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Endless Entertainment Event Y5 will be revitalized and coming back December 21st-23rd. There won’t be much footage apart from a few films but there’ll be tons of announcements for Y5 and beyond


(I’m still doing it but it’s much more low key than last year as I don’t have much footage).

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59 minutes ago, cookie said:





May I ask what film this is? The gif implies that, with the whale and the sea-world setting, it'd draw comparisons between this film and Yin if it's a Year 5 film. Not that it'd be a bad thing; Dunkirk vs Darkest Hour, A Star is Born vs Vox Lux, etc...

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24 minutes ago, Slambros said:


May I ask what film this is? The gif implies that, with the whale and the sea-world setting, it'd draw comparisons between this film and Yin if it's a Year 5 film. Not that it'd be a bad thing; Dunkirk vs Darkest Hour, A Star is Born vs Vox Lux, etc...

The PG-13 animated SkyRiders has humans vs giant flying whale like beasts.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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14 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

The PG-13 animated SkyRiders has humans vs giant flying whale like beasts.


Fascinating! My film is about a whale going missing from a Seaworld-esque park; it'd be cool to see those films compliment each other even though they're different genres!

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DragonBorns (trailer #1)       PG Dec 13, 2018 2:30 Cookie Pictures
Voltron: Reunion (trailer #1) PG Dec 14, 2018 2:25 Cookie Pictures
SkyRiders (trailer #1)            PG Dec 17, 2018 2:50 Cookie Pictures

The Eternal Storm:               

The Scavenger Wars Part II

(Trailer #3)

14A Dec 21, 2018 2:40 Cookie Pictures
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Black screen.


ADORA (Olivia Cooke, V.O): For thousands of years, humans lived in harmony... ... ... ... Well, in relative harmony, anyway. I mean, there were a lot of fighting going on and we didn't really get along... ... BUT all of that changed, when the dragons came!


Smash open to a volcano having a catastrophic eruption followed by thousands of dragons, big and small, all emerging from it simultaneously.


ADORA (V.O): And they were led by the biggest, fiercest dragon of them all... Iblis.


A silhouette of a dragon as massive as a mountain emerges from the volcanic smoke, overlooking a human city below as its residents flee in terror.


ADORA (V.O): But when all hope seemed lost, some dragons sided with the humans and fought back!


We see a massive battle scene between the many dragons fighting amongst each other, some getting help from human military while the silhouette of Iblis looms in the background.


ADORA (V.O): Iblis and his followers were driven back from where they came...


A massive black tail slithers back into the shadows as many smaller dragons follow it while a gang of larger dragons of various colors stand idly by.


ADORA (V.O): Never to be seen or heard from again...


Fade to black.


ADORA: But some say Iblis might come back... In fact... he might be closer thank you THINK!!!


Adora, a blonde girl with rainbow-colored tips in her hair, turns on a flashlight to illuminate her face in a threatening manner and goes "RAWR!!!" at a tiny dragon named Mira (voiced by Brooklynn Prince) sitting next to her, who playfully screams before running running in circles laughing.


ADORA: Did I scare you?

MIRA: (giggles) No, you didn't!

ADORA: I think I did!

MIRA: No, you didn't!!

ADORA: Oh yes, I did!


ADORA: Liar liar, pants on fire!


Adora plays some more with Mira before they're interrupted by an older woman named Annie ripping open the roof above them, revealing they were playing inside a pillow fort.


ANNIE: Who said you could turn the living room into Fort Who's-Gonna-Clean-This-Up-Afterwards?

ADORA: Oh come on, we were just playing!

ANNIE: Tear this thing down and go to bed, both of you!

ADORA/MIRA: But Aunt Annie!!!

ANNIE: No buts!!!


Adora and Mira both go "Aaaawwww!!!" before Annie closes the sheets on them, cutting the trailer to black.






- Cookie Pictures -


We see Adora, in early morning, stepping outside her home and into a large city where both humans and dragons live together in peace.


HIRATA (Ken Watanabe, V.O): A rider isn't something one becomes out of choice...


We see Adora in a military facility standing next to the de facto leader of the humans, Commander Hirata, as she appears nervous.


HIRATA (V.O): It's something you are born to be.




Adora looks down at her hand revealing a birthmark shaped like a dragon. Hirata nods to her.


HIRATA (V.O): Remember, when you see him, above all else...


We cut to Adora being led to a massive hangar by a foppish man named Peter Birdsbeak (John Oliver), who opens the massive doors for her.


HIRATA (V.O): Don't be afraid.




A frightened Adora slowly walks inside the dark hangar while an equally frightened Peter waits by the doorway.


PETER: Quick side note, if he happens to swallow you, know that it'll take roughly ten to fourteen days for you to go through his entire digestive system, so you'll have plenty of time to reflect while you endure seemingly never ending agony! Best of luck!




Peter hurries to shut the door before Adora can react.




Adora runs towards the opening but she's too late to stop Peter as the trailer cuts to black once he's sealed the door shut from the outside.




??? (voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch): Are you my rider?


Shaking, Adora lights match so she can see who is speaking to her. She looks up to see two stark blue eyes accompanied by spews of blue flame nearly a hundred feet up. A pair of dragon claws emerge from the shadows next to her, frightening Adora enough to make her drop the match. Not that it matters since the blue flame now illuminates the scene.


ADORA: Y-y-yes? Who... who are you...?

???: I go by many names...


A large tail slithers just past Adora and into the shadows as the eyes and the flames move closer to her.


???: But your kind calls me...


The head of the dragon emerges right in front of her, breathing his nose right onto her face. A black dragon with large scales and its blue flames perpetually spewing from the sides of its mouth (think a bulkier version of Mega Charizard X).


???: ...Strider.




We cut to Adora with Strider outside, letting us see him in full, as we see them enter a forest.


HIRATA (V.O): An Emperor dragon cannot fly on its own...


The two reach a lake where a second dragon of Strider's size, a green dragon with a long neck and elk horns on its head named Ewan (voiced by Chiwetel Ejiofor) surfaces. Both dragons scowl at each other.


HIRATA (V.O): It needs a rider...


Adora peeks up at Ewan's back to see a wet tomboy named Rhona (Bex Taylor-Klaus) riding on him. Rhona stares back at Adora with some suspicion.


HIRATA (V.O): Someone who shows no fear...




We cut to Adora and Strider in a volcanic setting as a third dragon straddles down the side of a volcano, a red dragon with a short neck and a rhino horn named Ivan (voiced by Peter Capaldi) and his rider Maxim (Shameik Moore).


HIRATA (V.O): Someone who trusts in their friends...


Maxim dismounts Ivan and attempts to high five a very confused looking Adora.


HIRATA (V.O): Someone who's strong at heart...


Adora is introduced to the final of the four Emperor dragons, a majestic yellow dragon resting at a nest on top of a mountain surrounded by perpetual lightning storms named Sephra (voiced by Emily Blunt).


HIRATA (V.O): And values the life they now protect.


As Adora approaches, Sephra moves her tail away to reveal her rider, a young girl named Petra (Amaih Miller) clutching onto a dragon egg as large as she herself is.




Adora, Strider, Rhona and Maxim are at a training ground, where Adora tries to evade Strider swiping at her with his tail.


STRIDER (V.O): If she think she has any control over me...


Adora fails, tripping over his tail at first attempt.


STRIDER (V.O): She's sorely mistaken.


Strider charges at Adora like a bull, forcing her to duck to the side.


EWAN (V.O): You were always the most arrogant of us, Strider...


Adora picks up a rusty sword and shield to defend herself with only to get launched by Strider blowing his nose at her.


Cut to Ewan meeting with Strider as the two stand over a cliff side at night.


EWAN: You aren't even willing to give her a chance.

STRIDER: If she can't keep pace...


Cut back to the training ground where Strider looks at the downed Adora with scorn and disappointment before stomping away.


STRIDER (V.O): Then she's not worthy of being my rider.


Adora tries to pick herself up, but it's clear from her face that she's dismayed and hurt.




Maxim and Rhona sit by the sidelines, Maxim eating a sandwich.


RHONA: Ten bucks says he'll eat her within a month.

MAXIM: Twenty says he'll eat her within a week.

RHONA: Mmm... think that's pushing it.

MAXIM: Wanna bet? (chomps down on sandwich)


ADORA: (turns to them) You know I can hear you, right?!

RHONA: Hun, he ate five of his last six riders, don't get your hopes up that he's gonna make an exception for you.

ADORA: Some comrades you are...

MAXIM: (mouth stuffed) Not our fault he's a big jerk...




HIRATA (V.O): If evil were to arise anew...


In our first real glimpse of Iblis, two massive claws emerge out of a crevice crushing everything in their path.


HIRATA (V.O): These dragons are our only hope of survival...


The four dragons and their riders gather as the shadow of what we can assume is Iblis towers over them, dwarfing them by comparison.


HIRATA (V.O): And we are their only hope for theirs...


From their perspective, we see a massive dust cloud that's nearly a thousand feet tall, and a tail as large as any as one of the four Emperor dragons emerges from it.




From the studio behind 'VOLTRON'


ADORA (V.O): I don't care what you think of me...


Adora rides Strider across the clouds, even as he proves to be unruly.


ADORA (V.O): I didn't choose this life...


Strider makes a quick dive, catching Adora off-guard, as he dives straight towards storm clouds.




ADORA (V.O): But I'm not gonna let you bend my destiny to your liking...


A tired Adora arrives home to be greeted by Annie and Mira by the doorstep. She rushes over to hug them both.


ADORA (V.O): So if we're gonna save this world...


Adora, Rhona, Maxim and Petra draw weapons as they find themselves surrounded by smaller dragons by the hundreds in a dark location.


Cut to black.




Fade in to a scene where Adora goes to confront Strider.


ADORA: You and I are gonna have to get along.


A frustrated Strider begins growling at her.




Cut to sequence of the two flying below stormy clouds and swooping just above the surface of the ocean, soon joined by the other three dragons and their riders, heading towards a dark silhouette of Iblis in the far distance.


Cut to black.




IBLIS (voiced by Jason Isaacs, V.O): It's time I put an end to this charade.


Cut to Adora and Rhona standing side by side on an empty city street, looking at something off-screen with a mix of awe and horror on their faces.


IBLIS (V.O): Dragons are to rule over mankind...


Cut back to black.


IBLIS (V.O): And not the other way around.


Iblis lets out a loud, deafening roar, perpetuating as we cut to more characters reacting to his apparent presence and the city descending into panic as his massive shadow looms over them.


In the last shot of the trailer, Iblis roar reaches a pitch as we see him in full frame, a massive coal black dragon with thick scales, horns and spikes all over his body and purple energy glowing from his chest. Doors to the city shut before him as we cut to the title.






Olivia Cooke

Benedict Cumberbatch

Bex Taylor-Klaus

Chiwetel Ejiofor

Emily Blunt

Shameik Moore

Amiah Miller

Marisa Tomei

Brooklynn Prince

John Oliver



Peter Capaldi

Ken Watanabe



Jason Isaacs



In theaters and IMAX October 1st, Y5



Edited by cookie
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Well, I saw Wildlife in theaters tonight, and the film definitely supported my decision to have Paul Dano direct Sabrina.


Though I will say that Chris Sullivan will now be playing the lead role instead of Jonah Hill.


And Matt Damon will be joining the project; he'll be in a supporting voice role as a radio host who never appears onscreen in person.

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49 minutes ago, cookie said:




  Reveal hidden contents


It's. So. Good.

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Production Designer GUY HENDRIX DYAS

Director of Photography LINUS SANDGREN


Directed by DREW GODDARD



Only in theaters and 70mm



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5 hours ago, Spagspiria said:



I cast Sunny Suljic in something and well make the A24 kids shine in CAYOM.

This should excite you further:



That Bounty Hamster thing I was talking about is in DB


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Following a highly successful screening of the final season of Legendary Defender at the Cookie Pictures studio lot, series helmers Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery have been invited back to the studio and offered to return to their previous positions at the company. President and CEO Sebastian Peters is said to have personally greeted them both, immediately followed by him getting sucker punched in the face by the two in unison. "I deserved that" Peters is said to have uttered afterwards.


Dos Santos will retain his executive producer credit on Voltron: Reunion and The Eternal Storm: The Scavenger Wars Part II and Lauren Montgomery will receive a producer credit on SkyRiders while Dana Terrace remains in the directing chair.

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