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Spaghetti Kitchen: Quinquennial Edition (Guess My Top 25!)

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@4815162342 @cookie @Blankments


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(dir. Boots Riley)


A young woman (Letitia Wright) takes on a drastic measure to save her ailing mother by developing an alter ego as an online conservative celebrity. Sought out as a pawn by a far right political movement, she sees an opportunity to not just gain financial funding, but to take on the organization from the inside. Her alter ego, on the other hand, has plans of her own, and she discovers that the secrets go far, far deeper than she would like to believe.


Paradise Island

(dir. Debra Granik)


As a woman (Tessa Thompson) undergoes a turbulent divorce with her husband (Mahershala Ali), the film tells the story of the last 30 days of their home on an island, risking flooding due to climate change. An ensemble of the island's residents struggle to make sense of their new lives as they prepare for a state mandated evacuation.


Meet the Lumberjanes

(dir. Niki Caro)


The beloved comic series comes to life in this fast paced, funny, and exciting introductory tale. The film will borrow a bit from the first bit of the comics, but, like Hourglass Pictures' own Bounty Hamster series, will create new adventures for our heroes.


XJ-9: Reboot

(dir. Gore Verbinski)


20 years after her heroic deeds, teenage robot Jenny Wakeman is reawakened after a shutdown of unknown purpose. Her memories are intact, but she's shocked to see how much the world had changed, especially in that her youthful friends are all grown up. As the Earth falls in more danger in a turbulent world, she realizes that she must rise up once again to be its champion.


Wallace and Gromit: A Data With Destiny

(dir. Nick Park)


Wallace and Gromit continue to make inventions that charm their community, but also get the attention of an optimistic young web developer Emma, (Daisy Ridley) who wants to help Wallace show his ideas to the world. As worlds of new and old collide, they almost cross paths with a nefarious inventor (Benedict Cumberbatch) who wants to steal Wallace's inventions and profit off them. As heists, hijinx, and fun ensue, Emma forms a close friendship with the two residents of 62 West Wallaby Way.


Untilted Tony Yacenda Project

(dir. Tony Yacenda)


A young man, a few years out of college, returns to his hometown for the holiday season. There are things he doesn't remember. Really, really fucked up things.




Take your pick,


And yes, I know I'm leaving out the elephant in the room. I did so for...reasons.

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Spaghetti Kitchen Presents


One thing that keeps me coming back to these forums, besides my obligation as a moderator, is easily CAYOM. It's a chance to let loose on creativity, watch your dreams come to life, and have a good time with a group of fun, creative people. I wanted to commemorate our first five years in this game with a stretch of fun awards, many of which were stolen inspired by @cookie. Here's the play by play for the week:




The Elizabeth Silvette Award for Writers Choice

I won't be that guy and nominate my own films for later categories, so I'll list my top 10 favorite accomplishments in this game so far.




The Starwood Hotels Award for Most Jawdropping Film

The film that wins here created a plot and world full of genuinely jawdropping, engaging, and daring twists and turns. I was never bored reading these films, even if it didn't quite work in the end.


The Megan Hollis Award for Most Inventive Premise

This award goes to an original film (excluding films based on true stories) that created something truly unique and interesting, as well as its successful execution.


The Freddy Zapper Award for Best Hero

Exactly what it says on the tin. Who was my favorite character to root for?


The Inversion Award for Best Technical Prowess

This award is probably a bit silly since we don't get to see any of the tech aspects, but I can fill in the blanks and see which works would have inspired truly astonishing film-making.




The Summit of Unity Awards

Every writer active in the game will get a brief shout-out, where I detail what I like about their films, including my favorite from each writer.




The Portia Parvelli Award for Best Ending

The 3rd acts of these movies ended their films on an extremely high note, but only one can come out on top.


The Marion and Cassie Award for Funniest Film

Some films in this gave I've legitimately burst out laughing at. I honor them here.


The Oliver and Gwen Award for Biggest Tearjerker

I've cried at some of your writing, I really have. Whether happy or sad tears, these films really got to me.


The Rameses Award for Best Villain

And it's so easy when you're evil...but only one person can take the prize of the best baddie.




The Spaghetti Kitchen Top 25 of the First Five Years

I won't automatically pick my Top 25 of each year - expect some surprises and retroactive evaluations.


As a side note, I'm limiting a film to two nominations at most (excluding the Top 25 countdown) so that I can keep things as a surprise. Either way, I hope you have fun, and hope to see your films on these awards!


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10 minutes ago, Spaghetti said:

The Starwood Hotels Award for Most Jawdropping Film

The film that wins here created a plot and world full of genuinely jawdropping, engaging, and daring twists and turns. I was never bored reading these films, even if it didn't quite work in the end.

I think we already know the Poison and Wine trilogy is winning this one.

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3 minutes ago, Blankments said:

Is it really more crazy than By the Balls?


... don’t answer that

It doesn’t really get bonkers until the last few minutes of the second one tbh


Although the first one leaves on a pretty disturbing note (which the sequels make... complicated)

Edited by cookie
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Note that this list doesn't necessarily relay quality, but in my satisfaction in writing it and the final product.




10. Starlit Highway


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For a flick churned out at the last minute in a few hours, it turned out pretty well. This was definitely a little movie that could in my eyes, and I will admit I was happy with the final product.




9. Seeing Her


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This is one of the most purely emotional films I've ever made, and I think it had a pretty neat premise too. Really happy this got more of a reception. Also I'm sorry @cookie but I liked writing the ending. I think the more comedic elements I intended may have gotten a bit muddled. Either way, you'll be even more mad at my #8...



8. Jonny Jonny (Yes Papa?) Making Movie? (No, Papa!) Telling Lies? (No, Papa!) Buy Tickets Now. HA! HA! HA! The Movie


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Okay. So me and @Blankments decided to write this together and throw in a barrage of bat shit insane ideas. There would be days I would just laugh my ass of at the sheer audacity of what we were doing. Even writing it, I had such a good time. It was a break from more serious efforts, and it was probably not liked by many of you, but fuck it, I'm happy I co-wrote it.



7. Me and My Shadow


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Okay, now back to films people actually liked. This was a film where I was pretty bummed with its reception in 2.0, but very delighted with the love it got here. I worked to make a funny and touching animated story from a dead project, and I think it turned out really successfully. I'm also kinda glad I never did a sequel, since it works so well as a standalone story. I'm glad to see @YourMother the Edgelord keeping the trend up of reviving dead animated flicks, and I'd like to get back into the animation game beside just overtly wacky comedies.



6. The Parvelli Reunion


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I wanted to write a Yorgos movie shortly after watching Killing of a Sacred Deer. And I've got to say, I had no idea it would get this good of a reception when I did it. I laid into his absurdist tendencies and loved to revel in the WTF yet secretly hilarious style of his films, and I think I captured it pretty damn well. I admit to myself (and Yorgos even remarks this in his interviews) that I don't have an explicit interpretation for everything in the movie (yes, that includes Isla Fisher making out with a wolf) but damn it was actually kind of fun to write. And I kept it short too, which is double nice!



5. The Blood and Fur Trilogy


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Only in CAYOM could I write an ultraviolent film trilogy about furries battling white surpremacists and being the heroes but also have it become an academy award nominated and making a combined $500m+ Worldwide at the box office. AND CAST AL PACINO AS THE OVERARCHING SERIES VILLIAN. I love this game so much.




4. The Epsilon Syndicate: Union of Thieves


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I was really nervous about following up a film that would later appear on my list, but I have to admit that I'm really excited about the new world I am working with. This film excels at giving a basic introduction to a mysterious new world within our own, but also sets up the potential for something surprising. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and god willing, I can't wait to keep exploring this world. 




3. The Terrible Plight of Freddy Zapper


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This has got to be one of my favorite flicks I've written in any iteration of the game. There's such an oddball aspect of fun to it, and I really enjoyed working with the tone. Hell, the reason it's taking so long to try and nail down the sequel is just trying to think about how to recapture lightning in a bottle. It's the exact kind of film that would go down to become a cult hit, maybe even something that becomes a modern midnight classic a la the Cornetto trilogy. It's just a damn fun movie and was a delight to make.



2. Spark: Rising


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Okay, I would say that the entire saga would be on here, but I really do have a soft spot for the one that started it all. This was a story I've been dreaming of since I was a child, and it's gone through god knows how many changes and iterations. It's even funny to see Treasure Planet get remade here, which was arguably one of the biggest inspirations for this film. With every version, I feel like I create a tighter, stronger story, one I'm truly excited to watch unfold, and one whose characters I truly love and care for. Honestly, I'm even proud of Homeward, even as I acknowledge it's weaker than the other films in the series. I'm super nervous to write the final chapter, but I have high hopes that it can do everything I've been dreaming of justice.


And the film I'm most proud of in CAYOM yet is...



1. Notes From The Otherspace


Image result for cover is not the book gif


I bet you're all shocked.


I've made clear a few times that this was a deeply personal project for me. I've been through so much of what Meg Hollis (who I was happy to pick Anna Kendrick for) had gone through, that writing it was simultaneously challenging but also therapeutic. The story, by it ends, ended up giving me confidence and hope in my own life, just as the world Meg created gave her hope in a time where she felt worthless. But after all, she learned that the proof of what made her worthwhile was always real.


To say that I was blown away by the reception this film got is a legitimate understatement. I couldn't be prouder and happier of this film if I tried, but what gets me the most is how many of you connected with this story just as well as I did. It reminded me of what stories can do, and It's something that, somewhere down the road, I've love to try and turn into something that the world can see as a whole. We all have our otherspaces, and mine gave me hope.


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1 hour ago, Spaghetti said:



Note that this list doesn't necessarily relay quality, but in my satisfaction in writing it and the final product.


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And the film I'm most proud of in CAYOM yet is...


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1. Notes From The Otherspace


Image result for cover is not the book gif


I bet you're all shocked.


I've made clear a few times that this was a deeply personal project for me. I've been through so much of what Meg Hollis (who I was happy to pick Anna Kendrick for) had gone through, that writing it was simultaneously challenging but also therapeutic. The story, by it ends, ended up giving me confidence and hope in my own life, just as the world Meg created gave her hope in a time where she felt worthless. But after all, she learned that the proof of what made her worthwhile was always real.


To say that I was blown away by the reception this film got is a legitimate understatement. I couldn't be prouder and happier of this film if I tried, but what gets me the most is how many of you connected with this story just as well as I did. It reminded me of what stories can do, and It's something that, somewhere down the road, I've love to try and turn into something that the world can see as a whole. We all have our otherspaces, and mine gave me hope.


When I first joined CAYOM back in May. Notes  spoke to me in such a beautiful way. My adaption of Mob psycho 100 will be inspired by it.

Edited by Reddroast
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The Starwood Hotel Award for Most Jawdropping Film


Like the setting of the uproarious and gory BLOOD AND FUR, these films made my jaw drop. Maybe it was a crazy plot, maybe it was pure shock value, but either way, I can't say these movies were boring. Good? I'll leave that up to you. The nominees are...



By the Balls @Blankments

Using its nightmarishly surreal yet more sickeningly real premise as an indictment of modern America, it's one of the most impressive, damning, and truly shocking films this game has seen.



Redeeming Love @Hiccup23

....this was a Christian film?!



Timmy's Winter Vacation 2 @cookie

A seemingly pleasant sequel to a mild, chill family movie. How crazy could it be? Well....



Truth Is  @Hiccup23




Yin @Slambros

It's not secret that this is easily the 2nd best movie on this list. Like, by far. But some of the twists and truly shocking and surprising, especially towards the final act. Not all of them work, but major props for some serious ambition.


And the winner is...



Truth Is


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I chose this film as the perfect centerpiece that concluded Hiccup's infamous Poison and Wine trilogy. Here, he goes all in and creates a wold so shocking, daring, and yet wickedly fun, even - or especially - as its logic collapses. The film gets better and better as it goes on, leading to one of the craziest finales in the game. I've had a true blast with this series and would kill for more. Especially, Into the Kyler-Verse.


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The Meg Hollis Award for Most Inventive Premise


CAYOM's had a variety of unique, impressive products, and just as Meg Hollis imagined her own world in NOTES FROM THE OTHERSPACE, these users created new worlds and stories that took us by surprise. These winners were chosen on a mix of premise and execution, I liked all these films!



56 Days of Love @Hiccup23

The POV angle gives this romantic tale of temporary love and heartbreak a really unique flair.



Our City @Electric

I wasn't as big on this film as some of you were, but there's still a good bit of charm and imagination here.



Perfect Match (EGK) (ft. @Blankments)

The premise here is really cool, but it loses points for drifting a bit away from that later in the film.



Reality Shift @Blankments

The premise is surprisingly successful in inviting audiences in for a wickedly fun dark comedy.



Wolves of the Deep @4815162342

This is only on here because Liam Neeson fires himself out of a torpedo gun, just so we're clear.


And the winner is...



Reality Shift


Image result for randall park gif


This is very much a little movie that could. It's probably not one of my ultimate favorites of the year, but Blank goes all out in giving this a surprisingly distinct, wicked, and fun flair.

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