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Tuesday: Suicide Squad $14.27M

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41 minutes ago, DMan7 said:


or thereabouts.


So you're giving it the same drop as one of the most hated films of the last 12 months (FF)?



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16 minutes ago, Nova said:

I think you and a few other members on this board have this false narrative of DC haters being on suicide watch and then continue to paint on enemies that don't even exist. BvS was hurt because of terrible WOM that killed it's legs. It's OW and Monday and Tuesday drops weren't indicative of the type of drops it was going to have. Heck no one knew until that second weekend happened and the days/weeks that followed. 


Enemies that don't even exist? Have I been imagining parking lot reports?

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Just now, Baumer loves Dory said:


Yes, I agree with all this.  I have said since the beginning the second weekend drop is not the one to judge it on.  I believe the third weekend will determine where it lands.  The second weekend is going to drop significantly simply because it opened so well and and because it had 20 mill in previews.


I've also said I don't think it has outstanding WOM, just that it has much better than BvS which means it is not going to finish with a 2.0X.  I have it doing about 2.35X.


As for Dory, yes, FTSBF.



I think the WOM is outstanding all things considered. I think that the fact that me and others that genuinely disliked everything about the DCEU so far finding great things about this film and how vocal people online are about liking it opposed to critics looks very different than BvS or MoS, I think that the cautious in me is saying 2.2 multiplier, but the excited and fanboy in me is saying 2.5. It'll probably fall between the two scenarios I'm thinking, hopefully the high end. 

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39 minutes ago, Tele the Jet Baller said:


And then down to 8.5-9m for Thurs.


I think it will fall less than 10% Thursday.  There's no big preview film to take business away from it.

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1 hour ago, iJackSparrow said:

You can join me in bitching about the mess that Marvel is doing in their comics and how your fucking beloved DISNEY isn't doing anything to fucking stop them. Can you write some e-mails to ask them WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE DOING DOWN THERE AND WHY BENDIS ISN'T FIRED YET? FIRE BENDIS AND GET RID OF PERLMUTTER AND ALONSO, PLEASE. Thank you.


I agree with many of this except for Alonso, unless getting rid of him is part of getting rid of Bendis. This used to be my favorite universe until Lobdell and Harras took over and I thought it couldn't get any worse. Then, from out of the shadows, Bendis showed up. It's like he's the anti-good. I mean, DnA helped recreate the Marvel cosmic universe to a point that I thought it was even better than some of the best of Starlin and Lim. Then they put Bendis on those books...WHY?!?! Marvel still has so much strong talent though, but it's just overshadowed by them throwing Bendis out as the poster boy.

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3 minutes ago, Brainiac5 said:


This is WB fudging numbers again. I thought Mexico would outpace Brazil for sure, but I guess not having the movie in the top chain did have an effect...


Anyway, this doesn't show how bad this movie is, because we can see the toxic WOM from the Friday to Saturday drop. And we'll see it again this weekend. If that doesn't happen, we'll see it next weekend. If that doesn't happen, we'll see it the weekend after that. If that doesn't happen, we'll see it during Wonder Woman's OW. If that doesn't happen, be assured Justice League will fail. Also, each movie needs to make 200 million more than whatever it eventually makes WW.



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15 minutes ago, UrosepsisFace said:


I agree with many of this except for Alonso, unless getting rid of him is part of getting rid of Bendis. This used to be my favorite universe until Lobdell and Harras took over and I thought it couldn't get any worse. Then, from out of the shadows, Bendis showed up. It's like he's the anti-good. I mean, DnA helped recreate the Marvel cosmic universe to a point that I thought it was even better than some of the best of Starlin and Lim. Then they put Bendis on those books...WHY?!?! Marvel still has so much strong talent though, but it's just overshadowed by them throwing Bendis out as the poster boy.


The working title for Bendis Guardians was COSMIC AVENGERS.  That's how incredibly wrong he gets those characters. That's fundamentally wrong from the ground up. Marvel Comics is losing all the best writers in the industry to DC Comics lately, they just lost Tom King (easily their best writer from Vision), they lost Tim Seeley, Scott Snyder works for DC and Marvel has Lemire working a boring ass version of the X-Men when his strenghts are with STRANGE and WEIRD (just look at Animal Man from DC), he is the one that should be writing Doctor Strange there. Marvel Comics favors Bendis over all the new talent that falls on their lap, and it just sucks. What he is doing with Iron Man sucks, he killing off Rhodey sucks, he making Hawkeye killing the Hulk sucks, everything sucks. To not say that ALL Marvel writers are awful, I love Dan Slott's Amazing Spider-Man and I think he's the best writer they have, next to David Walker. The single title I'm excited other than Amazing Spidey is David Walker's Occupy Avengers. And that's it. While I'm buying pretty much ALL DC Rebirth titles. It's crazy how Marvel Comics failed me so fucking badly. I just can't stand pretty much anything they are doing and I feel that Bendis having free reign there is the root of all the problems. And God I miss Jonathan Hickman. Everything went to the fucking gutters after Secret Wars that it's just fucking embarassing.


OH, And Dan Abnett? The guy that with Andy Lanning made Guardians amazing? He did THE BEST ANAD comic next to Tom King's Vision, Hercules. Just brilliant stuff. Extremely well researched and with a lot of heart. Herc could easily become huge in the MCU. Marvel Comics ignored him and now he's an exclusive writer to DC, writing both Aquaman and Titans. It's not nearly as good as his Herc, but I'm sure he'll find his feet, because he is a fucking BRILLIANT writer. That Marvel lost it. Again. While Bendis will do what Bendis will do. And Marvel Comics keeps going to hell. 


People on comic boards blame Disney for what is happening. What they don't realize is that Disney and Marvel Studios are not giving a FUCK for Marvel Comics, and that's EXACTLY the problem. Marvel Comics needs an intervention, they need Alan Horn and Kevin Feige to take over and make sense of that shit. The "civil war" between Feige and Perlmutter has been going for far too long, it's about time for Disney to step up.  

Edited by iJackSparrow
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