Pegg

Jack -Nick Frost

Agent Polly -Helen Mirren

President Drumpff- Donald Trump


Previous Films

The Impact of Sir Roger the Alien- 46.9M/122.5M/85M/207.5M

The Impact of Sir Roger the Alien 2- 29.1M/71.7M/62.9M/134.6M


Plot: Roger, Pete, Jack, and Agent Polly have moved from the UK to the USA. They encounter all kinds of funny situations as they transition into life in the USA. They decide to travel around the country to create a documentary of American life. Throughout the film, American stereotypes are heavily mocked and shown.  All kinds of celebrities make cameos throughout the film. While they travel around the country, President Drumpff win the election and wants all people of British origin banned and deported from the country. He wants them banned and removed because they drink tea, lost the American Revolution (He doesn't like losers), they have bad teeth, and have "snoppy" accents. Roger, Pete, Jack, and Agent Polly decide to fight against President Drumpff in order to save British-American citizens. The film ends with them defeating President Drumpff and saving everybody. The defeat President Drumpff by destroying his hair, which gives him life power. They are seen as heroes by Americans and the world. The film is a satire of American stereotypes, the current political system, and issues Americans face in their daily lives. 

Edited by Hiccup23
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A Wrinkle in Time Saga: A Swiftly Tilting Planet (3D)

Date- December 11th, Y10

Genre- Fantasy

Rating- PG

Theaters- 3,555 theaters

Budget- 100 million

Running Time- 108 minutes or 1 hour and 48 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Michael Apted


Meg- Juno Temple

Calvin- Kit Harington

Charles- William Moseley

Gaudior (voice)- Ron Perlman


Previous Films

A Wrinke in Time- 39.9M/147.3M/280M/427.3M

A Wrinkle in Time Saga: A Wind in the Door- 33.5M/113.1M/259M/372.1M


Plot: The film opens on Thanksgiving evening, 10 years after the events of A Wind in the Door. Meg is now married to Calvin and is expecting their first child. Calvin has become a scientist and is in Britain at a conference; and Meg's family is joined for Thanksgiving dinner by Calvin's mother, Branwen Maddox O'Keefe. When they receive the news of impending nuclear war caused by the dictator "Mad Dog Branzillo", Mrs. O'Keefe lays a charge on Charles Wallace to prevent the disaster by means of "Patrick's Rune": a rhyming prayer of protection inherited from her Irish grandmother. Charles Wallace goes to the star-watching rock, a family haunt, where his recitation summons a winged unicorn named Gaudior, who explains to Charles Wallace that he must prevent nuclear war by traveling through time and telepathically merging with people who lived in the locale of the star-watching rock at points in the past. They are threatened along the way by the Echthroi who seek to alter history in their favor. Gaudior and Charles Wallace's travels bring them to Harcels, a Native American boy at least 1,000 years in the past; Madoc of Wales, a pre-Columbian trans-oceanic traveler; Brandon Llawcae, a Welsh settler in puritan times; Mrs. O'Keefe's brother Chuck Maddox, during their childhood; and Matthew Maddox, a writer during the American Civil War. Throughout their journey, Meg connects with Charles Wallace from home through "kything", the telepathic communication. Gradually, it is revealed that Branzillo is a descendant of Madoc through all Charles' other alter-egos, and of Madoc's treacherous brother Gwydir; and ultimately, Charles' manipulation of Branzillo's various ancestors, results in the re-union of Madoc's line, and the transformation of the present Branzillo into an advocate of peace, to prevent the war.

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Date- October 30th, Y10

Genre- Adventure

Rating- PG-13

Theaters- 3,728 theaters

Budget- 150 million

Running Time- 139 minutes or 2 hours and 19 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Guy Ritchie


Deryn- Emma Watson

Prince Alek- Nicholas Hoult

Wildcount Volger- Chris Cooper

Dr. Barlow- Pauley Perrette

Nikola Tesla- Dane DeHaan

Previous Films

Leviathan- 25.6M/82.3M/128.1M/210.4M

Behemoth- 33M/82.2M/130.5M/212.7M





Plot: The film begins with a flash back of the past two films. The film then moves to the present day. As the airship Leviathan travels over Russia, Aleksandar, Deryn, and Newkirk are in the middy's mess with the perspicacious loris Bovril, talking about great circle routes. Alek mentions Deryn's father was an airman, but Newkirk says that the airman was Deryn's uncle. A two-headed messenger eagle from the czar heads towards the bridge, interrupting their discussion. A message lizard sends Deryn to the bridge and Newkirk to the cargo deck. Alek goes with Deryn, and there Dr Barlow tells them to take the bird to the rookery and feed it. Deryn nearly confesses her secret to Alek, but then says she cannot, and claims a fencing lesson. Count Volger tries to expose her gender unless she discloses the imperial message. Deryn convinces Volger to desist, so as not to shake the confidence of Alek, who admires her as a boy.


The imperial message is to pick up cargo from a fighting bear, but it is much heavier than expected, overloaded by metal parts and tools, and drags Deryn and Newkirk down into the trees until the crew manages to compensate by dumping clart (waste water) and other supplies. Dr Barlow orders Alek, with Klopp, Hoffman, and Bauer, to assemble the metal contraption and keep it secret. The loris shows them how it detects metal with Barlow's necklace.


Flying over Tunguska, Siberia, they notice the area has been destroyed, trees have been flattened and point in one direction, and many stripped corpses are present, including that of another organic airship. By dropping dried beef at a distance to distract giant starving bears, they rescue Nikola Tesla, his Russian soldiers and airship crew, who are holed up near the center of the destruction. Tesla's electrified fence, which had kept the bears away, is deactivated to allow the Leviathan to land, so he scares rogue bears with his electrified walking stick.


Later at night, as Alek is unable to fall asleep, he reads a newspaper article about "Dylan" and the Dauntless by Eddie Malone, and realizes something is off about the story Deryn has told him about her family and past. Artemis Sharp had a surviving daughter named Deryn, and Bovril whispers "Mr. Deryn Sharp" into Alek's ear.


At Dr. Barlow's request, Alek and Deryn use Tesla's device to pinpoint the inventor's bedroom. Deryn then sneaks in and discovers a metal lump hidden under Tesla's bed, and scrapes off a sample. Alek asks her, "Can I trust you, Deryn?" and Deryn realizes that Alek knows her true identity after she responds to her real name. After she argues with him and leaves, Alek realizes that Deryn didn't tell him because she is in love with him.


For a few days, Alek and Deryn are not on speaking terms. Alek decides to support Tesla in his mission to end the war with his magnetic beam, the Goliath, but sadly misses Deryn; she is angry he dropped her just because she is a girl. Sent to Tokyo just to brandish the British flag, the Leviathan battles an Austrian ship and two German zeppelins in support of the Japanese. When one of the engines is shot, both Deryn and Alek arrive to help, and Alek admits he wants Deryn back as his friend. When Dr Barlow wants Deryn to get new clothes, Alek saves her from discovery being measured by offering himself to the tailor's hands.


In Tokyo, Tesla demonstrates the Goliath publicly at a conference in the Imperial Hotel, claiming the sky color will change in London. The Royalty confirms the visible colors and orders the ship to New York for Tesla. While crossing the Pacific Ocean in a storm, Alek hits his head protecting Deryn. To keep him awake after a concussion, Deryn kisses him. They promise not to keep secrets from each other, and for Alek to lie protecting her secret.


Arriving at William Randolph Hearst's estate in California, Philip Francis films them. Reporter Eddie Malone is fleeing from Hearst's men, so Deryn helps him escape on board. He suggests Francis may be a German spy because he changed his last name from German. They use Tesla's detector to find arms and film hidden in kitten barrels after dinner and a cliff-hanger episode of the film Perils of Pauline, the adventuresome American female lead of which impresses Alek mightily.


Crossing Mexico, one engine stops suddenly. Pancho Villa's men offer to help them in exchange for the sugar. Deryn sends one message about suspicious walkers, then dons gliding wings to investigate. She semaphores C-A-M-E-R-A in time, but injures her knee on landing. Alek gets Pancho Villa's physician, Dr. Azuela, to treat Deryn instead of ship's Dr. Busk, but Eddie Malone overhears Deryn's secret when Azuela tells Pancho Villa. Pancho Villa and Mr. Francis film the Leviathan as part of Hearst's movie deal with Pancho.


Alek takes meals and helps Deryn keep her secret from the crew, but Deryn fears punishment in New York when Eddie Malone publishes his article. Alek is planning to stay in New York and help Tesla promote Goliath, and he ask Deryn to stay in New York with him to help Tesla. Dr Barlow offers Deryn a job with the Zoological Society of London, but retracts her offer fearing scandal from deceived British government and Air Service after learning Deryn's secret.


Alek saves Eddie Malone from falling off when a rocket hits the jitney that they are leaving on. Deryn, watching from the bridge, gets them to douse flames with waste clart water. Alek show Malone the Pope's letter to his claim to throne as emperor so the reporter will keep Deryn's secret.


Dr Barlow shows Deryn the article with Alek's story, not her secret, and offers Deryn the job again. At the Serbian consulate, Lilit tells Deryn about a German water-walker coming to attack Goliath, so Dr Barlow convinces Captain Hobbes to keep watch. When Leviathan sees approaching bubbles underwater, they bomb the escorts, but must leave the largest to land to prove the attack and encourage the Americans to join the war, so she sends a warning by eagle to Alek.


At his Tower, Tesla hosts a dinner before a demonstration that Goliath can change the color of the sky in Berlin, but under attack decides to fire for real, despite danger to Leviathan. Volger uses a smoke bomb for surprise, and Alek has to use the electrified cane of Tesla to kill the owner. The suppressed energy destroys the water-walker, so the U.S. enters the war on the Darwinist side when they see the wreckage. Dr Barlow receives a message that tells her that the sample Deryn stole from under Tesla's bed was from a meteorite, proving Goliath did not cause the Tunguska event.


Alek receives a medal for going with Deryn to fix Tesla's wire on the spine. After the ceremony, Alek and the barely healed Deryn again climb the spine together. Alek tells her the truth about Tesla's death, declares his love by kissing her, and throws the Pope's scroll overboard. He rejects his past which he has already lost. When he admits to needing a job next, Deryn suggests joining her and Dr Barlow at the London Zoological Society.




Edited by Hiccup23
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Genre: Drama/Thriller

Director: J.C. Chandor

Composer: Alex Ebert

Date: December 4th

Theaters: 4 (12/4), 49 (12/11), 306 (12/18), 1,873 (12/23)

Rating: R for brief disturbing violent content, sexual content including brief nudity, and language throughout

Runtime: 100min (TBD – Approximate)

Cast: Margot Robbie, Jeffrey Wright, Rami Malek, JK Simmons, Maisie Williams, Steven Yeun, Alfre Woodward


Premise: As environmental decay causes the nation to slip into a state of chaos, eventually subdued by The Union, a privatized state securing prosperity for only a privileged few, Alice (Margot Robbie) has become one of the nation’s greatest ‘providers’, agents seeking to obtain the needs of the have-nots, be it food, shelter, or information. Alice has found a way to make the most of her situation, but faces a new danger upon meeting an old face from her past – along with pressure to engage in a coming revolution.



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The Rider

Studio: Fine Films Inc.

Genre: Action/Sci-Fi/Post-Apocalypse

Director: Pete Travis

Producers: Doe John, Alex Garland

Budget: $45 million

Running Time: 97 minutes (1 hour, 37 minutes)

Release Date: September 11th

Theater Count: 3,240

Rating: R

Cast: Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby (voice), Donald Sutherland, Naomie Harris, Denroy Lindo




The Rider (Urban) arrives to the "Devil's Grove", a desolate wasteland, on his advanced motorcycle with its artificial intelligence computer Eve (Thirlby). He is intercepted by scavengers on the road and has to fight them off using his lance-gun, a combination between a lance and rifle. The chase includes a scene where The Rider and a scavenger drive toward each other in a way that resembles medieval jousting and the Rider strikes the scavenger with his lance while shooting him dead at the same time. The chase ends with the Rider being struck off the road and drives off a cliff. He survives the fall with a broken back and is found and brought back to health by the Enlightened Elders. They have chosen him to lead their fight against the evil Omega, an Orwellian state run by the evil Prossor (Sutherland). The Elders are allied with the resistance movement, the Outsiders. The Rider first helps the Outsiders leader Nastasha (Harris) and her comrades by rescuing McWayne (Lindo), Nastasia's father and leader of the Outsiders. While the Rider and McWayne successfully escape, Nastasha is captured and subjected to brainwashing by Prossor.

The Rider gains acceptance from various residents of the Devil's Grove (amazons, martial artists, truckers, punks, soldiers, Omega defectors) by winning in a ritual brawl which determines who is the strongest. The Rider and the Outsiders, with the help of the other residents whom he has now earned their trust, launch their final attack on Prossor's regime, but are intercepted by the Omegas driving a giant armored truck. As the rebels destroy the Omega patrols with their cars, helicopters and tankers, the Rider manages to destroy the giant armored truck by striking the front seat driver with his lance (which in turn causes the truck to veer off a cliff), but not before his speedcycle is crushed under the truck's wheels. The Rider and McWayne storm Prossor's headquarters where they face the dictator and a brainwashed Nastasha. She wounds the Rider, but when ordered to kill her father, she rebels, turning on Prossor and shooting him instead. The Omega has been overthrown, and the Outsiders and the rest of Devil's Grove celebrate, as the Rider prepares to move on with his repaired speedcycle.

In a twist, it is revealed that the man Nastasha shot was actually a cyborg clone and the real Prossor is still alive. He is last seen hiding in a bunker, sending out a signal to a military force residing outside of Devil's Grove known as the Exterminators.


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The Devil's Brother


Studio: Hunt Productions

Director: Rian Johnson

Release Date: November 25th

Budget: 48M

Rating: R

Runtime: TBD

Theatre Count: 3,015



Tom Hiddleston

Emily Blunt






Not complete yet



Edited by Ethan Hunt
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Poison and Wine

Date- November 13th

Genre- Romantic Drama

Rating- R- strong sexual content including dialogue, some unusual behavior and graphic nudity, and for strong language 

Theaters- 3,009 theaters

Budget- 12 million

Running Time- 145 minutes or 2 hours and 25 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- James Foley

Producer- Arnon Milchan

Original Score- Danny Elfman


Tyler- Grant Gustin

Hunter- Colton Haynes

Nicole- Margot Robbie


Plot: (Note to the Reader: The plot is R-rated and contains strong language and strong sexual content. Just giving you a heads up before you read.)


The film opens at McClennan University tucked away in the beautiful countryside of Vermont. The camera moves into a majestic hall filled with students in formal attire. The camera moves to a figure sitting in a large chair at the end of the hall.


Tyler leaned back into his arm-chair. "Do you all agree? Great, bring them back in," he said tiredly and waved his hand. New school year meant new McClennan University student government and after three hours of interviews and forty minutes long discussion, they finally agreed on two new student senators from a group of twelve that applied. It was a hard decision to make. However, they immediately agreed on one name as the door closed after the last singer. Hunter Pierce. Hunter Pierce was rare, comparing to other people Tyler met before, naturally powerful and self-assured in that way Tyler was trying to become and always failed. Hunter’s interview was flawless; they all were stunned by his knowledge and the young man was certainly aware of that. Hunter entered the room as the last one, slowly and confidently, like he was coming home. He pierced Tyler with his ice cold eyes and smirked. Tyler's breath stuck in his lungs when he opened his mouth to talk, but coughed. He quickly stood up on his feet and cleared his throat before he spoke again. "Fellow students, it is my honour to introduce you our two new members, congratulations, Margaret and Hunter.” The room was filled with loud applause. The irritating smirk on Hunter's face only widened. He slowly bowed his head at Tyler who couldn't fight the need and repeated the move. "Well, guys," Tyler had to raise voice to shout them down, "our first meeting is tomorrow at five. You are dismissed, boys." He nodded at the group, swung on his heels and left the room. He heard more footsteps after him, but only one pair kept following him after he turned around a corner and climbed up the stairs. He wasn't running, but he felt like that.

"When is going to be an election for a new President, Tyler?"

He was stopped by a smooth voice and he turned to face Hunter who was coming after him. "There is no election, I'm President of the school," he scoffed but made the mistake when he took a step back.

"I'm challenging you then"

A sneer appeared on the boy's face when he moved closer to Tyler. He raised his eyebrows at him and laughed. "I beg your pardon?" His words only made Hunter smile. "I'm sure you'll beg." He wrapped his fingers around Tyler's tie and yanked him forward. Tyler was staring at him wordlessly and unsure how to react. To his relief he heard a few boys coming up the stairs and Hunter certainly noticed them too, because he let go his tie with a tug. "Be at my dorm room in an hour. It's a number forty-two." He whispered into his ear and ran off down the stairs.


An hour later Tyler was sitting at his bed. He was angry at himself and decided to stay in his room. He pressed palms against him itching eyes. It was a really long day and he wasn't in a mood to deal with that annoying brat. But the idea of him challenging his Presidential spot, and possibility of losing it in front of everybody, was digging into his mind. He saw the explosive reaction of the students after Pierce's performance; he was impressed as much as they were. He had to solve this problem now. Tyler energetically jumped from his bed, checked his appearance in his bathroom mirror and left his dorm. He slowed down when he got near to Pierce's room and his hands were shaking a little when he stopped in front of the door with a huge gold-plated number 42 on it and raised his hand to knock.

"You may come in,"

His arm hung in the air. He clenched his teeth, pressed down on the doorknob and walked in. Hunter was sitting by his table and working on a laptop.

"You're late." Was the only reaction from him after Tyler shut the door behind him.

"Go f*ck yourself; I'm not here because you told me, but to deal with your shit," Tyler spat out and approached the room to spin the boy's chair by taking him by his shoulder. Hunter quickly gripped his wrist before he could finish the move, yanked him down and pushed on his knees. He ran his fingers into Tyler's hair to tilt his head back and leaned into his face. "Never touch me without my permission." Tyler saw red and groaned when the hand pulled his hair. He certainly didn't expect that Hunter would ever use physical force against him to push him down. Hunter twisted his hand, Tyler hissed in pain, when a foot pushed against his stomach pressing him down. However we weirdly felt excited. This never happened to him and he kind of found it exciting. But he would never lose without a fight and pushed the hand off and crawled backwards away before he could stand up on his feet. They were glaring at each other across the room and for the first time Tyler noticed a white fluffy thing spread wide over the boy's working table. Hunter followed his eyes and reached his arm to stroke the cat's head and the pet purred and rolled over.

"Do you like cats, Tyler?" He said like nothing happened between them, "I love them. Dogs submit when you raise your voice or hit them, but cats? They always fight you," he pushed his hand little bit against the cat's stomach and a pair of claws immediately sank into his arm. "What are you, Tyler?" He withdrew his hand from the hold.

"I'm not a pet," he complained and leaned his back against a wall. The other boy chuckled before he calmly stood up and came closer, he put one hand on the wall next to Tyler’'s head and the other slid along his side and settled on his hip before he leaned closer and with lips barely touching Tyler's skin he whispered into his ear: "And do you want to be mine?"

"Back off," Tyler replied.

"I can be grateful if you do what I say, we could be partners."

"I'm not into long-term relationships." He breathed out and pushed his palms against Hunter's chest.

"I didn't say anything like that. But you are not against f*cking with me, right?" Hunter was brushing his lips against the skin on his neck and he automatically tilted his hand to the side to give him a better access. "How many guys did you let f*ck your ass?"

"One, but it was me riding him," he groaned when he felt Hunter using his teeth.

"Really? I would say your body is literally craving for being dominated."

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" Tyler arched his back and brought his hips forward to press them against Hunter and put his hands along the boy's waist. He absorbed the fact he was willingly offering himself, but he felt that this young man could be useful for him after all.

"You are more entertaining than I actually thought." Hunter tilted his head and eyed him curiously, "You aren't as weak as you were looking before." He took Tyler's hands into his and pressed them to the wall.

"Hilarious," Tyler uttered and pushed against Hunter but he didn't let him go. Tyler gave him an 'and now what?' look.

"Let me get one thing clear. I'm not gay," Tyler's eyebrows flew up at that statement, "but I like power and I will even f*ck your tight ass to get anything I want, but I won't ever kiss you." He was growling harshly inches far from his face and Tyler moaned after Hunter caught his wrists in one hand and the other brought down to rub Tyler's aroused c*ck. He pushed one thigh between Tyler's legs and made him to apart them wide. Tyler bucked his hips impatiently to his palm; Hunter took his hand up to unbuckle his belt. He unbuttoned his pants before slid his hand inside. Tyler was panting hard and he ached for a kiss from him, he even leaned forward, but Hunter moved his head away and gave him a hard grip around his c*ck and Tyler hissed in pain and bounced the back of his head against the wall.

"Don't you ever try this again, I said no."

"God, I need-," Tyler groaned.

"No, hold still," Hunter tugged Tyler's boxers lower. He was digging his fingers into Tyler's wrists as the boy was unsuccessfully trying to get rid of the grip. Hunter licked his palm before he put it back around Tyler's c*ck and started to stroke him quickly. Tyler couldn't to do anything than spread his legs even more; he closed his eyes and moaned against the rough fabric on Hunter's shoulder when he sank his teeth into it. He felt tightening in his abdomen signalizing his upcoming orgasm and raised himself on his tiptoes when he came with a soft moan on his lips.

"That was quick," Hunter lifted his eyebrows amused, "You can put your pants back on," he said and let him go, taking few steps back. Tyler didn't know if Hunter was as surprised about what just happened as much he was while he was shoving his shirt back into his pants and securing his belt.

"I want that President position," Hunter said after a while of awkward silence. Tyler sneered back. "And you think that I'll give it to you after one hand job?"

"You are still fighting against me?" Hunter sounded impressed.

"You can bet I'm. I will think about your previous offer, but now – have a good night," Tyler snapped and walked off the room. His whole was body shaking as he leaned hand against the door for a few seconds before he pushed himself off and went quickly down the corridor and to his room. He was so f*cked up.


Two Weeks Later


Hunter didn't challenge him in purpose to get his President position of the student government. Hunter instead easy won the position the VP.  It was clear however, Hunter really did want Tyler’s seat though. He was only staring at him permanently and interrupting Tyler’s speeches during student government meetings in order to make Tyler doubt his suggestions or policies. One afternoon Hunter was really driving him mad and to the end he was cutting him off. Tyler was fed up and stormed off. Hunter joined him in the library.

"Wait," he put a hand on his shoulder and Tyler shook him off. "Tyler, it's been weeks and you still didn't give me your answer."

"All right, I made my mind. I'm not going to lose my privileges for a f*ck with you."

"You will not regret it."

"I think I made it clear I won't give you the seat just like that," he rejected him and continued in his way.

"What is your price then?" Hunter called after him.

"I don't need your money."

"Well? What is your request?" Tyler only wished to wave him off, but then he changed his mind and turned back. Hunter looked at him expectantly.

“Eli and his allies have been causing problems in the senate. They are holding back all the policies I want to pass. They are making me look weak. I want Eli gone.” Tyler stated.

"I have my methods," Hunter grinned and offered him his hand. Tyler knew he was losing but he had to agree at least with this half of his request. Tyler finally stepped forward and shook his hand. Hunter smirked and left Tyler standing in the hall.


Two Months Later


The plan had backfired. Hunter had done everything to drive Eli and his allies off the senate. From spreading false rumors about them to sabotaging directly. When Eli began to fight back, Hunter quickly backed off fearing his image would get tampered. Tyler was of course extremely displeased. His approval had plummeted, he was being accused of sabotage, and he had been bullied into a recall election, it appeared he would lose….to Hunter. The election was not until January...he had time.  


Later that evening, Hunter was sitting by his table and writing down notes for his essay in his room. He wasn't aware of the time until he heard familiar steps coming closer down the corridor. He checked the time and smirked; it was five minutes to nine. Tyler came into his room without a word, hung his blazer in Hunter's cabinet and took of his shoes before he slid down by the bed with a sigh. Hunter finished a sentence before he opened his mouth. "Do you have work to do?"

"Uh-hmm, some readings," sounded the answer.

"Good," he said ignoring the lack of respect - he would deal with him later - and went back to his work. For a while Tyler didn't move, but then he reached for his bag. Hunter heard a clicking of a buckle on his bag and rustling of papers before the room went back to silence.


He wrote for another thirty minutes until he noticed that Tyler didn't turn any page for a while and glanced over his shoulder. The boy was sitting on his feet, leaning against the bed, head tilted backwards with closed eyes and papers landing in his lap. He wasn't asleep, but apparently uninterested in any of his homework. Hunter put his pen down and spun on his seat, Tyler's body tensed at the noise and he took in a sharp breath through his nose. Hunter shifted from his chair, moved forward and crouched in front of the boy. He reached for the papers in Tyler's hand and tossed them aside. Tyler smiled. Hunter slowly took off Tyler’s tie from his neck and secured it across his eyes, it made Tyler sigh and relax down. He could see how much he needed to turn off that evening and gently stroked his hair before he told him to strip down, he stood up and went to find some bindings.It was almost two weeks ago he tied Tyler for the last time. Hunter took out also a cotton scarf they were using as a gag and a wide wooden paddle that Tyler brought one evening and wordlessly handed it over to Hunter. He wasn't considering involving spanking into their already quite odd sessions but he wasn't against it. Tyler craved for any touch or stimulation he could get from him and Hunter had absolutely no problem of making him helplessly squirm in pain. And tonight he was going to be harsh because Tyler needed to get it out and let himself cry. He helped Tyler from his pants. He seated the naked boy on his bed, knelt in front of him and stuck the scarf into his mouth before he secured it around his head. He pressed Tyler's arms to his sides before he lifted a first rope, reached his hands behind Tyler and wrapped it around his chest above the boy's elbows. He tugged the ends of the rope to tighten it before he used the rest to secure Tyler's shaking hands to his sides. Hunter checked his work and hummed satisfied to see that Tyler's arms were unmovable, but he wanted to bind his legs too, only before he got an idea to make it more uncomfortable for Tyler. He pulled out a thin string and wound it around Tyler's c*ck and balls. He looked up at the boy's flushed face. "Does it hurt?" He asked maliciously, but Tyler shook his head quickly and gave out a moan as Hunter squeezed him. "We will see how you'll feel later. Now, for warming you up," he took the paddle and gave him a quick smack on his leg and Tyler jerked away, but then obediently brought his knees apart.. Hunter stuck his legs under Tyler's knees and lifted the boy's long legs in the air spreading him wide. He maybe didn't f*ck him yet but that didn't mean he couldn't make him his bitch. Tyler was loyal and naturally submissive, but he needed a strong hand to guide him or he would get wild, cocky and disrespectful - attributes that Hunter wasn't accepting. He tightened his grip around Tyler's neck and waited until the boy started to struggle before he loosened up the hold; it was only a friendly warning. He switched his hands, left hand was holding the paddle and with his right hand he gripped the crotch rope and pulled it up. Tyler's reaction was wonderful, he was huffing through his gag and jerking in Hunter's lap, he tugged the rope more and spanked Tyler's left thigh hard. He felt like drunk with the power when he was hurting Tyler again and again, he bit on Tyler's neck and sucked down. Tyler accused him earlier of being jealous; he wasn't, at least not in the romantic way. He knew he wasn't gay and he wasn't falling with him, but his relationship with Tyler was unique and he was getting possessive.


Flashback to Earlier that Day


Tyler was stunned and brought his wide eyes at Hunter in disbelief. Hunter didn't consider it as necessary to return his glare. In fact the rest of senators pierced Tyler with their eyes and accused him of being a con. Hunter had a problem not to laugh aloud at Tyler's terrified expression when he was defending himself that it wasn't him who sabotaged Eli and his allies. They would find out later he was telling a truth, but it was magnificent to watch him squirm. Finally somebody jumped up to her feet and cried out that he shouldn't be their President anymore, because he was ruining everything. And that was the moment Hunter was saving for bringing his look at him. Tyler gulped under his stare and shakily stood up and accepted the recall election. The senate then let slide Hunter's name to be his successor. Hunter raised himself while he was running his arrogant eyes around the room.


*Present Time*


Hunter checked the clock; it was a quarter to ten. "Come to kneel on the bed," he ordered quietly and guided him up and into the center of his single bed, facing the headboard. He sat behind Tyler and landed a first strike over his one butt cheek, and again and again, slowly getting to the point when pain was taking over a pleasure and Tyler was starting to make muffled noises. He continued spanking the ass and patiently waiting for his first bigger sights of protest signalizing he wasn't far away from sobbing. It was the first choked noise that made his arm to stop for a second. Tyler was trying to hold himself, but he would break down soon. Hunter then stated, "I want you to cry your sorrow out, go to sleep and when you will wake up the next morning, you will jump from your bed, raise your chin and put on that proud smirk and move on." Tyler chuckled through his tears and it was a good sight, he was strong.  Hunter leaned forward and took away the gag, Tyler was crying silently, but calming down. He reached down and squeezed Tyler hard d*ck. "Are you feeling any better?" questioned Hunter after they had finished.

"Uh-huh," Tyler nodded with face buried in the mattress. Hunter gently stroked his hair and his face, "take a rest, Tyler, you will need it.”  He then proceed to un-tie the ropes. Tyler stretched out on the bed. Hunter sat down by the desk and checked his emails and news, spent another ten minutes with pointless browsing and listening to Tyler's calm breathing. Then he shut the laptop down and went sit back at the bed.Tyler rolled on his back and spread over the bed with a whine and arms far above his head.

"You definitely are like a cat," he grinned and Tyler rolled his eyes. "Where's your cat anyway?" He asked.

"Out," Hunter shrugged. "Maybe she got a date," Tyler playfully shoved Hunter to his leg with his knee and hissed when Hunter squeezed his balls and leaned over when he said with a dangerous smile: "She's castrated." Tyler laughed nervously. Hunter let him go and stood up.

"You can go now, I'm done with you."

"Hmm," Tyler rolled on his side and closed eyes. Tyler didn't make a single move.

"You aren't spending the night here." Tyler only muttered and reached for Hunter's blanket from the bottom of the bed, but Hunter yanked it away. "Tyler, stand up," Hunter was losing it and sighed standing irresolutely above him. "If you don't leave you can't jerk yourself off tonight," he tried again.

Tyler waved his arm in the air. " I'm too worn out for getting up, or doing anything. It's your fault anyway."

Hunter gave up. "Don't you need go to the bathroom?"

"Nah, I brushed my teeth before I went here. I'm fine."

Tyler was already drifting into a sleep. Hunter sighed and went to take a shower. He turned the light off, lied down next to him, but turned to Tyler by his back and brought the cover over them. He then drifted off to sleep.


Early December


It was midnight and Tyler was drunk, he was barely walking straight and had to lean against nearby trees time to time. It was Friday night and he went out only to one purpose – to f*ck. He was passing by a group of people and heard muted conversation. He fastened his steps to sneak quietly by, but he stumbled over his own feet, swore and the voices stopped speaking. One of them began walking toward Tyler. He started running but the person was following him until a hand heavily landed on his shoulder. He turned into Hunter's furious face and he almost lost his balance, but Hunter caught him by arms and twisted his face at Tyler's alcoholic breath.

"You're drunk. You went out and got drunk."

"Why do you care about what I do, I can f*ck with anybody I want."

"But you are not 21 yet. Plus you shouldn’t be getting your ass drunk. It gives you a bad image"

"Okay, daaaad! My image is already f*cked up anyway. And what are doing awake at this hour Mr. Goodie Goodie? Study date?"

"Be quiet! He can hear you."

"Who is it?"

"One boy, he is a freshman. He has some concerns and I was helping him."


"It's our responsibility to help students." Tyler was staring at him stupidly, he was never approached by students despite being student President. Hunter sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You are so in trouble. Can you imagine what could happen if anybody met you here? You are not on the top of the most favourite students here."

"I don't care what they think."

"But I do. And you are under my command, sweetheart, and you will do as I say or you can say bye to the student government and your dreams about being a politician. Don't move." Tyler nodded and Hunter went back to the boy. He said something to the boy and Tyler heard the boy walk off in the other way. Hunter came back, grabbed him by his elbow and tugged him to his dorm room. Tyler's drunken mind was telling him he should probably slow down if didn't want to end up vomiting in the next half an hour but he was scared shitless of Hunter to even open his mouth and say something.

Hunter was enraged when smacked Tyler against his door after they entered his room. He pressed his arm to his chest and elbow dug near his neck staring at him fiercely. Tyler was breathing in short shallow breaths, glaring down at Hunter's chest and waiting for the verdict. The elbow went dangerously near his Adam's apple and he was afraid he is going to choke him in anger, but Hunter lowered his arm and stepped back.

"I'm not dealing with you while you're drunk. You'll spend the night here and you should thank me I'm not leaving you sleep on the floor."

"…thank you."

"Under the sink are some spare toothbrushes, you will take a shower and clean yourself. I'm not sharing a bed with you when you smell like garbage." Tyler nodded embarrassed and Hunter gave him a long judging stare before he waved his arm in the bathroom direction and let him go.

He was in the shower when he heard Hunter stepping into the bathroom. He was getting sober and regretting he got him this mad. He turned off the water after a few minutes and went outside. Hunter didn't look at him and Tyler wrapped himself in a towel. Hunter then walked out of the bathroom.

The room was bathing in darkness when he switched off the bathroom light and stumbled towards the bed just in his underwear. He slid under the sheets and Hunter growled when he kicked him in a knee and Tyler quickly muttered sorry.

He didn't mind that the bed was still too small for both of them; he could easily press to him. Hunter was lying on his back with arms folded under his head and Tyler could see his eyes sternly staring into the dark. He shifted himself and settled along him on his side and buried face under his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," he said whispering against the skin.

"Leave this for the time I'll be interested in listening." Hunter rolled over facing the wall. Tyler's head was spinning when he shortly ran his nose through his hair, but Hunter jerked his head away. He put his hand underneath his cheek and just sadly stared at the unmoving back of Hunter's head before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


He woke up alone in the bed; when he rolled over he spotted Hunter crouching over his cat and scratching her behind her ears.

"Hey," Tyler said.

"Morning," Hunter replied coldly and threw his head at the bedside table. Tyler saw there a glass of water and some white pill. "Thank you," he said before taking it.

Hunter raised himself on his feet. "I want you to wait for me at your room at five o'clock." Tyler nodded enthusiastically. "Sunday morning," Hunter added. And with see you later walked out of his room. Tyler just stared after him.


He was nervously standing by his door at four fifty-nine on Sunday morning. He felt like an idiot, in his sleeping pants and waiting for Hunter. He thought he maybe wouldn't even show up. But one minute later exactly, Hunter turned around the corner.

"Good morning, sweetheart, I hope you're ready." Hunter sneered when he came closer. "Nice to see you're awake."

"I'm still thinking this is just a nightmare and I will wake up eventually and find out it's time for lunch," he was looking at him sleepily.

"Funny, go to dress in your workout clothes, warm scarf, cap and gloves."

"Why?" He whined.

"It's freezing outside."

"Do you think I will go outside in earlier December at five o'clock on Sunday?" The other boy stared at him wordlessly. "Hunter."


"This is ridiculous."

"This is your punishment for being irresponsible."

"Can't you bend me over your bed in your well heated up room?" Tyler leaned his forehead against the door frame.

"Nope," he tilted his head

"You will suffer too."

"Not as much as you."



"I hate you."


Hunter leaded them to his car. "You aren't gonna kill me and bury in the woods, right?" He tried but Hunter dedicated him a meaningful look and Tyler shut his mouth. They stopped near a forest, as Tyler  could only see through the dark, after twenty minutes long ride and Hunter wordlessly climbed out, Tyler  had to follow him. "Here's the thing. You're spoiled attitude is annoying and you have been sloppy about working out.”

"We are going to run the path along the forest," Hunter raised his hand and created a half circle in the air around the place. "Then fifty push-ups and one-hundred sit-ups." Tyler was glaring at him with a very irritated expression; he was not going to do that. "If you are faster than me, I'll consider reducing it for you. But…," he looked at him smirking. "You are not faster than me." Tyler gave him the most unwelcome stare he could. He didn't know if Hunter could see him but it was worth trying. "Hunter, I'm not going to run now, it's half past five on Sunday morning, it's freezing and still dark!" Hunter, like he was expecting this reaction, reached into a pocket of his sport jacket and fished out two forehead lights and stepped closer pressing one into Tyler's hand. "I won't let you be the spoiled child you're turning in.” Tyler sighed and pressed his forehead to Hunter's. "You'll be my death." Hunter laughed into his face and tilted his head back little bit, they locked their eyes. Tyler hated that he couldn't kiss him. Tyler stuck his hands into Hunter's pocket and closed the distance between their bodies, dragged his hips closer. He stared at his lips, didn't see much in the dark, but it was enough. Hunter's hands were on his back, sliding up and down. He wanted to see into his head, what was he thinking and what was holding him back. Tyler leaned his head closer, flicked his eyes close and waited for Hunter's reaction. The boy ran his nose along Tyler's jaw and ear and his fingers dug in the warm skin hidden under the jacket. Then Hunter went back and rubbed their noses against each other. Hunter breathed out and the warm air passed his lips, he could swear he almost felt Hunter's lips touching his but it didn't happen. The bastard only reached and fixed Tyler's light on his head, took out his hands from his pockets "I'll give you a head start. Better run fast." Tyler was still little bit off from the previous moment. Hunter impatiently spanked his ass and he jerked away. "Go!" And he did, right after he gave Hunter a quick bold kiss on his cheek. After hundred or so steps he heard as Hunter already joined him and easily was getting closer. The track was about mile and half and Tyler knew that if he went faster now he wouldn't have enough energy in the end. But Hunter didn't pass him and forced him to speed up. He didn't need to look over his shoulder to see that Hunter was doing just fine, it was evident by his regular breathing, and Tyler knew he was going to lose. They were slowly getting to the spot from they started and closing the circle, Hunter lengthened his steps and easily got ahead.

"I'm glad you were able to run to the end, I wouldn't be pleased if you were walking at some point. You did well."

"I would say thanks, but," he coughed and ripped the light from his head, "I think I would die before I could."

"We are going to work out now."

"God, I need a minute."

"I think I will have to take you out more often, you really need to work harder."

"You definitely have to take me out," Tyler smiled genuinely and went to him.

"Tyler," Hunter sighed and stepped away, "you know what I meant. Don't be stupid. I think I made it clear that this is strictly private thing and I won't ever show with you in public."

Tyler swallowed down his pride and put on a smirk. "Sure, I know."

"Ready for the work out?" Tyler shrugged uninterested in response and angrily threw himself on the cold ground.


When they arrived back at the dorms, Tyler muttered something in goodbye.

"Where are you going?" Hunter asked and he sounded like actually surprised.

"My bed? I'm completely exhausted, I need to sleep. Why are you asking?"

"Come on, I'll let you sleep if you come with me." He offered his hand to him and Tyler hesitated, he was partly upset and he wanted to be alone. He took his hand. In Hunter's room, he tiredly sat on the floor to take off his solid jacket. Hunter already took off his shirt and he was struggling with his pants. Tyler was staring up at him at the sudden free strip show. "Shower," Hunter said and dropped the rest of his clothes.

"f*ck," Tyler breathed out and started to rip off his shirt. He then joined Hunter in the shower. Hunter set the shower head back on the wall and turned around tilting his head to the stream. Tyler brought a hand to caress the strained skin on Hunter’s neck. Hunter was humming in approval and put his hands on Tyler’s sides. He leaned and kissed him on his shoulder and ran his lips to his neck, the hands on his hips stiffened and Hunter's breath quickened. With his hand, he was copying the water stream and running his fingers down, across the boy's stomach and lower. While attacking his neck again, he resolutely gripped the base of Hunter's c*ck and stroked him. Hunter's eyes snapped open and caught him by his arm. He was pressed against a cold wall, legs apart and wrists brought above his head.

"What did I say about touching me without permission, Ty.?"

"Not doing it…sir?" They were standing silently for a few more minutes and changing their positions under the stream until Hunter turned the water off, They dried themselves up and wrapped in towels went back to the bedroom. Hunter then laid on his bed and removed the towel. Tyler joined him. Hunter grabbed the blanket and covered them. Hunter wrapped his arms around him. The two drifted off to sleep.  


The university dining hall was packed later that evening. Tyler and his friends took their food and drinks. They sat at the tables near the window looking over campus. They began to talk about their classes and the huge Christmas party they were planning. Eventually, Tyler’s friends worked Hunter into the conservation. They noticed Tyler was hanging out with him. They teased Tyler that he was dating Hunter. Tyler vehemently denied it, saying Hunter was straight. His friends laughed and said Hunter was a good looking guy and Tyler would be lucky to have him. Tyler sighs and looks down at his food. He remains quiet for the rest of dinner, just looking at his food and mixing it around.


One Week Before Christmas


"What are going to do on Friday night?" Tyler asked Hunter on Wednesday. He was sitting on his bed with his long legs hanging down and turned at Hunter with his back as he sat next to him when he came inside.

"Friday? Probably study for finals, why?"

"I thought we could have a dinner together, I know a really nice restaurant out of town with tables separated by curtains and if we go in at different times, nobody could see us there," Tyler was talking quickly and he was nervously rubbing his palms over an edge of Hunter's bed, avoiding his eyes. He already made a reservation.

"I said it before, nothing in public," Hunter snapped back. He was lying on his back with one arm folded under his head, his cat was sleeping on his chest and he was steadily petting her back.

"It's really a private place," he tried again, kicking his foot against the bed.

"Tyler, just no, can you stop talking about it?"

"But it's Christmas and I thought-,"

"No, just no, I can't go out on a dinner with a boy and giggle over a table with candles on it. They are still waiters, door man, I don't know who else. You may be fine with being openly gay, but I'll never give any illusion or hint for people to think that way about me."

"Fine, whatever. Forget I ever asked," he spat out in response and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you. I want to be alone."

"What? Wait!" Hunter sat up and the cat jumped off of him with a hiss. Tyler had already reached for the doorknob and left the room. He started running; afraid that Hunter would follow him and didn't stop until he could shut the door of his dorm and had locked himself in.

Nobody came.

Hunter turned into the corridor with Tyler's room in the moment he heard the lock click. He stopped and didn't come closer. He sighed and turned to leave when a loud kick to the door and 'f*ck'echoed from the room. He stood in the freezing hallway for five minutes. He moved to the door. He raised his arm but put his palm flat on the door as he was taking courage to knock. He then pulled his hand away. Tyler would not open the door now. Hunter regretted brushing Tyler off like that.


The weekend came unexpectedly soon. He hadn’t seen or heard from Tyler since the incident. Tyler had even skipped the final student government meeting. That was something Tyler would have never done. Hunter was nervous. Later that day, Hunter found himself talking with several friends in the student center. Tyler was slowly coming closer and watching him. Hunter lifted his eyes and returned him the look. Hunter brought up one corner of his mouth and gives him a small smile; Tyler nodded in acknowledgment but looked away. Tyler walked past him. It was enough for Hunter, without a hurry he walked after Tyler.  

"You okay?" He asked him quietly and Tyler shrugged indefinitely.

"I've been better," he said finally.

"Want drink?" He pointed to the student lounge.

"I would like one," sounded behind them and Hunter turned his head.

"Nicole," he breathed out surprised and stared at the girl. "I didn't know you were here."

She gave him a big smile. "I didn't see you for months!" She threw her arms around his shoulders and pressed to him. "I came here with friends, hoping to meet you." she stated.

"Well, you did," he said and smiled, it was nice to see her, she was his best friends for years.

"And I get to find you on a very good spot," she laughed and looked up. Hunter raised his head and saw mistletoe hanging over their heads.

"Oh, how that happened to be up there?"

"Does it matter?" she brought fingers into his hair and leaned to his face. He realized she was going to kiss him and he felt panicking inside. Her mouth was soft and familiar when he kissed back. But his heart stopped beating when he realized that Tyler was gone. He tilted his head back and noticed him leaving the room.

"God, I missed you, Hunt," she whispered. He couldn't suppress the want; they knew each other since he could remember and spent together uncountable nights. But he needed to find Tyler. She kissed him again, but he stopped her.

"I need to go somewhere," he said and she lifted her eyebrows questioningly. "I'll be right back."

"Sure," she shrugged, "I'll go find something to drink and join you later." He nodded in response and sneaked through the door. He went directly into Tyler's room. When he knocked on his door, he got no answer back and everything was quiet, Tyler weren't there. He went back to look into a different part of the dorm and kept running through the empty and dark corridors until he got tired. He reached for his phone and called him, he waited until it cancelled itself and called again. He sent him a text where he was and waited another couple of minutes before he sighed and went back.

"Here you are," Nicole said as she stood up in front of him with two glasses. He wondered where she could find it. "I got some drinks, come to sit with me and tell me how you've been." She smiled genuinely and he nodded, he would find Tyler later.


Hunter heard a soft knock before the door opened, "Hunter, I need to tell-," Tyler froze at his spot and he was pale as the color drained off his face.

"What are you staring at? Get the hell out of here!" Nicole screamed and covered her breast with her arm.

"I- I'm," Tyler was staring at him and then at Nicole sitting on him, they were both naked. Tyler stumbled backwards from the room and shut the door.

"What kind of creep was that, he was staring at me like an idiot. Pervert," Nicole rolled her eyes.

"I can assure you that he wasn't looking at you," he said bitterly.

She lifted her eyebrows questioningly and then she got it. "Oh god, you aren’t gay either are you?" Her words made him really angry; she could be a bitch.

"No, I’m not. He just has a crush on me. He is a good friend. That is all.” answered Hunter

She leaned against his chest to catch her stability and laughed. "Yeah, apparently. "

She gave him a small smile and he returned it absently.


It was a week after New Year when Hunter knocked on Tyler's door. Tyler had not answered his calls or texts since the incident. It was barely about five o'clock, but it was almost dark and Hunter stepped inside after a soft 'it's open'. Tyler's face was illuminated by a small lamp on his bedside table. He was sitting on his bed and watching a movie on his laptop placed on the bottom of his bed.

"Tyler," Hunter said after a while. The boy stopped the movie before he raised his hostile eyes at him and folded his arms across his chest. "We need to talk," Hunter said and crossed the room.

"Not interested," Tyler  returned back and played the movie again.

Hunter shut the laptop down and moved it on a table; Tyler was sternly eyeing him and brought his knees to his chest.

"How you enjoyed Christmas," Hunter said in mocking voice and sat on his bed. Tyler didn't say a word and reached for his phone and pretended Hunter didn't exist.

"You have no reason to be mad at me." Hunter stated.

"You slept with her," Tyler's voice was shaking with suppressed anger, "I came to say I'm sorry and wish you a merry Christmas and…," he didn't finish the sentence. Hunter plucked his phone from his hand and put it back on the bedside table.

"And?" He demanded.

"And… I thought that we-,"

"What did you think, hmm? Tell me what you were thinking when you went out, a month ago," 'month and half' Tyler muttered under his breath but Hunter ignored him. "I let your drunken ass sleep in my bed before anybody would catch you. All after you f*cked some random guy on your way out. Yeah, that felt pretty great."

"You could save that, I didn't ask for help."

Hunter was staring at him for a moment; his rage was rising up, making his hands to clench around him, he yanked his legs open and destroyed the barrier made of Tyler's knees, he brought his hands on a pillow next to Tyler's sides and leaned into his face. "Well, sorry for caring about you, I won't bother next time." He was gritting his teeth and staring at him, breathing harshly through his nose. Tyler was looking away when he muttered dejected:

"Are you going to leave now?"

"Do you want me to leave?" He asked and Tyler shook his head. "Lie on your back."

"Why would you even care? There is nothing between us. You're not interested in men." Despite his words, Tyler lowered himself and let Hunter settle between his legs.

"Stop it. You knew I could never publicly give you any attention, don't play dumb. I didn't' hide being attracted to you when we were in private. I gave you what I could."

"You did not, you never kissed me. Like I was a hooker or something," he pressed his hand to his chest as Hunter was going down, "But you kissed her? Is it okay, because she is a girl?"

"I can't, try to understand me, but I really can't do that. I'm not… as gay as you." Hunter stared at Tyler's upset but hurtful expression and his stomach twisted. He couldn't continue with this, they already went too far, he shouldn't let it happened. He started raising himself again.

"How can blowjob be any less gay than kissing?" Tyler shifted closer to him and pressed his legs to his sides and hooked his arm around his neck, blocking him from moving away.

"It's obligating, intimate gesture," he was looking at Tyler's lips, suddenly more tempting than before. "Kissing is for lovers, it's a commitment."

"So she is your girlfriend or what?"

"Kind of, we know each other since we were kids, first kiss and everything… it's different. Friends with benefits, you know? It's more about the show for parents; they like us together… family stuff, but in the rest of time we aren't together." Tyler nodded at it and twisted his lips.

"I don't like her."

"I know. It's a bad excuse to say, but I wouldn't go with her if I weren't drinking," he admitted, it was a hidden apology, but Tyler certainly got it. "I know we didn't put in any rules about seeing other people, but-,"

"I wouldn't mind it," Tyler unexpectedly burst out and swiftly propped on his elbows. He breathed against his lips when he got close, his fingers dug into Hunter's shirt.

"Mind what?" Hunter asked confused.

"Being in a committed relationship with you, even just in a secret one."

"You don't know me; you wouldn't like it being in real one with me."

"What I know about you is that you are a manipulative cold-blood bastard with possessive behavior and control issue."

"And this sounds good to you?"

"It's hot because your passion and anger turns me on as same as your collected ordering me around."

"I like ordering you around," Hunter said in response.

"Do you know what I'm thinking about when you push me against a wall?" Hunter shook his head, "Do it harder. And when you tie me up? Tighten it more. When you say kneel, please, I want you to push me down with force," he whispered feverishly near his face and Hunter had to suppress a moan at the vision.

"This is insane, you can't like this, it's… not normal,"

"I don't want normal, I want you,"

"It's not healthy; we are like a textbook case of domestic violence,"

"Violence is hitting in a face or kicking into stomach. You are far away from it. You are not abusing me. I'm neither frightened nor hurt. Just like it rough," he breathed out the last word like a bark and grinned.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"Why not? Look it's about dynamics. I trust your judgment. Don't pretend it's not turning you on," he wrapped his long legs around him, locked them under his ass and pressed down hard. Hunter let himself to fall on top of him, stomach to stomach, his hands found Hunter's wrists and pinned them next to his head.

"How many times did you hook up since September?" stated Hunter.

"Five times." It was a bigger number than he expected and looked away. "What did you think? You were making me frustrated for months."

He looked back at him. "But guess how many times you will since today?"

"Zero," he didn't even blink.

"You will be forbidden to even flirt with anybody or go to clubs. No matter how frustrated I'll make you."

"Yes, nobody else. But it stands for you too."

"Of course. Everything stays in private. You can tell you're seeing somebody if you get asked."

"Uh-huh," Tyler was nodding, smiling now, looking underneath his eyelashes and biting his lip.

"You will do as I say and show me respect and I can punish you if you need it." Tyler's face stiffened for a moment, but then a lazy smirk appeared and he nodded carefully.

"Will you finally stop staring and kiss me?"

"Hush," Hunter quieted him. He let go off his wrists and intertwined their fingers.

"Oooh, is this about I have never kissed a boy? You are still a half-virgin! You don't need to be shy. Are you blushing? You-," Hunter gave it up and pressed his lips to him to cut him off. Tyler breathed out through his nose. He opened his mouth and deepened the kiss. Tyler's tongue sneaked into his mouth and he caught it between his lips and smiled when Tyler groaned. His c*ck was rubbing against his own when Tyler did a very good move with his hips. It was getting too much and he didn't want to hurry things up. He let their hands split and lied down next to him on his side. Tyler rolled over and they were looking at each with sparkling eyes. Tyler surprisingly wasn't questioning anything nor pressing at him to do more. He was lying with closed eyes next to him, smiling slightly and it felt pretty good. Hunter placed his palm on his cheek and Tyler shifted closer, sticking his bare feet between his and he folded his arms and leaned them against Hunter's chest. Hunter gripped his hands into his and leaned to kiss him on his jaw and went down, the boy's heartbeat rapidly quickened when he opened his mouth and let his teeth touch the skin. He chose the spot where he felt the most powerful pulsing and bit down. He bit him hard and sucked on it until Tyler started whining while pulling away and his fingers turned into fists. Hunter released the skin from his teeth and licked the spot afterwards. He was moving his mouth back up until he reached his lips again.

"Mine." Hunter stated.




The recall election had begun. Tyler and Hunter campaigned hard against each other. The students were divided between the two individuals. On election day, the results came in. Tyler had narrowly defeated Hunter by only 4 votes. After a recount vote, Tyler still won. Tyler “allowed” Hunter to retain his VP seat.


One Week Later


Tyler spent his Saturday afternoon studying for his Monday exam. On Saturdays him and Hunter always spend their day together. They woke up together, snuggled, ate, worked out, hung out, ate, and then went back to the bed to watch a movie and make out. But this morning, Hunter disappeared. He only texted him they would see later. But as it was getting darker and Tyler even had dinner alone and spent hour in his room reading without paying any attention to the words. He found himself leaving his room and heading to check whether Hunter was back. Suddenly his world turned into a blur as a strong arm caught him from behind and a palm covered his mouth as he cried out surprised. The person dragged him behind a curtain into a small secluded place by a window. He was trapped in a tight embrace and pushed to face a wall, but slowly calming down as he realized it had to be Hunter. How long he was awaiting him in this darkened corridor until he would leave his dorm? The hand over his mouth stayed when the other opened his blazer, then traveled over his shirt and yanked it from his pants. He unbuttoned himself quickly and tore off the tie from his neck. Hunter took it from his hand, seized his wrist and dragged it back. Tyler immediately brought his other hand in the rear and Hunter claimed the hold. To bind his wrists with the tie, Hunter had to let go Tyler's mouth and he shoved his face into his neck, sniffing the strong addictive scent he has missed for whole day. A hand sneaked between his legs and over his bulge, grabbing him and squeezing, a smile spread on his face when he licked Hunter's neck and a painted grunt whirred from his throat.


"Yes, sir," he responded immediately.

"Legs apart," Hunter muttered. Tyler leaned against his chest and moved his right foot to the side.

"How was your day?" Hunter asked and ran his nose in his hair.

"Long, I didn't know where you have been the whole time."

"We had a family party, my grandma had birthday."

"Oh, I didn't expect that, you should say me."

"I know, but I wanted to keep you on the edge."

"Lovely," Tyler frowned.

"As always," he replied amused. "She was there; I didn't want you to be nervous about that and decided to say it later."

"I would be fine."

"Of course," Hunter said mockingly, he quickly unbuckled Tyler's belt and took it out. He made two circles around Tyler's neck with it and fastened it up again.

"You look incredible, when you are nervous," Hunter ran finger under Tyler's ear and then put it into his mouth.

"Hmm," his face turned into a smirk and Tyler watched as his tongue slid out and licked over his lower lip. He saw him getting closer and groaned while taking his head aside to give Hunter an access. But Hunter cupped his cheek and brought his head back, rubbing his thumb along his jaw. His was looking in Hunter's shining eyes which were fixed on Hunter's mouth. He exhaled and closed his eyes smiling; Hunter's mouth was warm and his lips dry when they kissed.

"How long you've been waiting?" He asked.

"I wasn't, I was walking to your room because I arrived a moment ago and heard steps. It wouldn't be the best occasion to meet anybody so I hid. But when I recognized it was you-,"

"You jumped me, classy."

Hunter's arms slid on his back and pushed him out of the place, they went to Hunter's room. Quietly and quickly they walked through the dorm. The belt was staying in place as Hunter held it down and guided him. He always tugged him when he heard any suspicious noise, but they didn't meet anyone and safely got in.

Hunter situated him in the middle of the room; took off all of Hunter's clothes. Hunter’s  fingers ran up over his neck, got stuck in his hair, tugging him. All Hunter's movements were slow and controlled. Hunter's lips found his and their joined them in a soft kiss. He melted and breathed a suppressed air from his lungs he was holding. When Hunter's let go his lips he opened his eyes and flinched. Hunter's eyes were dark and unmoving, sternly staring in his and he winced when his hands appeared near his face and put a gag into his mouth, tying it around his head tightly. He couldn't move his look away, only blinked once or twice, Hunter seemed like unblinking for the whole time. Hunter's fingers appeared on his neck, where only a small spot with different color than his skin indicated Hunter's mark. He saw as the boy took in a breath before he spoke.

"Your claim is fading," Hunter's finally brought his eyes down from his face and scratched him with nails; "I don't like it."

"Me too," he hummed back through the gag and nodded, Hunter's face lighted up with a delight and he gave him a toothy grin.

"Let's go fix it," he smiled and tugged him by the belt to the bed and pushed Tyler on his ass before he would go for some ropes. He went back, tied his ankles together and secured them to the end of the bed before he took away the tie and tied his wrist, he attached the rope to the headboard, pulling on it and suspending Tyler. He fixed the bounds tightly and Tyler was now stretched from arms to toes. Hunter was stripping himself to his underwear. He had a wicked smile on his face when he reached to take the belt off from Tyler's neck. He was sliding the leather end over his chest, stomach and around his c*ck*, now lying on his stomach and twitching when Tyler's abdomen clenched. Two purposeless hits on his stomach he got from him before he would hook his leg over Tyler's waist and settled over him. He reached for the roped over Tyler head and slightly loosened it and Tyler sighed in relief but to his panic Hunter only shortened the bound and tugged Tyler's arms higher and the stretch was getting to his pain limit.

"I think…," Hunter slowly ran his finger over Tyler's straightened skin on his arm. "…that I will do this regularly, preferably weekly." Tyler muffled through his gag and tugged on his tied arms.

"You look marvelous like this." Hunter's predator expression was hanging above his face and he was staring into his eyes waiting for the attack. And it came; Hunter's licked his lips before Tyler felt pain that shot through his body. He swiftly ran his tongue around the injured spot and bit him again. The screen goes black.


"Would you stop staring at me?" Hunter hissed over the table and Tyler rolled his eyes. "I don't have boobs; you can normally look into my eyes."

"Do you know how great you look today? It's impossible not to stare," Tyler said and seductively rubbed their legs under the table.

Hunter's face was still slightly red when he replied. "And you will look like you want to eat me.

"Oh, don't pretend I haven't been doing it till now," Tyler's ears were burning and he giggled. Hunter kicked him under the table and it made him laugh even harder. They were interrupted by their waitress who delivered them their plates and with a smirk she wished them to have a nice lunch. Hunter sighed and smacked a palm over his eyes.

"And I thought that during the day it wouldn't look suspiciously," he said when she was gone.

"The more you're trying to pretend it's not a date, it definitely looks like a one."

"But it wasn't my intention!" He was hissing hastily. "I only wanted to ask you something, but didn't think it would end like this."

"So this is not our first date." Tyler replied while rolling a baked piece of potato over his plate and Hunter's head snapped up.

"Well, I wasn't thinking about this possibility when I asked you to go here, but… I don't mind it now," Hunter added quietly.

"Do you think it would be too bold if I kissed you after our first date?"

"We already kissed in this morning," Hunter was talking under his breath and looking around them if anybody is listening.

"But it was before the date, it doesn't count," Tyler pointed with his fork and lifted his eyebrows.

"Maybe you'll get something if you stop throwing your food all around," the boy sitting opposite to him remarked and meaningfully looked at a drop of sauce on a tablecloth. "But there is something connected with doing things for the first time I want to talk about."

"Did you just casually turn the conversation from spoiling the tablecloth to having an intercourse?"

Hunter narrowed his eyes and groaned; after he inhaled he unsurely opened his mouth. "Do you know what date is going to be in the next two weeks? Maybe it's a cliché, but-,"

"Valentine's Day," Tyler burst in laugh, "You can't be serious."

"Actually I meant the weekend after, we can't see each other on that day, but...what would you say about a winter cottage in the middle of nowhere where everything is covered in snow? The whole thing is made from wood; there is a fireplace with a soft carpet in front of it… four hours far from here and me having a key of it in my pocket."

"For real?" Tyler remarked. Hunter wordlessly reached into his pants and fished out a pack of three keys.

"So… what do you think about the idea?" Hunter was playing with the ring it kept it together and avoided his eyes.

"It's the best thing," Tyler said with a clenched throat, "like ever.”

“So what are you doing Valentine’s Day then?” questioned Tyler

“Spending it with Nicole” answered Hunter

“Why? You guys are just friends...right?” said Tyler

Hunter shrugged in response. "No, it's…it's just different. We were acting like a wonderful couple for years but now it's only a shadow of our previous relationship that ended a long time ago. I used to love her a lot, but now it's almost gone."

"And why don't you just break up? Why are you still lying? Your parents would surely understand that."

"We can't break up. It's not possible."

"That's stupid, why not?"

"It's complicated. Can we not talk about her now? I hoped you would like to hear more about this," he touched the keys. Tyler bit his lip from inside, he would like to know more about the history of the two of them, but instead he smiled after he fully realized what the gesture meant. He rested his head on his palm and looked at him with a dreamy smile.

"When did you get this idea?"

"I was planning to go there since summer, but that time I was thinking about Nicole, but… things changed."

"Aren't you disappointed?"

"You are everything than disappointment," Hunter assured him and leaned his chin on his hand. "I find you very tempting and all the possibilities and things I can do to you are swirling in my head."

"Yeah? For example?" he swallowed and reached for his glass to hide his blush from the heat in his face.

"I'm thinking about a crotch rope for the ride, a loosen one, just a reminder how the weekend is going to happen. We are going to stop in a mall to buy food; you should behave during the ride if you would like take it off. Since the first time you would spread your legs and submit to me it would be official. You won't be able to stand up and walk in the end of Sunday. If you protest you are sore and need to rest, I will only take you again," his voice was dripping with honey, but eyes filled with a dangerous spark and he swallowed another bite. "But," his features softened, "you already do know the meaning of a safeword. If you say red, I'll stop. Any questions?" He slipped back to his normal voice.

"How huge is the house?" He moved on the subject.

"Average, it has two floors; downstairs are kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Up are three bedrooms and one more bathroom. Like I said, there is wood everywhere, my parents were used to go there a lot, but since they are divorced, dad wasn't there for years."

"Why they had a divorce?"

"My mom… She ran away, it's very difficult to live with him, he is very demanding and choleric."

"I'm sorry for that."

"Don't be," Hunter waved his hand

They were silent for a moment and only stared into each other's eyes.

"I really love the idea about the weekend," Tyler said softly and glanced nervously down but then back up again.


Weekend After Valentine’s Weekend


"This place is perfect," Tyler gave Hunter a toothy grin and his eyes flew across the enormous room.

"Okay, I'm going to turn on the electricity and the central heating. You can start the fire," Hunter said and pointed at the fireplace before he turned around and went away. When Hunter came back, the boy was crunching in front of two big piece of wood put over each other and covered with newspapers. He was holding a burning match at one end and scoffing. Hunter was staring at the disaster and then burst in laughter. Hunter got down next to Tyler and showed him out to start the fire.

"We spent twenty minutes with starting a fire, you are impossible." Hunter stated. Tyler stuck his tongue at him. Hunter offered him his hands and lifted him up. They changed their boots into more comfortable inside shoes and hang their winter jackets in the entrance.

"Slippers, this is awfully domestic," Tyler was glaring at his feet.

"Take the bags into the kitchen, darling," Hunter sneered back and reached for bags with their clothes. "I'll put those into the bedroom."

"But I want to see the rest of the house with you," Tyler pleaded. Hunter smiled and dropped the bags again.

"Sure, let's put the food into a fridge and then I'll take you on a tour," he nodded into the hallway and switched the lights on.


"So, there is a room where my parents were always sleeping," he closed the door again and pointed at the door in the end "there is a guest room and here," he reached for the doorknob, "is my room," he opened the door fully and switched the lights on. Tyler burst in after him and immediately jumped on the bed. He patted a spot next to himself but Hunter ignored him and put their bags on a low-levelled wardrobe near a window. Tyler stood up and came to him. He put his palms on Hunter’s shoulders. He was rubbing Hunter’s back and pecked his tensed neck. The sudden closeness was scaring; the hands were cold as well as his shivering body. He slowly inhaled together with turning around and facing Tyler. The hands slipped down from his shoulders on his waist. Hunter’s hands already gripped Tyler's sides and he was prepared to turn them around, nevertheless Tyler stepped aside and made himself busy with his bag. It felt weird and his suspicion increased when Tyler avoided their arms to touch when he passed him to put his belongings into the closet. He held out his hand but Tyler shoved it away and bent over to insert his empty bag into the bottom part. Hunter narrowed his eyes and his hand landed hard on Tyler's butt. The reaction was immediate; Tyler sprung up. Hunter grasped the fist that was aiming into his face and twisted Tyler's arm behind his back, wrapped his other arm around his waist, kick under his knees and knocked him on the ground, securing him in the position with his knee pressed on his lower back. Tyler's face darkened as he struggled, Hunter twisted his arm more until Tyler stopped fighting and put his head on the floor. He moved his knee off his back and let go his arm, Tyler raised himself and shoved into his chest. Hunter growled and attacked again, he rolled him on his back, sat down on his stomach and quickly pinned the flying hands above Tyler’s head into the hard floor. He put his hand on Tyler's neck. Tyler's eyes were glaring up at him. His arms stayed on the floor above his head when Hunter's second hand ran into his hair. He pushed his hand down and waited until Tyler's feet started kicking against the floor and his hand sprung up to tap on Hunter's shoulder. He sat back and took his hands away; Tyler's choked on the air that went back into his lungs. Hunter took his time to stood up on his feet. Tyler stood up on his unstable legs and holding on his neck.

"The next time you would try to punch me would be in a boxing ring. Do you understand?"

"The next time you would try to choke me would be an end of our relationship," Tyler barked dryly back.

"Fair enough," he agreed and came to him. "I won't do that again," he shortly pecked his neck. "Don't be afraid to tell me if I ever reach your limits. Dinner?" he turned to the door and stuck a hand in his direction. Tyler didn't smile while he leaded them downstairs and to the kitchen. They already prepared and marinated a meat and left it in a fridge.

"Could you peel the potatoes, Ty?" He chose a nickname he knew Tyler liked and Hunter barely used but the reaction was a wordless nod. He washed vegetables he was going to use for a salad and moved to cut in on the other side of the U-shaped kitchen.

"Would you be so kind and hand me that knife," Hunter said sweetly and pointed at a knife in a kitchen sink he used before. Tyer narrowed his eyes, reached for it and directed it at him with a sharp end. Hunter tilted his head and the boy turned it and offered him the handle. He slipped his fingers along him and smirked at Tyler's scoff. He finished the vegetable, took out a pot, filled with cold water and put on a stove. He turned the heating up, salted the water and added a pinch of caraway seeds. Tyler finished his angry cutting and poured the poor potatoes murdered and ripped up into small pieces to the water; Hunter crowned it with a pot-lid.

"You're bleeding," he remarked after he looked at Tyler's hand and reached for it.

"It's nothing," Tyler said and hid his finger into a fist.

"May I look at it?" he intentionally filled his voice with concern and Tyler gave in. Hunter took the injured finger near his eyes; it was just a small cut when Tyler's hand slipped. "I don't like seeing you hurt."

"You're serious? You do it pretty much regularly," Tyler protested and pulled his arm away.

"You have to distinguish things, darling. You like it."

"That's not-," Hunter clapped his palm over Tyler's mouth.

"I think you are aware I don't accept lies. Revise your answer or I will be forced to demonstrate whether you lied or not."

He took his hand away and stepped away and went to stir the potatoes. He took out a pan from a cabinet and turned on another stove burner. Tyler brought the marinated chicken pieces from a fridge while Hunter opened one bottle of red wine they bought on Tyler's fake I.D. He arranged the dining table in the living room, lit a few candles and loaded the fireplace again. Hunter turned off the main light to let the room be illuminated only by a natural warming colour of fire. He got to work a small radio with old jazz stations.

Tyler froze at the entering to the living room. "Uh," he breathed out. Hunter didn't hide his smirk; he kissed him on his shoulder, settled the glasses next to their plates and went back for the wine and water. He poured their drinks and took a seat while Tyler was serving the food. He thanked him when Tyler handed him his plate and smiled at him. Tyler finally sat down and exhaled. Hunter raised his glass of wine and Tyler clinked his glass with him while they were glaring at each as they drank. The atmosphere in the room heated up and they were glancing up from their plates.

"Have you ever had a dinner like this?" Hunter decided to break the silence eventually. Tyler shook his head quickly. His bright eyes glance up while he was bringing a fork into his mouth and swallowed another piece of chicken.

"No, only if you count a late night stop at McDonalds with a person I was going to spend the night."

"Were there candles?" Hunter asked but Tyler shook his head smirking. "Then I don't count it."


After they finished eating, they put the dishes into a sink and rest of food into a fridge before sitting back to the table and just chatting with wine. They talked about school and about other random stuff.

After chatting, Hunter stood up and took two blankets from a sofa in a corner and spread them out in front of the fireplace.

"Here," Hunter sat down with crossed legs and reached with his arm up. Tyler left his seat, took his hand and settled down next to him. "We will do it differently tonight; since this weekend is special, you can do anything you want without me stopping you."

"You'll let me…? Tonight?"

"Let's say until ten o'clock tomorrow morning. You are in control till then; before I will take the charge again. But don't you even dare to think about tying me or anything touching my butt."

"You've ruined my best plans," Hunter shot him a glare and Tyler grinned in response. "But I know what you will do now, a strip show," Tyler's tongue slipped rebelliously from his mouth as he smirked and Hunter narrowed eyes.

"All right," Hunter stood up, "just remember, tomorrow at ten will everything you did to me return back to you."

"Shake that ass, baby," Tyler grinned in response. Hunter took in a calming breath and went to lean against the table. He was unbuttoning his cardigan and Tyler rolled his eyes at the slow speed, but his eyes blinked when Hunter shook with his hips while taking it off. He kicked his shoes from his feet in Tyler's direction and in a smooth move he lifted his legs to slip down his socks. Tyler was sitting down and laughing with his head in hands and shoulders shaking. When Hunter stepped closer while he was tugging the hem of his shirt, Tyler dared to glance up and he wiggled his eyebrows thus the boy burst in another wave of laugh. He knelt down in front of him and took his hands from his reddened face.

"You're crazy," he said still giggling.

"Then you are the symptom of it. I like you better when you're smiling," Hunter admitted and stroked his cheek. "I didn't know why you were upset."

"Because you were ignoring me."

"I was not."

"You certainly were and you didn't kiss me since we left."

"So why you didn't kiss me?"

"I didn't know I could," Tyler scoffed, "I couldn't before so I assumed it didn't change."

"Oh, silly, you can initiate stuff if you want. I'm sorry if you didn't know."

"That's appalling! I would do it all the time but I've always waited until you've made the first move. I have been racked. This game," he pointed between them, "is maybe fun, but just until some moment. And you drive me crazy, Mr. Pierce"

"Oh-oh, Ty, you are such a tease. And we should talk about-,"



"No, this evening is mine. So, darling, lose the shirt and bring here the wine."

"I don't want you to get drunk," Hunter remarked when he refilled their glasses and returned to sit across him.

"From half a bottle? I'm not any lightweight. It will only bring us into a mood."

"In a mood for what," he asked and Tyler’s face flushed behind the glass while he took a sip.

"For having a sexual intercourse, of course," he grinned and bit his lower lip nervously before he would lean forward and kiss Hunter's naked shoulder. He backed out and fixed their eyes, he was trapped in. It was uneasy to suppress his need of taking a control of the situation when Tyler flustered expression was urging him. He closed his eyes to loosen the tension and emboldened him.

Tyler put his glass aside to find stability on his palms and mouthed Hunter's chest and neck. He felt his teeth brushing his skin and he hummed, Tyler gathered his approve and sank his teeth down. The sudden raw pain felt great for Hunter, he tilted his head back and enjoyed. The glass from his hand disappeared and he was pushed down on the blanket. Tyler didn't need being encouraged anymore for taking control and he was quickly kissing his way over Hunter's jaw to his lips while exploring his chest with his sticky-fingers and snuggling between his legs. While he was pressing against his tongue, Hunter ran his hand underneath his shirt and rolled it up and with his assistance he pulled it over Tyler's head.

"I'm," Tyler gulped when they pulled apart, "really glad to be here with you."

"Yeah," he breathed out with the same vulnerable muffled voice.

"I was waiting for you so long," Tyler was visibly shaking, he was going back on his knees and ran his hands over his stomach, but stopped on the line of Hunter's pants. Hunter folded his arms under his head and sneered broadly when Tyler unsurely tried to unbuckle his belt but still couldn't make it. Finally he was successful and started to tug his pants down and threw them away together with his own. On his all four he crawled for the condom and lube and leave it on the floor next to them before he hooked knee over him and settled down over Hunter's thighs. He was guessing he was planning to ride him, but Tyler still looked sceptical while he leaned down and pressed their bodies together.

"Do you need me to be on top?" He asked finally and Tyler opened his mouth evidently to protest, but then changed his mind.

"Yeah, god, I want to be under you, this feels weird," he shifted back again and Hunter raised himself into a sit. Tyler was at first full of enthusiasm that he let him control the situation, but it was partly a good way to show him that it's more natural for him to submit.

"From the leader position of this evening, I'm giving you an order to take me," Tyler tried to hide his anxiety behind a joke that Hunter didn't comment and switched with him the position on the blanket. He was sure Tyler didn't notice how he was waiting on his back and without hesitating his arms were laying next to his head and legs wide apart in the most beautiful natural submissive gesture he's ever exposed himself. Hunter showed him his teeth in a big sneer; this was how he wanted him. He gripped the hem of Tyler's underwear and yanked it down. Tyler's knees fell apart after he got himself naked too and settled between his legs. The boy's arm wrapped around his neck and brought him down into a hard kiss while they rubbed against each other. He pushed his hips forward and they both moaned, he licked his lips and aimed lower, on his neck to take a small bite. Tyler’s skin was still bruised from earlier and he applied a soft press with his lips onto it to make him whine. The arms from his back disappeared because Tyler reached for a lube, put away the lid and coated his fingers with it before bringing it to his entrance. Hunter was giving him gentle kisses over his neck and face while he was preparing himself. He put the condom on himself and slid down between his legs; Tyler's fingers wrapped around him and stroked him to spread the lube before guiding him in. He raised his head and fixed their eyes before pushing the tip in. Tyler clenched around him, but relaxed immediately after and he slid into him fully. He leaned on his elbows above him and moved out and in again a few times, Tyler's arms sprung up around his shoulders and he lifted his legs and pressed them along Hunter's side, it made him to change the angle and go deeper.

"That's the spot," Tyler winced, lifted his ass and Hunter thrust forward. Tyler’s legs moved around Hunter's back, he pressed himself down and hid his face in his neck while he increased the tempo rapidly and pushed into his ass. The climax came sooner than he thought and he let out a groan. Tyler came too. Hunter lied next to Tyler, both panting. They visited the bathroom shortly and then fell into his bed, the sheets were cold against the skin when they slipped in, Tyler rolled on his side and he pressed to his back with arm over his chest.

"Good night," Hunter whispered.




Tyler served Hunter a quick breakfast into the bed. After breakfast both boys went outside.

The warm air was rising up from their mouth and they walked down the beautiful snowy trails. Hunter was telling Tyler about his childhood and weekends with parents in that place, how he remembered it before she left when he was it the age of ten years.

"Can I ask you something but you have to promise to tell the truth?" Tyler questioned.

"Sure, I do promise." answered Hunter.

Tyler stopped walking and turned at him. "What's the real matter with Nicole?"

Hunter looked away.

"She is my wife-to-be."

"Your what?"




Tyler was lying on a bed and eyeing the ceiling. The door cracked open and he turned his gaze at Hunter carefully stepping inside with a tray in his hands. Tyler ran his eyes over the mix of cheese and fruits; one cup of coffee for him and one cup of tea for Hunter. He rolled on his side and reached for a fresh piece of an orange. They ate quietly for a while without looking in each other’s eyes.

"I will understand if you want to end it now," Hunter said slowly and Tyler shot him a glare. "It was probably selfish to underestimate the damage it could cause because I didn't say I had obligations. I've never thought anything serious would ever happen between us."

"It's all fun and games-,"

"Until someone gets hurt. I'm familiar with that."

"It'll be surely rational," Tyler added after a moment. "We can pretend as much as we want, but, uhm…," he gave him a long look and sipped of his coffee. Hunter removed the empty tray and landed it on a floor next to the bed.

"There always has to be a catch. I felt too satisfied, I guess. It's not in my stars to be happy."

Hunter was staring at his face, sitting with his back against the wall, stoically and unmoving, only blinked. Tyler sat in silence toying with a piece of fruit in his hand.


Tyler woke up alone in a darken bedroom. Hunter nowhere to be found. Tyler went downstairs escorted by a smell of hot cheese. Hunter was preparing fondue and it created a happy smile on Tyler's face. Hunter was intentionally indulging him. "Do you need any help?" Tyler breathed into Hunter’s ear.

"You can slice up the baguette, darling," Hunter turned his head over his shoulder and sneered. Tyler kissed the corner of his mouth and went to do his work with a silly smile. Their dinner turned into a messy evening including licking melted cheese of their fingers and hissing over the burning they caused to each other while giggling stupidly; mutual rolling eyes over their immaturity, laughing until their stomachs hurt and sprawling over their seats. But Tyler loved being silly for once and seeing Hunter getting silly and childish.

"Hunter?" Tyler asked. "I have something to tell you, please don’t be mad?"

"What is it?" Hunter stated. Tyler breathed deeply and stated, “I rigged the election so I would win. You would have won if I didn’t.”  There was a long silence. Tyler stayed quietly staring on the ground. No words could make it looking better. Hunter pressed his thumb on his chin and his palm over his face with fingers digging deep.

"Why did you do it?" Hunter asked again and his hand moved to his hair.

"I liked what we had going on."

"We?" Hunter's hand was gripping the back of his neck and he was staring at him.

"I think I know enough. You really f*cked up Tyler.” Hunter cracked the belt in the air and Tyler winced.

"It was enough for me to recognize the change in your attitude. The fight yesterday and your challenging acting now. If you wanted me to stay VP, you should come to me. We could have worked it out. But you did it behind my back!" Hunter shouted and the belt flew through the air and hard across Tyler’s face. Tyler gave a cry and grabbed his face.

"Hunter, come on! This is really harsh. Like you are any better, you started this whole mess!"

Hunter just stared at him.

"Please, I'm sorry," Tyler cried.

“Get the f*ck out of my sight." yelled Hunter

Tyler didn't say anything; he didn't move when Hunter brought his hand into his hair after a moment of silence. His head was pulled back harshly. Hunter stared into Tyler’s eyes..

"Downstairs you sleep," Hunter muttered and let go of Tyler.

Tyler rose up and walked to the door way.


“No, Tyler” answered Hunter as he shut the door in Tyler’s face.


The Next Day


They didn't speak as they got into the car and Hunter drove off. He was speeding down the main road and Tyler silently sat next to him, digging his fingers into the door handle when he turned into a curve at a dangerous speed. He considered where he could go and decided to try the forest where they went for a run, it was on the way back. Hunter stopped, turned off the engine and got out. Tyler followed him without asking and obediently paced by his side. He leaded them further into the forest and stopped when he was sure they were completely alone. Tyler looked at him expectantly and with raised eyebrows. It wasn't the best place they could go, but since they already were there, he just wanted to get over it. He reached for his hips and smashed Tyler against a tree; Tyler gave out a gasp, but remained still staring at him a little bit surprised. Hunter quickly worked on his pants and yanked them down his knees before flipping him around. Tyler hissed, but gripped a low branch and bent over. Hunter opened his coat and got rid of his pants in a second. H just needed to get off and let the desperation out. Everything was freezing; steaming air was rising from their breath. He then began to f*ck Tyler. He pushed in and Tyler jerked forward, his arm immediately sprung back to push his palm against Hunter's stomach. Hunter definitely wasn't going to allow Tyler to disobey him like this and snapped the hand off while he slammed his hips forward. He rolled up Tyler's coat up his back, but it was still annoying and he started to tear it off his shoulders. Tyler swore when he twisted his arm in a purpose to get rid of that offending piece of clothes and let him take it off. Hunter threw it away, not caring about it or Tyler’s comfort at all. To prevent Tyler from trying to protest again, Hunter supported himself by holding on that branch too and the other arm he wrapped around his neck and pressed himself to his back. It would be easier to push him down on the ground, but it was too muddy and thus he had to hold him strong from falling down. Even though Tyler was whining and panting when he was roughly thrusting into him, he didn't try to pull away but stayed and let Hunter use him. Hunter only paid attention to not hold tight on Tyler's neck, he took a grip around his torso and kept Tyler's arms pressed down.Tyler was shaking under him, Hunter didn't know if he was crying, because he was whining entire time, but his head was pressed down between his shoulders and Hunter couldn't see his face. Hunter finished himself, pulled out and tossed the condom on the ground, kicking mud/snow in disgust over it. He zipped up his pants again and went for Tyler's coat. Tyler was avoiding his eyes when he tidied himself up and put it on. They got back to the car. Tyler tried to look like nothing was wrong, but he couldn't suppress a hiss when he sat down. Hunter's head was much clearer now, he pretended he didn't notice those shaking fingers battling with a seat belt or his jaw and face all tensed up while staring out of a window. If it was off limit, Tyler  would surely use his safeword – he didn't though. He glanced to the side, Tyler was leaning his head on his palm and elbow against the car door.Hunter almost drove over the traffic line when he saw as Tyler's fingers going up and wiping away a few tears from under his eye. He blinked and turned his eyes back at the road. Now he had his proof, he f*cked it up. Hunter stopped at some casually looking roadside café, got out of the car and held the door for Tyler - the boy eventually accepted it and climbed out, nevertheless he refused to even give him a single look.They found a table and as soon as they ordered, Tyler stood up and disappeared in the restroom. Hunter groaned and hid his face in his hands.  When their waitress brought their drinks, he tried to give her at least a small smile. Tyler came back and sat on the opposite side, they stared out of the window and watched cars passing by before their meal arrived and they could keep themselves busy with eating.

"So," Hunter cleared his throat.

"So?" Tyler repeated and stared at his hands.

"Today is a mess."

"Tell me about. I can literally feel it," Tyler said faking an amused sneer and Hunter took a closer look at him.

"Are you feeling fine?"

Tyler shook his head.

Hunter knew before he asked the question that it wasn't fine, not in the least, but he believed they would both take an uncaring posture that this was normal and never talk about it again.

"I can’t do this anymore" Tyler stated. Hunter gave him a pointed look, but Tyler was strictly avoiding any eye contact.

"I don’t care if you tell everybody how I rigged the election, I don’t care if I get in trouble, and if I damage my future. I can’t live like this" Tyler said.

"You don’t mean that, you are just upset." replied Hunter.

Tyler placed his silverware on the table. He then stood up.

“You basically raped me in the woods earlier. I am tired of being under your control.” angrily replied Tyler. Hunter made an attempt to speak but Tyler shook his head and said. “I’m sorry, but this is over.”

A sound of a car pulling up grabs both the boy’s attention. Tyler walks out of the cafe and toward the car. The car window rolls down and we see Nicole in the driver’s seat. She ignores Tyler and stares at Hunter. Just before getting into the car, Tyler and Hunter lock eyes one more time. Tyler then disappears and Nicole drives off. Hunter is left sitting in shock. The screen goes black.


Edited by Hiccup23
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Mirror's Edge

Studio: Cookie Pictures

Genre: Action/Adventure

Date: September 18th

Theaters: 3,802

Format: 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D

Director: Pierre Morel

Producer: Sebastian Peters, Luc Besson

Composer: M83

Rating: PG-13

Runtime: 102 minutes (1 hour, 42 minutes)

Budget: $80 million



Faith - Scarlett Johansson

Jacknife – Jai Courtney

Kate – Katie Cassidy

Kreeg – Aml Ameen

Celeste – Caity Lotz

Lt. Miller – Paul Blackthorne

Travis “Ropeburn” Burfield – Triple H



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We see a woman jumping from a building to another. “I am almost there” she says, while continues her incredibly parkour moves from rooftop to another. She stops at the top of one, feeling the wind. After this, she jumps to the next rooftop.




We see Faith arriving with a package and delivering it to fellow Runner Celeste. They talk for a brief moment and Celeste leaves. Faith returns to her home. We learn a bit about Faith in this scene, where she monologues that she's fighting an oppressive government that wants to keep its citizens subdued at all times. She also reveals that her parents, who took part in protesting the government, were killed during a peaceful protest gone horribly wrong. After the delve into Faith's past ends she receives a call from her sister Kate asking for help, and for Faith to meet with her at Pope’s office. Faith goes there only to find Kate besides Pope’s dead body. Kate insists she was framed for Pope's murder and asks for Faith’s help to find out what really happened. Faith checks Pope’s body and finds a piece of paper with the name Icarus in one of his pockets. Faith tells Kate to run away with her, but Kate refuses because it would make her look guilty, and says she trusts Faith to resolve this problem. The police arrive just after Faith jumps from the window to a crane that was nearby. Faith makes her way to a safe spot and looks back at her sister being caught by the police (Lt. Miller is seen in this scene arresting Kate).


Faith goes to her home where she finds her friend Kreeg. There they both try to find associates to Pope, and they see that former Runner Jacknife had a business relationship with him in the past. They track Jacknife to a warehouse nearby, and Faith decides to go after him. Jacknife seems to be expecting Faith, for when she gets there, Jacknife pulls out a gun at her. Faith says she just wants to ask some questions. Jacknife says he knows why Faith is there, and that he doesn’t want to answer. Celeste jumps from above and catches Jacknife by surprise, leading him to drop the gun. Faith grabs it and asks who killed Pope. Jacknife refuses to talk at first, but after some persuasion he reveals that Travis “Ropeburn” Burfield, former wrestler and Pope’s head of security, may be connected to Pope’s murder.


Lt. Miller shows up behind them in a helicopter. He tells Faith and Celeste to put their hands in the air. When they do this Jacknife flees by leaping through a window and parkour his way across the rooftops. Faith is put in handcuffs and is brought onto Miller's helicopter, but she quickly frees herself and makes a leap of faith (pun not intended) to a rooftop nearby. She catches on to the ledge but ends up slipping, falling a few stories before grabbing on to a flagpole and enters an apartment where a couple is seen watching a movie. As Faith exits through her front door, the guy in the couple tries to check Faith out, only to be told off by his girlfriend.


Faith makes her way to Ropeburn's office, sneaking her way into the office where Ropeburn is seen setting up a meeting that would be held at a location downtown. Faith accidentally knocks over a plant, alerting Ropeburn of her precense and he attacks her. He calls on his guards to shoot her dead, but Faith quickly disarms them, only to be tackled by Ropeburn himself and held in a chokehold. Faith frees herself by kicking Ropeburn in the face and she escapes to the roof. Ropeburn follows her and they have a confrontation at the rooftop, which ends with Faith evading one of Ropeburn's tackles causing him to slip off the ledge. As Ropeburn is left hanging and pleading for his life, Faith interrogates him in exchange for pulling him up. Ropeburn denies involvement of Pope's murder, but may have some information leading to the real killer. He mentions the so-called "Project Icarus", but before he can reveal anything he is shot in the back by a sniper shot from several blocks away. As Ropeburn lets go of the ledge and falls to his death, Faith tries to pursue the sniper, but the sniper disappears before she arrives at the location the shot was fired from.


Faith makes her way back to the safe house, lacking any leads other than the words "Project Icarus". She decides to investigate the security firm that had begun aiding the police force in the crackdown of the Runners, and finds Project Icarus is linked to them. She soon discovers that Project Icarus is a program designed to train their forces in parkour so that they could track down and eliminate the Runners using the same methods as them. The investigation leads to a port where members of the security force are having a secret meeting, and Faith makes her way there. As she spies on the meeting's attendants, she discovers the sniper from before, who takes off her mask to reveal herself to be Celeste. Shocked at the revelation, Faith makes her presence known (knowing full well how dangerous it is) and confronts Celeste. Celeste orders the others not to fire at Faith, and she proceeds to reveal to Faith that she is colluding with Project Icarus in order to keep herself safe, and that there is no use in fighting back. She makes an offer for Faith to join her, but Faith refuses, leaving Celeste no choice but to kill her. Faith escapes by leaping up on a container which is currently being hauled onto a boat, using it as a shield from the incoming gunfire. The shootout alerts the crew of the ship, and the members of the security force disperse before the police are called. Faith makes her way off the ship and goes back to her hideout to meet with Kreeg.


Kreeg informs Faith that Kate has been convicted for Pope's murder, which distresses Faith. She and Kreeg draw up a plan to save Kate, by ambushing the police convoy that would take her to prison the next day. The next day we see a police convoy driving down a highway, and Faith appears standing on an overhead traffic sign where she makes a jump onto the back car of the convoy. The cars start veering in different directions in an attempt to shake off Faith, and she is forced to jump off. However, the convoy needs to take an exit that leads to a road going under the very same highway, and Faith uses the opportunity to leap onto the front car, where she kicks the driver in the head causing the vehicle to crash while she leaps onto the truck carrying Kate. She throws out the driver and rams the other police cars off the road. Kate reacts quickly by hanging on while the guards that sat beside her are being thrown around until they are all knocked out. Faith frees Kate and gives her directions to the hideout while Faith distracts the incoming police force.


After Faith escapes the police force she makes her way back to the hideout only to find the place destroyed. Kreeg lies bleeding on the floor, having been severely beaten to near death. In his last breath he tells Faith that Kate had been taken to the Shard, a building a database containing the servers to the city's surveillance systems. After Kreeg dies, Faith plots her attack on the Shard, but finds it's too heavily guarded. She discovers that Lt. Miller knows his way around the building, and she confronts him in an alleyway where Miller reveals that he himself wishes to fight the oppressive system, but didn't think he could do it until Faith came along. He gives her a keycard that lets her access many of the rooms in the building without setting off any alarms, but she has to fight any guards she comes across herself. In return he asks Faith to not reveal his involvement to anyone, as that may put him and his family in danger. Faith agrees and the two separate while Faith makes her way to the Shard.


Faith enters the Shard and manages to make her way to the same floor as the server room without being spotted, only to be confronted by Celeste and her men once she reaches said floor. It's revealed that Celeste had been listening in on Faith's conversation with Miller, and Miller brought before Faith with a rifle pointed at his head. Miller pleads for Celeste to not hurt his family, which she agrees to, but she says that won't stop her from throwing him off the building and making it look like an accident. She orders Faith to surrender to prevent further bloodshed, which Faith complies at first, but steals a smoke grenade from a guard and throws it at the remaining guards, causing mass confusion which gives Faith time to free Miller and push him into an elevator that would take him to the bottom floor. Faith escapes the guards and locates the server room, where she throws in a grenade she stole from the guards to blow the whole place up. While the explosion distracts Celeste and her men, Faith tries to locate Kate, but can't find her anywhere. Thinking she must have been taken elsewhere, she makes her way to the roof only to find Kate held at gunpoint by Jacknife.


Jacknife reveals that he too is a part of Project Icarus, and that he and Celeste had been working with each other to bait Faith and the other Runners to come out of hiding. He also takes full responsibility for Pope's murder, and revealed the false lead about Ropeburn to Faith so she could do the job of getting rid of Ropeburn for him, as he and Celeste felt Ropeburn was becoming too much of a liability. He fires at Faith who is forced into hiding while he brings Kate onto a helicopter. Faith sees the helicopter take off and thinks at first that she can't make the jump over to the helicopter but she decides to make a leap of faith (put not intended... again) and miraculously reaches the helicopter where she struggles with Jacknife for a bit before kicking him off the helicopter. Faith looks on as Jacknife falls to his death, crashing onto Celeste's vehicle which was parked next to the Shard. Celeste witnesses the event and decides to bail, swearing revenge on Faith.


Faith holds the helicopter pilot at gunpoint (using the gun she grabbed from Jacknife before she kicked him off) and forces him to take her and Kate out of the city. They land in a wheat field where they knock the pilot unconscious and leave the scene before police forces arrive. In the film's ending, a news report states that Faith's actions have only served to intensify Project Icarus, and Faith and Kate are still wanted fugitives. In the last bit of dialogue from the film, the news reporter warns the listeners to not use any means of electronic communication before the surveillance infrastructure is repaired and the "national security" is restored.

Edited by cookie
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I'm also changing Touching Spirit Bear's release schedule. Instead of a limited rollout, it'll be released wide on September 25th.


Dead Space


Director: Scott Derrickson
Composer: Christopher Young
Genre: Horror / Sci-Fi
Date: October 23
Studio: Alpha Pictures
Format: Live-action, 2D
Budget: $60 million
Theaters: 3,049
MPAA Rating: R


Jeremy Renner as Isaac Clarke
Natalie Portman as Kendra Daniels
Jason Clarke as Zach Hammond

Karen Gillian as Nicole Johnston
Steven Ogg as Johnston
John Cho as Chen

Kyle Chandler as Dr. Terrence Kyne

Viggo Mortensen as Captain Matthias




The USG Ishimura (a ship designed for a new resource-gathering practice called "planetcracking") during the process of mining the planet of Aegis VII, sends out a distress signal to the Concordance Extraction Corporation (CEC); the CEC dispatches the USG Kellion to investigate. As the Kellion attempts to dock with the Ishimura, a malfunction occurs with the automatic docking and the Kellion is badly damaged; however, the crew lands safely and sets off to find the Ishimura's crew. It quickly becomes apparent that the Ishimura has been abandoned.

As they enter the flight lounge, Isaac Clarke (Jeremy Renner), the crew's engineer, enters a separate room to assess the Ishimura's damage reports. As he does so, the flight lounge locks down in quarantine and grotesque humanoids break into the lounge and attack the crew. Corporals Johnston (Steven Ogg) and Chen (John Cho) are killed, while the two survivors of the attack, Zach Hammond (Jason Clarke) and Kendra Daniels (Natalie Portman) , flee and tell Isaac to run. Isaac, defenseless, is forced to run for his life through a hallway before escaping his pursuers through an elevator. Isaac manages to get a weapon and make contact through a window with Hammond and Kendra once again. Hammond recognizes that many of the ship's systems are failing, including the ships anti-asteroid defense system. The loss of this threatens the integrity of the ship due to a nearby asteroid belt. Hammond sends Clarke around the ship to fix the core systems in order to keep them alive. Hammond also promises he will help Isaac to find his girlfriend Nicole Brennan (Karen Gillian), a medical worker on the Ishimura, who sent Isaac a strange video, which was Isaac's sole motive for taking the mission: to visit her. After restoring USG Ishimura's tram system, Clarke returns to the flight lounge to repair the Kellion. Creatures attack the ship before he can even begin and it explodes, the wreckage plummeting to the bottom of the hangar bay.

During these treks, Clarke discovers various text and audio logs scattered throughout the ship and pieces together the events that transpired before his arrival. The ship's captain was actually an agent of the "Church of Unitology" — a large and influential religious cult — assigned to retrieve one of his religion's most deified relics, known as the "Red Marker", from Aegis VII. Aegis VII had been quarantined for undisclosed reasons by the Earth Government many years ago; however, CEC had disregarded the quarantine and performed a mineralogical analysis on the planet that revealed it to be extraordinarily rich in resources. While establishing a planetside colony to aid in the mineral extraction, CEC employees discovered the Red Marker, and Unitologists among the crew passed the clandestine information to the church. The Church of Unitology and the ship's captain then quickly replaced or won over many of the ranking officers (medical, science, etc.) of the Ishimura. With the upper echelon of the ship in Unitologist hands and the records of the mining operation already made confidential due to the Aegis VII quarantine, the Unitologists had the perfect opportunity to seize the marker and use it to discover the secrets of human creation, evolution, and purpose they believed it contained.

Soon after the Marker was extracted and brought to the Ishimura, a large portion of the civilians — first on the planet-side colony, then on the ship — suffered from extreme hysteria and paranoia brought on by violent hallucinations. The medical teams in each location screened for diseases and distributed sedatives, but the agitation of the crew could not be contained for long and the outbreak of paranoia evolved into mass homicidal and suicidal impulses. These phenomena were believed to be linked to proximity to the Marker, but the colonists had no idea how or why it was occurring.

Despite this, the hysteria was kept under control, and the planet crack commenced a week later. Immediately after planet crack, the colony's power went out and unknown organisms began ravaging the colony, infecting the bodies of the dead and turning them into "Necromorphs" - abominations that kill and infect dead bodies in order to spread the infestation. When reports of this reached the Ishimura Captain Matthias cut off all traffic and communications between the ship and the colony to prevent the infection from reaching the Ishimura. Dr. Terrence Kyne (Kyle Chandler), the Chief Science Officer, urged Captain Matthias (Viggo Mortensen) to halt the extraction and send out a distress signal. Because they are in a restricted system, the Captain refuses, and becomes more and more focused on delivering the Marker to the Church, even at the expense of his crew's safety. Dr. Kyne believes this decision is irrational, and that the Captain has buckled under the psychological pressure of his loyalties to the Church and CEC.

Under maritime law, Kyne relieves the captain of his duty, though Matthias refuses to comply, spouting angry fanatical comments of heresy. Dr. Kyne then tells the Captain to hold still and attempts to inject him with a sedative. Matthias struggles violently and is killed by Dr. Kyne in the scuffle as the syringe misses the captain's neck and is instead rammed through his eye socket. Dr. Kyne did not appear to want to kill the captain, and the death may have been a freak accident, but it may also have been a momentary loss of control as the presence of the Marker on the ship has been causing the same homicidal paranoia as was experienced on the colony. The infection then spreads to the Ishimura via a colony shuttle piloted by a survivor, who was unaware that a Necromorph had entered his shuttle prior to take off. The shuttle crashes into the docking bay, allowing the creatures to escape into the Ishimura ventilation system and begin killing and infecting the Ishimura's inhabitants. Shortly thereafter, all of the emergency shuttles and escape pods of the Ishimura are remotely launched - all of them empty.

Furthermore, the communications array becomes damaged either by the same saboteurs or by the creatures that are beginning to rampage through the ship. In an attempt that claims her life, a member of the Ishimura security team is able to launch a single general distress beacon, which is picked up by CEC who then dispatch the repair ship Kellion. Hours later, the distress signal is picked up by the EarthGov Military, which dispatches a special operations team to deal with the suspected outbreak and perform search and rescue. When the Kellion arrives, the Ishimura has almost completely fallen to the Necromorphs.

Though Hammond states that he is unaware of what the Marker's role in everything is, Daniels confides to Clarke that she believes Hammond is lying. Clarke would later encounter his girlfriend Nicole, though they are unable to meet directly. Nicole is seen to be behaving strangely.

With the critical systems repaired, the three are able to launch a beacon for rescue, attracting a nearby military ship, the USM Valor. However, the Valor, having picked up an escape pod launched by Hammond containing a Necromorph, becomes overrun with the creatures and crashes into the ship. Hammond then deduces — from the heavy military equipment he finds on board — that the Valor was actually assigned to destroy the Ishimura, suggesting that someone outside of Aegis VII knew of the alien threat.

The group thus decides that they must find a shuttle and escape while they can. Clarke and Hammond then retrieve the Valor's power core in order to repair an available shuttle, but Hammond is killed by a Necromorph in the process. The surviving Dr. Kyne later contacts Clarke and urges him to return the Marker to Aegis VII. He reveals in a video what the planetcrack caused: a large creature known as The Hive Mind, the creature that controls all of the Necromorphs, was allowed to escape the instant the planet was cracked and began infecting the colony. He believes that the Marker actually acted as an inhibitor, rendering The Hive Mind dormant as long as the Marker remained on the planet; The Hive Mind's dormancy would also cause all other Necromorphs to enter a dormant state. He concludes that the only way to stop the creatures for good is to return The Marker to the planet.

After being assisted by Clarke in loading the Marker onto the shuttle, Kyne is murdered by Daniels, who reveals the truth behind everything: she is a government operative ordered to retrieve the Marker for her superiors. She further reveals that the Marker is a reverse-engineered copy of another Marker found on Earth and was placed on Aegis VII by the government hundreds of years ago to have scientists study its effects. These scientists discovered the pattern covering the surface of the Marker is, in fact, the DNA code for Necromorph infection.

The newly created infection escaped and began to kill the doctors and transform them, and it wasn't long before the original colony fell, but the doctors were successful in editing the Marker into an inhibitor of the infection, and activating this new feature. With the doctors dead and the infection locked away, the government marked Aegis VII as off-limits and abandoned the planet. The planet cracking operation was, in fact a mission by CEC and the government to retrieve the valuable marker, which led up to the present events. She then leaves on the shuttle without Clarke, but Nicole arrives and is able to help him recall it, prompting Daniels to flee via an escape pod.

Clarke takes the shuttle with the Marker to the colony, and replaces it there; this pacifies The Hive Mind briefly, but also disrupts the gravity tethers holding a large portion of the planet several miles off the surface, threatening to destroy the colony. As Clarke attempts to escape, Daniels appears and takes the Marker back to the shuttle, once again removing the "dead space"-field pacifying The Hive Mind, and shows Clarke (through a fully recovered distress transmission) that Nicole actually committed suicide before they arrived on the Ishimura, and Clarke's visions of her had been the Marker's way of attempting to bring itself back to the planet, revealing that it is sentient in some way. Before she can leave, Daniels is killed by the gigantic Hive Mind, but Clarke is able to defeat it. Leaving the Marker behind, Clarke flies off in the shuttle just before the rock crashes into the planet, ravaging the surface of Aegis VII.

As he sets course away from Aegis VII, Nicole's suicide video plays, but is stopped by Clarke, who then simply stares off into space. He is suddenly attacked by what appears to be an apparition of Nicole in Necromorph form. The screen is suddenly covered with strange runes and Nicole screaming, which then cuts to black.

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The Hunchback of Notre Dame


"What makes a monster and what makes a man?"


Studio: Cookie Pictures

Genre: Musical/Drama

Director: Joe Wright

Producers: Sebastian Peters, Don Hahn and Joe Roth

Composer: Alan Menken

Original Songs: TBA

Running Time: 110 minutes (1 hour, 50 minutes) [Temporary]

Budget: $120 million

Rating: PG

Release Date: November 20th (Limited - NY & LA), November 25th (Wide)

Theater Count: 4 (limited), 3,817 (wide)

Based on: Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (1996) and "Notre-Dame de Paris" by Victor Hugo (1831)



Eddie Redmayne as Quasimodo

Jessica Szohr as Esmeralda

Charles Dance as Judge Claude Frollo

Aaron Eckhart as Captain Phoebus

Jack Black as Hugo (voice and performance capture)

Charles Kimbrough as Victor (voice and performance capture)

Shirley MacLaine as Laverne (voice and performance capture)

Ken Stott as The Archdeacon

Sacha Baron Cohen as Clopin






The film begins with Clopin performing an act to an audience of small children in the streets of Paris. He brings up a small hand-puppet to be a supporting actor, as he sings the praises for the bells ringing from the Notre Dame cathedral. He points out that the bells do not ring by themselves, which causes the puppet to ask "They don't?!". Clopin hushes the doll, and promises to tell the tale of the bellringer to both the puppet and the children in the audience, leading into the opening song and main motif of the film "The Bells of Notre Dame".

"It is a tale, a tale a of a man, and a monster..."

Dark was the night when our tale was begun on the docks near Notre Dame. Four frightened gypsies, one of them being a woman with her baby, are being guided to what they think is a safe passage to the "palace", only to find a trap had been laid out for them. They gaze up in fear and see a figure riding on a dark horse, a figure whose clutches are iron as much as the bells of Notre Dame, Judge Claude Frollo. Frollo, who believes himself to be a righteous man and the one that will purge the ills of Paris, orders the gypsies to be arrested, and their presumably stolen goods be taken from them. Hearing this the woman flees from the scene, only to be pursued by Frollo. The chase leads to the doorsteps of Notre Dame, where the woman bangs on the door begging for sanctuary. Frollo catches up to her and we're treated to a new verse where the woman tries to stand defiant against Frollo.

[Singing voices are in italics, speaking voices are in regular text]

Woman: I've declared sanctuary up on these steps, the steps of Notre Dame
Frollo: Unless a priest is here to hear it, it will not matter!
Woman: You can not hurt me, not without guilt, on the steps of Notre Dame
Frollo: Hand me the goods or I'll cut you down!
Woman: You can claim to be a man of right justice, you can claim to be God's own command, but you can never take my son away from my arms on these steps, the very steps of Notre Dame

Not believing the claim that the woman is carrying a baby, Frollo grabs the child and kicks the woman to the curb, causing her to hit her head on the stairs. Frollo proceeds to inspect his confiscated goods, only to find that it really is a baby, and a horrific-looking one at that. He sees a well a few feet away from him and decides he has to do the world a service by getting rid of the child. The Archdeacon comes out to find the woman lying dead in the snow and Frollo preparing to drop the baby into the well. Frollo tells him that he's sending the baby back to hell where it belongs, but the Archdeacon calls him out for his crime, and tells him that while he may lie to his minions, the people of Paris and most importantly himself, he can never escape the eyes of Notre Dame. Frollo looks up to see the statues attached to the church walls looking down on him, and for one time in his life he fears for his soul. He asks the Archdeacon what he must do to atone, and the Archdeacon tells him to raise the child as if it was his own. While he is appalled at the demand, Frollo complies. He requests however that the child be kept in the bell tower where no one else can see him, and the Archdeacon accepts. Taking another glance at the baby, Frollo says to himself that the child might prove to be of use to him one day. Cut to Clopin finishing the story by telling the children that Frollo named the child Quasimodo, a name that means half-formed, and asks the question "what makes a monster and what makes a man?". We transition to Quasimodo, all grown up, ringing the morning bells as the song concludes.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Quasimodo (Redmayne in very heavy makeup) walks out to the balcony of one of the towers of Notre Dame and looks over the city. He then turns to one of the gargoyle statues sitting on the railing, specifically the one with a bird nest placed in its mouth. He asks the chick residing in the nest if this is the day its ready to fly. The little birdie is a bit uncertain at first, but Quasi encourages it by saying that if there's any he day he would grow wings and fly, it would be this one, the Festival of Fools. He lets go of the bird and it manages to stay afloat, to both of their delight. The two see a flock of doves flying past the bell tower and the chick decides to join them, leaving Quasi behind. Hugo comes to life and spits out the remains of the nest, remarking that he though the bird would never leave. Victor also comes to life and retorts at Hugo that he shouldn't sleep with his mouth open. They see Quasi longingly staring at the town square below, and are reminded that today is the big festival, and display their excitement to watch the proceedings. Quasi doesn't seem as worked up as he used to, saying that all he do is "watch" the festival. Victor and Hugo wonder what's wrong with Quasi as he trots back to his living chamber, and Laverne (with a flock of birds pursuing her to her annoyance) appears to explain to the two that Quasi's spent his whole life experiencing the festivities as an observer, not as a participant. We cut to Quasi walking over to table where he's built a model of Paris, including little dolls representing the city's inhabitants. Laverne comes in and tries to plant the idea in Quasimodo's head that maybe he should go to the festival. She's soon joined by Victor and Hugo and they all three try to convince Quasi to attend. Quasi responds that he can't, not with his master Frollo forbidding him from ever leaving the bell tower. Hugo suggests he should sneak out, maybe wearing a disguise, and return before Frollo even knows he's gone. Fired up from their encouragement, Quasi gets himself cleaned up and tries to make his way downstairs, only to run right into Frollo, who's brought him a lunch basket. Frollo asks where Quasi's going, and who he was talking to. Quasi responds that he was only talking to his friends the gargoyles, and that he's staying right here in the bell tower. Frollo shakes his head, and reminds him that his "friends" are only statues made out of stone.


Frollo: Can stone talk? [knocks on Hugo]

Quasimodo: ...No. It can't.

Frollo: That's right. You're a smart lad. Now, lunch!


Quasi sets the table and Frollo asks him to review the alphabet. Once Quasi gets to the letter F he accidentally spurts out "festival", causing Frollo to spit his drink. He puts two and two together and forbids Quasi from going to the festival. Quasi points out that Frollo goes every year, and Frollo says that as a public official he must attend, but he does not enjoy a moment of it. He describes a scene of thieves and cutpursers, those he consider the dregs of humankind, all mixed together in a flurry of stupor and sinful behavior. Frollo proceeds to tells Quasi a story of his mother abandoning him on the steps of Notre Dame (which as we saw in the opening, is a lie) and that any other man than Frollo would have thrown him in the well (which we know he tried to do), the message being that he finds it insulting that the child he raised as his own would try to defy his wishes. Quasi begs for forgiveness upon hearing Frollo's words. This leads into "Out There" where Frollo tells Quasi that the world is cruel and wicked, and only Frollo could keep him safe, provided Quasi stays in the belltower. After Frollo leaves, Quasi takes a second look at the festival taking place below, and expresses his wishes to live out there, if only for one day. He climbs around the roof of the church, providing us stunning views of Notre Dame and the city around it.


We transition to another part of Paris, where Captain Phoebus, a war veteran, gets lost trying to locate the Palace of Justice. He tries to ask a few passerby where he can find the palace, but they mostly ignore him. He remarks to his horse Achilles that Paris has changed a lot in the time he's been gone, both in the layout and the people. He comes across a pair of gypsies performing on a street corner, and decides to give them some coins after a mother stops her child from doing the same (saying they'll steal them blind). One of the gypsies, Esmeralda, immediately catches Phoebus' attention. A couple of guards arrive and Esmeralda and her accompanies (including her goat Djali) try to evade them, but she drops her coins and is stopped by the guards. The guards accuse her of stealing the money, which Esmeralda denies, saying she earned them fair and square. The guards grab her and she fights back with the help of Djali. Esmeralda runs away and Pheobus stops the guards by pushing Achilles onto their path. They try to arrest Pheobus thinking he's a simple peasant, but Phoebus draws out his sword along with his badge, proving his identity. With both of the guards now under his command, Phoebus asks them to ignore the gypsies and take him to the Palace of Justice. As the guards lead him there, Phoebus gives the remaining coins to a beggar on the street, which turns out to be Esmeralda and Djali hiding under a cloak. Cut to the Palace of Justice where Phoebus walks in on a whipping taking place under Frollo's orders. Frollo greets Pheobus with praise for his service record, and expects nothing but the best from him, as the last captain was a bit of a disappointment. His words are accompanied by the sounds of the previous captain being whipped off-screen. Frollo and Phoebus walk outside and Frollo tells him that under Louis XI's rule the gypsy infestation in Paris has only gotten worse, and that with Phoebus' help they can squash them and prevent the citizens from being misled by their trickery. Phoebus' asks why they brought him back from the war to catch fortune-tellers, but Frollo tells them that the gypsies' ways inflame the people's lowest instincts, and that the real war is not with foreign nations, but on the streets of Paris. He tells of an underground lair where the gypsies are said to reside, a place called the "Court of Miracles". Phoebus dismisses it as an urban legend, but Frollo notes that for all his efforts to stop the gypsies one by one, they somehow thrive still, and the existence of this "court" is the only explanation. He demonstrates by removing a brick from the handrail, exposing a plethora of bugs underneath. He squashes them with the same brick and tells Phoebus that exposing the "court" will allow them to do the same with the gypsies. Phoebus understands his point, even if he finds it a bit brash. Frollo tells him its time to attend the Festival of Fools, and he wants Phoebus to keep order during the proceedings.


Thousands of Parisians make their way to the square in front of the cathedral where the festival is about to begin. Quasi is seen in disguise climbing his way down



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Rendezvous with Rama


"From the writer of 2001: Space Odyssey"


Date- October 2nd, Y10

Genre- Sci-FI

Rating- PG-13

Theaters- 3,789 theaters

Budget- 150 million

Running Time- 141 minutes or 2 hours and 21 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Denis Villeneuve


Bill Norton- Idris Elba

Jimmy Pak- Liam Hemsworth

Laura Ernst- Rose Byrne

Plot: After a meteor falls in Northeast Italy in 2077, creating a major disaster, the United Nations sets up the SpaceGuard System as an early warning of arrivals from deep space.


The Rama is an alien starship, initially mistaken for an asteroid categorised as "31/439". It is detected by astronomers in the year 2131 while it is still outside the orbit of Jupiter. Its speed and the angle of its trajectory clearly indicate it is not on a long orbit around the sun, but comes from interstellar space. The astronomers' interest is further piqued when they realise the asteroid has an extremely rapid rotation period of 4 minutes and is exceptionally large. An unmanned space probe dubbed Sita is launched from the Mars moon Phobos to intercept and photograph it. The resulting images reveal that Rama is a perfect cylinder, 12 miles in diameter and 34 miles long, and completely featureless, making this humankind's first encounter with an alien spacecraft.


The manned solar survey vessel Endeavour is sent to study Rama, as it is the only ship close enough to do so in the brief period Rama will spend in our solar system. Endeavour manages to rendezvous with Rama one month after it first comes to Earth's attention, when the alien ship is already inside Venus' orbit. The 20+ crew, led by Commander Bill Norton, enters Rama through triple airlocks, and explores the vast 16-km wide by 50-km long cylindrical world of its interior, but the nature and purpose of the starship and its creators remain enigmatic throughout the film. The astronauts discover that Rama is hollow, and that its inner surfaces hold vast "cities" of geometric structures that resemble buildings and are separated by streets with shallow trenches. A mammoth band of water, dubbed the Cylindrical Sea, stretches around Rama's central circumference. Massive cones, which the astronauts theorize are part of Rama's propulsion system, stand at its southern end. They also find that Rama's atmosphere is breathable.


One of the crew members, Jimmy Pak, who has experience with low gravity skybikes, volunteers to ride a smuggled skybike along Rama's axis to the far end, otherwise inaccessible due to the cylindrical sea and the 500 meter high cliff on the opposite shore. A few hours later, Jimmy reaches the massive metal cones on the southern end of Rama, and detects a strange magnetic field coming from the cones. He takes some photos of the area and the strange plateau on the southern end of Rama's landmass. As he leaves the area, the electrical charge in its atmosphere increases, resulting in lightning. A discharge hits his skybike, causing him to crash on the isolated southern continent.


When Pak wakes up, he sees a crab-like creature picking up his skybike and chopping it into pieces. He cannot decide whether it is a robot or a biological alien, and keeps his distance while radioing for help. As Pak waits, Norton sends a rescue party across the cylindrical sea, using a small, improvised craft, constructed earlier for exploration of the sea's central island. Pak sees the crablike creature dump the skybike's remains into the sea. The creature then walks toward but ultimately ignores him. Pak explores the surrounding fields while waiting for the rescue party to arrive on the southern cliffs of the cylindrical sea. Amongst the strange geometric structures, he sees an alien flower growing through a cracked tile in the otherwise sterile environment, and decides to take it as both a curiosity and for scientific research.


Pak jumps off the 500 meter cliff, his descent slowed by the low gravity and using his shirt as a parachute, and is quickly rescued by the waiting boat. As they ride back, tidal waves form in the cylindrical sea, created by the movements of Rama itself as it makes course corrections. When the crew arrives at base, they see a variety of odd creatures inspecting their camp. When one is found damaged and apparently lifeless, the team's doctor/biologist Surgeon-Commander Laura Ernst inspects it, and discovers it to be a hybrid biological entity and robot eventually termed a biot. It, and by assumption the others, are powered by natural internal batteries and possess some intelligence. They are believed to be the drones of Rama's still-absent builders.


The members of the UN have been monitoring events inside Rama and giving feedback. World leaders have concluded that Rama is a potential threat and send a rocket-mounted nuclear bomb to destroy it should it prove to pose a threat, but members of the SpaceGuard System rebel against the UN and use a pair of wire cutters to defuse the bomb and its control. They do this because they want to save the lives of the members of their team. They also defuse the bomb because they see Rama as a massive scientific discovery from, which humanity can learn. 


As Rama approaches perihelion, the biots jump into the Cylindrical Sea, where they are destroyed by aquatic biots (look like sharks) and reabsorbed into the mineral-laden water. On their final expedition, the crew decide to visit the city christened London, where they use a laser to cut open one of the "buildings" to see what it houses. They discover transparent pedestals containing holograms of various artefacts, which they theorize are used by the Ramans as templates for creating tools and other objects. The most amazing of these appears to be a uniform with bandoliers, straps and pockets that suggests the size and shape of the Ramans. As the crew photographs some of the holograms, the six gigantic striplights that illuminate Rama's interior start to dim, prompting the explorers to leave and re-board Endeavour.


With Endeavour a safe distance away, Rama reaches perihelion and utilizes the Sun's gravitational field, and its mysterious "space drive", to perform a slingshot manoeuvre which flings it out of the solar system and toward an unknown destination in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud.



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Spark: Remastered

Genre: Animation/Sci-Fi/Adventure

Director: Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino

Date: December 23rd, Y10

Theaters: 2,486

Budget: $35m (for Remaster, original budget was $150m)

Rating: PG for sci-fi action, peril, and thematic material

Runtime: 119min (1hr, 59min)

Cast: Dylan Minette, Zoey Deutch, Benedict Cumberbatch, Anton Starkman, Idris Elba, Michael Shannon, Lena Headey, Octavia Spencer


Plot: A re-issue of the Y4 classic with a new cast, improved animation, and a slightly updated plot. The film follows six plucky individuals from across the galaxy, led by an enigmatic heroine and a human teenager with incredible powers, who lead a fight against an enigmatic dictator. Turned down from the Galactic Federation, which is waging its own battle against the resistance, Spark is a story about taking chances, embracing what makes us different, fighting for what you believe in, and working for a better world.

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Mile High

Date- October 16th, Y10

Genre- Comedy

Rating- PG-13 

Theaters- 2,830 theaters

Budget- 30 million

Running Time- 90 minutes or 1 hour and 30 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Seth Gordon


Ryan- Andy Samberg

Brendan- Adam Brody

Molly- Vanessa Hudgens

Gina- Ellen Page


Plot: Molly works as a new flight attendant works with her sassy childhood friend sidekick Gina. On one trip, Molly meets Ryan a hot pilot who is equally ditzy as her. They immediately fall in love at first sight. Ryan has a sarcastic sidekick co-pilot named Brendan. Ryan and Molly try to get Gina and Brendan together but find out they are both are too independent for each other. Ryan and Molly struggle to maintain their relationship as their jobs keep them away. The characters encounter many funny moments with angry/weird passengers and traveling to foreign countries as struggling to fit in. The film climaxes with all four characters trying to save the plane and its passengers when it is hijacked by 3 terrorists. They manage to defeat the terrorists together and land the plane safely. The film ends with Ryan and Molly getting married. The film has a lot of funny moments but also a few touching moments of love/friendship

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