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The Amazing Spider-Man OS Thread (413M)

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It is not the same story. The Amazing Spider-Man is as much the same story from Raimi's Spider-Man as Batman Begins is the same story from Burton's Batman, regardless how you spin that fact. The WOM for this is strong because it's a film at gathered people so much passionated for this project that they pulled off one of the best superhero films yet, and pardon me Rudolf, but since The Avengers run I think you are clearly out of touch about what makes a good superhero film. The Amazing Spider-Man is living up to its title, and regardless how people try to spin it, it's an astounding success.

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Fact is I was saying $1bn for TASM was not a possibility and many of you dismissed me as crazy. I saw $700M-$800M OS being tossed around as that was the absolute minimum it could do.

TDKR will hurt it next weekend and the Olympics will kill it the weekend after.

enough with this hyperbole, Kill it? Well it will kill the Dark Knight Rises then as well
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DarkShape at KJ reviewed it perfectly. Let me know which movie he is talking about. :D

A science geek named Peter Parker is bitten by a radio-active spider. He acts out a bit and enjoys his powers, shirking his responsibilities -- he was supposed to help Uncle Ben work on the house but ignored it, for instance. Finally it comes to a head when he lets a thief robbing someone who screwed him over get away, resulting in the shooting death of his Uncle. From this the geek learns responsibility and decides to help people... while at the same time, a scientist has decided to administer the first human trial of a secretive formula on himself. This formula gives the scientist amazing strength but also drives him crazy, to the point he has in-depth conversations with himself. Peter and the scientist do battle with Peter's love interest in peril. At a certain point, when the odds look really bad, the people of New York all unite to help Peter. In the end Peter prevails -- but not without tragedy, as he is forced to make a final promise to a dying parent of someone he's close with. Finally we end with a sweeping shot of Spider-Man swinging through the city.

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ASM is very similar to the original, there is no denying that, but to say they are EXACTLY the same is completely wrong

I'll repeat: The haters saying that is "the same all over again" don't say the same thing about Batman Begins, which is as much as the same thing over again as The Amazing Spider-Man.
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I'll repeat: The haters saying that is "the same all over again" don't say the same thing about Batman Begins, which is as much as the same thing over again as The Amazing Spider-Man.

So you think SM1 to ASM is equal to Batman 89 to Batman Begins. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Can you tell me where those two movies are similar.
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I'll repeat: The haters saying that is "the same all over again" don't say the same thing about Batman Begins, which is as much as the same thing over again as The Amazing Spider-Man.

BB and B89 are not even remotely similar.TASM and SM1 follow the same story path with the same character arcs.That's my problem with it....if they were going to reboot they should have taken a whole different approach with the movie.

yet, back in 2008, many movies still continued to make good money on the international circuit. Nothing is going to completely die

They will take a hit but obviously they will all level back out. TASM will probably be making around $20M OS by that time. Edited by theultimatebiu
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I'll repeat: The haters saying that is "the same all over again" don't say the same thing about Batman Begins, which is as much as the same thing over again as The Amazing Spider-Man.

C'mon...stop that. While I agree there are points in the film that I'm reminded of Batman89(His parents death, "I'm Batman!"), the overall plot is vastly different. I dare you to write up something like that guy at KJ did comparing BB and B89.Stop saying this, it's just not true.
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C'mon...stop that. While I agree there are points in the film that I'm reminded of Batman89(His parents death, "I'm Batman!"), the overall plot is vastly different. I dare you to write up something like that guy at KJ did comparing BB and B89.Stop saying this, it's just not true.

I'm having a hangover and my stomach is sick, but glancing over what the guy from KJ said, I easily can see that major plot points from both films are overlooked in order to achieve that, I could easily resume B89 and BB as "Billionaire Bruce Wayne watched his parents die in front of him and in that day, Batman was born. He trained to become the symbol that the criminals would fear and saved Gotham from the attack of a lunatic that wanted to destroy the city and used a gas attack schtick in order to achieve that".See, it's EASY to trace the parallels if someone is trying hard to do it, if you think that Peter Parker, a kid from Queens that got bitten by a genetic engineered spider was completely ready to become Spider-Man after his Uncle died after watching The Amazing Spider-Man, you've missed the point that TASM is about Peter's journey to become a man and get to know himself and... move forward. Here is a kid that starts a hunt to know his past but ends up finding himself in return. It's one of the best coming of age stories I've ever seen, superhero films or not. Uncle Ben's death is an element of what is shaping Peter to become the hero he is destined to be, but he's not there yet. And that's the beauty of the film, if you and others can't understand this at this point, I'd highly recommend it to watch it again. Besides, the seeds planted on this film could easily lead to one of the most epic stories ever told in any of this superhero films, something that just Nolan's Batman seems to have achieved so far. Edited by Chris O Donnell
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Haters keep bringing up the re-worked origin hoping it will overshadow the fact that ASM is heading towards the second highest Spider-man gross WW despite being a divisive reboot.lol! Good luck with that.

Edited by grey ghost
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Haters keep bringing up the re-worked origin hoping it will overshadow the fact that ASM is heading towards the second highest Spider-man gross WW despite being a divisive reboot.lol! Good luck with that.

B)And TASM2 will be the highest
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