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The Acolyte: High Republic SW Disney+ Show, June 4th

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Another thought






Somewhat related thought



Sol, you had like 30 seconds to tell Mae to jump to Osha's side so you could focus on just one half of the bridge why are you just grimacing dramatically. 



Third Thought



Qimir being like oh the Jedi won't let you be who you are and repress you Osha you really should go full send, when if anyone told Osha what happened on Brendok she'd understand that going full send ended really badly for almost anyone. Positives for acting with emotion: you get the temporary high of being yeah this rocks. Negatives: you probably act like a moron


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9 minutes ago, Porthos said:


Overall I agree.  Except for one thing

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Obviously, from one point of view, the ethically right course of action was to have Sol and Torbin turn themselves in for what happened on Brendok. But from another point of view, given the information indicating Osha being an abnormally sensitive child created by a vergence makes her being within the observation and care of the Jedi the most important thing, and from a greater good standpoint that means if Sol/Torbin coming clean would endanger that, then their transgressions would have to be kept quiet.


She had to make a snap judgment call weighing multiple things, and chose the option that in her opinion made the best out of a bad hash. Was it the right option? Probably not, but it was not even remotely on the same level of problem as what Sol and Torbin did.


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I think the episode did a great job of showing EVERY SINGLE PERSON making bad decisions, as to not put the blame on any one person.


It's still weirdly paced and ended suddenly AGAIN. If the finale isn't an hour I'm going to be annoyed.

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16 hours ago, Porthos said:

I think my one real complaint about the episode would be that 

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it didn't establish enough why Kelnacca was able to have his mind taken over.  It would have been nice if we had a sense of motivations that were being plucked at/preyed upon outside of: LET'S SEE AN AWESOME WOOKIE FIGHT!1!!





I think the fact that it took the entire coven and they all died when the connection was severed, means that they basically brutforced it this time. So without the whole weakness thing, just straight up overpowering to take over his mind.


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Overall I think it was a good episode(and much better than 3, even though I also enjoyed that one). I'm very curious on what will happen in ep 8, especially in light of Leslie saying it would be pretty self contained(without a huge cliffhanger), but still some questions open for a potential season 2.

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Lots of interesting ideas and concepts explored in this series.  Shame the execution left a lot to be desired.  I think a season 2 would be very interesting based on how this finished.  Just needs much better editing and writing.  The ideas and concepts are all there to be great. 

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Finale was kinda predictable all things considered, and yeah, like much of the season, the execution was just off.



Also Sol, my dude, learn to read a freaking room.


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It worked.... for the most part.


The one thing that didn't work for me is 


just what the heck was up with the tracker, Bazil?


Just why was he acting like a little shit for most of the time, only to flip on a dime when he went "back on the clock".


That's the one piece of storytelling for me that just falls flat and I can't blame on editing or poor execution, as the execution wasn't even there.  Kept waiting for some shoe to drop in regards to him and it never did.


Maybe dude just was bored out of his mind?  I dunno.


As for Sol?  That worked for me... for the most part.


Sure he could have said at any time, "it was an accident".


But, and here I do think a bit of a language barrier might be in play due to Lee Jung-jae not acting in his native language, I do think he was wracked by guilt and just couldn't get the words out explain all of his swirling emotions when the jig was up.


Probably wouldn't have mattered, given how Ohsa was teetering on the edge, but I think Sol should have tried to explain the chaoticness of the situation.


Then again, after sixteen years of lying to everyone, maybe he lied to himself long enough that he believed was saying in the moment.  


Or maybe deep down he wanted to die.  Or felt he deserved to die, on a subconscious level.


Unintentional bleeding of the crystal was dope, I have to admit.


All in all, given some of the choppiness of the series, finale was probably executed as best as it could, bit about the stuff I mentioned in the first spoiler box aside.   That could have (and should have) been better.


Is interesting that 


Master Venestra threw Sol under the bus after the fact.  Says a lot about the era of the Jedi then, and not a lot of it good.


As for Shiny Objects, as it standard...


was that


Plagueis or was that Tenebrous in the cave?  Keeping an eye on a naughty student, but not doing anything quite yet and willing to see how it all plays out?



I see across the net most folks are presuming Plagueis, but I'm not up on current canon enough to definitively say one way or the other.


Did note that there doesn't appear to be a Cast List for this episode in the credits, which is kinda "hmmm."  At least I couldn't find it.


Find out one way or the other soon enough. 


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All in all, probably an 8/10 for me.  Was quite a few things that could have been done better, but didn't sink to the WTF'ery when it came to character motivations or extreme choppiness of TBoBF (which ages worse as time goes by), but never quite reached quite the highs of Kenobi or Ahsoka (obv not on the same tier of Mando S1/S2 or Andor).


I hate ranking, as folks know, but I do believe in "tiering".  And I think I'd place it in the same tier as Mando S3, for many of the same reasons.  Probably put it slightly head of it, but ask me on a different day and I might feel differently.


No idea if there is going to be a second season.  If there is, plenty of avenues for them to explore.  And hopefully the production crew will have found their sea legs by then.

Edited by Porthos
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On a non-spoilery note, I guess Yord's Padawan is feeling pretty good that the show forgot she existed after the first half of the first episode 

Edited by 4815162342
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This show has had some of the most embarrassing character decisions I've seen on a D+ show that some people try to defend with deep character development. 


I can only laugh. At least Obi-Wan had SOME consistency in its plot and character development, even if it wasn't interesting.


There's a lot of pick and choosing from the writers here. Osha is just a terribly constructed character. There's no consistency with the Force and no meaningless cameos can distract the convoluted mess that this show was.


These shows just feel so amateur and spawned by execs playing with it in the editing room. Just the most blatant "product".


I'm pissed. Have to get caught up on House of Dragon last episode to clean my soul.

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This show had big Star Wars prequel energy, for better and definitely for worse. A lot of potentially great ideas bafflingly executed. Lucasfilm tends to run screaming from anything controversial (deserved or not) so I would be shocked if this lands another season but we'll see.


On the positive side, some truly great lightsaber fights. Definitely the best we've seen in this Star Wars TV era. They should get the team that did these on to the second season of Ahsoka.

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1 minute ago, ZeroHour said:

This show had big Star Wars prequel energy, for better and definitely for worse. A lot of potentially great ideas bafflingly executed. Lucasfilm tends to run screaming from anything controversial (deserved or not) so I would be shocked if this lands another season but we'll see.


On the positive side, some truly great lightsaber fights. Definitely the best we've seen in this Star Wars TV era. They should get the team that did these on to the second season of Ahsoka.


Its like the star war shows with good story have lame action and the lame stories have good action lol 

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Lightsaber fights in this were really good and that's about the only considerable good compliment.


The rest was just flat lifeless and the osha Mae plotline and it's conclusion was terrible and really cringe . Literally rolled my eyes at the character heel turn. None of it felt earned.


Don't know about  saber lore and maybe that the  way its done  but  really thought a from a casual fan/GA perspective  ,spontaneous colour change was kind of  ridiculous  to me. Having a change of crystal later In the episode would have been better IMO and felt more grounded than coming off cartoonish, try hard and fanfic ish. That shit didn't happen with Anakin  in ROTS lol.


Headland really dropped the ball . The script was low effort and basically

" character  X does that  then character y does this "  without meaningful development or enough meat on the bone. Character motivations were changing  episode  to episode .


This show had an identity crisis. The show and the writers didn't know know what they wanted it  to be and we get a very lukewarm 5/10  show .


They  wanted something with more grey characters like Andor but execution was lacklustre from the get go. The best the show had  to offer in  were saber fights and action which ain't  that different from most   SW shows we have gotten from Disney + .










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On 6/23/2024 at 10:09 AM, ChipDerby said:

It is funny to me that nobody who hates the show can accurately describe what they hate about it. It's just that they hate it, or generic complaints.

Funny, I could say the same thing in reverse about a lot of the hard core  Star Wars fans when defending evrything Sw.

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On 7/9/2024 at 6:41 PM, Porthos said:


Anakins Skywlaker tuning to Darth Vader through basic charecter flaws is a textbook example, though i aruge that in the prequels it was not handled nearly as well as it should have been.

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1 hour ago, dudalb said:

Funny, I could say the same thing in reverse about a lot of the hard core  Star Wars fans when defending evrything Sw.


You could, but you'd be wrong. I can explain in great detail what this show did that was great. And I can smartly criticize its shortcomings.

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