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Top 100 Sci-Fi movies reveal thread. Full list revealed! The Matrix wins!

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85 points, 16 lists, Three rank 11-15 votes, Two rank 2-3 votes, Two #1 votes

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"Films about dreams and the subconscious are usually not very straightforward and almost always weird. "Inception" is no exception to that rule, but like its cinematic predecessors who have explored the contrast between and the questions of what is real and what is illusion (i.e. "The Matrix" (1999), "The Cell" (2000), "Abre Los Ojos" (1997) & its American remake "Vanilla Sky" (2001)), you really can't look away, nor should you.

"Inception" is an excellent and breathtaking movie that may be one of the only films released so far during the Summer of 2010 that lives up to its hype. It is a nearly perfect and highly original film that holds your attention until the credits roll. The less you know about this movie going in, the more you will be entranced by seeing it.

Leonardo DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, a world class criminal who, with the help of a team of sleep experts, works his way into people's subconscious and steals what people value most: ideas directly from their minds. In his last assignment to possibly clear his name, he is assigned not to steal an idea from someone, but to plant one inside that person's mind. The difficulty comes when certain people are trained to block their ideas from being taken.

That plot summary only covers the basics of this pretty complicated story, but to describe every plot detail would take away the magic of this film you must see yourself to believe. DiCaprio is good in his role, but unlike many other films he has starred in, this is perhaps his only role where his character alone does not carry the weight of the movie on his shoulders or share it equally with one other co-star. Instead, this great ensemble cast teams together to make this movie work, just as their characters collaborate to pull off such a unique heist. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, and Tom Hardy are especially good in their roles.

The special effects in this film were also very good, which is amazing considering their simplicity compared to the "Matrix" movies. There are slow-motion shots, but no impossible kung fu fighting sequences. It's especially interesting when the film gets into the architecture of certain dreams, and impossible sequences are filmed in a way I've never seen other than in drawings.

However, the special effects would mean nothing if the story wasn't good. For this reason, even something as simple as a spinning top holds your attention in a way you would never think it would when seeing it in this film. The credit here can be given to writer and director Christopher Nolan, who has not made a bad film yet. There are many twists and turns in this film, but Nolan never loses his focus in the process of telling the story. If Nolan does not get nominated for Best Director and/or Best Original Screenplay next Oscar season, there is something terribly wrong with the Academy.

That being said, there was still a lot about this film I still don't get, and may require multiple viewings to better understand. However, some of the best films I've seen are confusing at first. "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968) is a film I've seen a couple of times, and still don't understand completely. It still has a major following, though, as I'm positive this movie will. It's an incredibly entertaining movie, but it also makes you think and continues to do so after you leave the theater."



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6 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Forgot about that one. T2 as well I guess... all the "college dudebro" sci-fi movies


BOT members spending so much time creating these wonderful lists, and BOT consistently giving the top prize to a Nolan movie reminds me of this




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90 points, 13 lists, Two rank 6-10 votes, One rank 4-5 vote, Three rank 2-3 votes, Two #1 votes

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The Empire Strikes Back

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"`It avoids having the standard shoot-'em-up ending,' says a friend of mine, `by not having an ending.' I suppose this is what most people think, but all the same the film manages to form a satisfying whole; or at least, a whole that satisfies me. I'm therefore inclined to think it DOES have an ending. Obviously, I can't discuss this without giving things away to those few who don't know what happens. If you're one of those few, then believe me: your ignorance is precious enough to be worth guarding until you see the film. Stop reading now.

After the surprise attack on the rebel base, Luke Skywalker splits with Han, Leia, et al. Han's party gets away first (is it just me, or is the shot of Luke watching the Falcon flying off while he stands stranded on the ground, a poignant one?), but thereafter they face one narrow escape after another, while Luke slinks off quietly and safely to train with Yoda.

The training scenes are many and Yoda talks a great deal of rubbish. But somehow it doesn't matter. The film is ambivalent in its attitude towards Yoda, anyway. Our sympathy clearly lies with the entirely non-spiritual concerns of Han, Leia and the adolescent Luke. The main story concerns the understanding that builds between Han and Leia. In the end they are honest with one another; and if Han's being frozen and shipped back to Tatooine is the price to pay for this, well, it's the price to pay. It was very important NOT to end with the dashing rescue that opens `Return of the Jedi', which would be dramatically beside the point. Instead we end with the promise that the rescue will some day occur. That's enough.

As for Luke: he abandons Yoda to rescue Han and Leia, and achieves NOTHING WHATEVER. This was my favourite touch. All five Jedis - Luke, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Vader, and the Emperor - find that their conflicting instincts are all entirely wrong. The film is really about the temporary triumph of human impulses over the mystical Force. Luke's human idealism is vindicated, but his supernatural powers, just this once, are not.

When George Lucas gave his Star Wars trilogy a fresh coat of varnish in 1997 he felt he had to justify the expense by making needless changes. You'll notice he made precious few changes to episode V. There just wasn't room. He added a few extra shots of the ice monster, which of course weakened that one scene; but even with those changes in place the Special Edition is virtually identical to the original edition. Since Lucas was so keen on making changes wherever he could this is obviously a tribute to the tightness of the story and the direction. It's also a tribute to the perfection of the original special effects, more innovative than the effects in the first Star Wars movie and better than the effects in any subsequent one."



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93 points, 17 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Two rank 6-10 votes, Four rank 4-5 votes, One rank 2-3 vote

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Jurassic Park

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"Jurassic Park is one of my favourite films of all time, as it realises a world with Dinosaurs. The film is full of entertaining set pieces and suspenseful money’s but that film really boils down to the question of if man should play god and bring dinosaurs back into the modern day.


The groundbreaking puppetry and special effects at the time are also a stand out for the sci-fi genre, with the Dinosaurs feeling realistic leading to both awe inducing and scary moments throughout the film.


The acting as well is another standout with Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Sam Neill being great leads; Samuel L Jackson, Richard Attenborough and Bob Peck playing great smaller roles but the real standout for me was Ariana Richards portrayal of Lexi who was equal parts Scream Queen and wiz kid. 


Overall i feel Jurassic Park still holds up as one of then Greta Sci-Fi films of all time and still holds cultural relevance with it’s many sequels (none of which have been nearly as good), theme park attractions and merchandise." 



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95 points, 16 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Eight rank 6-10 votes, One rank 4-5 vote, One rank 2-3 vote

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Image result for aliens poster




"Aliens, imo, is James Cameron's best film.  Although I have Terminator 2 and Titanic also at 10/10, Aliens gets the extra .5 to make it a 10.5/10.  Yes, it's that fucking good. While Ridley Scott did all kinds of amazing things in Alien, Cameron outdid him in every conceivable way, imo.  


The cast is what makes this film such a classic that it is.  Sigourney Weaver obviously returns to reprise her role of Ellen Ripley and she does it ever so well.  But it's the rest of the cast that makes this so much fun.  Michael Biehn, Jeanette Goldstein and of course Bill Paxton as the tough but scared marine with all the best lines helps shape the film.  Add in Lance Henriksen and a terrific supporting cast of not quite prime time actors and the marines were perfectly cast.  Paul Reiser, who at the time was known more for his comedic chops plays Burke, the corporate sleeze-ball more concerned with how much the facility costs than how many lives are at stake.  


But beyond the amazing cast, James Cameron wrote and directed one of the most nail biting, pulse pounding, heart stopping seat gripping films of all time.  In one of Roger Ebert's most famous reviews, he praises it for it's brilliance but couldn't give it a full 4 out of 4 because it scared him too much (he gave it 3.5/4).  Have a read:


The ads for "Aliens" claim that this movie will frighten you as few movies have, and, for once, the ads don't lie. The movie is so intense that it creates a problem for me as a reviewer: Do I praise its craftsmanship, or do I tell you it left me feeling wrung out and unhappy? It has been a week since I saw it, so the emotions have faded a little, leaving with me an appreciation of the movie's technical qualities. But when I walked out of the theater, there were knots in my stomach from the film's roller-coaster ride of violence. This is not the kind of movie where it means anything to say you "enjoyed" it.


While I see where he is coming from, for me, it was one of the most enjoyable film going experiences.  I love to be on the edge of my seat.  I love being scared and I love spending two hours with characters I absolutely adore.  Cameron pulled out all the tricks here to scare the living you-know-what out of me and for that I have this as one of my top ten films of all time." 



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97 points, 15 lists, Four rank 11-15 votes, Two rank 6-10 votes, Two rank 4-5 votes, Two rank 2-3 votes, One #1 vote

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"Wall-E is the movie experience I've been looking for. I haven't seen a new film this richly entertaining, thrilling, touching and satisfying since Spider-Man 2. It is truly the finest Pixar or animated CGI film to date. I can discuss it without spoilers easily because it's one of those films, like 2001: A Space Odyssey, that exists more as a pure experience of the heart and the senses than as a collection of events that we're supposed to keep track of intellectually. Wall-E rises above that kind of unnecessary complication into the same kind of space occupied by dreams and the imagination.

This film is beautifully animated, of course, to that magical Pixar point where even piles of what should be disgusting trash somehow look breathtakingly gorgeous and even fairly realistic-looking roaches look cute. But much more importantly, the heart, the emotion in this movie is unlike anything I've experienced at the cinema since Forrest Gump. Certainly my tear ducts have not welled up while watching a movie this much since then. I fell in like with the character of Wall-E when I saw the trailer. Watching the movie, I fell in love with him within about 2 minutes. Shortly after that, I fell in love with the idea of Wall-E falling in love.

My previous favorite movie romance is Superman and Lois Lane in the original Superman films. The love story, or the love experience of Wall-E and Eve is perhaps the first I've seen since then that operates at and succeeds on that same level. These couples create an uncomplicated, innocent, simple, yet deep and powerful bond. They capture the experience of love at first sight, writ large. They possess an instant chemistry that tells you they belong together from the first time they see one another and makes you root for their relationship throughout the film. Wall-E and Eve share moments together of real cinematic beauty, true hilarity, frightening sadness, frustrating difficulty and delightful satisfaction. It's a testament to the level of genius at which the Pixar storytellers are operating that we feel every beat of this relationship resonate every step of the way despite the fact that the characters are robots that are not modeled off of humans and speak no more than a handful of words throughout the movie (this animated movie is refreshingly free of obvious "guest star" voices or any over-the-top stand-up comedians trying to upstage the movie).

Just like in the first Superman films, once you care about the characters as individuals and care about their relationship, it's almost impossible for the rest of the movie not to work. You're hooked at hello. Wall-E adds all the expected complications to keep the would-be lovers from getting together most of the time. There is a truly great "McGuffin" that keeps the heroes and villains busy for quite a while (the item in question is something outwardly simple that ends up holding the key to something more important than anything in the world). The pacing during most of these adventures is as breakneck as anything out of the Star Wars films and the action is always staged with crystal clarity. There are several scenes of peril for Wall-E that are reminiscent of that oddly powerful sequence in Short Circuit 2 when Johnny 5 is almost killed. The filmmakers pull absolutely no punches when it comes to running your heart through the ringer over characters you care about. It probably helps that you can do a lot more physical damage to a robot character than you can to a human character while keeping a G rating and still getting the audience dramatically worried about their survival.

Even on top of the action, the emotion, the visuals and the humor, Wall-E goes the extra mile into thought-provoking thematic territory. The film never hits you over the head with anything preachy and doesn't really even outright tell you what its opinions on the subjects it raises are. It also doesn't explicitly lay out explanations for everything that exists in Wall-E's world (there are no "talking killer" scenes and very little verbal exposition). I think the bits of ambiguity work here because they add to the sense of mystery, helplessness and alienation that most of the characters in the movie feel to some degree.

There are human characters in this movie too, quite a few. I think that's necessary because if humans aren't shown in a robot world, you have to wonder what purpose were the robots designed to serve? That was a curiosity of the earlier CGI movie, Robots. Most of the humans in Wall-E aren't as developed as the robots, but I think that's because they exist more to represent the whole of humanity rather than particular individuals. We're asked to ponder the consequences of the choices they make as though the whole society was moving in that direction, not just one person. Wall-E and Eve are the heart of this movie but the humans are used to add some intellectual gravity for the audience to chew on.

Other choices made in the movie might also leave room for debate, such as the integration of some live-action footage into the film. But because the movie as a whole is so audaciously stimulating and brilliantly satisfying, it's a plus that they left us with a few unresolved or unusual things to think about and question after getting off of the great emotional and visual roller-coaster experience. Wall-E truly serves up everything that I think an audience could want in a movie experience. It will be very easy for me to watch this one over and over again. It is a modern-day classic that I believe should earn a place in cinema history as the "2001" of CGI animated films, both of them movies of indisputable brilliance, unyielding imagination and unending entertainment.

Footnote: The pre-movie short is an awesome, violent Looney Tunes/Roger Rabbit-esquire toon. It wants only to entertain and does."



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Movies with 11 points:



Source Code

Soylent Green

V for Vendetta

I, Robot





Movies with 12 points:


Star Trek: First Contact


The Fountain

Deep Impact


The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind



Movies with 13 points:



War of the Worlds(2005)

Invasion of the Body Snatchers(1956)

Star Trek Into Darkness

Dark City

The Incredible Shrinking Man



Be back in another 10!

Edited by Inceptionzq
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I don't know why anybody was thinking Inception would be #1.


Nolan wins the Year End lists, not the other ones (excluding comic book list)



Edited by MrPink
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1 minute ago, MrPink said:

I don't know why anybody was thinking Inception would be #1.


Nolan wins the Year End lists, not the other ones (excluding comic book list)



not to mention that Interstellar basically flopped on this list 

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1 minute ago, Ethan Hunt said:

not to mention that Interstellar basically flopped on this list 


Imagine if I voted and flexed my influence to get others to vote. 


But I am merciful.

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105 points, 18 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote, One rank 4-5 vote, Three rank 2-3 votes, One #1 vote

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Back to the Future

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"Zemeckis's 'Back To The Future' trilogy has been a childhood favourite for a long time. Having revisited it today, brought me to a nostalgic state. The 80's saw a lot of excellent original fun 'young' films like 'Back To The Future' (of course), 'Better Off Dead', 'Heathers', 'The Breakfast Club' etc. What really made these films immensely enjoyable then, and classics today, is that they really reflected what it was like being a young person in the 80s. The movies themselves were well written, well executed, well acted and they cut straight to the point.

Back to 'Back To The Future'. This one is sheer fun, even today. There's an incredible energy about it but it still manages to stay an 'innocent' film. The music is very effective. It's slick and follows a steady pace. The special effects are decent. Though people might pick on the plausibility of the time travelling, I think this is really a very minor flaw because it is overall a well written movie and the point was to entertain. Yet, this is not to say that it's brainless entertainment. I think it cleverly brings forth some interesting themes and I liked how they funnily used some ideas of Oedipus Rex's story.

The acting is superb overall. Christopher Lloyd as the over-the-top mad scientist is a laugh riot. Michael J. Fox totally owns Marty McFly with his natural charisma, raw energy and brilliant dialogue delivery. Lea Thompson is cute and vivacious and Crispin Glover is good.

'Back To The Future' is one of the most enjoyable time-travelling classics. It's over 23 years old and it still hasn't gotten old. Sadly, they don't make it like this these days but then again we always can revisit them. That's why they're classics."



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112 points, 17 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Four rank 6-10 votes, Four rank 4-5 votes, Two rank 2-3 votes, One #1 vote

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Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Image result for terminator 2 judgment day poster




"There are some things that make a science fiction film a (potential) masterpiece. I consider them as something like a set of semi-necessary (although not sufficient) conditions. First of all, the film must redefine reality, meaning it has to show, describe, illustrate a world different from what we have in mind in our (kind of miserable) daily life. According to this, science fiction should have an element in common with science and – ideally, c’est à dire far from the way it is developed by capitalism – technique, which is the fact it raises above the “merely human”, and tries to show the human world "from above". This analitically belongs to the name of the genre: on one hand “science” (reality seen from above) and on the other “fiction” (unreality in the realms of possibility). Terminator 2: Judgement Day inherits from the original movie a whole powerful imagery, an imagery in which the future lives are cancelled by machines, and the personal issues of present lives have to be cancelled by virtue of a higher duty.
Second, a sci-fi masterpiesce should have at least one memorable character, capable of representing this elevation. In other words, this elevation above a personalistic perspective (which usually can’t be found in comedies, dramas, thrillers, etc, as those genres need the – mostly irrelevant – narrations of personal lives as their raw material, or even final product) must be materialized in an individuality. The T-800 embodies all this (one could argue that Sarah Connor embraces it somehow, and I don’t think they would be wrong). Not only a superior physical strength, but an attitude to rational reasoning, to self-modification through learning, to the awareness of the superiority of one's commitment above all contingent circumstances that are characteristics that the human being should ideally have, but that he concretely possesses very very rarely. The Terminator’s sacrifice is not the result of a foolish egoism that cannot find personal satisfaction, but the result of a totally rational decision, to which the T-800 submits itself. This is (as much as I know) as close to Niccian “free death” as cinema has ever come: voluntary, rational death when the right moment has come. T-800, more than any human being, lives for a Purpose, it does not live "to live".
Third, a science fiction masterpiece should have contents that lie beneath the main theme or message. In this case, under the danger of the improper use of technology to the detriment of the human being, there is a distressing paradox given by the fact that to "fight the machines", the legendary John Connor and his mother actually need a "machine", the T-800, which, in turn, needs other machines (weapons, explosives, etc.) to keep fighting. What you breathe in Terminator 2 is the absolute inevitability of technology, as a principle and potential end of civilization, which is (“hegelianally”) both negation and negation of itself, and which as a negation continuously risks reproposing its negativity.
Above this structure, and inside of it, Cameron built a movie filled with memorable scenes,  great acting, fantastic dialogues and one of the best and creepiest villains of all time, overall supported by the legendary Brad Fiedel’s theme, The film’s pace is perfect, there are no weak scenes, and after almost 30 years since its release the special effects still look tremendously realistic. It is just the perfect sci-fi film.
So if you didn’t put it in your top 10, I’m sorry but…you have problemo."



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120 points, 18 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Five rank 6-10 votes, Two rank 4-5 votes, Three rank 2-3 votes, Two #1 votes

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The Matrix

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@grey ghost


"I cannot describe what The Matrix is. I can only show you the door. You must walk through it.


The Matrix is one of those perfect movies not simply for the flawless storytelling (which is unparalleled in the action genre) but also for the timing. The film was released in the middle of 1999, as we entered a new millennium and no one was ready for this psychedelic cyberpunk masterpiece to kick the 21st century into high gear. Only a movie this good could steal the thunder from The Phantom Menace (the most anticipated film of that generation).


It's hard to nail down what makes this movie so special. Is it the trippy premise/revelation? Is it the perfect casting and classic dialogue? Is it the ground breaking special effects?


For me it's all of those but especially how layered this thing is. There's philosophy or more specifically Plato's Allegory of the Cave. There a socio-economic layer for Libertarians to eat up. There's not only Judeo-Christian themes but also Buddhism and Gnosticism. There's the  classic anime influenced cyber punk that had weirdos wearing trench coats to the mall for the next decade.


But seriously I cannot describe what it was like to watch this opening weekend. It was Generation X's Empire Strike Back. It was our Dark Knight. This was the culmination of all the great sci fi of our generation from Terminator to Repo Man to They Live to Blade Runner and it was worth the wait. It was a mind blowing taste of the 21st Century and just like the red pill,  there was no going back."




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Thanks to all that participated! I really enjoyed doing this!


Full top 100 list below:


100: Super 8 – 14 points, 4 lists

99: Ready Player One – 14 points, 5 lists

98: Solaris(1972) – 14 points, 4 lists One rank 4-5 vote

97: The Day the Earth Stood Still(1951) – 14 points, 5 lists One rank 6-10 vote

96: Forbidden Planet – 15 points, 5 lists

95: Alita: Battle Angel – 15 points, 3 lists One rank 2-3 vote

94: Signs – 15 points, 4 lists One rank 6-10 vote

93: Paprika – 15 points, 4 lists One rank 6-10 vote

92: War Games – 16 points, 5 lists One rank 6-10 vote

91: The Hunger Games – 17 points, 4 lists One rank 6-10 vote

90: Upgrade – 17 points, 7 lists

89: 10 Cloverfield Lane – 17 points, 7 lists

88: Escape from New York – 18 points, 5 lists

87: The Force Awakens – 18 points, 4 lists One rank 6-10 vote

86: The Lobster – 18 points, 5 lists, One rank 11-15 vote

85: Ad Astra – 18 points, 5 lists

84: Face/Off – 18 points, 6 lists

83: Dredd – 18 points, 5 lists, One rank 11-15 vote

82: 28 Days Later – 18 points, 7 lists

81: The Host(2006) – 18 points, 6 lists One rank 6-10 vote

80: The Prestige – 19 points, 4 lists, One rank 11-15 vote

79: Donnie Darko – 19 points, 4 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote

78: Matrix: Reloaded – 19 points, 4 lists, One #1 vote

77: Hunger Games: Catching Fire – 20 points, 4 lists, Two rank 11-15 votes, One rank 6-10 vote

76: Ghostbusters(1984) – 21 points, 5 lists, One rank 6-10 vote

75: They Live – 21 points, 6 lists, One rank 11-15 vote

74: Under the Skin – 21 points, 6 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote

73: Transformers – 22 points, 4 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 4-5 vote

72: The Abyss – 22 points, 7 lists

71: Annihilation – 23 points, 7 lists

70: Pacific Rim – 23 points, 7 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote

69: Back to the Future 3 – 23 points, 8 lists

68: Looper – 23 points, 8 lists, One rank 11-15 vote

67: Brazil(1985) – 24 points, 5 lists, One rank 4-5 vote

66: A.I. Artificial Intelligence – 24 points, 5 lists, One rank 6-10 vote, One #1 vote

65: Ghost in the Shell(1995) – 24 points, 7 lists

64: Star Trek(2009) – 24 points, 8 lists

63: Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan – 25 points, 6 lists, Two rank 6-10 votes

62: Mad Max 2 – 25 points, 7 lists, One rank 11-15 vote

61: Moon – 25 points, 8 lists, One rank 6-10 vote

60: Stalker(1979) – 26 points, 4 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote, One #1 vote

59: Return of the Jedi – 26 points, 6 lists, One rank 4-5 vote

58: The Last Jedi – 27 points, 5 lists, One rank 4-5 vote, One #1 vote

57: Tremors – 27 points, 6 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 2-3 vote

56: Sunshine(2007) – 27 points, 7 lists, One rank 6-10 vote

55: Rogue One – 28 points, 7 lists, One rank 6-10 vote

54: A Clockwork Orange – 29 points, 6 lists, One rank 6-10 vote, One #1 vote

53: Revenge of the Sith – 30 points, 4 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Two rank 6-10 votes, One #1 vote

52: War for the Planet of the Apes – 32 points, 8 lists, One rank 4-5 vote

51: Galaxy Quest – 33 points, 8 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 2-3 vote

50: Metropolis(1927) – 34 points, 7 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 2-3 vote

49: Her – 34 points, 9 lists, One rank 6-10 vote

48: Starship Troopers – 34 points, 9 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote

47: The Iron Giant – 34 points, 9 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote

46: Gattaca – 34 points, 9 lists, One rank 6-10 vote, One rank 2-3 vote

45: Total Recall(1990) – 34 points, 12 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote

44: Independence Day – 35 points, 8 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 4-5 vote

43: The Fifth Element – 36 points, 11 lists, One rank 6-10 vote

42: Back to the Future 2 – 36 points, 10 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote

41: Invasion of the Body Snatchers(1978) – 38 points, 8 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Two rank 6-10 votes

40: Men in Black – 39 points, 9 lists, Three rank 11-15 votes

39: 12 Monkeys(1995) – 39 points, 9 lists, Two rank 11-15 votes, One rank 6-10 vote

38: Avatar – 39 points, 11 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 4-5 vote

37: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – 43 points, 10 lists, One rank 6-10 vote, One #1 vote

36: Snowpiercer – 43 points, 11 lists, Two rank 6-10 votes

35: Minority Report – 43 points, 13 lists, One rank 11-15 vote

34: Close Encounters of the Third Kind – 45 points, 9 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Two rank 6-10 votes, One rank 4-5 vote

33: Akira(1988) – 45 points, 9 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Two rank 6-10 votes, One #1 vote

32: Rise of the Planet of the Apes – 46 points, 12 lists, One rank 11-15 vote

31: The Planet of the Apes – 47 points, 11 lists, Two rank 11-15 votes, One rank 2-3 vote

30: Blade Runner 2049 – 47 points, 13 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote

29: Edge of Tomorrow – 51 points, 14 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 4-5 vote

28: The Martian – 53 points, 12 lists, two rank 11-15 votes, Two rank 6-10 votes

27: Predator – 55 points, 11 lists, One rank 6-10 vote, Three rank 2-3 votes

26: District Nine – 56 points, 13 lists, Three rank 11-15 votes, One rank 6-10 vote, One rank 4-5 vote

25: Interstellar – 56 points, 13 lists, Two rank 11-15 votes, Three rank 6-10 votes, One rank 2-3 vote

24: The Fly(1986) – 57 points, 11 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote, One rank 4-5 vote, One rank 2-3 vote

23: Robocop(1987) – 57 points, 12 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Three rank 6-10 votes, One rank 4-5 vote

22: The Truman Show – 59 points, 11 lists, Five rank 11-15 votes, One rank 6-10 vote, One rank 2-3 vote

21: Mad Max: Fury Road – 60 points, 11 lists, Four rank 11-15 votes, Two rank 4-5 votes

20: Ex Machina – 60 points, 14 lists, Two rank 6-10 votes

19: E.T. – 64 points, 13 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote, One rank 2-3 vote, One #1 vote

18: Gravity – 65 points, 12 lists, Three rank 11-15 votes, Four rank 6-10 votes

17: The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind – 65 points, 11 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Two rank 4-5 votes, One rank 2-3 vote, One #1 vote

16: Star Wars – 68 points, 10 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Three rank 6-10 votes, One rank 4-5 vote, Three rank 2-3 votes

15: Blade Runner – 68 points, 15 lists, Three rank 11-15 votes, One rank 6-10 vote, One rank 4-5 vote

14: 2001: A Space Odyssey – 69 points, 10 lists, Two rank 11-15 votes, Two rank 6-10 votes, Four rank 2-3 votes

13: Children of Men – 72 points, 12 lists, Two rank 11-15 votes, One rank 6-10 vote, Three rank 2-3 votes

12: The Thing(1982) – 76 points, 14 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Three rank 6-10 votes, Two #1 votes

11: Arrival – 81 points, 17 lists, Four rank 11-15 votes, Two rank 6-10 votes

10: Terminator – 83 points, 16 lists, Two rank 11-15 votes, One rank 6-10 vote, Two rank 4-5 votes, One rank 2-3 vote

9: Alien – 85 points, 15 lists, Five rank 11-15 votes, Three rank 4-5 votes

8: Inception – 85 points, 16 lists, Three rank 11-15 votes, Two rank 2-3 vote, Two #1 votes

7: Empire Strikes Back – 90 points, 13 lists, Two rank 6-10 votes, One rank 4-5 vote, Three rank 2-3 votes, Two #1 votes

6: Jurassic Park – 93 points, 17 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Two rank 6-10 votes, Four rank 4-5 votes, One rank 2-3 vote

5: Aliens – 95 points, 16 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Eight rank 6-10 votes, One rank 4-5 vote, One rank 2-3 vote

4: WALL-E – 97 points, 15 lists, Four rank 11-15 votes, Two rank 6-10 votes, Two rank 4-5 votes, Two rank 2-3 votes, One #1 vote

3: Back to the Future – 105 points, 18 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, One rank 6-10 vote, One rank 4-5 vote, Three rank 2-3 votes, One #1 vote

2: Terminator 2 – 112 points, 17 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Four rank 6-10 votes, Four rank 4-5 votes, Two rank 2-3 votes, One #1 vote

1: The Matrix – 120 points, 18 lists, One rank 11-15 vote, Five rank 6-10 votes, Two rank 4-5 votes, Three rank 2-3 votes, Two #1 votes



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Thank you so much for putting this list together @Inceptionzq!! If I hadn't been so swamped with school I would have submitted a list of my own, but overall this is a very good list and points me to some great movies that I need to re-watch (or watch for the first time).

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