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grey ghost

Is the Asian market as big as the European market yet?

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No. Simply put, Europe has more territories than Asia so Asia will never catch up fully with Europe. Add in the 20 foreign film quota by China and films are severely restricted in gross factoring in only Asian countries.Those two movies seem to appeal to Asians more than indicate any sort of mammoth growth in Asian territories. If we look at the previous installments, the Southeastern Asian markets more than tripled the Scandinavian markets alone with Transformers 2. The big 3 from Asia (China, Japan, South Korea) outperformed the big 4 from Europe (UK, Russia, France, Germany) 130m to 102m. Mission Impossible 3 saw South Korea/Japan as its 2 biggest overseas markets. Southeastern Asian markets had a slight edge over Scandinavia.

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I just looked at Avatar's overseas numbers and it really shows Europe's box office potential. In Europe, Avatar made around 950 million and in Asia it made around 550 million. A staggering difference.

Edited by grey ghost
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No. Simply put, Europe has more territories than Asia so Asia will never catch up fully with Europe. Add in the 20 foreign film quota by China and films are severely restricted in gross factoring in only Asian countries.

Well, I agree with the "no" part, but number of territories doesn't correlate with market size. A better explanation is that Europe is still substantially richer than Asia.
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Well, I agree with the "no" part, but number of territories doesn't correlate with market size. A better explanation is that Europe is still substantially richer than Asia.

Yes, it does. You've got 6 big markets in Europe versus 3 for Asia. Europe also has more than double the territories than Asia. That is a big difference and it's partially the reason why Europe is bigger than Asia and will remain to do so for quite some time. Then you've got China which only allows 20 foreign films per year and that is huge ground that Asia has to make up.Sure, we can talk all about Asia's potential, but it won't overtake the European market anytime soon.
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I think it really depends on the film, and to an extent, the star. Cruise somehow seems to endear himself to the asian audiences. As for Transformers? I don't quite understsnd why it's big in Asia. I'd love to say they simply like Sci-Fi, but that would have meant films like TRON: Legacy and Star Trek '09 would have been bigger. Maybe sometimes they just gel with certain films. You have to remember as well, asian film markets support their own productions more than European ones. Avatar wasn't even close to beating Spirited Away in Japan back in '09 as an example, and many other movies generally don't perform as well as local fare.

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I think it really depends on the film, and to an extent, the star. Cruise somehow seems to endear himself to the asian audiences. As for Transformers? I don't quite understsnd why it's big in Asia. I'd love to say they simply like Sci-Fi, but that would have meant films like TRON: Legacy and Star Trek '09 would have been bigger. Maybe sometimes they just gel with certain films. You have to remember as well, asian film markets support their own productions more than European ones. Avatar wasn't even close to beating Spirited Away in Japan back in '09 as an example, and many other movies generally don't perform as well as local fare.

This might not be the case everywhere in Asia but a lot of people don't even know that Tom Cruise went crazy a number of years ago. They still think of him like he's in his prime...like he's this big action star. But I think the Mission Impossible franchise represents a 'coolness' factor that people like to see...kind of like new gadgets or electronic toys that people want to play with. Some food for thought.
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I think it really depends on the film, and to an extent, the star. Cruise somehow seems to endear himself to the asian audiences. As for Transformers? I don't quite understsnd why it's big in Asia. I'd love to say they simply like Sci-Fi, but that would have meant films like TRON: Legacy and Star Trek '09 would have been bigger. Maybe sometimes they just gel with certain films. You have to remember as well, asian film markets support their own productions more than European ones. Avatar wasn't even close to beating Spirited Away in Japan back in '09 as an example, and many other movies generally don't perform as well as local fare.

Alot of Asians grew up on Transformers.
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