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BO Germany/Austria: Domestic kiddie movie #1, Joker 2 with a steep drop

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1 hour ago, terrestrial said:

I am too lazy (better said busy with a non BO-project), do you happen to have looked into the weather then?


I am curious how far the ice here in my direct surrounding (I won't drive a meter in the evening/night) and the bad weather to yesterday in the north... might have an impact.

Also if Saturday / Sunday will fare better in comparison to especially Thursday (splitted up to the regions without ice... - the regions with ice the opposite?).

I mean in the +/- 5% area. I do not think it will have a bigger impact (Thursday), curious if it is measurable (if existing).


No, but I don't think there were any weather issues back then. It was simply a matter of how the holidays fell. The new years weekend saw increases from the christmas weekend, and the current weekend stayed flat or increased from the new years weekend.


I guess it goes something like this: christmas weekend is rather weak due to the weekend itself being harmed by christmas eve falling on Saturday, while Thursday and Friday aren't holidays yet for most of the country. New Years weekend increases because Thursday and Friday get boosted by the holidays, while the weekend itself stays as weak as the one before. The current weekend has the advantage of the weekend itself being normal again, unlike the last two weekends, while Thursday and Friday are still part of the holidays in some parts of the country (with Friday itself being a holiday in some areas). This should, in theory, lead to movies staying flat or increasing.


For this time around, I'd say the new big starts are more likely to cause the drops. Not sure if the storm or the cold weather had that much of an impact yet, and what happens on Saturday/Sunday in regards to the weather can't really get taken into account in the first trend.

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31 minutes ago, George Parr said:

No, but I don't think there were any weather issues back then. It was simply a matter of how the holidays fell. The new years weekend saw increases from the christmas weekend, and the current weekend stayed flat or increased from the new years weekend....

Thank you, I can not remember any impacting weather too, but am not sure.


I too think the new releases might impact stronger than the weather, hence the might be measurable (the 5% +/- and might not...). I tried to say it, not sure how far it was clear.

Yes, the two years have both this special weekday / weekend / public holiday combi. I guess in some decades they will have more data for those kind of years.


Does anyone here know how far we can quote from mediabiz?


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1 hour ago, terrestrial said:

Thank you, I can not remember any impacting weather too, but am not sure.


I too think the new releases might impact stronger than the weather, hence the might be measurable (the 5% +/- and might not...). I tried to say it, not sure how far it was clear.

Yes, the two years have both this special weekday / weekend / public holiday combi. I guess in some decades they will have more data for those kind of years.


Does anyone here know how far we can quote from mediabiz?



Would have been nice to look at the data from 2005, the last time before 2011 the calendar was like this, but I don't think the old insidekino boards reach that far back.


Mediabiz is the site that was referred to as the "trends from Munich" last week. They tend to overestimate the weekend multipliers by a lot ;)

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26 minutes ago, George Parr said:

Would have been nice to look at the data from 2005, the last time before 2011 the calendar was like this, but I don't think the old insidekino boards reach that far back.

Mediabiz is the site that was referred to as the "trends from Munich" last week. They tend to overestimate the weekend multipliers by a lot ;)

- Yes :)

- meant more like, legally allowed. They wrote so short, it is difficult to quote shortened, so it is not too considerable

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14 hours ago, IndustriousAngel said:

First trends from insidekino.de:


#1: Passengers - 500k (incl. previews) - very good number!

#2: R1 - 350k (-25%, good hold!)

#3: Moana - 250k (-11%, wow, sure makes up for the poor opening)

#4: Sing - 225k (+3%, even more wow)

#5/6: AC / VgdB with 175k each (AC -25%, VgdB -23%)

#7: PP - 200k incl. previews (insane)


WbdH stays over 100k, too - extremely strong weekend!


Interstellar opened with 509k ADMs, The Martian did 432k, that's a great start for Passengers considering that it is doing 50%-60% at best of these movies in other countries.



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Just noticed this while looking at the yearly charts at insidekino (from Jan 1st this year, hasn't been updated further):


Zoomania is 1st in admissions, but only 5th in Euro

Pets is 2nd in admissions and 4th in Euro

Dory is 3rd in admissions and 2nd (by now 3rd) in Euro

FB is 4th in admisions and 3rd (now 2nd) in Euro

R1 is 6th in admissions and 1st in Euro (though after this weekend probably 4th or 5th in admissions)


There is so little difference between the admission totals of the three animation movies, only 15k apart each. It was kind of odd though to temporarily have a completely reversed situation between the five movies when looking at the two different charts. Ignoring WbdH, which was 5th in admissions but a distant 6th in Euro.

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44 minutes ago, efialtes76 said:


New Releases:

Passengers: 134475
Plötzlich Papa: 46517


Rogue One:96898
Vier gegen die Bank: 68009
Assassin's Creed: 71585
Hartmanns: 39475
FB: 33047
Sing: 18900(only evening)  

Vaiana:3843(only evening)


Your actuals would be more appreciated. ;)

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2. Trend


Passengers (450T)

Rogue One (325T) -29%

Moana (250T) -11%

Sing (210T) -4%

Plötzlich Papa (200T)

Assassin's Creed (175T) -25%

Vier gegen die Bank (175T) -23%

WbdH (105T) -11%

FB (85T) -25%

Edited by Aristis
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12 hours ago, efialtes76 said:


New Releases:

Passengers: 134475
Plötzlich Papa: 46517


Rogue One:96898
Vier gegen die Bank: 68009
Assassin's Creed: 71585
Hartmanns: 39475
FB: 33047
Sing: 18900(only evening)  

Vaiana:3843(only evening)


3 minutes ago, Aristis said:

2. Trend


Passengers (450T)

Rogue One (325T) -29%

Moana (250T) -11%

Sing (210T) -4%

Plötzlich Papa (200T)

Assassin's Creed (175T) -25%

Vier gegen die Bank (175T) -23%

WbdH (105T) -11%

FB (85T) -25%

How is FB only hitting 85k adm after a 33k Friday?

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1 hour ago, James said:

How is FB only hitting 85k adm after a 33k Friday?

Or the weather impacted stronger than thought beforehand. See dom, where you wrote you love snow.... here we have a white winter :) ... now / finally.

Today later it will snow again, they say. Very slippery streets....

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I think so too. Yesterday it had -23.5 C / -10.3 F and ice not far from where I live and that's not too close to the Alps and I don't remember such temperatures in the evening (before 10pm, it was not even night!). So I guess some people canceled their reservated tickets plus some bigger cinemas chains now also accept that people cancel their already bought ticket. Will lead to better legs.

Still overall it's a nice second trend and hopefully I will see Passengers next weekend with more normal degrees.

Edited by el sid
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Again, FB making 33k is only an estimate, based on a hand full of cinemas with reserved seating. They are not accurate at all!

Take them with a big grain of salt, they are by no means actual numbers and, especially on a holiday in only parts of the country, can variate big time. 

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30 minutes ago, el sid said:

I think so too. Yesterday it had -23.5 C / -10.3 F and ice not far from where I live and that's not too close to the Alps and I don't remember such temperatures in the evening (before 10pm, it was not even night!). So I guess some people canceled their reservated tickets plus some bigger cinemas chains now also accept that people cancel their already bought ticket. Will lead to better legs.
Still overall it's a nice second trend and hopefully I will see Passengers next weekend with more normal degrees.

I do live near to the alps, on the top of a (always windy) hill.

To drive to buy groceries... is not the big problem, to return home is, as we have to get back on the hill again. During the day usually less ice.

Stores were empty in the ~ afternoon for a Saturday (14°° to 16°° o'clock) after a public holiday here country-side, husband works in Munich, says many free parking places, left early for the way home...

Dog was with us buying groceries (waited in the car, was only a few minutes for salad and bread), as he left the car at home all four legs like a star and his belly on the street. I do not shorten his claws. I think the ice is around 5 cm thick on flat top area the hill - the windy part. Laughed so hard, it did look like in an animated overacted scene. 

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Here is still snow and I live in one of the warmest regions of Germany were most of the time there is no snow. If here is in most parts of Germany there will be snow.


On Thursday I was outside in a little village with a lot of snow and it was wonderfull :) Maybe many others enjoy the Winterwonderland :D

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Funny reports ;).

I take these estimates for what they are: A first impression and nothing more. But combined with the sold or reservated tickets in „my“ theaters, the South-West- and other reports I'm mostly not too surprised by the first trend.
And I just have no patience to wait half a day longer ;).

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Everything down in the 3rd trend due to the weather:


1. Passengers 440k

2. Rogue One 300k

3. Vaiana 270k

4. Sing 210k

5. Plötzlich Papa 190k

6. Vier gegen die Bank 185k

7. Assassin's Creed 170k

8. Wbd Hartmanns 100k

9. Fantastic Beasts 85k

10. Feuerwehrmann Sam 70k




edit: woah, let me amend that. Vaiana is up, as is Vier gegen die Bank. Sing and FB stayed flat.

Edited by George Parr
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Everything down in the 3rd trend due to the weather:
1. Passengers 440k
2. Rogue One 300k
3. Vaiana 270k
4. Sing 210k
5. Plötzlich Papa 190k
6. Vier gegen die Bank 185k
7. Assassin's Creed 170k
8. Wbd Hartmanns 100k
9. Fantastic Beasts 85k
10. Feuerwehrmann Sam 70k
edit: woah, let me amend that. Vaiana is up, as is Vier gegen die Bank. Sing and FB stayed flat.

Yeah, go Moana! I mean Oceania, I mean...whatever...
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